Humanity Rising Day 131 After Chat
- Date: Wednesday November 4, 2020 (2020-11-04)
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Chat from Chat People Zoom from HR Day 131:
- 12:46:45 From: David S : Kat, thank you, thank you, thank you for your transcripts of the talk… David Stoney
- 12:48:02 From: Kat Haber : @David, my pleasure-I am a visual thinker and former pianist-so it is a natural service,
- 12:49:09 From: Kat Haber : Anne-Marie European friends reached out to American friends as we go through this difficulty,
- 12:50:34 From: Kat Haber : Anne-Marie remain awake, come From: the heart, go beyond the divide, reach out to the other,
- 12:51:04 From: Kat Haber : I so appreciate the levels of understanding we engage in here.
- 12:52:07 From: Kat Haber : Lesley: Shout out to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- 12:52:11 From: Tiffany : I would like to simply express my immense an American citizen living in Colombia and personally witnessing the violence and injustice that is happening now all over the world, this was a beautiful ray of hope this morning. Between the US elections and the human rights violations happening here it can be easy to get lost in the darkness and it is so important to focus on solutions, PARTNERSHIPS and the belief in building a better alternative for humanity regardless of current outcomes. Thank you Humanity Rising for holding these spaces and shining this light.
- 12:52:23 From: David S : Does anyone know how many participants were on the HR session today?
- 12:53:32 From: Kat Haber : Maura: taught Riane;s ideas of caring economics during Obama and now see that there is fire all around it, how do we bring this to a broader swath of society? jumping out of ur siloes
- 12:53:56 From: Lesley Southwick-Trask : @Tiffany - thank you for your views - are you okay with voicing them in the chat
- 12:54:32 From: Kat Haber : Maura: just now Riane and Joseph are now connecting, so much more connecting to happen,
- 12:55:00 From: Tiffany : @Lesley thank you, My signal is in and out, but happy to share and participate <3
- 12:56:05 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : Yes, many theories! Or the sense of preaching to the converted?
- 12:56:17 From: Kat Haber : Christine: listening to HR: before not aware of Rianne Eisler’s work, German living in UK-principle of domination mechanism From: own family present as well, hopeful to follow up with, connection to U theory, reluctant to assemble management theories,
- 12:57:03 From: Kat Haber : Lesley: use U in generative listening, Otto Shcarmer in a generative way to move to ground tools fo immediate use, practice on ourselves.
- 12:57:48 From: David S : @ Kat, I love the pictures of the doorways behind you. You must know Rumi’s poem: “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I’ve been knocking From: the inside.â€â€¦David Stoney
- 12:59:44 From: Stanley Pokras :
- 12:59:48 From: Kat Haber : Clover: Magin Man Stan! feel like witnessed high priests and priestesses keeps getting better extension of caravan of Unity, how do we expand this to Humanity, to November 19,
- 13:00:42 From: Kat Haber : @David I live daily with Rumi’s poems. These doors were take in Merida by the now deceased Chacpol.
- 13:01:26 From: David S : Merida, Yucatan?
- 13:01:36 From: Kat Haber : @CLover what do you know about Chestahedron research?
- 13:02:00 From: Kat Haber : @David, yes. Mayan culture.
- 13:02:06 From: Stanley Pokras : 19:33:55 From: Jamen Shively :
- 13:02:13 From: Kat Haber : Urantia?
- 13:03:04 From: Tim Heide : 19 is end of
- 13:08:26 From: Kat Haber : Tiffany: challenging around the world and is so for us all, Columbia: deaths/murders of social leaders, friends #247 rights workers, injustices happening in the world, need these conversations not solved by being divided and separated over distances, these spaces will make the difference to take positive steps to action for dream/hope of better future ancestral sidomw for nature, often can be a voice fo Columbian communities who do not have access around the world,
- 13:09:48 From: Kat Haber : Tiffany since 2006 in last 4 years with small rural communities, healer, ancestral traditional wisdom, tierra Dentro, indigenous rights, implement, biosecurity, keep rural communities safer, independently and on own, understand unite small efforts with global efforts,
- 13:09:49 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : Bravo
- 13:10:27 From: Jane : Keep the faith Tiffany..Bravo.
- 13:10:34 From: Kat Haber : I commend to women here to consider becoming voices in World Pulse.
- 13:10:44 From: Tiffany :
- 13:10:58 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : Yes.
- 13:10:59 From: Christine Hegele :
- 13:11:09 From: Jane : Me too Lesley.
- 13:11:11 From: Clover Cate : Tiffamy got an Sos Amazonia campaign going at the conversations line Stan put in.......I implore all of you to bring and extend the conversations and meet Jamen
- 13:11:24 From: Tiffany : Anyone please fee free to reach out and thank you, so much love!
- 13:11:33 From: Lesley Southwick-Trask :
- 13:*13:15 From: Kat Haber : David: has a friend who does not believe (understand) climate change, lack of concern for children to come, makes him weep, with small group of South Carolinians, election not yet settled (Unpresidented )
- 13:15:07 From: Clover Cate : Oh David can you come on Friday to conversation line 10-12 your time and meet the Climate healers group?
- 13:15:07 From: Clover Cate : \
- 13:15:47 From: Jane : David..With partnership we will all be o.k. together as ONE.
