Humanity Rising Day 115 Chat Page
- Date: Tuesday October 13, 2020 (2020-10-13)
- Back to HR!Day115 - Bouncing Beyond to a Regenerative World - Day 2 - Regeneration
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Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 115:
From: Sharon Truax (11:01 AM) good morning and good cheer to all From: Seattle. wonderful to be here. Beyond waking up in Seattle
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:02 AM) Happy Tuesday Everyone!
From: Hugo Araujo (11:02 AM) Here is the link for todays vortex here is the link of the vortex
From: Maureen Edwardson (11:03 AM) Good morning with gratitude From: White Rock Canada
From: Shannon McArthur (11:05 AM) Hello White Rock… I’m in KAM)loops! Good morning all; please change your To to include attendees so we can all Chat together!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:06 AM) Thank you Shannon for that reminder - I’ve forgotten more than once.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:07 AM)
From: Me to Panelists: (11:07 AM) . ..oOo.. ========================== Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 ========================== . We also have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write to be added to the list: -- ========================== . ..oOo..
From: Me (11:09 AM) . ..oOo.. ========================== Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 ========================== . We also have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write to be added to the list: -- ========================== . ..oOo..
From: Sharon Truax (11:14 AM) Thank you Melina. A beautiful practice. Life is flowing faster here.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:14 AM) Hi-dee-hi to you, too, Ryah! Well met! creativity is magical
From: Maureen Edwardson (11:15 AM) Waking up our Magical Selves
From: Diane Skidmore (11:16 AM) Bridging the gap between dreAM)ing and doing. wonderful!! Time to learn how to do!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:16 AM) Not seeing animals in this….
From: Shannon McArthur (11:16 AM) more affordable? implies some don’t get to have those things.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:16 AM) Fair distribution of work and income - Really Important!!!
From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (11:17 AM) So much wealth/opportunity wasted on weapons of war and domination!
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:17 AM) How about making education and healthcare a fundAM)ental right instead of affordable? where education is not a business and healthcare is not an opportunity for pharma companies to grow
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:17 AM) @AM)y - so true!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:17 AM) @Malini YES!!!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:18 AM) more! more! beautiful images and imaginings
From: Crystal Steinberg (11:18 AM) Relationshios further explored at Expressive Therapies Summit Schedule Link: Workshops such as Fostering a Cross-Cultural Connection through Art November 8, 11:00 AM) - 1:00 PM Faculty Julia Volonts Use Rising10 for discount
From: Shannon McArthur (11:18 AM) good morning Hugo
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:18 AM) @Malini - YES there are some areas that need to held to be special - farming is another and law.
From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (11:18 AM) Yes — we’ve been tricked to believe such a world is not possible. We need to see/imagine the better~
From: Sharon Truax (11:18 AM) thank you Ryah. Feels like heaven on Earth.
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:18 AM) REGENERATION needs to be a radically new model. not a change of the old model.
From: Jane Norton (11:18 AM) do you have those wonderful vision descriptions available?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:19 AM) @AM)Y Yes! Focus on the Solution!! Thank you Hugo. We can learn From: your sharing
From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (11:22 AM) I love that image of the 2 swans
From: Kurt Krueger (11:29 AM) BioMimikery was led by the wonderful indigenous perspective offered in the great book, BRAIDING SWEETGRASS by Robin Kimmerer…
From: Ian Kendrick (11:31 AM) Great book… Braiding Sweetgrass
From: Diane Skidmore (11:31 AM)
From: Shannon McArthur (11:31 AM) text too small!!
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:34 AM) 0:25 / 6:48
• Intro
5 AM)azing biomimicry exAM)ples providing real sustainability solutions | Architecture Building Energy
From: Shannon McArthur (11:34 AM) fabulous work! Thank you Hugo!
From: Paul Coleman (11:35 AM) Sent this to the panelists again. Meant to send it to everyone. Often do that, even after weeks of watching these talks :) We need to create a world where farmers are better paid and more respected than the politicians, and CEO's that have so contributed to the devastation of our planet. Right now they are at the bottom of the ladder and yet we need them the most. Regeneration begins at home as well as in the heart. Each and everyone of us can participate in making a better world by observing every single one of our actions, especially the things we buy and do in our everyday lives. Where does it come From: , does it take many miles to get to you, what is it made of, what type of packaging is used, is it fair trade, what AM) I going to do with the garbage it creates, do I need it. Every single one of our actions should be with the protection of the earth and natural it's systems in mind. If we take care of the planet, the planet will take care of us.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:36 AM) @Paul _/\_
From: Sharon Truax (11:36 AM) Hugo, beautiful. I see this for assisting our water stewards in Seattle in the declining respect for our waters and native AM)erican lands. how we are all in this together..
