Megh Ale

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  • Megh Ale is Founder-President, BOARDERLANDS-Leadership School and Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT).Ashoka Fellow (2007)Megh is respected as a leading ecological activist, tourism entrepreneur, and thought leader for Himalayan River restoration. A effective pubic speaker and a media-person, Mr. Ale has articulated the notion of “New Nepalism,” which anticipates Nepal’s global leadership based on the message of Gautam Buddha on peace and ecological regeneration. One of Megh Ale’s major work is leading the transdisciplinary, 3-countries (China/Tibet, Nepal and India) Scientific Expedition team on the Karnali River which covered 1,080 Kilometers and in 44-days. (
  • Participation on Humanity Rising

See Also

HR!Day231 - Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance