Humanity Rising Day 068 Chat Page
- Date: Tuesday July 28, 2020 (2020-07-28)
- Back to HR!Day068 - Wellbeing Economy Alliance
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Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 068:
- 11:01:32 From: Liliane Mavridara : Happy Tuesday everyone!
- 11:07:31 From: Diane Skidmore : As usual - an elegant introduction to the day - A New Consciousness is Needed. Thank you Jim :)
- 11:09:14 From: Michelle Kidd : Looking to hearing From: you and seeing your Wonderful smile Eduard
- 11:09:20 From: Diane Skidmore : And - hello people - another happy day greeting xxx
- 11:*11:02 From: Diane Skidmore : Hooraaaaay Ed. Yes. Grrrrr to G.. :D hahaha - smiling is better xxx
- 11:*11:40 From: Diane Skidmore : Today we have rockets!! Yaaaay!!!
- 11:*11:50 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras To All Panelists : I'm looking for other people who are saving the chats. I'm doing that each day, but would like to have alternatives to share the task.
- 11:**12:45 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : I love that: Grrr to G. D. Allelujah!
- 11:**12:57 From: Michelle Kidd : Does anyone know who the pannelistare please. Can their names be put on screen please Jim
- 11:13:11 From: Amanda Janoo : Thank you Maureen!
- 11:13:55 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : I'm looking for other people who are saving the chats. I'm doing that each day, but would like to have alternatives to share the task.
- 11:14:39 From: Diane Skidmore :
Amanda Janoo, Co-Convener, WeAll
Katherine Trebeck, Co-Convener, WeGov
- 11:14:58 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : I believe they still are.....!
- 11:15:41 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : Absolutely....!!!!!
- 11:15:45 From: Diane Skidmore : @Michelle - go to HR page on line and you can see details of each day
- 11:15:55 From: Amanda Janoo : Hi everyone, please feel free to type in any questions here or in the Q&A box and I’ll gather them so we can discuss them after Katherine’s presentation :)
- 11:16:01 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Stan: I have photos of 90%. thinking of deleting them as as record otherwise. I think I can send them to you via WhatsApp, too heavy for email
- 11:16:21 From: Jane : Yup, Katherine, this is it....the time for change is NOW.
- 11:16:56 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Stanley, if you want to use the chats or other, outside HR, perhaps contact Richard off line and arrange for that.
- 11:17:03 From: Michelle Kidd : Thanks Diane 💓
- 11:17:10 From: Diane Skidmore : @Michelle - details of past and present recordings
- 11:17:25 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Yep! time to put up or shut up ....die!
- 11:18:42 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : the new BC, BC II
- 11:19:05 From: Diane Skidmore : Ahaaa - good analogy - salt. We need a sprinkle but - too much is terrible!
- 11:19:27 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Liliane - I don't have a direct way to correspond with Richard. Can you or he send me an email address? Thank you.
- 11:19:39 From: Leo Jacoby : 1: Diminishing marginal returns
- 11:19:41 From: Liliane Mavridara : Via Ubiverse
- 11:20:17 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : I don't know how to navigate Ubiverse
- 11:20:25 From: Diane Skidmore : Thank goodness - it all tails off - used to think about 'growth' (many moons ago) "We can't keep growing - getting fatter and fatter!!. Aaaagh!"
- 11:21:28 From: Leo Jacoby : 2: Failure demand
- 11:22:38 From: Roslyn Scheuerman Scheuerman : Katherine's comprehensive explanation is fascinating, what most of us we already know but also goes much deeper in the connectivity of all societal structure.
- 11:23:16 From: Jane : Stanley, log into ubiverse and sign up for your own account....very easy process thank goodness.
- 11:23:30 From: Diane Skidmore : Amazing. Had a conversation this morning - a request for 'Five most important suggestions for a way forward?' We gave one - Every person take responsibility for each move!!
- 11:24:06 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Jane - done that, it's still confusing.
- 11:24:49 From: Leo Jacoby : 3: Pseudo satisfiers
- 11:25:04 From: Diane Skidmore : Gosh, thank goodness I'm not part of 'the real world' hahaha
- 11:25:36 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : in Costa Rica there is a “rent a cop†system because the police are often not trusted. I have never understood why rent a cops carry huge rifles for the 5 and 10 store. Can you get shot for stealing the $1 item?
- 11:26:05 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Katherine, have lived in Scotland and Glasgow. I know what you are talking about.
- 11:26:07 From: Amanda Janoo : Hi Elizabeth, its Manfred Max-Need
- 11:26:18 From: Amanda Janoo : Keep track of the rest of your larger questions for discussion later :)
- 11:27:21 From: Diane Skidmore : hahaha - sent the Costa Rica talk (From: Edouard) to a political person in Glasgow this very morning!! Yaaaay!!