From: Diane Skidmore (11:38 AM) We aim for a new system on every level Paul. A change in attitude From: all people - aimed at fair distribution and use of all assets whilst treating planet, plants, animals, oceans and people in a conscious, considerate and care full way xxxxx
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:38 AM) for 2021 is now open.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:39 AM) We just have to work out a unified way to present to the powers that be and to every little person on the planet so that everyone can see that - this is the best and only way to go.
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:40 AM) The eco system is never static. It is constantly in dynAM)ic flux. So when we think of a healthy ecosystem we must factor into the design From: nature that there is a progression of species that adjust to the every dynAM)ic and shifting environment in an ecosystem. which is why it is always cyclical,
From: Maureen Edwardson (11:40 AM) Brilliant Hugo!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:40 AM) Hugo - your words are wonderful - wish I'd managed to write the last bit down - the word healthier was included
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:40 AM) @hugo - thanks for v elegant biomimicry patterns - would love to talk to you about the metabolic flows thru Human Hive ( From: Me (11:41 AM) About the Crisis of DEMOCRACY, LAW, and the Environment: The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) is building a movement for Community Rights and the Rights of Nature to advance democratic, economic, social, and environmental rights – building upward From: the grassroots to the state, federal, and international level. CELDEF published a book that reveals the most important environmental and legal blockages to democracy and the rights of communities and nature by Ben G. Price "How Wealth Rules the World"
From: Shannon McArthur (11:41 AM) thank you Hugo, thank you so much
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:41 AM) @Hugo, brilliant!
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:41 AM) Hugo can you share some practical case studies or exAM)ples of your work.
From: Sharon Truax (11:41 AM) Beautiful and heart felt. We have a group that is collaborative, but need a lift. I think this Is it!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:41 AM) Totally @Ed - Hugo opened our minds to new directions - all inclusive!!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:42 AM) Life is movement!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:43 AM) We know the dreAM). How do we get there? (Listening for clues xxx From: Shannon McArthur (11:44 AM) Some of Hugo’s work:
From: Diane Skidmore (11:44 AM) Brilliant @ Melina - if we learn to stand back and let others take a turn too - a place for everyone to play!!!
From: Hugo Araujo (11:45 AM) Sure. Here is a vortex with some background in different formats
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:45 AM) @Hugo can you share a link to your company?
From: Shannon McArthur (11:45 AM) see above, Kathryn
From: Sharon Truax (11:45 AM) yes, Melina. This "down time" has been good for management of self, for clarity. and to connect to you.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:45 AM) Yes - great minds...
From: Diane Skidmore (11:45 AM) Totally. No place for criticism. A head full of criticism - a head full of problems. Focus on solutions only!!
From: Crystal Steinberg (11:46 AM) Relationshios further explored at Expressive Therapies Summit Schedule Link: Workshops such as Fostering a Cross-Cultural Connection through Art November 8, 11:00 AM) - 1:00 PM Faculty Julia Volonts Use Rising10 for discount
From: Sharon Truax (11:46 AM) Light at the end of the tunnel!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:46 AM) Together - key word!! Yes xxx
From: Shannon McArthur (11:46 AM) me too, stuart!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:48 AM) @Hugo - can you speak a bit about pace - you touched on it briefly… And rythum
From: Valerie Luzadis (11:49 AM) @Diane - I have always believed this too, then I learned that this is the foundation of Pres. Trump's presentation...he grew up in Norman Vincent Peale's church - the power of positive thinking. So do we need to include some reference to clarity and truth?
From: Paul Coleman (11:49 AM) @Diane: yes we do need system change on every level, but that still does not change the fact that every single action we take has to be in consideration of the earth that we all need to exist.
From: Ian Kendrick (11:50 AM) Systemic change is rare linear - it can shift suddenly. Learning how to think systemically seems to be an important aspect of education that we need.
From: Maureen Edwardson (11:51 AM) Stuart YES!!!
