Sri Preethaji

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Sri Preethaji is a realised spiritual master and a woman philosopher. She is the co-founder of one of the world’s large movements for awakening or enlightenment. She and her husband have co created Ekam, a world centre for enlightenment in india- where seekers from over 100 countries of the world visit to make their journey to experience an awakening in consciousness. She is a mystic known for the power of her silent meditation, called the limitless field that is known to push people across a distance of thousands of miles into peace and serenity.

This month Sri Preethaji and her husband Sri Krishnaji will be hosting their annual Ekam world peace festival online. Last year they had over 10 million people participate in the peace festival and this year they are expecting twice that number. Thousands of Students from schools and universities, corporations, individuals, Nobel laureates, world leaders organizations that are engaged in social and environmental change participated in this incredible meditation peace festival starting September 17,18, and 19th.


Google Search: sri preethaji ted talk

Participation on Humanity Rising

Day 323 Wed 9/22 Dialogue with Sri Preethaji
Day 571 Mon 10/31/22 Woman, Life, Freedom: A Global Intention Event for Iran