List of Humanity Rising Day Pages
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- List of Humanity Rising Partners
- All Humanity Rising Presenters
- Chat Action Deep Dive Sessions
- Jim's Nuggets - Transcriptions of Jim Garrison's Humanity Rising editorial talks starting September 2023 (sorted new to old)
- The Masters In Regenerative Action (MRA) open house 7 7 21 Recording and Chat
- See the alphabetical list of all Humanity Rising presenters
- The ChatAction Deep Dive Sessions
How to Access the live Zoom After Chat
- An informal conversational gathering at the conclusion of the main program
- Usually starts around 9:30 AM Pacific time (12:30 PM Eastern)
- Zoom Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 91954
May 2020 - Days 001 to 010
- Fri 5/22/2020 Day001 Global Summit Establishing The Power Of Women In The World
- Day002 How Indigenous Women Are Finding Solutions To Climate Change And The Pandemic
- Day003 Community, Creativity And Spirituality Rebelieving Our World
- Day004 Courage And Compassion In Collaboration : Creating Resilient, Creative And Diverse Circles Of Change
- (a gathering of Warrior Goddess women)
- Day005 Codes For A Healthy Earth- Governance For Whole Systems Health
- Day006 Women Entrepreneurs Amplifying The Feminine Spirit
- Day007 Transforming The Pandemic Crisis Into An Opportunity
- Day008 Future Is Origin YINVEST In Systematic Healing For A New Prosperous Earth
- What Does Successful Investing Look Like? Can We Measure Its Success?
- Day009 A Living Room Conversation
- Anita Sanchez describes her book The Four Sacred Gifts
- Day010 Poetry Of Human Rights
- No video recording for this session
June 2020 - Days 011 to 040
- Day011 Youth Green Business - Future Capitalism And Planet *
- Day012 Personal Empowerment And Leadership In Times Of Crisis *
- Day013 Shaping A Safer Tomorrow - Their MBA Journey *
- Day014 From Anxiety To Agency - How Do We Inspire Change In Time Of Crisis *
- Day015 Leadership, Entrepreneurship And A World Beyond Covid19 *
- Day016 Education And Integral Wisdom *
- Day017 Next Gen Week Shaping The Future Together *
- Day018 Charles Eisenstein- The Pandemic, George Floyd And The World To Come *
- Day019 Whole System Change *
- Day020 Whole System Change| Day 2 *
- Day021 Interconnecting The Elements Of Global Transformation *
- Day022 Behaviour Change At Scale *
- Day023 Radical Collaboration *
- Day024 Personal Resilience *
- Day025 Communities For Change *
- Day026 Social Movements *
- Day027 Dialogue With Vandana Shiva *
- Day028 Strategies For New Business *
- Day029 Crowdsourcing And Regenerative Business *
- Day030 Dialogue With Rollin McCraty on Global Coherence *
- Day031 Feeding The Soul *
- Day032 UN Unity Week *
- Day033 New Approaches To Global Challenges Reforming The Global System , Dealing With Climate Living With Microbes *
- Day034 Global Planet Authority *
- Day035 Money Still Rules The World- Move Your Money And Start Making Demands *
- Day036 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals *
- Day037 Weaving Community In A Fragmented World- Inspirations And Challenges From The Global Ecovillage Network *
- Day038 Dialogue With Jean Houston *
- Day039 Scaffolding: Helping To Support A New Paradigm In Its Becoming *
- Day040 The New Art Economy - The New Art For Humanity Rising *
July 2020 - Days 041 to 071
- Day041 How A World View Can Empower Transformational Change *
- Day042 Dialogue With Elisabet Sahtouris *
- Day043 The Home For Humanity Story: The Artisry Of Integral Worldmaking *
- Day044 Co Creating A Culture Of Love And Wisdom *
- Day045 The Birth Of The Leo-Aquarius Age And The Forging Of The Leonine Human *
- Day046 Beyond Neo Liberalism: The Dawn Of A New Civilization *
- (About Doctrine of Discovery)
- Day047 Reconsidering Leadership: Unlearning And Providing For A More Equitable Emerging Future *
