Brian Swimme - Evolutionary Cosmology

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Brian Thomas Swimme is a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, in San Francisco, where he teaches evolutionary cosmology to graduate students in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program.

Swimme's published work portrays the 14-billion-year trajectory of cosmogenesis "as a spellbinding drama, full of suspense, valor, tragedy, and celebration". His work includes The Universe is a Green Dragon (1984), The Universe Story, written with Thomas Berry (1992), The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos (1996), and The Journey of the Universe, written with Mary Evelyn Tucker (2011). Swimme is the producer of three DVD series: Canticle to the Cosmos (1990), The Earth's Imagination (1998), and The Powers of the Universe (2004). Swimme teamed with Mary Evelyn Tucker, David Kennard, Patsy Northcutt, and Catherine Butler to produce Journey of the Universe, a Northern California Emmy-winning film released in 2011. These works draw together scientific discoveries in astronomy, geology and biology, with humanistic insights concerning the nature of the universe.
- Wikipedia


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