- 13:16:41 From: Kat Haber : simplicity at a cost of not less than everything, a necessary path, Hell is truth seen too late- Thomas Hobbs in times for Xtreme difficulty, time to reconnect with creative heart of the universe, hopefully all will be OK-TS Elliott contact Rianne and Joseph of breaking free of Christian mythology damaging our understanding of our own consciousness and more evolutionary point of view to emphasis EARTHâ€s climate cycles, source for survival mode creates dominator, scared to death about climate? Appropriate for this time of the EARTH’s climate cycle, if we get together as we do here, Xample to do anything to bring about beautiful visions, how do we get the uncertain to break free of their survivalist dominator mode,
- 13:16:52 From: Clover Cate : So much respect and appreciation, so honored to be in circle and hear your wisdom,
Cate Missouri river watershed in the shade of the Shrine of Democracy
- 13:16:58 From: Jane : Thank You David..your voice is important.
- 13:18:12 From: Kat Haber : @David I commend your literary references and visionary impulses
- 13:18:22 From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai : @ David Your words are so wise
- 13:18:35 From: Lesley Southwick-Trask : @David - I love your integration of climate change and our evolution of consciousness
- 13:19:10 From: Kat Haber : Lesley: tension of human race- resonant phrase, David,
- 13:19:23 From: Jane : Lesley thank you for your is soo healing.
- 13:20:40 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : You may want to see the “Scientific Medical Network†out of England, they are sponsoring great seminars on consciousness/change/post-materialism.
- 13:21:04 From: Leo Jacoby : @David. Thanks for the TS Elliot quote:
- 13:22:42 From: Leo Jacoby : Riana mentioned the value of linguistic psychologists. Consider the relevance of George Lakoff re. “Strict Father†And “Nurturant†Parenting Styles: Metaphors For ...?
Google search for "George Lakoff parenting styles" yields this first page of links:,,1581195,00.html
- 13:23:26 From: David S : @Maura, thanks, will look into ScientificMedicalNetwork… David
- 13:23:48 From: Kat Haber : Forgive me, I am rehearsing for a climate workshop I deliver tomorrow afternoon for TEDxSydney. Be well everyone.
- 13:24:12 From: David S : Health and wholeness, Kat
- 13:24:18 From: Jane : Best wishes Kat.
- 13:24:40 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : Thank you all! Look forward to seeing you next time. Pari Center for Learning, Italy.
- 13:24:53 From: maura Conlon-McIvor : Until next time.
- 13:24:55 From: Christine Hegele : Thank you for this. I have been recently listen to Bohm- J.Krishnamurty dialogues on you tube as well, also seen the movie there
- 13:26:23 From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai : Beautiful chat people, my family is waiting for me to join for dinner. I will see you tomorrow
- 13:27:46 From: Shannon McArthur : welcome back Paul - you turned into the Ice Man
- 13:29:01 From: Lesley Southwick-Trask : @anne-Marie - enjoy your family Hope to see you soon
- 13:29:11 From: Jane : Have to go now Lovely to meet and hear you all. Blessings.
- 13:29:22 From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai : thank you for your warm welcome Lesley. be well everyone
- 13:29:25 From: franka strietzel : Feuerwerk: hier wird Diwali gefeiert
- 13:29:31 From: Shannon McArthur : until the Pope repeals the Doctrine of Discovery, he has no voice in my ears.
- 13:30:39 From: Daniel Rieders, MD : greetings
- 13:30:40 From: Suzanne Marie : There will be a companion episode to Bohm’s Infinite Potential that will explore Bohm’s work in DIALOGUE, titled “On Dialogue†and will be available early in 2021.
- 13:30:48 From: Shannon McArthur : morning Daniel!
- 13:31:15 From: Daniel Rieders, MD : morning
- 13:31:37 From: Stanley Pokras : Morning Daniel.
- 13:31:50 From: Julie Wolf : Welcome and good morning Daniel.
- 13:32:44 From: Daniel : GM
- 13:33:24 From: David S : Normally, earth’s soils are regenerated, remineralized during the glacial phases of the cycling climate… David
- 13:39:40 From: David S : In the process of forgiveness do not forget to forgive yourself….David
- 13:41:32 From: Christine Hegele : Thank you for the warm welcome and the great conversations. I have to leave. Looking forward to join next time !
- 13:42:03 From: Daniel : g bye christine
- 13:44:18 From: David S : There are cult-like aspects to people’s allegiance to Trump which suggests, to me, the presence of archetypal energies… David
- 13:49:20 From: Daniel : devolution
- 13:49:39 From: Daniel : devol
- 13:49:43 From: Tim Heide : No coruption in System Nature
- 13:49:51 From: Daniel : devilot
- 13:50:02 From: Daniel : devil - lution
- 13:50:18 From: Daniel : devolution
- 13:50:48 From: Daniel : we are always evolution
- 13:51:17 From: Daniel : bravo
- 13:52:12 From: Daniel : who are black sheep here
- 13:52:15 From: Daniel : I was
- 13:55:33 From: David S : @Tim, yes, nature’s path is her own… David
- 13:55:48 From: Daniel : agree
- 13:56:06 From: Daniel : I have to get to work now
- 13:56:17 From: Daniel : good bye 2â€
- 13:56:42 From: Paul Coleman : Here is the curriculum I was talking about
- 13:56:46 From: Shannon McArthur : bye Daniel!
- 14:02:54 From: Shannon McArthur : Hi Marcia!!
- 14:02:56 From: Lesley Southwick-Trask : Hi Marcia
- 14:07:20 From: Suzanne Marie : this is medicine From: a child...
- 14:08:08 From: Julie Wolf : Russ my husband here wants to suggesy a call to action
- 14:*12:35 From: marciaraffstudio : These are the different sites I copied for Tapping:
 From: Ulf Sandström to Everyone: (*12:57 PM)
- 14:17:00 From: David S : Health and wholeness to all. I must leave now… David. Thanks for sharing your wisdom… See you tomorrow….