Humanity Rising Day 131 Chat Page
- Date: Wednesday November 4, 2020 (2020-11-04)
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Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 131:
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:01 AM) Good Afternoon From: the “Hopeful “and sunny day in North Carolina!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:01 AM) Good morning, All! Bless you, another day! Please include attendees in your comments here…
From: shelly alcorn (11:02 AM) Hello all …. happy to see you here
From: Kate Hansen Hansen (11:03 AM) Glad to be here!! Good Morning : From: Sharon Truax (11:03 AM) Good Morning all From: rainy Seattle. Such a join to be together..
From: Shannon McArthur (11:03 AM) thank you, Jim. Thanks for being here, and calm.
From: 895 837 864 Password FYJ (11:03 AM) it’s a privilege to be here and a positive light .
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:03 AM) Loving greetings From: Cindy in South Carolina
From: Jane (11:04 AM) Good sunny morning From: the east coast of Canada. Blessings and thanks to all.
From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:04 AM) Yesterday was very mind opening!
From: Sharon Truax (11:04 AM) Thank you Sabinije. Heart Coherence is as necessary as breathing. Beautiful. Thank you.
From: Me (11:08 AM) . ..oOo.. ========================== Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 . ..oOo.. ========================== . We have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. We also send a daily message to the list that points to all of the HR Chats since mid July. Write to be added to the list: -- ==========================
From: Jane (11:08 AM) Could we extend our 1 min morning attunement on some mornings? Thanks again Sabinije.
From: Sharon Truax (11:09 AM) Welcome Shelly, Looking forward to getting the facts.
From: Diane Sue (11:10 AM) @Jane...yes, especially on days like today
From: AnaLuz Kohl (11:10 AM) I second you, Jane. Maybe 2 or even 3 minutes. ;D
From: Shannon McArthur (11:11 AM) 3rd
From: Jim Garrison (11:11 AM) Interesting idea. We’ll consider it.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:11 AM) thx!
From: Jane (11:12 AM) Thanks so much for your consideration, Jim.
From: Jim Garrison (11:12 AM) With pleasure. Heart coherence could not be more important. So glad it is so meaningful to you.
From: Kat Haber (11:15 AM) We woke to an unprecedented time. Shelly: Breathe. Center. Election not yet over. Prepare Outstanding Biden is winning the popular vote by 2 million -8 outstanding states not yet called, NC, GA, PA, NV, WI, Mi, NC, AZ Nevada Thursday release, AZ/MI/WI/GA trying to finish today, PA finish on Fri, NC November 12, Nevada/Michigan may be recounts, no intimidation yesterday, suppression may have with decrease in access to polling places, #1 NAACP petitioned Fed Court Sullivan that US Postal inspectors insure all ballots delivered tobe counted 300,000 variants, central PA, MI, GA, Houston, AlabAM)a, Lakeland in AZ, USPS refused to comply and were not going to comply, t=USPS (t donor) is ordered to appear and report why not, Luis DeJoy, not as bad as it seems, Xempted From: normal scanning, resolved in the courts HOWEVER: Mr. t used th White House People’s House declared victory believe the autocrat, telling his supporters the vote is being stolen From: h I’m, ironically, Biden would win if they stopped counting now, Unprecedented time.
From: Jane (11:16 AM) Yes Shelly...yesterday's voting atmosphere was almost too normal and unusually quiet....perhaps an indication of something nefarious to come?
From: Kat Haber (11:16 AM) Unpresidented….
From: JOAN JAECKEL (11:17 AM) Shelly Alcorn does a great job at this report - objective, calm, interesting. #Go Humanity
From: Jim Garrison (11:17 AM) Charles Eisenstein was yesterday. Woman speaking is Shelly Alcorn, Ubiquity COO.
From: Jane (11:18 AM) Yes Thanks Shelly for your ongoing presentation of the facts.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:18 AM) All is unfolding as it should… woven outside of time by Hands with a Greater Perspective…
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:19 AM) Thinking of us as ancestors of the future and what our story will be.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:19 AM) Breathe… watch… this too shall pass… participate!!!
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:19 AM) Be the narrative you wish to see.