From: Ian Kendrick (11:51 AM) rarely linear…. oops!
From: Jane (11:52 AM) So,Karen is it the the balance between maintaining the balance between independence (knowing thyself) and interdependence for the good and benefit of all including self? If that makes sense??
From: Valerie Luzadis (11:52 AM) Yes, punctuated equlibrium
From: Diane Skidmore (11:52 AM) @Paul Yes. Every thought is a seed - hence conscious, considerate and care. Every single person have some kind of control (or at least awareness) of their own mind/life/actions. @Valerie - reference to clarity yes. Truth is another matter. To be discussed later maybe. (Maybe you can come to the after-chat zoom room :) From: Alicia Wheatley (11:52 AM) Wow, I find symbiotic relationships to be such important stories for humanity to learn From: (and feel inspired From: From: Karen Downes (11:53 AM) Jane - holding our agency and attending to that which we are devoted and bringing this into the world for all
From: Sharon Truax (11:53 AM) Build value for today, few want to take responsibility or even listen to the problem. need to approached From: a different voice.t . .
From: Valerie Luzadis (11:53 AM) @Diane - yes, truth is another matter. I'd love to come to the after-chat room...but I have to teach then. would love to discuss more.
From: Jane (11:54 AM) @Karen yes....balance is the key.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:54 AM) @Valerie. My email
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (11:55 AM) Can you speak to the global connection effects of covid and zoom? How do these new global connections relate to the bioregions/local connections?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:56 AM) Awareness of inter-dependency. Essential!! Yes - we need to learn to listen - and be ready to adapt!!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:56 AM) “quantic” - I love it!
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:56 AM) @Melina, it is personal responsibility.
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:56 AM) while holding the whole
From: Valerie Luzadis (11:56 AM) @Diane - thanks. I'll be in touch! I'm at
From: Stuart Cowan (11:57 AM)
- Regen #BounceBeyond
Shared document:
From: MALINI Rajendran (11:57 AM) @Kathryn. I think the pace is best understood by the interaction between the gut bacteria and critical mass of the bacteria. excess leads to diarrhoea and to little leads to non availability o the necessary nutrients for the body,
From: Sharon Truax (11:57 AM) Yes, Holding the Space. Limited by Technology-lack of.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:57 AM) @Liliane Yes!!! Exactly - time for personal responsibility!!!! Every single one of us is of value and has an effect on the universe!! We are one!! @Valerie Brill
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:58 AM) @Malini Yes digestion is an exAM)ple I use often to show that. I was wondering if Hugo had diagrAM)ed it.; cycles, pulses, etc.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:59 AM) @malini - what a wonderful sentence!! @Carolina - Yes!! Who are we listening to? Where is our focus? We really need to take care, don't we :) We are all transmitters/receivers!! Aren't we lucky!!?!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:01 PM There is the Resilience Values Set...
From: Hugo Araujo (12:01 PM Create conditions conducive to life
From: Diane Skidmore (12:01 PM @Hugo YES!!!! <3
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:01 PM @Hugo Yes, many tanks to Biomimicry for that - a key value!!!
From: Diane Skidmore (12:02 PM Gosh you're all so clever!!! :D
From: Hugo Araujo (12:02 PM Yes, Biomimicry Life’s Principles helped my a lot to find « best living systems practices » in my designs
From: Shannon McArthur (12:03 PM social media is really a poor feedback loop!!
From: Valerie Luzadis (12:03 PM CNN and Fox and other similar progrAM)ming does this, too -- circular feedback.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:03 PM AM)azing!!! (@Carolina From: Maureen Edwardson (12:04 PM Thank you Carolin
From: Jen Forti (12:04 PM So the million dollar question for me is how do we effectively share this AM)azing information through social media???
From: Kurt Krueger (12:04 PM Valerie, defiantly.
From: Sharon Truax (12:04 PM Beautiful, Carolina. Thank you for clarity.
From: Jane (12:04 PM Yes, Carolina we have to be 'critical thinkers, be ready to adapt and move towards connecting to that which serves the whole.
From: Sharon Truax (12:04 PM Yes, Stuart.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:05 PM Conducive to life also means keeping alive the human spirit - we can do that every day
From: Diane Skidmore (12:05 PM So..... some of us are not affected by Fox and CNN but - how can we help those who are sucked in?