- 11:27:51 From: Jane : Stanley, so you entered your email and then clicked on sign up, correct?
- 11:29:00 From: Diane Skidmore : How do we share wellbeing!! That's more like it xxx
- 11:29:00 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Jane - can you help me with this off the main chat?
- 11:30:34 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Jane - I've been able to register my organization, as a Humanity Rising partner.
- 11:30:43 From: Jane : o.k. Stan will email you when this mornings session is finished.
- 11:30:55 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Thank you!!!!
- 11:31:31 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Jane, thank you for helping out.
- 11:32:03 From: Diane Skidmore : Oooooh fairness and dignity - sounds magnificent!!!
- 11:32:14 From: Jane : no problem....thanks to you for taking on the daily task of saving everything.
- 11:33:59 From: Kurt Krueger : Whats the link to the speah? PLEASE.
- 11:35:43 From: Jane : Bhutan,My favourite spot on the planet...they have been so progressive.
- 11:35:58 From: gary wohlman : Robert Kennedy's speech at Vanderbilt's 1968 Impact Symposium
- 11:36:25 From: Diane Skidmore : And - this afternoon - talking about Bhutan with Mongolian neighbour - phew
- 11:36:37 From: Amanda Janoo :
- 11:36:52 From: Amanda Janoo : Here’s the Kennedy speech excerpt on GDP
- 11:36:56 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Gary - thanks!
- 11:36:58 From: Diane Skidmore : Thanks Gary - looked it up but there are two or three speeches!
- 11:37:02 From: Jane : Costa rica and Bhutan have served as amazing models for the way forward.
- 11:37:14 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Amanda Thanks!
- 11:37:43 From: Diane Skidmore : And thanks @amanda too
- 11:38:48 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : this is all so great! Clearly, this discussion will not be long enough. I would love to have Katherine back again.
- 11:38:59 From: Michelle Kidd : Wonderful presentation thank you Katherine 💓
- 11:39:13 From: Jane : Agree V.ictoria
- 11:39:58 From: gary wohlman :
Bobby Kennedy's Speech for Humanity - Bobby Kennedy's Day of Affirmation speech set to the soundtrack of the Social Network & Gladiator. The Day of Affirmation speech was a speech given by Robert F. Kennedy to National Union of South African Students members at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, on June 6, 1966. Kennedy, who was then a U.S. Senator From: New York, gave the speech two years before his 1968 presidential campaign, which came to an end when Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968 in Los Angeles. Considered to be one of his greatest speeches, the Day of Affirmation Address, coupled with Ted Kennedy's eulogy for Bobby, offer precious words of wisdom decades after their initial utterance.
- 11:40:00 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Katherine, brilliant timeline, thank you.
- 11:40:01 From: Leo Jacoby :
Some way markers (there are loads more!) • 1968 Robert Kennedy speech • 1972 Club of Rome publishes The Limits to Growth • 1972 Bhutan King declares GNH more important than GDP • 2008 GFC • 2009 Stiglitz, Sen, Fitoussi report for President Sarkozy • 2012 UN report on a New Development paradigm • 2015 SDGs agreed • 2018 OECD Group on Measurement of Economic Performance & Social Progress • 2018 WEAII & WEGo launched • 2018+ young come out of school & stand up for their future • 2019 200+ academics call on the EU to dethrone 'king GDP' and crown 'queen welbeing' in a Sustainability & Wellbeing Pact 2019 NZ launches the first Wellneing Budget
- 11:40:02 From: Diane Skidmore : Bhutan banned plastic bags in 1999!!
- 11:40:03 From: Leo Jacoby : ….
- 11:40:19 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Where is the money? Here is a display of All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization
- 11:40:30 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : hm? ROBERT, I think this needs to be corrected to John
- 11:40:49 From: Jane : Right on Katherine!
- 11:41:16 From: Yasmina Groenstein : @LeoJakovy -Thank you! :)
- 11:41:27 From: Jane : Love the specifics ...thanks for this Katherine.
- 11:42:04 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Stan - not sure that link works….
- 11:42:13 From: Leo Jacoby : From: relying on fixing, healing & redistributing
to getting it right in the first place
- 11:42:16 From: Diane Skidmore : Wonderful. We CANNOT keep growing. This is sooo good!!
- 11:42:35 From: Jane : and changes in consciousness
- 11:42:51 From: Kurt Krueger : The growing issue is POPULATION!
- 11:43:09 From: Nirmalan Dhas : All that is required is a REDEFINITION of GROWTH
- 11:43:10 From: Diane Skidmore : Totally - all hands on deck!! Really quickly too - each individual person be responsible!!
