HR!Day304 - Responding to Code Red for Humanity
- --- Humanity Rising Day 304 - .Wednesday September 1, 2021 (GoTo Bottom)
Our Earth’s climate is undergoing a shift of state. Extreme weather events have affected millions of people around the world as average global temperatures are rapidly approaching 2 degrees Centigrade over pre-industrial levels and CO2e in the atmosphere has passed 415 ppm. We are now entering the climate tipping point that scientists have been warning about for decades. Some scientists are predicting that humanity will experience an “extinction event” by 2026 (Arctic News) when global temperatures are projected to pass 3 degrees Centigrade in certain regions of the planetary ecosystem. Thousands of scientists have come out agreeing that the climate tipping event is imminent. The latest report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states we have entered “unprecedented territory,” which the UN Secretary General says means “Code Red for Humanity.” We are in the grip of accelerating and increasingly lethal ecological turbulence. We have been teetering at the edge of the precipice for some time. Now we have officially taken the plunge. This is why we are in Code Red. This is the simple truth we must all face. We still can regenerate conditions for thriving life if we act now at the right scale.
As the climate shifts state, so must the global progressive movement. The millions of organizations that have worked tirelessly but essentially independently for a more equitable world must come together in an unprecedented strategic formation that draws all their strengths together at this critical hour. Only radical collaboration among those who understand the gravity of Code Red for Humanity and are willing to act collaboratively will suffice to save us.
In this spirit, the Global Regeneration Corps is emerging from the hundreds of organizations involved in Humanity Rising as a Call to Action to people of goodwill everywhere to come together. It is a unifying ethos to galvanize all citizens and organizations who are willing to face the Code Red emergency and rise to the climate challenge. The GRC does not belong to any organization. The GRC belongs to everyone as a global alliance, a global brand, united by a common purpose and a common commitment to collaborative regenerative action.
Blessing by Elders
- Apela Colorado is of the Iroquois and Celt nations and has spend a lifetime in the service of protecting indigenous wisdom and societies from the encroachments of modernity and fundamentalism. She is the founder of the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network and the author of the book Woman Between the Worlds.
- Ilarion ‘Kuuyux’ Merculieff is a member of the Aleut Nation in Alaska He is Founder of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways , He is also the co-founder and ongoing key speaker for the WWW He has over 50 years of experience serving his people, the Unangan (Aleut people) of the Pribilof Islands of Alaska and Indigenous peoples around the world in a number of leadership capacities. Raised in a traditional Unangan (Aleut) way and received his traditional name “Kuuyux” at age 4 by the last Kuuyux left alive. The name is given to one person in each lifetime amongst his people. Kuuyux a carrier of ancient knowledge into modern times, a messenger.
- Eduard Müller is Founder and rector of the University for International Cooperation since 1994 working on permanent innovation in education, leading UCI to be a pioneer in online education in over 60 countries. He has overseen the launch of many innovative programs in many different fields. He has visited over 90 countries and carried out professional activities in more than 35 of them on all continents, having given more than 250 international conferences across five continents in recent years on global change and regenerative development. He is currently globally recognized for his work in Regenerative Development leading the Regenerate Costa Rica initiative to convert the country into the first actively regenerative nation. He is a member of the Global Council for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and the Bounce Beyond project. He was a member of the Scientific Council for Climate Change of Costa Rica and country negotiator at the Convention of Biological Diversity. He is also the chairholder of the UNESCO Chair for Biosphere Reserves and Natural and Mixed World Heritage sites.
- Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and anti-globalisation author. Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. She is often referred as "Gandhi of grain" for her activism associated with anti-GMO movement in India. In 1991 Shiva launched Navdanya, meaning “Nine Seeds,” or “New Gift” in Hindi. The project, part of RFSTE, strove to combat the growing tendency toward monoculture promoted by large corporations. Navdanya formed over 40 seed banks in India and attempted to educate farmers on the benefits of conserving their unique strains of seed crops. Shiva’s idea was that a decentralized approach to agriculture, based upon a diverse array of locally adapted seeds, would be more likely to weather the vagaries of a changing climate than a system relying on only a few varieties. She anticipated the danger of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO’s) Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, which allowed for the patenting of life forms and would therefore make it possible for corporations to essentially require farmers to continue to purchase their seeds after local varieties had been eliminated. She spoke out against the agreement at the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle. Shiva had launched Diverse Women for Diversity
- Raghda El Halawany serves as MasterPeace’s global communications manager, combining her expertise as a journalist and project leader in empowering grassroots around the world to take action towards social change. Raghda believes in the power of campaigning and mobilization to create a global transformation, a goal she is working towards, along a wider network of partners for this International Day of Peace of creating more than 120 local Peace Pops involving thousands of participants who will come together to celebrate, discuss and commit to ‘actionable steps’ as pockets of impact and regeneration within their communities and beyond. This initiative will continue towards 2030.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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