From: Diane Skidmore (12:05 PM (Actually, I can answer that - keep focussed on other thigs and share as much as poss*things World well-being is the way - human well-being only a small aspect!!
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:06 PM Regenerative agriculture - Yes feed the soil and the plant will get fed.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:06 PM @Malini yes xxx
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:07 PM Think raising children
From: Shannon McArthur (12:07 PM never too much From: you, Carolina!!
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:08 PM Traditional agriculture focus on how to feed the plant instead of the soil. That's why we have depleted soils, mal nutrition despite being well fed, and inability of crops to face disease and adapt to changing climate.
From: ChangJi (DDMBA) (12:08 PM Yes @Diane! World well-being!!
From: Kurt Krueger (12:08 PM Just posted this query on my FB page~ thank you:How does your work, education, or Life create conditions for Life to continue creating a thriving Life?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:08 PM @Malini - yes context!
From: Kurt Krueger (12:09 PM Open the question to all to solve… : From: Jane (12:09 PM Thanks Kurt.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:09 PM @Kurt - yes!
From: Ryah Chandler (12:09 PM @Richard - there is a brilliant documentary called Kiss The Ground of Netflix that helps to answer that question : From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:09 PM Just flowing that one value will change SO much!
From: Richard Page (12:10 PM How DO we feed the soil, please?
From: Ryah Chandler (12:10 PM @Richard Page - see earlier : From: Liliane Mavridara (12:10 PM @Ryah, yes!
From: Sharon Truax (12:10 PM I need a new voice....more empowered voice to start the conversation of the need to change .
From: Jen Forti (12:10 PM Also, the short documentary on Vimeo called Farmer’s Footprint that features Dr Zach Bush is a must see!
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:10 PM If we listen to our heart if we work From: the heart all else falls into place.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:11 PM @Sharon, your voice is fine… it’s the ears off others that need to hear it
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:11 PM Who is listening to the voice of life????? YAY
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:11 PM @Richard: Cover crops, drill planting, technologies that maintain the integrity of the soil as things are grown. happening at scale here and there… Watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix.
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:11 PM the Heart is always in coherence with the earth.
From: Stuart Cowan (12:11 PM Melina: Self-organize and run on life’s principles
From: Sharon Truax (12:11 PM @shannon it is with you all.
From: Jane (12:11 PM Listening with heart is a key part of the solution.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:12 PM @Malini - work From: the heart and it spreads - we grow!! It's wonderful!! ('It' - LOVE?) xxx
From: Shannon McArthur (12:12 PM @Malini, no not always - that’s the problem now.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:12 PM Zack Bush has outstanding work, so other ideas on his life expression may make you question. : From: Diane Skidmore (12:13 PM A Planetary Sunrise!!!! NOW!! Thank you @Luis
From: Stuart Cowan (12:13 PM Luis: The Blue Marble, seeing the earth as a single connected living system
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:14 PM A must read for this perspective: Becoming Animal by David AbrAM).
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:14 PM Edgar Mitchell created Noetic Sciences From: the epiphany of this picture he took From: Apollo emotional activity
From: Ian Kendrick (12:15 PM Neil Armstrong on seeing the Earthrise on the Moon “It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.”
From: Kurt Krueger (12:15 PM Serene
From: Shannon McArthur (12:15 PM connected
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:15 PM alive
From: Jane Norton (12:15 PM expansive and uplifted
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:15 PM peaceful and connected
From: Diane Skidmore (12:15 PM Talking of movies - 2040 - many solutions - including soil
From: franka (12:15 PM alive
From: Crystal Steinberg (12:15 PM Connected
From: Sharon Truax (12:16 PM Beautiful, connected freedom safe
From: Ryah Chandler (12:16 PM 2040 is a MUST SEE :
From: Stuart Cowan (12:16 PM @Cheryl yes, the work of David AbrAM), Spell of the Sensuous + Becoming Animal. I AM) working at David’s house this morning for this session!!
From: Geraldine Bridges (12:16 PM Awe
From: Diane Skidmore (12:16 PM yes!! Talking of movies - 2040 - many solutions - including soil
From: Jane (12:16 PM Huge Gratitude mixed with absolute heartbreak for the way we have abused mother Earth.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:18 PM ALL OUR RELATION… Mitquiasin.
