HR!Day457 - Changes in the World of Spirituality and Changes in the Spirituality of the World

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--- Humanity Rising Day 457 - Monday April 18, 2022      (GoTo Bottom)
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We dialogue today with an Hungarian Buddhist teacher deeply steeped in the Chinese Chan tradition as well as other Buddhist practices about changes in the world of spirituality.

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From the viewpoint of time and space, we might conclude that our modern time is increasingly about “being in a hurry and doing many tasks at once,” a reality where we equate time with “being in a rush” and space to the ability for “multilevel tasking in the present moment.” However, if we explore a bit deeper, we will discover that there have been changes at many other levels. For example, spirituality has also changed a great deal, becoming more widespread and with many secret teachings - such as teachings in astrology, yoga, sacred dance, meditation, and certain healing methods - that in the past were only available to religious initiates and certain chosen ones, are becoming more accessible to a wider public. It is also important to recognize that globalization itself has changed the style and ways of giving and receiving spiritual teachings.

Specifically, if we consider the Master-disciple relationship, we can see how it has been transformed as compared to past practices. Traditionally, a Master was envisioned – literally, and in visualization practice - as being above the head of the Student, symbolized by him being seated on an elevated throne, indicating a clear representation of hierarchy. But now the true relationship has shifted to one that is based on collaboration. Spiritual practices have also changed from an emphasis on quantity to quality, from using strength to using art. Wherever we look, we find that the feminine aspect is growing and the male aspect (hierarchy, quantity, power) is receding and fading away.

Zoltán Cser, born in Budapest, Hungary in 1970, started to practice in a Buddhist Chan Community at the age of 16 in 1986, becoming monk in 1992. He began his studies at the University of Economics, after two years changed for the newly founded Dharma Gate Buddhist College (DGBC). In 2004, he returned to DGBC, teaching Buddhist ethics, basic meditation techniques, Buddhist liturgy and breathing methods. As a speaker of the Church, he started to organize and lead the Buddhist ceremonies. In 2003 started to practice in the International Dzogchen Community under the guidance of Choegyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. In 2010 he became a Vajradance Instructor, later also a Yantra Yoga instructor in the International Dzogchen Community. 2008–2016, he was the Vice-Rector of Education at DGBC. Finishing his doctoral studies at ELTE in 2016 getting absolutorium, started doctoral studies in MCU IBSC in 2020. Became the Director of Dharma Gate Buddhist Church and in 2020 Vice-Rector again at the DGBC. His main focus of research is the different meditation technics in Buddhism, also leading regularly retreats.


  • Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University

Recommended reading and links for those who want to learn more

  • Rahula, Walpola 1978: What the Buddha taught, The Gordon Fraser Gallery Ltd.  London and Bedford
  • Hughes Seager, Richard 1999. Buddhism in America, Columbia University Press, New York
  • Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal 2000. The Crystal and the Way of Light, Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, NY USA

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