- 11:43:18 From: Jane : personal consciousness right up to those in positions of leadership.
- 11:43:23 From: Leo Jacoby : Macro-level (landscape)
Meso-level (regimes) Micro-level (niches)
- 11:43:35 From: Diane Skidmore : @Jane Well said xxx
- 11:43:37 From: Michelle Kidd : YES. YES. YES Keep Calm and Set New Goals ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
- 11:43:41 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Full cost accounting - ha working on that for a LONGGGKGGG time
- 11:44:02 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Kathryn - that's odd, I just clicked on it and it worked.
- 11:44:14 From: Jane : I hear you Kathryn.
- 11:44:53 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Stan - sorry it did work after I put that up…
- 11:45:14 From: Diane Skidmore : Feels like it's non-economic activities that have kept us going through the last events
- 11:45:21 From: Shannon McArthur : Neighbours working together on growing food for their families, friends, and suppliers - take our power into our own hands
- 11:45:24 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Hazel Henderson brought that years ago!
- 11:45:28 From: Leo Jacoby : "Getting the economy to do mo re of the heavy lifting
Via predistribution, foundational economy, full cost accounting, etc. "
- 11:45:53 From: Diane Skidmore : @Shannon yes
- 11:46:26 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : @Kathryn - here is where the link I posted came From::
- 11:46:28 From: Jane : Thanks for theses examples Katherine.
- 11:46:58 From: Diane Skidmore : Grrrr housing greed - old way. co-housing - great - share the washing machine
- 11:47:41 From: Amanda Janoo : Here is a full list of the old way vs. new way:
- 11:47:49 From: Diane Skidmore : All these positive changes in one package - AMAZING!!
- 11:47:50 From: Amanda Janoo : Have a look and contribute your ideas!
- 11:48:00 From: Michelle Kidd : I live in Social housing the Energy Efficiency is 62%. I am discussing this theme with my Local Housing Authority
- 11:48:07 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : we could have a week with Katherine and Marilyn, so much here!
- 11:48:10 From: Jane : getting closer and closer to robotics replacing humanity.
- 11:48:36 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @Victoria - I would love to spend week with Kathering
- 11:49:08 From: Leo Jacoby : Homes & housing
From:: • Uninsulated & energy inefficient • Rationed by price • Used as investment devices by rentiers TO...
Work, in-work poverty & earnings From:: • In-work tax credits • Large gaps between highest & lowest paid • Specialization & atomization • Workers 'just in time inventory' & a cost to be reduced TO: • Workers treated as human beings • Purposeful jobs, tasks shared, autonomy devolved, scope to follow through • Work shared = equality & time for other activities • Workers owning the business = share of value they create • Wages better reflect social value + lower ratio between highest & lowest paid
- 11:49:13 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : I’ll vote for that and add Rieke Coron
- 11:49:20 From: Jane : Agree Victoria
- 11:49:41 From: Jane : Let in the light...
- 11:49:50 From: Diane Skidmore : @Marilyn - can you arrange it? would it be an idea for Jim and Edouard to help? And Rieke hahaha
- 11:50:01 From: Kurt Krueger : How about memes to get the point across in Social Media? Little prompts - pointing a new way…
- 11:50:08 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Leo - thank you!!!!
- 11:50:08 From: Leo Jacoby : Mindsets
From:: • There is no alternative to business as usual To: • Thousands of alternatives exist • It's in our power to design economies differently • Economies should have human & environmental wellbeing as their goal
- 11:50:35 From: Jane : Islay?
- 11:50:46 From: Nirmalan Dhas : A lot of this sounds as though it is coming From: another world….it is NOT the reality here
- 11:50:53 From: Diane Skidmore : Amazing again!!! Gosh!!! Washing machines and swimming pool - shared!!!
- 11:51:41 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : industrial ecologies require lots of per planning to be efficient
- 11:52:01 From: Diane Skidmore : @nirmalan - no it's not here either but - seeds of improvement - have to start somewhere. We just need to share the ideas
- 11:52:03 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @Di - yes I will talk to Jim and Eduard - Rieke, Katherine, Marilyn ... and we didn't get to hear yday From: Kristian and common good - probably another fit???
- 11:52:27 From: Jane : Hear you Nirmalan....perhaps theses examples are simply a couple of examples of what can be achieved.