- Day048 Spirituality In Times Of Dis-Ease: How To Move From Sorrow To Strength *
- Day049 The Solutions To The Worlds Problems Already Exist: Now What? *
- Day050 Dreaming Our World
- Day051 Education For A New World *
- Day052 Social Entrepreneurship
- Day053 Centers Of Light A Vital Catalyst
- Day054 Lessons From The French Revolution
- Day055 Energy Work At Scale
- Day056 Healthy Human Habitats
- Day057 People Planet Purpose Or Prophet? Is Sustainability Spirituality And Whos Listening To Nature
- Day058 UP Leveling With Members Of The Curiosity Generation. The First Generation Not Definedby Age
- Day059 Artivism Race And The Environment
- Day060 Connecting The Dots
- Day061 Transformations In Learning In A VUCA ( Volitile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambigous ) World
- Day062 Transpersonal Contribution To Human Evolution
- Day063 Embracing Doughnut And Regenerative Economics As A Pathway To A Better Future
- Day064 Fundamentals Of Doughnut Economics
- Day065 Cities That Are Applying The Doughnut Economic Approach
- Day066 Alternative Economic Systems
- Day067 Innovative Approaches To Regenerative Economics
- (Rieke Cordon - Seeds Library) (Marilyn Hamilton - Cities)
- Day068 Wellbeing Economy Alliance
- Day069 Bouncing Beyond
- Day070 Dialogue With Thomas Hubl
- Day071 From Value Chains & Circular Economies To System Value Cycles
- r3.0’s Value Cycles Blueprints
August 2020 - Days 072 to 083
- Day072 Mindsets For Change How Conscious Leaders Design Meaningful Action Towards A Vital World
- Day073 Voices From The Elders
- Day074 Creating Sustainable Brands
- Day075 Developing Personal Empowerment In A Time Of COVID
- Day076 Practicing Pause Post Covid19
- Day077 Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy: Commemorating The 75th Anniversary Of Hiroshima
- Day078 Concious Leadership
- Day079 8:8 Star Lion Gate Sacred Fire For Global Peace
- Day080 Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy - 75th Anniversary Of Nagasaki
- Day081 Science As A Radical Collabrative Endeavor
- Day082 A Crucial Time Of Choice - Healing Humanity; Healing The Earth
- (...when, where and how the masculine and feminine archetypes became separated and why this matters)
- Day083 Nextgen 2030: Integral Actions For Everyday Life
September 2020 - Days 084 to 106
- Day084 Our Moment Of Choice
- Evolutionary Visions: Authors, including Jean Houston
- Day085 Primal Spirituality: A Dialogue With David Karchere
- Day086 Love, Trauma And The Alchemy Of Transformation
- Day087 Deep Human Super-Skills In A Brave New World: Understanding The Importance Of Adaptive Resilience
- Day088 Mindsets For Change: Conscious Leaders Innovating For A Better Future
- Day089 Netherlands Rising. Reinforce Humanity, Help Your Country Rise
- Day090 How Does Medicine Need To Evolve?
- Day091 Conscious Evolution - From Contemplation To Action
- Day092 Breaking Binaries -- From Gender Rigid To Gender Expansive
- Day093 Transform Yourself. Transform The World: A Panel Presentation From Naropa University
- Day094 Creating Coherence Through Music And The Arts
- Kathleen Riley visited the ChatPeople today
- Day095 Stop The Global Warming And Use The Heat
- Day096 The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research And Its Implications
- Telepathy
- Day097 Harmony Of The Cosmos: What Pythagoras And Hildegard Von Bingen Can Teach Us In The Time Of Global Pandemic
- Kayleen Asbo joined us briefly in the After Chat
- Day098 Dialogue With Riane Eisler
- Author: The Chalice and The Blade and President of the Center for Partnership Studies
- Day099 International| Day Of Peace — Youth From Around The World Come Together
- In the AfterChat, Lesley introduces herself; and... Heather sings her song "All Together, All The Time"
- Day100 The Rise Of The Green Swans
- "Green Swans" = solutions that take us exponentially toward breakthrough.