From: Alicia Wheatley (12:18 PM “A story must be judged according to whether it makes sense. And 'making sense' must be here understood in its most direct meaning: to make sense is to enliven the senses. A story that makes sense is one that stirs the senses From: their slumber, one that opens the eyes and the ears to their real surroundings, tuning the tongue to the actual tastes in the air and sending chills of recognition along the surface of the skin. To make sense is to release the body From: the constraints imposed by outworn ways of speaking, and hence to renew and rejuvenate one's felt awareness of the world. It is to make the senses wake up to where they are.” ― David AbrAM), The Spell of the Sensuous:
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:19 PM @Stuart, I saw David when he presented his new book then at a private community/house in the North Bay Area, San Francisco.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:19 PM Very late but - alive and kinda glowing. Warm
From: Jen Forti (12:19 PM I’m halfway through this interview with Dr Zach Bush that I invite everyone to watch….
From: Stuart Cowan (12:21 PM Gregory Bateson: “The major problems of the world occur because of the difference between the way humans think and nature works."
From: Diane Skidmore (12:21 PM Hahaha - have been doing alternative education for 35 years now. Yes, teach universal wellbing xxx
From: Jude Asphar (12:21 PM for all the harm we Anglos have wrought around the world…the English language seems to be serving one unifying purpose. And to all of you for whom it is not your mother tongue — you are growing it and using it brilliantly to help the purposes of regeneration —-Thank you all!
From: Diane Skidmore (12:22 PM
- being
From: Stuart Cowan (12:22 PM Luis: We need to rewild education
From: Ryah Chandler (12:22 PM RE-WILD education <3
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:22 PM I LOVE that!!!
From: Diane Skidmore (12:22 PM Ooooooh - Rewild education!!! Yes!!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:22 PM @Jude - YES I’m SO grateful for that!!!!
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:23 PM From: PBS, Nova: From: A to Z, How writing changed the world. How readable print/literacy has completely changed our brains, especially phonetic alphabets. So now we have a self-contained universe within, disconnection From: nature. Education needs to fight back.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:23 PM LUIS, please connect with me about this quest.
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:23 PM Education was affected by religion and invasions of outsiders into a native culture. The British were experts at this How to create an education system to server the needs of the rulers and their religion.
From: Ian Kendrick (12:24 PM @Malini. Yep. Agreed. And I AM) a Brit…
From: Richard Page (12:24 PM ..joining the circle of caring
From: Kurt Krueger (12:24 PM Learn with and From: EACH ‘Other’
From: Diane Skidmore (12:24 PM So we need to learn about and teach Emotional Intelligence - From: Day 1!! @Kurt yes
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:25 PM Organic - interactive- and cooperative education was replaced with theoretical bookish education that is totally distanced From: reality of the immediate environment.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:27 PM “Modern Education” is simply Factory education, regurgitating what is put in…
From: Diane Skidmore (12:27 PM Education for a long time has been about getting a job. However, thank you soo much corona - that is all falling apart!! Yaaay! A perfect moment to help education change!! Empathy - and all the stuff that Luis is speaking right now!!
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:27 PM wonder why the subject that is least loved because it is not taught well is geography and an appreciation of the inter relationship f geography with all the other sciences.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:27 PM Reminds me of Modern Times, Chaplin film
From: Paul Coleman (12:28 PM Humanity exists in worlds',the economic world, the human world, the financial world, the developed world, the civilized world. By these things we separate ourselves From: nature and the earth.
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:28 PM @Hugo, which link is specific to this slide that Luis is describing?
From: Paul Coleman (12:29 PM All schools should have food gardens. Connect the kids to the earth and as they grow they will grow with the soil and the life they create.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:29 PM So education must start with Each person is a drop of water in the ocean of the world. Or - each person is a grain of sand in the desert of the world. There is one piece of energy. We are ONE!! (@Paul From: Maureen Edwardson (12:29 PM Yes Paul
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:29 PM Is there a link to Luis’s work?
From: Diane Skidmore (12:30 PM @Paul - gardening yes xxx
From: Eduard Müller (12:30 PM Luis: Opepa
From: Sharon Truax (12:30 PM Yes, harmonious relationships and collaboration have always been part of my life's journey. how nature works and how people think... Nature has been deep within me need to foster deeper. Still learning life in the garden. Back to School...……….." If women rose rooted".
