HR!Day384 - The New Human Story: Igniting The Memory Of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate - Gregg Braden
- --- Humanity Rising Day 384 - Wednesday January 5, 2022 (GoTo Bottom)
We asked science to tell us who we are. Science has responded, and the answers are not what traditional scientists expected. New technology combined with the best science of the modern world has overturned 300 years of scientific thinking when it comes to the question of our origin, capabilities and potentials. Rather than resolving the controversy and confirming the existing theories, the discoveries have revealed new truths, greater uncertainties and even deeper mysteries. One thing is clear: We are not what we’ve been told, and even more than we’ve imagined!
Fact: The precision, timing and results of the genetic fusion and modifications responsible for our uniquely human abilities are not, and cannot be, explained by evolution as we know it today.
Fact: Diverse fields of study ranging from human evolution and genetics, to the emerging science of neuro-cardiology and heart intelligence have revealed dormant abilities and extraordinary potentials far beyond what was believed to be possible in the past.
Fact: New discoveries confirm that we are a highly advanced, highly sophisticated “soft” technology with the ability to self-heal, self-regulate, self-generate and rejuvenate the organs and tissues of our body On-Demand.
Fact: We are expressions of a deep field of consciousness and intelligence. Our bodies are pre-set to sense and communicate with other life forms, with subtle energies of nature, to super-tune our sense of cognition, memory and recall and even to navigate the mysterious flow of time into the future, as well as the past!
In light of these discoveries, and more, it appears that we are the technology we’ve been waiting for! Within each of us is the personal code to unlock our innate potential of neural networks, cell membranes and emotional intelligence that allows us to excel in everyday life, that gives us the competitive edge in business and allows us to thrive in times of uncertainty.
Join Gregg Braden for this compelling journey of self-discovery as he shares the reseaarch that that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to us—our origins, capabilities and, most importantly, our potential.
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential. From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Operations Manager in 1990. He continues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into our origin, our potential, and how these understandings inform the policies underlying everyday life and the emerging world. His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events. To date Gregg’s research has led to 15 film credits and 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages. He was a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Prize, created by Sir John Templeton to recognize living individuals who have “harnessed the power of science to explore the deepest questions of the universe and humankind’s place and purpose within it.”
Recommended Reading By Gregg Braden:
1) The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief (Hay House: 2007)
2) The Science of Self-Empowerment (Formerly Human by Design) (Hay House: 2017)
3) Resilience From The Heart: The Power To Thrive In Life’s Extremes (Hay House: 2014)
4) The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, The Promise of Our Future (Hay House: 2004)
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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