Fred Scherlinder Dobb
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb serves Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda Maryland, an EPA Energy Star Congregation known for its many sustainability initiatives and justice efforts. A past chairperson of Interfaith Power and Light for MD, DC, and northern VA, he is now a board member of national IPL (founded by fellow panelist Rev. Sally!). He also chairs the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, which joins Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical green initiatives under the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, on whose board Fred also serves. A longtime interfaith educator for climate, social, and racial justice, Fred is married to Minna Scherlinder Morse; their two children are a key impetus for their activism.
Participation on Humanity Rising
Day 153 Friday December 4, 2020 The Vanishing Garden: Religion and the Fate of the Earths