- 11:52:36 From: Leo Jacoby : CORE ELEMENTS
We all need... CONNECTION A sense of belonginq and institutions that serve the common good We all need... FAIRNESS Justice in all its dimensions at the heart of economic systems, and the gap between the richest and poorest greatly reduced We all need... PARTICIPATION Citizens are actively engaged in their communitites and locally rooted economies We all need... NATURE A restored and safe natural world for life We all need... DIGNITY Everyone his enough to live in comfort, safety and happiness
- 11:53:06 From: Diane Skidmore : Gosh - tears - we really WILL make a difference. Laughter as well 'a lot of women' hahaha
- 11:53:11 From: Jane : "chink of light"
- 11:53:47 From: Diane Skidmore : @Jane - a whole beam here :D
- 11:54:17 From: Diane Skidmore : Collaboration. Yes, we'll do it together!!
- 11:54:24 From: Jane : YES Diane the beam is here too!
- 11:55:00 From: Diane Skidmore : Oh gosh LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
- 11:56:26 From: Beth Brownfield : Leo thank you for the notes! What is the link to WEGO?
- 11:56:54 From: Marilyn Hamilton :
- 11:56:56 From: Diane Skidmore : Gosh Georg - could we have this talk please? We can shower our governments with REAL STUFF!!
- 11:56:58 From: Amanda Janoo :
- 11:57:12 From: Kurt Krueger : Yes. "You and I are also news stations. You and I are also reporting on what’s going on in the world. Like the TV executives behind the scenes, we also get to decide what stories to tell — even on the street when a friend asks us how we’re doing. That is our moment of truth. That is our broadcast. That is our time to choose.
"Will our stories be local versions of the nightly news, always skewed to what’s bad and wrong, full of gossip, worry, and complaint? Or will we choose to share a new kind of story — one infused with possibility, progress, insight, awareness, and hope?" ~ Mitch Ditkoff
What say you? How are you broadcasting your “news�
- 11:57:16 From: MALINI Rajendran : @nirmalan.agree we need to work From: an acceptance that many different worlds exist within a country, within a business environment and within the socioeconomic structure of a country. a solution needs to be customised to meet the needs and challenges of each of these micro world's within the outer larger world of a country.
- 11:57:53 From: Leo Jacoby : Economic System Change
• Narrative and Knowledge (roots) feeding the Power Base (trunk)
- 11:57:55 From: Larry : Does anyone know how to get this to AOC?
- 11:58:04 From: Jane : Yes Katherine...round up whoever is 'on side' and leave the other s behind, and move forward.
- 11:58:11 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : going against the system came up yesterday too. how many lonely innovators are out there who need support?
- 11:58:26 From: Diane Skidmore : @Kurt - every time I open my mouth, I spread the word. Loads of emails too
- 11:58:37 From: Diane Skidmore : We're living the change!!!
- 11:59:03 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Changing the economy could be accomplished by taxing the transactions of derivatives. That's where the money is. See the bottom layer of this graphic:
- 11:59:07 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Kurt - nice
- 11:59:15 From: Jane : PLUS FUN....Bonus!
- 11:59:46 From: Giovanni Scotto : Thank you KAtherine !!
- 11:59:46 From: Jane : So refreshing! thank you Katherine.
- 11:59:51 From: Carlos Prosser : S hiny Katherine, precise and funny
- 11:59:56 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : lots and lots and lots of applause!!!
- 12:00:06 From: Diane Skidmore : Thank you Katherine. That was great!!
- 12:00:09 From: Paul Coleman : Excellent/ Thank you Katherine
- 12:00:20 From: Yasmina Groenstein : @Katherine thank you! inspiring yes! need to leave :(
- 12:00:36 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @katherinetrebeck - inspiring presentation - would love to connect
- 12:00:46 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : Katherine, you are brilliant and quite wonderul! Thanlk you!
- 12:01:05 From: Yasmina Groenstein : ðŸ™â¤ to all and each of you beautiful ones!
- 12:01:24 From: Roslyn Scheuerman Scheuerman : Katherine reminds me so much of Elizabeth Kucinich, former US Congressman Dennis Kucinich's wife From: the UK. Are they related?
- 12:01:50 From: Jane : Yes good question....why didn't it spread?
- 12:01:55 From: Leo Jacoby :
Never forget. setbacks are merely temporary...
EQUALITY (racial, women, disability, gay, et al) ACCEPTABLE OFFENSIVE ILLEGAL RIDICULOUS
- 12:02:27 From: Carlos Prosser : We hate Chicago Boys experiment in our country, a big failure.
- 12:02:59 From: Paul Coleman : Chile is only now coming to deal with the coup and the neo liberalism that followed. hence ast years huge civil movement.
- 12:03:24 From: Diane Skidmore : Wow!! Just remove the government altogether - that's really radical!!! Brill!!
- 12:03:37 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : and look what happened to him! so many fear, correctly, being on the edge. I think a basic goal would be to support those people on the edge
- 12:03:59 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Tickle-down HA!
