Thomas Dodd
The artwork that Thomas Dodd creates is visionary in scope and dualistic in nature. Light and darkness, life and death, and beauty and horror exist side by side in his creations. Mythological and religious themes abound in his work; sometimes with a twisted tongue-in-cheek approach, and at others reverently paying homage to the Old Master traditions that influence his vision.
Although his artwork resembles paintings, it is actually in the realm of photography, but Dodd's creations are much more than mere manipulated photos. There is an overall cohesiveness and attention to textures that one does not usually find in most digital art. His images have an organic feel that never looks assembled or computer-generated and he shuns the commonly used digital ''cut and paste'' cliches, preferring instead to asemble his scenery, costumes, and models at the time of principal photography. There are many layers to Dodd's work and his pieces can yield new interpretations upon multiple viewings. His symbolic and psychological approach to art is a truly unique and multi-faceted vision.
Participation on Humanity Rising
HR!Day151 - Returning to the Root: Contemplation and Stillness as a Pathway of Integration with Mary Magdalene as a Guide Day 151 - Wednesday December 2, 2020 Returning to the Root: Contemplation and Stillness as a Pathway of Integration with Mary Magdalene as a Guide