From: Sharon Truax (11:20 AM) Standing here in as much Truth as possible.,
From: Kat Haber (11:21 AM) Now in the middle of a soft coup d’etats only 50% of these are successful, if all ballots are counted, here is where we see if our institutions can resist the call to stop (Many R’s last night disagreed with Mr. t’s speech last night) PROTECT THE VOTE protesting today/this week, people gathering today protesting to completely count the vote, close races hoping for a Biden outcome and now we wait in solidarity in knowledge that we are in a very difficult position and pray it does not get harder, Think about: #1 remember professional ethics just practice more important, hard to subvert a state without judges and lawyers, election boards and orgs involved, #2 contributione to good causes when we can, be active where these Xpress our values, local community, make things better locally, #3 Corporeal politics, power in unfAM)iliar places/peaople, march with them , be a patriot, set a good XAM)ple of what AM)erica means learn From: pears in other countries, present difficulties are an element of a larger trend, passport
From: Jane (11:21 AM) Agree Shannon...Stay Still..Hold Steady....Don't Move...Be at Peace...And All will be well.
From: Sharon Truax (11:21 AM) Thank you Shelly. Spot on.
From: shelly alcorn (11:22 AM) @Kat - not yet
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:22 AM) One of the greatest gifts of my last few years was expanding my relationships globally. The collective perspective is so valuable and meaningful.
From: shelly alcorn (11:22 AM) Close but not there yet
From: 895 837 864 Password FYJ (11:22 AM) Thankyou..feel I now need more heart coherence!
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:23 AM) @Shelly - thanks for your clarity and groundedness
From: Kat Haber (11:23 AM) Have we wasted this past year with a political distraction of USA election? Have we made progress in round about ways?
From: David Stoney (11:24 AM) Timothy Snyder #18: Be calm when the unthinkable arrives… David Stoney
From: Mary Thorp (11:25 AM) ♥️
From: Mary Thorp (11:25 AM) I’m really surprised this report is so one sided. It is surely obvious it is sided for Biden to win. I AM) not for Trump in any way, but still AM) stunned this report is so obviously slanted. Doesn’t seem democratic. It is certainly an exAM)ple that a new system of one that includes everyone is necessary. I would have never picked Biden as my choice. Really, is that the best we can do? The real issue is the white male supremacy that no one is really addressing. I know it’s all perfect & we are heading in the correct direction. And, by the way, I’ve been on Humanity Rising as my “go to” place for my sanity since May.
From: Jim Garrison (11:25 AM) Go to place for sanity. Great line!!
From: Kat Haber (11:26 AM) Joseph: in the midst of chaos, we have opportunity, strategic principle, opportunity/possibility present right now, centered on hope
From: Kat Haber (11:28 AM) Riane: look at underlying causes, How is it possible that so many people in the cradle of democracy are so susceptible to follow the lying, cheating bully? Invested decades at U of Minnesota wrote Caring Democracy: What do we mean by democracy?
From: Sharon Truax (11:28 AM) Glad to have a second opportunity to know Riane, First in LA, in the 1980's with the Chalice & the blade.
From: Jane (11:28 AM) Interesting David...Timothy Synder#18 according to numerology 1=ONE 8= Infinite Source.
From: Jane (11:29 AM) Wisdom From: source?
From: Shannon McArthur (11:29 AM) Dear Mary, I hear you. The “old white men” are so last-century imho. Neither are the leader I would choose. How the change happens is important, and we watch… We will be asked: How did you get here?
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:30 AM) Jane, 1+8 reduces to 9, the number of completion of a cycle, understanding of higher order, and humanitarianism. : From: Diane Sue (11:31 AM) I suspect that many more than 30-40 percent of the US population are disillusioned with the political process.