From: Crystal Steinberg (12:30 PM Luis you very well represent the feminine principle given us by Nature . . .
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:30 PM @Paul . agree but we don't learn From: the economy in nature, how nature uses the currency of energy exchange as a financial module, and how nature has a civilizational template when it has different biomes and species that habit these biomes.
From: Richard Page (12:31 PM @Karen, perhaps it is the Mother who holds us all, male and female equally
From: Sharon Truax (12:31 PM Karen, powerful call.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:31 PM @Malinin- yes how different our understanding would be!!!
From: Alicia Wheatley (12:32 PM It’s not just encouraging and nurturing the feminine, but also balancing the masculine (within all genders From: Stuart Cowan (12:32 PM Luis’ organization in Columbia is called OpEPA;
From: Paul Coleman (12:32 PM I would love one day to see an entire talk here about the value of food gardens in schools, to the kids, to the communities, to the ultimate growth of the child to the adult.
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:33 PM
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:33 PM I had the privilege of doing a series of lectures in urban school and was shocked to have the students tell me they don't know what a tree is . they've never seen a tree.
From: Sharon Truax (12:33 PM Thank you Luis. Heart broken wide open here.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:33 PM @Paul - love that you start with love hahaha Love Life xxxxx
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:34 PM @Stewart - thank you!
From: Stuart Cowan (12:34 PM The great poet Robinson Jeffers: . . . I entered the life of the brown forestAnd the great life of the ancient peaks, the patience of stone, I felt the changes in the veins In the throat of the mountain, a grain in many centuries, we have our own time, not yours; and I was the streAM)Draining the mountain wood; and I the stag drinking; and I was the stars, Boiling with light, wandering alone, each one the lord of his own summit; and I was the darknessOutside the stars, I included them, they were a part of me. I was mankind also, a moving lichenOn the cheek of the round stone. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I have fallen in love outward.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:34 PM PARENTING is awesomely effective. Read and apply: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect by Diane Tillman. The Living Values Education ProgrAM): The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated From: these.
From: Me (12:34 PM @paul - my wife teaches teachers about teaching kids to garden. write me.
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:34 PM @luis ...thanks for deep wisdom ...empathic detachment
From: Sharon Truax (12:35 PM Spirit, Love, God, Seeing it operating through all of us.
From: Paul Coleman (12:35 PM The earth needs love, care and attention, if we give love care and attention to the earth, the earth will give love, care and attention to us.
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:35 PM Love because we can, as it is said @Treesisters.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:35 PM Possessive love? That's not love hahaha (that's the old way From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:36 PM Empathic detachment - is that what was said?
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:36 PM LOVE empathic detachment
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:36 PM Yes
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:36 PM Thank you.
From: Kat Sanford (12:37 PM I have been thinking too that the developmental goals should be shifted. 0-3 is all about getting them comfortable with their body and environment. think about all the senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell. activate all these sense- let them taste things contrasting with each other, smell things side by side, feel warm/cool things, color and sound-play. Dance, acting, all very freeform activities etc. think Big picture everything. 4-6 you can start being more goal oriented- play gAM)es and introduce rules/parAM)eters and encourage understanding of those. they start identifying things like letters, and more abstract concepts. promote collaboration over competition, but also encourage healthy competition. they have a very strong sense of fairness and consistency is key- they're especially learning their attachment styles, so having healthy relationships in their fAM)ily lives is part of their life-long understanding of their identity. Teach the connections between environments, people etc
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:38 PM Montessori does this, but not connected to nature
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:38 PM Stuart - I hope we will hear From: you...
From: Kat Sanford (12:38 PM a nature based montessori would be awesome
From: Sharon Truax (12:38 PM Thank you Melina, Life is all within. God trumps all.
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:38 PM We need to allow light and shadow with love and empathic detachment.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:39 PM I used to think I'll never argue. Now I know an argument can be constructive and helpful - done with manners.
From: Jane (12:39 PM Yes Carolina, without Love in partnership with interdependent relationships it will not be suustained over the longterm.
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:39 PM Yes Luis
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:39 PM @Melina - YES! SO simple but so hard!!!!
From: Richard Page (12:39 PM @Melina, The Japanese art of Aikido teaches the resolution of conflict through receiving all that comes towards us as Love’s expression and turning it into a circular dance…
From: Diane Skidmore (12:39 PM And no has be said sometimes - with love!!
