HR!Day746 - The Power of the Pilgrimage - Mary Francis Drake & Audrey Drake

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--- Humanity Rising Day 746 - Friday July 21, 2023      (GoTo Bottom)
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Having led many retreats and pilgrimages, Mary Francis Drake will share how the transformational power of the pilgrimage facilitates and expedites conscious evolution. Ubiquity's Chartres Pilgrimage is one example of the power of gathering for the sake of alignment with the energies of nature and sacred spaces. Similarly, I will be leading a women's pilgrimage this fall to Ireland to engage midlife women in the power of pilgrimage to the sacred and thin places of County Sligo during the thin time of the Autumnal Equinox. Midlife women go through a physiological and psychological change that finds them moving from the role of the archetypal mother to the wise woman or crone. This change spans the years of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause; stages of life that western culture has devalued and dismissed. Midlife women everywhere are reclaiming their sovereign nature as wise women and choosing to create purposeful missions for midlife and beyond as cultural creatives. This pilgrimage will also include a Croning Ceremony for those participants who feel they have crossed the threshold into elderhood and want to demarcate that crossing with ritual, celebration and the support of a circle of women.

Rt. Rev. Mary Francis Drake, MA, MSW, D-Min Candidate is Senior Adjunct Faculty in the Psychology Department at the University of Massachusetts. She has been teaching for UMASS Lowell for over 35 years. Her teaching, private practice counseling and spiritual direction offerings have focused on women and raising the energy of the Feminine to restore our beings and our planet to balance. With 25 years as a Psycho-Spiritual Counselor, 17 years as a Priest, and now Bishop (2 years) in the Mystical Christian Tradition, Mary Francis continues to broaden her scope in the area of Conscious Evolution by ordaining independent Priests and offering spiritual direction to seekers. :: She is also a poet and author of 3 books related to her ecclesiastic training and its transforming power: This Much I Know Is True, 2016 (essay collection, ::, ::; beauty, grit & grace, 2018 (poetry collection, ::; and Dancing in the Doorway: A Life’s Journey Between Worlds, 2022, (purposeful memoir, ::, :: Mary Francis is currently a doctoral student in Ubiquity University’s Doctor of Ministry Program. She is also the mother of 3 young adult children. She has recently moved to Vermont to start a Queen Mothers Home for elderwomen to age in place with dignity and community, harvesting the gold of the elder years for the sake of future generations.

Audrey Drake


Jim Garrison

62 Participants


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