From: rajinder (11:31 AM) i say that trump is the best president for the USA, as it teaches and uplifts all AM)ericans to vote, to care and to understand how AM)erican democracy with boots has been ongoing in many parts of the world. sometimes a perceived bad brings out the good as you can hear in the trembling voices of the speakers around the elections. the AM)erican democracy needs an overhaul and upgrade so that it can move beyond the two party domination (sAM)e sides of the coin) and to really rework what democracy means especially beyond representative democracy. that’s our call in AM)erica and beyond
From: Shannon McArthur (11:31 AM) ‘course, some old white men are pretty special - like Joseph and Jim and Kurt and Stan and David and…
From: David Stoney (11:32 AM) @Jane, thanks. Without my sense of connection to Oneness this would be a pretty miserable time… David
From: Kat Haber (11:32 AM) Joseph: Reflection: underlying cause #1 disillusion by 40% of US population suburban women, non college whites, and (BIPOC males) with political process, How is it they feel this way? Distrust in institutions/authority. Began with Watergate with Nixon and his people caused a distrust of the presidency, Put Nixon out of office, stood for and led up to disheartening, aftershocks after 2008 financial crisis, economic pain, questioning again who caused this banking and financial institutions, root causes of what is happening today,
From: Jane (11:34 AM) @David agree.
From: Kat Haber (11:34 AM) Jim: t has consolidated power of electorate, Dems lost seats in House, Senate may preserve a majority R’s, t is credibly legitimate to nearly a majority of US electorate, PAUSE to underlying reasons
From: Sharon Truax (11:34 AM) Think there are blind spots in consciousness. we need deeper healing.
From: Jane (11:36 AM) @Cindy #9 agree.
From: Dehanna Rice (11:36 AM) All is evolving for the Feminine to rise...Biden may not be the ultimate exAM)ple for change on the planet, but his running mate KAM)ala Harris is! The “old boys network” would be irradiated if & when she becomes the 1st Woman, & of color, to possibly take presidency! Yes, we are on a slow spiral for evolutionary change! We must hold tight to our values as human beings & remember to “think the thoughts” of the world we want to live in! OUR THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY! Blessings to our beautiful country & it’s people, however disillusioned a large portion is!
From: Kat Haber (11:38 AM) Riane: agree some of these causes are financial, Shelly’s update is stunning, many feel unheard true for both sides and true distrust of institutions on both sides, a deeper perspective, Xtreme uncertainty and disequilibrium, time of a shift of eras From: industrial to post industrial society/economy, people are scared, how do people react to change? Nurturing our Humanity: neuroscience what happens, in context of cultures orienting to either end of nomination social scale Right/left, capitalist/socialist. Does not exclude women/children know From: neuroscience how our brains develop our feel/think/act/vote influenced by what children EXPerience in first 5 years 85% brain architecture is set, unconsciously offers security of strongman, dominator, leader, 4 cornerstones to pay attention to
From: Paul Coleman (11:39 AM) Yes.
From: Auguste Hill (11:39 AM) I hear you well.
From: Tiffany Stone (11:39 AM) I hear her well too
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:39 AM) I hear you very well, also.
From: Meg Newhouse (11:39 AM) you are fine
From: Shannon McArthur (11:39 AM) I hear you well too. Especially when you lean forward… optimal!
From: Cate Roberts (11:39 AM) yopu are very clear!
From: 895 837 864 Password FYJ (11:39 AM) yes
From: Paul Coleman (11:39 AM) Yes
From: Sharon Truax (11:39 AM) @Riane Sound is perfect.
From: Jen Forti (11:39 AM) You’re awesome Riane <3
From: David Stoney (11:40 AM) A fundAM)ental equation is “fear leads to intolerance”… David Stoney.
From: Jane Norton (11:41 AM) it also depends on education. One of my granddaughters has a summer cAM)p friend who lives in rural Georgia who did not know who Biden was until my granddaughter told her this past Sunday! She is a high school junior!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:41 AM) oh Jane, that is disturbing!
From: Sharon Truax (11:41 AM) @Riane I have the perfect opportunity to observe this in my workplace. It is so fascinating.
From: Kat Haber (11:42 AM) Riane: most repressive regimes everywhere all prioritized maintain/authoritarian/punitive/maledominated 4 Cornerstones#1 childhood #2 gender+masculinity not being like a woman, dominating, controlling, #3 economics real wealth of nations #4 story and language, we’ve been told false stories #2-#4 we can do now so we do not keep regressing to being dominated
From: Auguste Hill (11:42 AM) yes, I grew up with this patriarchal dynAM)ic in the rural AM)erican South
From: Sharon Truax (11:42 AM) @Jim Yes it is all of this and more.