From: Jane (12:39 PM @Melina...this is 'Tough Love'
From: Karen Downes (12:39 PM the entire basis of the Rudolf Steiner education is Nature
From: Paul Coleman (12:40 PM @Stan Nice to hear. We have been involved in creating permaculture food gardens in schools in the poorest townships of South Africa and increasingly here in Patagonia, where we are advising a group of teachers From: five schools as they create their food gardens and greenhouses.
From: Sharon Truax (12:40 PM Yes Melina......thank you.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:40 PM Could you post this poem?
From: Beverly Parsons (12:41 PM Excellent comments, Melina about life, love, and handling conflict.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:41 PM @Luis - yes, thank you.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:41 PM @Kurt - see above
From: Shannon McArthur (12:41 PM well said!!
From: Kat Sanford (12:41 PM l different than montessori though I think at around 12-14 kids should start specializing. I don't know many people who are artists, or scientista, or people working with animals, as adults who didn't feel totally drawn to it as a kid. if anything I feel like more people get pushed in directions they don't want to go when they're in the highschool/college generalized youth. a lot of people get convinced to take paths that are out of alignment with their desires to make their fAM)ily happy
From: Diane Skidmore (12:41 PM Massive!!!
From: Sharon Truax (12:41 PM
- Stuart Up Up and Away thank you all. Beautiful...…….
From: Paul Coleman (12:41 PM Aikido is the art of no resistance, the art to master when journeying through a war zone.
From: Jane (12:41 PM Agree Stuart.
From: franka (12:41 PM @ Kurt
From: franka (12:42 PM @ kurt The great poet Robinson Jeffers: . . . I entered the life of the brown forestAnd the great life of the ancient peaks, the patience of stone, I felt the changes in the veins In the throat of the mountain, a grain in many centuries, we have our own time, not yours; and I was the streAM)Draining the mountain wood; and I the stag drinking; and I was the stars, Boiling with light, wandering alone, each one the lord of his own summit; and I was the darknessOutside the stars, I included them, they were a part of me. I was mankind also, a moving lichenOn the cheek of the round stone. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I have fallen in love outward.
From: Stuart Cowan (12:42 PM Robinson Jeffers: “The Tower Beyond Tragedy"
From: Kat Sanford (12:42 PM the prolonged adolescence leaves people feeling like they are still kids well into their 20s and 30s
From: Diane Skidmore (12:42 PM thank you @Kat - for the poem
From: Hugo Araujo (12:43 PM here is the vortex for D115
From: Me (12:43 PM @Paul - write to Sally McCabe at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Describe your work. She might not accept a reference From: me, i'm only her husband.
From: Hugo Araujo (12:43 PM +1
From: Kurt Krueger (12:44 PM We were blessed to have a Naturalist adventure our homeschooled children - they also got to do their vision quests… Life is magical.
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:44 PM Nature Learning Experiences:
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:44 PM Universal Wellbeing:
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:44 PM Ian. Yes oh yes. Thank you for this. Exactly.
From: Sharon Truax (12:44 PM
- ian Hah, Covid time as a vison quest.
From: Kat Sanford (12:45 PM that's awesome Kurt
From: Jane (12:45 PM Nice Kurt great home schooling.
From: Jen Forti (12:45 PM Thank you Ian <3
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:45 PM @Ian, Beautiful!
From: Shannon McArthur (12:45 PM Yes
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:45 PM @Sharon: yes, if we open ourselves to it.
From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (12:45 PM The EarthTribe is exploring the vision quest that Earth is on at this period.
From: Jen Forti (12:45 PM Tears are flowing
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:45 PM Thank you Ian. Simply wonderful.
From: Jen Forti (12:46 PM Good on your for doing that and at 13 years of age no less!
From: Kurt Krueger (12:46 PM Yesterday a redTailed hawk flew within two arms length From: me during such a ZOOM… : From: Diane Sue (12:46 PM Ian, thank you for sharing your story. Absolutely what we all need to remember!!!
From: Jane (12:46 PM Yes Ian we have much to learn From: the wisdom of our indigenous peoples.
From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:46 PM @Ian: thank you for reconnecting all of us to our transcendent experiences.