- 12:05:28 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Here's a great explanation of how the economy and the US government were hijacked: The book that reveals the most important environmental and legal blockages to democracy is Ben G. Price's "How Wealth Rules the World"
- 12:06:06 From: Carlos Prosser : sooner than later we will finish dismantling the infamous experiment carried out with the complicity and corruption of the dictator thief Pinochet. The logic of abuse with nature, indigenous peoples and the people went too far
- 12:07:00 From: Paul Coleman : @Carlos: Yes. In deed.
- 12:08:57 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Ed: I HOPE only is losing, not lost its democracy. Vamos a ver!
- 12:09:27 From: MALINI Rajendran : alternate economy that will value the skills talents and needs of its local populations.
2. An alternate economy that will ensure everyone's basic needs in the community are met. food, clothing, a house with basic amenities. 3. An alternate economy that ensures every citizen is gainfully or meaningfully employed. 4. An alternate economy that does not treat education, healthcare, spiritual growth and happiness as a moneymaking business and mulch cow. Any one up for the challenge to rock the boat. let's do one small community, town, village , at a time. the sum of the parts will always be greater than the whole.
- 12:10:30 From: Jane : Love that Malini!
- 12:*11:52 From: Jane : Yes Bhutan was alone at first when they implemented.
- 12:*11:54 From: Diane Skidmore : Amazing Malini! A package. wonderful
- 12:13:05 From: Jane : And every step that Bhtuan took was very gradual and measured.
- 12:13:54 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : WOW not see the benefits in our terms…. THAT is service!
- 12:14:14 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Katherine, yes, it is about taking care what is presenting while educating/reframing/re-aligning the causes that lead i.e. to mental health, which is so multi-layered.
- 12:14:18 From: Diane Skidmore : @Malini? Rock the boat one small community at a time or maybe one person at a time? Teaching that every person is able to make change - take responsibility for every move they make. Change will happen. One step at a time.
- 12:14:45 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Yes, I was thinking the environment should be in the center
- 12:15:56 From: Jane : Yes,support these postive initiatives.
- 12:16:24 From: MALINI Rajendran : Jim would it be possible to have someone a local person From: Bhutan make a presentation about what they are doing there.
- 12:16:48 From: Jane : Yes would love that Malini.
- 12:18:32 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Who is creating the INDEX or directory of global wellbeing organizations?
- 12:18:49 From: Diane Skidmore : Gosh!! A Wellbeing Economy Design Guide book - sooo much is going on in the world - imagine all the people who know nothing of all this. So important these conversations - so big to share them!!
- 12:18:53 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Part of that is ensuring that individual people have a sense of purpose - something other than shopping.
- 12:19:04 From: Leo Jacoby : SOME LINKS TO EDUARD Regenerative development as natural solution for ...
- 12:19:26 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Oh Leo - Thank YOU!!
- 12:19:30 From: MALINI Rajendran : @stan. Good question. also what are the index parameters and who's perspective is driving it.
- 12:19:46 From: Jane : Right, so important to Listen.
- 12:20:08 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Partnership !
- 12:20:38 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : I correspond wth Anthony Judge who for many years has edited the Encyclopedia Of World Problems. Now we need a well indexed encyclopedia of world solutions.
- 12:21:05 From: Jane : Yes and education.
- 12:21:06 From: Diane Skidmore : @Stanley Yes!!!
- 12:21:40 From: Jane : you got it Eduard.
- 12:21:47 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Stanley Yes! There’s your next challenge. Humanity Rising gives you a real head start!
- 12:22:01 From: Kurt Krueger : Stories/Plays, get to the most in manful ways. Cooperation, collaboration,
- 12:22:17 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : There was a presenter earlier that is also working on that.
- 12:22:17 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : How to persuade people to collaberate?
- 12:22:24 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Ed, @Amanda, how can we, as individuals who have the interdisciplinary knowledge and experience join you, in this reform of consciousness and forward planning?
- 12:22:38 From: Jane : Especially those in education that are in positions of leadership and or power.
- 12:22:38 From: Diane Skidmore : Phew!! So - a programme that goes out on Netflix and the BBC and loads of international news stations
- 12:22:49 From: Kurt Krueger : There are Living Values: The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated From: these.
Developing quality Character traits is vitally important for all levels of society. When will this be emphasized?
There is one program, that has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee Camp within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a program for street people - similar results!
An awesomely effective PARENTING book is: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect by Diane Tillman.
- 12:23:05 From: Nirmalan Dhas : I think it will be very interesting to ask people at the bottom most layer of the civilizational pyramid how they want to spend their lives, We could then figure out what they would need to be able to live the lives they wish to live and we could then find ways to see that they have access to the various types of resources that they will require to live the lives they want to…
- 12:23:42 From: Kurt Krueger : All parents teach their children to be peaceful, yet all the children see on media is violence… etc.