From: Jane (11:43 AM) Yes Riane, change has always been so hard for Humanity and generally speaking we usually desparatley cling to the 'old' way.
From: Kat Haber (11:43 AM) Jim: all are bought up in this, also Biden voters, not being heard, (HOW DO WE ENGAGE IN BEING HEARD?) gestalt once understood can inform patriarchal dominating informs behavior in political process
From: Dehanna Rice (11:44 AM) The Male
From: Kat Haber (11:45 AM) Jospeh: signed with Riane’s analysis, renew and rebuild a caring society/democracy, task is to heal fragmentation HOW?
From: Sharon Truax (11:45 AM) Not wanting or needing to be heard, letting go to the need.
From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:46 AM) Collective trauma will be a #1 healing need going forward.
From: Sharon Truax (11:47 AM) @Jim Yes.
From: Auguste Hill (11:47 AM) Jung also read Nietzsche’s discourse about the Will to Domination over Freud’s understanding of the survival impulse
From: David Stoney (11:48 AM) We are creatures of the earth and because of that we are very anxious at this unique time in our evolutionary history. This is the first time we have become consciously aware of the earth’s climate cycling and this is time when the next extinction-threatening glacial phase should be beginning. Failure to understand our past is a real hinderance to heartfelt progress… David Stoney
From: Kat Haber (11:49 AM) Jim: Jung-1st observer in 1930’s understanding gravity of Hitler’s rise for Germany/Europe, something was wrong in late 1920’s when in Switzerland German patients reported dreAM)s of unusual destruction/chaos, German psyche called WOTAN God of Frenzy seizing Collective German consciousness incarnating through Hitler, made NAZI archetypal, feels sAM)e phenomenon is being played out (Equating climate with hated progressive causes slowing down the taking of profits From: Earth’s systems) Tary Lectures at Yale in 1937 pondered nohow this could happen to the mode advanced civilization, Germans becAM)e susceptible to disconnect mesmerizing psychosis, called mass hysteria ordinary law-abiding people/neighbors engage in what is insane Discinnected From: EARTH/nature
From: Sharon Truax (11:49 AM) @David Yes. disconnection
From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:51 AM) Yes, Riane!
From: Tiffany Stone (11:52 AM) Farmers and people who live in rural communities are not necessarily connected to nature.
From: Dehanna Rice (11:52 AM) But, Riane, I respectfully disagree. He was right about “embodiment” which is the energy-anatomy engaged!
From: Jane Norton (11:53 AM) @Tiffany - very true. Nature is a resource to be used to some of them.
From: Cate Roberts (11:53 AM) WE MUST listen to the Wisdom of the Grandmothers and you are a SPEICIAL Grandmother
From: Tiffany Stone (11:53 AM) Farmers don’t necessarily respect their land or animals I live in a small town with lots of farmers
From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:54 AM) Tiffany, I agree.
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:54 AM) @Tiffany …I agree. Crusaders, witch hunts etc. are not exAM)ples that create a connection to the earth.
From: Dehanna Rice (11:54 AM) Why is no one talking about emotional intelligence & Heart awareness?
From: Kat Haber (11:55 AM) Riane: Jung wrote/thought enormous insights before Biology/neuroscience showing it is not inevitable, atrocities have been caused by rural and urban people, so Jung’s theory about being disconnected From: nature is wrong, anima/animus are domination stereotypes, fascinating but no longer a future guide, now From: neurosciencewholistic view of society, make partnerism mainstreAM) Center for Who voted for Mr. t? commonalities terrible distrust of assertive women, violating traditional gender stereotypes male dominance, attitudes towards parenting very different punitive parenting (t’s Xperienced) vote for punitive policies rather than caring policies, CARING associated with female, domination system is not to be embraced by real men, false story, for millennia, evidence for archaeology oriented more toward partnerships, Douglas Fry foraging society-original partnership societies, between domination and partnership, make necessary changes, Emotional intelligence, caring, heart awareness, soft/female
From: rajinder (11:56 AM) whats is cyndis book ? « nature » ..