- Day101 The One And The Many
- Day102 The Future Of Business: Humanistic Management And Regenerative Economics
- Day103 Climate Change, Public Health And Litigation
- Day104 Donald Trump And The Upcoming US Election
- Day105 Mindsets For Change Stopping The Next Pandemic
- Day106 Dialogue With Johnathan Poirritt
October 2020 - Days 107 to 127
- Day107 Radical Regeneration: A Dialogue With Andrew Harvey And Caroline Baker
- Day108 Systems Design For A World With A Future
- Day109 From Kailash To Davos, Planetary Pilgrimage For Protopia
- Day110 The Planet Has No Party Line
- Day111 Through Our Dark Night To A New| Day: Our Social And Spiritual Journey In A
- Day112 Integral Transpersonal Education
- Day113 Femmeq — A Dialogue With A Mother And Daughter About Feminine IQ
- Day114 Bouncing Beyond To A Regenerative World
- Day115 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 2: Regeneration
- Day116 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 3: Harmony
- Day117 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 4: Evolution
- Day118 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 5: Source
- Day119 The Future Of Impact Investing
- Day120 Nextgen Roundtable: Global Spotlight #1
- Day121 Meeting The Mystery Of Money (Care First)
- In "Care First," money serves the well-being of people and planet
- Day122 Dialogue With David Pearl, Inventor Of The Street Wisdom Movement
- Day123 Manchester Monastery
- Day124 Art And The Revolution
- Our ChatPerson, Sally Annett, is on this panel!
- Esperide presents the Temples to Humankind
- Our ChatPerson, Sally Annett, is on this panel!
- Day125 Nextgen Roundtable: Global Spotlight #2
- Day126 Humanity Rising Chile
- Day127 Tools For Healing The Personal To Transform The Collective
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping Technique
November 2020 - Days 128 to 149
The Consequences of the US Presidential Election
- Day129 Eve Of The Election
- Day130 Election Day
- Day131 The Consequences Of The US Presidential Election - The Day After
- Day132 The Election Aftermath
- Day133 The Larger Context Of Light And Shadow
- Day134 Communities For Future - Catalyzing Societal Transformation Through Community-Led Action
- Day135 Vladimir Pozner On The Stakes In U.S.-Russia Relations
- Day136 VIRTUAL CITY: The New Frontier Of The Smart Cities
- Day137 Sonic Coherence: Using Sound For Personal & Planetary Healing
- Day138 Breakthroughs In Physics And Cosmology And The Rise Of A New Story For Humanity
- Day139 Trump’s Obstruction Of US Presidential Election
- Day140 Unshackled - How To Liberate Ourselves From Reactive Structures Of Mind
- Day141 Dialogue With Malcolm Stern: How To Thrive Amidst Loss And Uncertainty
- Day142 Daniel Ellsberg On Dismantling The “Doomsday Machine” To Avert Nuclear Catastrophe, Whistleblowing And The Future Of Our Democracy
- Day143 The Art Of Grief: The Need For Community And Ritual
- Day144 The Art Of Grief Part 2.
- Day145 Bohm, Krishnamurti And The Unity Of Everything
- Day146 Book Of Codes
- Day147 We Are Nature, Reconnecting With Wisdom And Oneness
- Day148 Dialogue With Zvi Ish-Shalom
- Day149 How can Nature's principles of Harmony guide and inform a new way of learning to live?