- 12:24:25 From: MALINI Rajendran : @nirmalan. unfortunately much that I worked against it. Maslow's hierarchy always fits.
- 12:24:28 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Katherine - working with Kate Raworth?
- 12:25:03 From: Amanda Janoo : Hi Kathryn, yes! Kate Raworth is also one of WEALL’s ambassadors and original founders :)
- 12:25:07 From: Jane : Yes Kurt. Have trained with dianne T. and brought L.V. to a number of countries but it couldn't be sustained oor introduced because of those in positions of ledership.
- 12:25:23 From: Jane : leadership
- 12:25:26 From: Carlos Prosser :
In recent years there has been a dictatorship of the idea that "you must grow, that growth is the solution." We need to unlearn that gigantic mistake and learn From: these 3 new visions of well being and regenerative donut economics
- 12:25:53 From: Paul Coleman : The education is backward. The university is the elementary school where simplicity opens eyes and minds. University is the place where complexity comes in and boxes are built.
- 12:26:13 From: Kurt Krueger : History classes can have a more improved, supportive focus rather than supporting the elite ideas of Separation and control, rather than collaboration and cooperation.
- 12:26:22 From: Leo Jacoby : University departments as silos
- 12:26:27 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Eduard, the unlearning I believe can also be supported via mentorship so that the new can be supported and enhanced.
- 12:26:45 From: Jane : So it is not always about introducing a particular programme but more abour changing the 'consciousness.
- 12:26:55 From: Jane : about
- 12:26:59 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Eduard YES the silos…creating courses that integrate. I did that using entreprenuresip
- 12:27:11 From: Diane Skidmore : @Edouard - that's why we're building an alternative way of living - it isn't easy!!
- 12:27:30 From: MALINI Rajendran : vertical curriculum needs to be made operational. yes it will mean retracing the teachers and educators. but it's easy to do. and anyone wanting to have my charts, lesson plans, and concepts. but it will be primarily local systems and needs based.
- 12:27:40 From: Diane Skidmore : And thank you - include spiritual
- 12:27:43 From: Kurt Krueger : History includes and should express the ideals of all life. Look to the heart of all matters.
- 12:28:02 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Throw away university economics and look to a physician to examine how money works: The author, Jacques S. Jaikaran, M.D. offers a very good defense of Modern Monetary Theory in his book "Debt Virus." See page 168, where the author states plainly that "What we need to solve our cyclical problems such as inflation and recession is a metered amount of debt-free money injected into the economy. This money will compensate for the continuous withdrawal of money From: the economy by the private sector debt service on its borrowings."
- 12:28:41 From: Shannon McArthur : @Stan - that could be SEEDS, right?
- 12:28:41 From: Beth Brownfield : what is link to WEALL?
- 12:29:03 From: Paul Coleman :
- 12:30:08 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @amanda - love the idea of catalysing self-organizing emergence with WEALL
- 12:30:56 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Dear Chat PEOPLE, panelists, too
Humanity Rising is better every day! Wonderful: Wellbeing!!!... Please join us. Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting 30 minutes after this session closes. Please write to me if you would like to participate (even if you can't join us today) I have also created an email list for us to interact without being on at the same time.
- 12:30:56 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : YES visioning!
- 12:31:23 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Amanda: beautiful, thank you!
- 12:31:30 From: Amanda Janoo :
- 12:31:43 From: Amanda Janoo : Here is the we all citizens platform
- 12:31:45 From: Leo Jacoby : Vision related to a region -- where people belong
- 12:31:45 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Marilyn - visioning with a city. I’ve been struggling to get the neighborhoods to vision....
- 12:32:55 From: Amanda Janoo : Here is a link to becoming a member:
- 12:33:21 From: L M : Change the term “silos†to “treesâ€; inanimate to animate. Trees communicate underground with each other, silos not so much...
- 12:33:36 From: Shannon McArthur : that’s why they are silos
- 12:33:43 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @Kathryn -- ah yes ... visioning is an iterative emergent process ... but many of the WEALL themes being discussed here - can be used to create "coupled" pathways to a vision ... eg. Economics & Environment ; Health & Community; Education & Culture (or any combinations)
- 12:33:44 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @LM :-)
- 12:33:58 From: Amanda Janoo : Ooo, love that silos —> trees or… perhaps silos —> roots of a tree
- 12:34:01 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Mr T does crisis very well...
- 12:34:25 From: Carlos Prosser :
In Chile right and center left they were complicit in the maintenance of the neoliberal model and the most important universities surrendered to that logic and still teach with the dogma of growth and no environmental and social limits for the concentration of wealth
- 12:34:28 From: Amanda Janoo : Here is the link if you’re interested in starting a hub a WEALL hub:
- 12:34:29 From: L M : Silo is a term created by economics to dehumanize.