From: Dehanna Rice (11:56 AM) “Cooperation” society is Yes, Holistic! And the feminine principal moving through ALL genders!
From: Jane (11:57 AM) Correct Riane...Compassion,empathy are not prioritized.
From: Dehanna Rice (11:57 AM) Yes, that is “donut economics”!
From: Tansy Chapman (11:58 AM) This reminds me of Alice Miller’s work on punitive parenting, including her analysis of Hitler’s childhood.
From: David Stoney (11:58 AM) @Dehanna, Timothy Snyder On Tyranny
From: Kat Haber (11:58 AM) Riane: parenting From: authoritarian to authoritative and non violent parenting, Sweden/Finland/ no physical discipline in fAM)ilies, caring economics, for people at birth and throughout life, nothing now for nature, beyond Xplloitation, women’s work performed for free in male controlled households, early industrial times, domination, change what we think is possible, goals/interventions both short/long term every progressive movement has challenged a tradition of domination,
From: Astrid McWilliAM)s (11:58 AM) Key is to transform the educational system - to develop conscious, global citizens.
From: Dehanna Rice (11:59 AM) The “WELLNESS” of every human being is imperative! It is the foundation of a new life on Earth!
From: vanessa (11:59 AM) Yes, @Astrid, but it all begins in the home … the womb, in fact
From: Kat Haber (11:59 AM) Riane; THINK DIFFERENTLY! Jim: new narrative needed, Synchronicity in 1990’s galvanized a generation of us thinking about gender and culture, Pathway to a caring economy, Joseph?
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:00 PM @vanessa soooooooo agree with you!
From: Sharon Truax (12:01 PM @joseph what an impact on a child.
From: Kat Haber (12:03 PM After 15 years, Germany’s disintegration was a slow cancerous growth, many conscious of what Hitler was doing was wrong but looked away, too busy with their own activities, lacked moral courage when the resistance could have been affective, do not think that what happened in Germany could not happen in other democracies
From: Sharon Truax (12:04 PM It was too painful to feel. a blind spot frozen .
From: Astrid McWilliAM)s (12:04 PM Minds must change to have change in self, home, community, country, world. That change must originate somewhere. A chicken or egg conundrum…
From: Jane (12:05 PM @Dehanna, Agree. Much greater attention, priority on individual Mental Health is required.
From: Anne Baring (12:05 PM One of the root causes of the Dominator model was the behaviour of the Christian Church with its image of the Father God, judgmental and punishing, beginning with the myth of the Fall in Genesis. This image was deeply imprinted on the European Christian psyche. The 'dominator' model of the Christian father in relation to the fAM)ily cAM)e straight From: that. In my view, this laid the ground for the psychosis that took hold of Germany.
From: Sharon Truax (12:05 PM @Jim just the words, stop my breathing.
From: shelly alcorn (12:05 PM https://www.AM) This was an excellent read for those who are interested in this complex topic
From: Kat Haber (12:06 PM Hitler’s Willing Xecutioners in the grip of psychosis, along very ethical lines, underneath male dominating punishing culture, so thy are frAM)ed in a model of reality is a pathology and can happen anywhere, history does not repeat itself but it does rhyme (HERSTORY new narrative!) back to Burke: “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” healing, positive ethos into these complexities?
From: Dehanna Rice (12:06 PM But it’s the BRAIN, like Riane mentioned! Trauma freezes our response! We need the “fluidity” is neuroplasticity & higher Universal Wisdom moving through us All!
From: Diane Sue (12:07 PM As my dear friend and mentor (who survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald) watched the beginning of the Trump era kept mentioning “this looks all too fAM)iliar.” Last year, in the final year of her life, she was still trying to process, “How could do many people stand by and watch as we were put on the trains or even jeer as we were marched through the streets?”
From: Tiffany Stone (12:08 PM @Anne that makes sense. (Hi Anne! From: Mary Thorp (12:08 PM YES, Dialogue for starters.