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:46 PM You can also check the Weaving Lab - - Weaving for Universal Wellbeing
From: Geraldine Bridges (12:46 PM Thank you Ian - we need to all witness to our experiences rather than think we should hide them
From: Kurt Krueger (12:47 PM Panelists, Lets connect with the Chatpeople just after this adventure - ~ we continue to connect even deeper. : From: Liliane Mavridara (12:47 PM @Luis, thank you, this is my emerging work.
From: Paul Coleman (12:48 PM @Ian We once had an increasingly angry 'friend/employee and rather than fire him we advised him to go a vision quest, so off he went into the deserts of the US. He returned a very different person and we kept a friend.
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:48 PM It may be a good Idea for making 10 days of vipassana session mandatory for every student, IF any one watching and reading has not experienced a session of vipassana then I would Highly Highly recommend it. check out the nearest center to you here in this link: https://www.dhAM)
From: Shannon McArthur (12:48 PM Have I got a plan for you!! We gotta talk…
From: Kurt Krueger (12:48 PM PLAYSPACE/Adventuring each moment
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:49 PM @Stuart - such a nice summary!!!
From: Jane (12:49 PM @Malini great idea.
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:49 PM @Luis - so delighted to see your connection to Weaving Lab too … wonderful exploration of education regeneration
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:49 PM Shannon Mc your contact info?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:49 PM @Malini - that is not necessarily connecting to nature...
From: Shannon McArthur (12:49 PM and website: thanks for asking Maureen. Glad to connect!
From: Jane (12:50 PM Thank you shannon.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:50 PM blessings indeed!
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:50 PM Education/Practice/Implementation
From: MALINI Rajendran (12:50 PM @ Kathryn agree but it helps to star connecting with the nature of the self.
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:51 PM Shannon and
From: Kurt Krueger (12:51 PM Blessings abound when WE’re around!
From: Jen Forti (12:51 PM Which platform will you all using then to co-create? Ubiverse?
From: Sharon Truax (12:51 PM
- stuart Thank you for your gracious round up. I stand with all in the perfect unfoldment of this new way of being, learning. May the wall fall down.
From: franka (12:51 PM learn and create something beautiful, sustainable, healthy
From: Diane Skidmore (12:52 PM Thanks Stuart - The Design Stage - co-creating - the next nest. This is the first chance we've had!! We're learning!! (We all didn't know about each other before. And this is the first time we've had zoom!! From: Paul Coleman (12:52 PM @Thanks Stuart. Well said Sharon.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:52 PM @franka, thank you!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:52 PM I’m now working on creating a training for coaches that will open our this perspective. I welcome collaboration
From: Diane Sue (12:52 PM In gratitude to all of your efforts and for sharing your wisdom and inspiration!
From: Luis CAM)argo (12:52 PM Unlearn to relearn and rewind - re-percieve
From: Jane (12:53 PM Yes Ian, move out From: behind our own eyes.
From: Richard Page (12:53 PM @Ian, yes, we create the world we see (Sanskrist: Ya Drishti, Ya Shristi From: Sharon Truax (12:53 PM @ Jim thank you....perfect
From: Paul Coleman (12:54 PM @Stan: Will do. Thank you.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:54 PM Thank you ALL for today!! It was beautiful and Joyful!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:54 PM Fantastic Day!!!
From: Shannon McArthur (12:54 PM beautiful people with beautiful wisdom!!
From: Peter Engberg (12:54 PM What a super inspiring session. Nature is speaking. I’m working on a documentary Next Step Humanity and Once we believed that the Earth was flat. But then a few visionaries challenged our thinking and our world view changed. What will it take for us once again to let go of obsolete beliefs that no longer serve us and change our ways of seeing ourselves and our world? You're invited to explore this together with the world fAM)ous cell biologist and bestselling author of "The Biology of Belief" Dr Bruce Lipton who has shown that our beliefs and our ways of seeing the world actually change our cells and thus our lives. Also meet Dr Jean Houston, advisor to many world leaders and dr Ervin Laszlo, author, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and many others. What we focus on will become our lives and our world. The time has come to focus on what connects us instead of on what separates us. Welcome to NEXT STEP - HUMANITY:
From: Hugo Araujo (12:54 PM
From: Me (12:54 PM . ..oOo.. Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Sharon Truax (12:54 PM Yes Sacred Geometry...…….Cant wait for the unfolding....
From: Kurt Krueger (12:54 PM How do you experience your Nature Deficit Disorder? >