Action Dialogue Group
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Action Dialogue builds on the work of the late David Bohm. Bohm, a quantum physicist who turned to philosophy and social psychology to make sense of his life and scientific findings, proposed a form of conversation called Dialogue. Dialogue brings coherence to those who practice it.
- In Dialogue we suspend judgement to allow the free flow of ideas.
- New insights emerge as people begin to think deeply together, reflecting, inquiring into assumptions and getting to the roots of issues.
- Dialogue promotes ‘shared leadership.’
- All participants take responsibility for their experience.
See Also
- Bohm Dialogue
- D&D Climate Action Network
- The Dialogue Group: Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation
Linda Ellinor is a visionary leader, facilitator, and organization development consultant with over 30+ years of experience in the corporate, non-profit, and small-business sector. She is best known for her pioneering work training facilitators in Bohm Dialogue.
- About-Problem Solving (14)
- Does-Capacity Building (16)
- Does-Consulting (25)
- Does-Customized Training (10)
- Does-Facilitation (23)
- Does-Leadership Development (16)
- Does-Management Consulting (15)
- Does-Networking (48)
- Does-Organizational Development (9)
- Does-Professional Training & Consulting (14)
- Is-Consultant (43)
- Is-Facilitation Method (14)
- Is-Member Of-Larry Victor's Friends (14)
- Is-Network (67)
- Is-Participatory Method (4)
- Issue-Bohm Dialogue (4)
- Issue-Dialogue (13)
- Issue-Diversity (20)
- Issue-Empowerment (26)
- Issue-Facilitation (60)
- Issue-Leadership (96)
- Issue-Social Change (78)
- Issue-Sustainability (184)
- Serves-Businesses (35)
- Serves-Communities (26)
- Serves-Neighborhood Organizations (9)
- Serves-Nonprofit Organizations (30)
- Serves-Organizations (20)
- Serves-Planet Earth (183)
- Serves-Social Change Groups (12)
- Serves-Universities (12)
- Teaches-Communication Skills (15)
- Teaches-Facilitation (18)
- Teaches-Leadership (20)
- Teaches-Meeting Facilitation (11)