From: Kat Haber (12:08 PM Joseph: heal fragmentation, seek first to understand the 45% who support Mr. t, practical application uses You Process rebuilding civic infrastructures through dialogue and taking Congress members to create dialogue between two warring factions (With MCConnell back in charge-thats a tall ask! From: Sharon Truax (12:09 PM Bring out those cruise ships and get them all on it.
From: shawne mitchell (12:09 PM David Bohm and the Bohmian Dialogue would be awesome.
From: Kat Haber (12:09 PM Joseph: workshop for two sides of aisle in Congress for 4 days, generative Bomian dialogue, R’s and D’s all committed after election incumbent won and it all vanished to show how Congress might collaborate!
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:10 PM @Shawne ….David Bohm’s book on Dialogue is inspirational
From: shawne mitchell (12:11 PM @Doreen …. agree.
From: Kat Haber (12:11 PM Jospeh: 2 senior leaders in the House exists and goes to the heart of the matter, rebuild civic infrastructure like AM)erican Leadership Forum, as described in Synchronicity, scenarios at end fo ObAM)a administration: non state actors are central to the prevention of requiem scenario-
From: Sharon Truax (12:12 PM @Joseph so many solutions. thank you.
From: shawne mitchell (12:12 PM Betty Sue Flowers is the expert on future scenarios featured in Joseph's books.
From: rajinder (12:12 PM is there a link for the u process ?
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:12 PM The Ulab is indeed an AM)azing journey to be part of
From: Kat Haber (12:13 PM Joseph: NGO’s and governments can work together in this Otto Schwarmer(?) Lab: @Rajinder
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:14 PM
From: Sharon Truax (12:14 PM @jim what a journey through history.
From: shawne mitchell (12:14 PM Bottom Line: Each person Raising their consciousness through portals such as Meditation; Nature; QiGong; Movement; the Arts; Devotion, etc.
From: rajinder (12:14 PM @kat, thank you
From: Dehanna Rice (12:16 PM U must raise your consciousness through listening in meditation to Universality Reality! Doubt & Judgement doesn’t exists on a vertical REALITY!
From: Jane (12:17 PM @Shawne..agree Healing Fragmentation through all of this, plus continuing to engage with ALL,positive and negative forces and opinions.
From: shawne mitchell (12:17 PM First principle is based on Bohmian Dialogue processes. Depp presence and deep listening.
From: David Stoney (12:17 PM "If we could first know where we are, and wither we are trending, we could better judge what to do and how to do it.” (AbrahAM) Lincoln)… David Stoney
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:17 PM Theory U: open mind, open heart, open will
From: Dehanna Rice (12:17 PM The Source of our Evolutionary Process! Cool!
From: Kat Haber (12:18 PM Jospeh: U process modeled on the letter U, group of people representing microcosm to create solutions using a microcosm of all of society then can be scaled at very effective ways (CLIMATE MITIGATION/ADAPTATION?) Key understand current reality, people who hold diAM)etrically opposed views, suspend judgement, past beliefs to be able to hear the other seek to understand, then U Lab people let go of preconceived notions of solutions, SOURCE: IMPLICATE ORDER,, ENTREPRENEURIAL ORDER, solution exists on left side of the U breakthrough moments then move to the right side to crystallize and act
From: Sharon Truax (12:18 PM @Joseph Seeing this in my work place. It is a real dance.
From: Kat Haber (12:18 PM At first I though Jospeh was saying YOU.
From: Jane (12:21 PM per Bhutan is more appropriate.
From: Dehanna Rice (12:21 PM Yes, it IS about SAFETY! Will allow “fluidity” of Creative Love, Universal Energy!
From: Dr Maura Conlon (12:23 PM Riane’s book, “The Real Wealth of Nations” a must read!
From: Jane (12:23 PM Understanding the impact of Trauma is a vital piece to healing the culture of domination.
From: Meg Newhouse (12:24 PM Assuming that Biden squeaks by, what do you think of the idea of his appointing a Healing Council led by Marianne WilliAM)son Riane Eisler, and Otto Scharmer/JJ and including representatives From: all these dialogue projects, plus spiritual and faith community leaders, public officials, corporate, NGO, educational leaders, and some citizens, exploring and earning the methods and then carrying the process out into their communities. This is an impulsive email, not well thought out.