- 12:34:37 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Marilyn - food for our coming conversation.
- 12:34:44 From: Kurt Krueger : Do you have memes or other communication images to get the point across in Social Media? Little prompts - pointing a new way… Education for the “digitals.â€
- 12:34:54 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Neoliberal = ultra conservative. The terms is intentionally misleading. It has NOTHING to do with Liberal politics.
- 12:35:37 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Jim, thank you for saying this.
- 12:36:02 From: MALINI Rajendran : That's why wars, riots and now biological warfare were started.
but this time round, the comming together and meeting of like-minded hearts and minds has happend on an unprecedented level , like never before. thank you social distancing.
- 12:36:10 From: Jane : And russia.
- 12:36:31 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : Yes, Jim and that is what is so very concerning!
- 12:36:35 From: Kurt Krueger : Man without vision shall perish. Keep the VISION - focusing on what we want and we get to the moon! OR a Regenerative planet in a Loving Society. :)
- 12:36:59 From: Jane : along with U.s and China
- 12:37:42 From: Leo Jacoby :
- 12:38:00 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : Yes, Jim!!!!
- 12:38:14 From: Jane : For sure Jim...real threat is to Democracy
- 12:38:19 From: Gabriela Valenzuela-Hirsch : Thank you Jim….for this words!
- 12:38:19 From: Diane Skidmore : So - it feels like the way to spread new ideas is - on the street. aim for street level so as to include ALL people!! We need to spread the beams of light across all people - ordinary people!!
- 12:38:42 From: Amanda Janoo : Any major burning final questions?
- 12:39:17 From: Jane : The 'Path Less traveled" is the way.
- 12:39:27 From: Diane Skidmore : So, even if the 'powers that be' try to annihilate the brave - the ordinary people will already have been given the light!!
- 12:39:34 From: Leo Jacoby : "You make the path by walking." Friere (but what if path is overgrown or wrong path?)
- 12:40:15 From: Kurt Krueger : Prime Minister of Bhutan gave an outstanding TedTalk. Check it out.
- 12:40:23 From: MALINI Rajendran : Democracy is itself a threat when it's about electing a leader which is often based on false information and manipulated opinions. what democracy needs is electing what's good of the whole.
- 12:40:37 From: Jude Asphar : some examples of the embedded patriarchal model that goes almost unnoticed and is a crucial piece of the present and future puzzle that needs more immediate recognition —
- 12:40:39 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Leo - personal integrity and connection to Spirit are the answers.
- 12:40:40 From: Jane : Amanda, Examples specifically on shifting the consciousness of Leaders in education.
- 12:42:01 From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson : Here’s the link for a “politics of Truth†
- 12:42:17 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Malini - Yes I think we are seeing the limits of democracy. One big piece is that there was an inherent need to assume all players were of food intent. We are seeing how destructive it can be for one person to not play by the rules.
- 12:42:37 From: Kurt Krueger : @AJ, I’d love to talk with you about instigating/expanding this exposure… :)
- 12:43:16 From: Leo Jacoby : @Kathryn Alexander Thank you for your messages.
- 12:43:50 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Leo - thank you!!!
- 12:44:13 From: Kurt Krueger : Enjoy Cooperative Games with your teams. If you would like some, I could help. :)
- 12:45:07 From: Jude Asphar : and in Scotland — Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk is doing important work on behalf of children, women, families — the heart of the doughnut or the surrounding of the indigenous doughnut — what shapes one human being shapes society— and what shapes the brain in the first years of course is crucial…so this a piece that is pivotal to the big picture — and you are all amazing — Katherine, Amanda, Eduard — and you Jim — thank you From: the deepest place —
- 12:45:31 From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz : Ed: Yes, What a truly powerful session. thank you all!
- 12:47:10 From: Jane : Huge thanks to you all...panelists and participants in this wonderful tribe.
- 12:47:39 From: Liliane Mavridara : @Jane, please connect with me on Ubiverse, I don't know your last name. Thank you.
- 12:48:02 From: Diane Skidmore : We still need the pandemic as we're still putting forward ideas. The time has come yes. Now we need to share the ideas as far (and as fast) as we can. Then the changes that are in the air will have a direction. Our ideas here are amazing. Let's push them out to the world.
- 12:48:08 From: Shannon McArthur : empowering the youth with hope is the only way to enable them to bounce forward.
- 12:48:19 From: Shannon McArthur : Going forward there shall be Peace
- 12:48:40 From: Shannon McArthur : Mother Earth gave me Her promise but it can only be true if You share it too
- 12:48:53 From: CJ : I hear you @Ed! When I talk to my community about this new arising, the reawakening of the heart space and moving forward, they laugh and ask how is this going to benefit the community! What???
