HR!Day463 - The Democracy Dialogues II: The State of The States
- --- Humanity Rising Day 463 - Tuesday April 26, 2022 (GoTo Bottom)
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In this second session of the five day program on Democracy Dialogues, we will hear from two women — the Secretary of State for Colorado and the former Assistant Secretary of State for Massachusetts.
The Democracy Dialogues have been created to bring together leading voices of our time – authors, experts and activists from a number of interrelated disciplines who speak to this threat and through individual interviews and participation in-depth, meaningful group dialogues, explore a range of possible solutions that can be executed by organizations as well as individuals in this critical 7 months leading up to Midterm Elections in November.
The Dialogues are convened and hosted by George Cappannelli, Founder of Age Nation, and John Steiner and Margo King, Networkers
- Jena Griswold - Colorado’s 39th Secretary of State and the youngest Secretary of State in the country. She was elected by her peers in 2021 to Chair the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. She grew up working class in rural Colorado and knows how important it is for everyday Americans to have their voices heard in our democracy. In 2019, Griswold spearheaded and passed into law one of the largest democracy reform packages in the nation. This year, she is a leading voice in expanding mail ballots to every eligible American. Before assuming office, Griswold had practiced international anti-corruption law, business law, election law. She also served as the Director of the Colorado Governor’s DC Office, where she helped bring back hundreds of millions of relief dollars to help the Colorado communities hit by the 2013 flood. In 2018, Jena was elected as the first democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1958, the first democratic woman Secretary of State in Colorado’s history, and only the 10th woman in Colorado’s history to hold current statewide constitutional office.
- Eleanor LeCain – Former Massachusetts Assistant Secretary of State, Executive Director of Blueprint 2000, leading strategic planning for the state government. Eleanor advises candidates and policymakers on issues and strategy. She was the top issues advisor to candidate Marianne Williamson and then advisor to the Biden 2020 presidential campaign. Eleanor helped elect Elizabeth Warren to the US Senate, and many other candidates win races for school committee, city council, state legislature, and statewide offices. She is also an inspirational speaker, author, and advisor to policymakers, she communicates a compelling vision of a better future and practical pathways to create it. Her first book, Breakthrough Solutions: How to Improve Your Life and Change the World by Building on What Works, has a foreword by the Dalai Lama. This compelling book profiles nine game-changing social innovations that dramatically improve peoples’ lives and strengthen families and communities.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
67 Participants ---
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Community Governance & Politics