From: shawne mitchell (12:24 PM @Meg - love it. great idea. :- From: Kat Haber (12:24 PM Riane: either dominate or be dominated no scale efficacy of making people feel safe through partnership through economics, 2014 new set of metrics, GDP includes thinks that harm/take life: Disasters are great for GDP as is smoking, and oil Extraction, fails to include three sectors: Natural/Volunteer/household-all female caring traditionally, or outside of market, paid parental leave (COLorado just passed this yesterday) universal childcare, 24 social wealth index indicators, Center for calm the fear, if not one then the other alternative of benign dominated, Not a simple question of the short term essential work end fossil fuels subsidies makes no sense, also must do deep work, if we understand BLM, equity, against violence, imposing will on others, From: domination to partnerships holistically, modern science gAM)e out of clerical all male dominated, 50 years ago began women studies, still siloed, must be made mainstreAM), to understand in/out group thinking, our species male is thoguht superio
From: Cate Roberts (12:24 PM I AM) so grateful you 2 will be bring your Genius ToGetHer ....already Looking Forward tp that session Jim : From: Tiffany Stone (12:25 PM @Meg 🙏🏽
From: rajinder (12:26 PM @riane, is simply godsend
From: Beth Brownfield (12:26 PM Kat, kat, kat Thank you for your notes!
From: Dehanna Rice (12:26 PM It’s looking at “POWER” differently! Dr. Elizabeth Barrett’s model!
From: Jim Garrison (12:27 PM Yes, thank you Kat. You are a jewel. Deeply appreciate all you do each day.
From: Me (12:28 PM Partnership = Helpfulness & helpfulness brings people into focus
From: Sharon Truax (12:28 PM @Raine Thank you for the model. It is all out. Now to practice it in the ministry of the workplace. Going to your site.
From: Jim Garrison (12:28 PM I’ll look into it.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM ?
From: Diane Sue (12:29 PM @Kat...your notes are much appreciated!
From: Kat Haber (12:29 PM Riane: serve of being served, integrate what we have not yet looked at fAM)ily, childhood caring, and story/language, linguistic psychologists have channeled our thinking, partnership/domination, hierarchies of actualization instead of domination, show efficacy, better chance of surviving and thriving using tools of Social wealth index tools, to help people, as a holocaust survivor, so many follow authoritarian leader, can be changed, resistance and periodic regressions, religious fundAM)entalism, top down rule of women, holy wars, governments, authoritarianism, totalitariAM)=nism, show there are partnership alternatives, help people feel safer and know there are solutions, Change the frAM)e or we remain on the margin…Look at read nurturing Humanity, get 57th US printing Epilogue updated, @All my pleasure to scribe this wisdom, and infusing a wee but of my own wonderings,
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:29 PM what an great combination Jo and Riane
From: Dr Maura Conlon (12:30 PM New movie out “Infinite Potential” about David Bohm’s work, available on YouTube.
From: Me (12:30 PM Mutual Aid = Partnership = Helpfulness and helpfulness brings people into focus.
From: Kat Haber (12:30 PM Joseph: Follows and completely agrees, much of our work based on Physicist David Bohme: fragmentation is rooted in our very language, structure of English language, heal this fragmentation
From: Dr Maura Conlon (12:33 PM Riane, your decades of work….so timely. It’s an honor to hear your expertise, once again. You’re dedication so inspiring. We can’t give up!
From: Sharon Truax (12:33 PM attaining wholeness beyond the ability to speak out. .
From: Tiffany Stone (12:34 PM Thank you Riane and Joseph
From: Me (12:34 PM We're witnessing the Marriage of Partnership Theory with Theory U !!!