- 12:49:04 From: Teo John : We are consciously evolving as a collective and transforming our consciousness...
- 12:49:22 From: MALINI Rajendran : Let's learn From: nature. From: the soil microbes to the grasses the herbs and the big tress every one has a place and value. that's what is needed.
- 12:49:27 From: Diane Skidmore : Big thanks to the speakers and to Mother Nature herself and to all the people who listen and live the new way to the best of their ability
- 12:49:28 From: Jane : Liliane, would love to connect after this today but have another meeting. will send you an email.
- 12:49:29 From: L-J Cote : I agree Eduard, what is being cried out for now is hope as I have been seeing greater decent into hopelessness and anger. This has been uplifting Thank you all for providing that light and hope
- 12:49:33 From: Doreen Tanenbaum : Thank you All for such a great presentation that I will pass on
- 12:49:57 From: Shannon McArthur : let the Earth speak to you. She has been trying all your life…
- 12:50:22 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Shannon - Yes
- 12:50:32 From: Jane : I hope so Jim.
- 12:50:49 From: Doreen Tanenbaum : yes, Jim….I see the light also.
- 12:51:34 From: Shannon McArthur : The bright lights we hear here are so very encouraging. Thank you Jim, for all you do and all you inspire - you sparkle REAL bright!
- 12:51:39 From: L M : The momentum is building!!
- 12:51:47 From: Diane Skidmore : Yes!!! Change is happening!! Isn't it wonderful!!
- 12:51:51 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Jim - Yes!!!
- 12:51:56 From: Teo John : Thanks for all the sharing, reflection, and sensing into what want to emerge....
- 12:52:21 From: Jane : like the energizer bunny!
- 12:52:46 From: Marilyn Hamilton : @KatherineTrebk and @Eduard - I agree making visible the emergence of the new systems and wellbeing capacities is vital work - it is part of the mycelial meshworks
- 12:52:50 From: Shannon McArthur : It is not wrong to start a Bright and Beautiful New World From: the SEEDS of a Ubiquity University.
- 12:52:56 From: Shauna Evans : Thank You All for the blessing provided in this growing body of wisdom and compassionate cooperation
- 12:53:21 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : We need a categorized index to the resources brought forth by humanity rising.
- 12:53:44 From: Shannon McArthur : yes, @Stan. It is your calling, I believe.
- 12:53:52 From: Carlos Prosser : One single Planetary Network
- 12:54:26 From: Doreen Tanenbaum : of course…they will
- 12:54:29 From: Michelle Massi : America has never been a democracy it is a Republic , like and unlike Rome except for this ,â€We the people“, Time for we the people ,its time has come to be that….United …Rebel ar
- 12:54:30 From: Shannon McArthur : the death struggles are in process
- 12:54:45 From: Paul Coleman : It is striking back already and yes we have to be aware and active.
- 12:54:48 From: Jane : Malini, are you aware of the new S.E.E. cuurriculum paunched in India?
- 12:55:00 From: Jane : launched
- 12:55:03 From: Carlos Prosser : The biggest coalition of radical colaboration
- 12:55:28 From: Shannon McArthur : we ARE the butterfly /phoenix /dragon rising From: the ashes
- 12:55:38 From: Stanley Pokras Pokras : Collaboration via please help fill it up.
- 12:55:40 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : We are moving into the Age of Aquarius and this stands for community and collaberation.
- 12:56:00 From: Jane : Laughter, love it!
- 12:56:03 From: Diane Skidmore : You're actually doing what Paul Hawken said - and you're even using the same pictures - "The Empire Strikes Back" fits perfectly with his intro that the list of organisations that were running in the style of Star Wars!! Amazing.
- 12:56:24 From: Gabriela Valenzuela-Hirsch : Muchas Gracias everyone! Totally grateful for such inspiration! Sending everyone love and light! “WeALL Yeah!†“REVEL ARMY TOGETHERâ€
- 12:56:24 From: Doreen Tanenbaum : I agree Jim but we need to promote more by putting together short information clips to send to people outside Ubiverse platform
- 12:56:26 From: Liliane Mavridara : Thank you All!!!!!! <3
- 12:56:28 From: Katina Hernandez : Thank you all!
- 12:56:32 From: SUZANNAH BEECHWOOD-HUNT : Eaxactly, Diane
- 12:56:42 From: Roslyn Scheuerman Scheuerman : Thank you - awesome!
- 12:56:43 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : love you all!
- 12:56:44 From: Shannon McArthur : beautiful people & presentaationns
- 12:56:53 From: Jen Forti : Thanks everyone! Keep on shining <3
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