From: shawne mitchell (12:34 PM @Jim - thanks for bringing Riane & Joseph together for us today. And, @Kat - thanks to you as well for your copious notes. :- From: Dehanna Rice (12:35 PM Kudos & much Gratitude & Love to you both, Riane & Joseph! You are 2 shinning meteors of higher intelligence on our planet for the better!❤️
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:35 PM @Joseph and @Riane thanks for modelling Synchronicity/Source/U and Parternship - showing us the future as she is calling us forward
From: Sharon Truax (12:36 PM Thank you Riane and Joseph What an inspiring morning. Bless you! @Kat thank you for the beautiful notes to refer to.
From: Diane Sue (12:36 PM Another AM)azing and inspirational discussion and it couldn't be more timely. In sincere gratitude to all who made this possible...I AM) so very appreciative of Humanity Rising.
From: Paul Coleman (12:36 PM Wonderful presentation arriving at a very bleak time. Thank you Riane and Joseph. Excellent.And very well summed up Jim.
From: Kat Haber (12:36 PM Riane: Nurturing Our Humanity Chapter Xtending or contracting Consciousness, manifests in structure of the brain part of brain that adapts is less efficient for those dating to change (Xplains my siblings-ha, ha?!) key to domination fAM)ilies, normative ideals, Hitler built upon and mixed up reasons at the time, not coincidental, most regressive have priorities maintaining or returning to that fAM)ily to deflect denial/pain/anger/rage as designated by authoritarian leader, Joseph your work could help with this JG: monumental work by both Jo (U Theory) and Riane (Caring Culture) both applied over decades Chalice and Blade, True Wealth of Nations, fusing both Extraordinary, no BLUE WAVE, given choice, chose dominator model of egregious proportions, need to understand the effect of this change of era’s is a deconstruction of social cohesion to build a sense of harmony, challenge in this disconnect how do we heal it on the other side? powerful antidote and pathway to healing bring you all back Tim a partnership?
From: Jane Norton (12:36 PM it's not fully 50% as we don't have the data on the % who voted yet. The highest it has been in the past if 58%, so it is more like 30% of total population
From: Jane (12:37 PM Having the courage to to continue to engage and listen to all with compassion, including opposing, seemingly uncaring forces, helps to create safety and partnership instead of division.
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:37 PM we are witnessing convergence in action :- From: Kat Haber (12:37 PM Joseph: Thanks first for bringing us together and to meet Rianne and hear her analysis, we’ll begin this week our conversation with Rianne, fusion of two approaches a concrete understanding of the possibilities,
From: Sharon Truax (12:37 PM Thank you @Jim. Brilliant as always. YES! to the fusion. Possibility Thinking.
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:37 PM A new path opens for all of us!
From: Jane (12:38 PM Thank You all for your guidance and wisdom.
From: Sharon Truax (12:38 PM Can we join this number?
From: Diane Sue (12:38 PM We all need to persevere!
From: Jane Norton (12:39 PM @JIm, great to have this collaboration emerge. Synchronicity!
From: rajinder (12:39 PM 🌸🙏🌸
From: Me (12:40 PM . ..oOo.. Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Kat Haber (12:40 PM Riane: delighted and thank you to work together and welcome Jim to be part of this, these are difficult times, not only the rigid and stuck for all of us with fear, (This election was about 1. COVID-health 2. Race-security, 3. Economics-job From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:40 PM Regenerativity emerges!!
From: Kat Haber (12:41 PM I fear a unifier? How does U LAB deal with fear?
From: shawne mitchell (12:41 PM Blessings - Blessings - Blessings to you all.
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:41 PM @Kat, thank you for sharing the summaries. you are awesome
From: Me (12:41 PM . ..oOo.. Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:41 PM Feeling humbled and inspired by the wisdom and insights shared by Riane, Jo and Jim. I can’t wait to see the birth of your partnership. It makes my heart sing. Let’s all change frAM)es and bring heart into this world. Tears of joy…
From: Shannon McArthur (12:41 PM Beautiful people!!!
From: Crystal Steinberg (12:41 PM Thank you.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:41 PM come to CHAT!!!
From: Sharon Truax (12:41 PM Answered Prayer!
From: ana tAM)ara (12:41 PM Thanks all!!!
From: David Stoney (12:41 PM Health and wholeness to all… David Stoney
From: Me (12:41 PM . ..oOo.. Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Jane (12:41 PM Blessings and thanks.