December 2020 - Days 150 to 158
- Day150 From Cacophony to Coherence through the Arts and Philosophy
- Day151 Returning to the Root: Contemplation and Stillness as a Pathway of Integration with Mary Magdalene as a Guide
- Day152 Magic At Work - Engaging The Invisible Realms
- Day153 The Vanishing Garden: Religion and the Fate of the Earth
- Day154 Leveraging 'AQ' - Building resilience in people and businesses
- Day155 Reshaping Capitalism: The Future of the Corporation
- Day156 Reviewing the Year with Partners who helped start Humanity Rising
- Day157 Transitioning to A Better Way (About The Global Network of Transition Towns)
- Day158 Celebrating Trees: A Dialogue with Clare Dubois
January 2021 - Days 159 to 173
January 11-15 Cities Week
- Day159 Cities Rising - Monday: Cities Thrive When AQtivating Agency at Scale
- Day160 Cities Rising - Tuesday: Cities & Community are Living Systems With Consciousness, Culture and Complex Adaptive Dynamics
- Day161 Cities Rising - Wednesday: City & Community Governance Principles & Structures That Support Local Conditions
- Day162 Cities Rising - Thursday: Generate Ideas To Enable You To Use Tensions in Your City & Community To Best Mutually Serve You Both
- Day163 Cities Rising - Friday: Cities & Communities Are Vehicles for Regeneration When We Take Responsibility for Our Relationship With the Ecoregion Enabling Relationships of Reciprocity
January 18-22 Inauguration Week
- Day164 Trump, the Attack on the US Capitol, and the Implications for Democracy in the United States
- Day165 Touching The Heart & Healing The Soul of America
- Day166 (Inauguration Day no Humanity Rising this day)
- Day167 The Mind, the Self, and the Climate Emergency
- Day168 Celebrating Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty "Entry into Force Day"
January 25 - 29 2021
- Day169 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday
- Day170 How the Major Religions can help save the Environment: Dialogue with Martin Palmer
- Day171 Seed + Spark: Using Nature As A Model To Reimagine How We Learn & Live
- Day 172 Impact Investment for Regenerative Development, Earth Regeneration and Ecosystem
- Day 173 Science and Non Duality: A Dialogue with Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo
February 2021 - Days 174 to 193
February 1-5 2021
- Day 174 Dialogue with Charles Eisenstein
- Day 175 Dialog with Lesley Southwick-Trask About Peace Week
- Day 176 Conscious Evolution: Why is it urgent and How do we reach it?
- Day 177 Creating Islands of Sanity In Seas of Chaos
- Day 178 Thrive - a deep dive into the movies and movement
February 8-12 2021
- Day 179 Revolutionary Love and Prophetic Empathy – A Strategy for Progressives for the Next Two Decades
- Day 180 How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
- Day 181 Radical Brilliance: How You can Create the Conditions to Be the Person who has Brilliant Ideas which Change the World for the Better
- Day 182 Health and Humanity
- Day 183 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday II: Dialogue with Rupert Sheldrake and Will Keepin
February 15-19 2021
- Day 184 Closing the Divide: The Alchemy of Right Relationship
- Day 185 Listening to the Indigenous Mind
- Day 186 Singing in a Burning World - Peter Merry in dialogue with Songwriter Luke Concannon
- Day 187 Healthy by Design
- Day 188 Compassion for Empaths: Lessons from Compassion Science
February 22-26 2021
- Day 189 Towards a Paradigm of Co-Creation
- Day 190 Understanding the Current Status of the Pandemic: A dialogue with Dr. Chris Beyrer
- Day 191 Being Healthy Naturally
- Day 192 Health and the Wider Ecosystem
- Day 193 How do we want to work and live together? A Dialogue with Alfred Tolle
March 2021 - Days 194 to 216
March 1-5 2021 Peace Lab Week
- Day 194 Intersection of Race, Culture and Activism
- Day 195 Intersection of Trauma, Compassion and Value Economics
- Day 196 Intersection of Beliefs, the Arts and Transformation
- Day 197 Intersection of Spirituality, Reality and Intention
- Day 198 Intersection of Action, Agency and Impact
March 8-12 2021
- Day 199 Trust in Life - Celebrating International Women’s Day
- Day 200 Connecting Worlds and Wisdom
- Day 201 Rethinking National Security
- Day 202 Ten Years Deep—Nuclear Power Disaster in Fukushima, Japan
- Day 203 The Vanishing Garden: Religion and the Fate of the Earth
'March 15-19 2021
- Day 204 Undoing Racism: Archetypal Energies, Race Relations, And Decolonizing The Anti-Black Racist Mind
- Day 205 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday III: Dialogue with Marina Mangini, Jack Kornfeld and Paul Grof with Stan and Brigitte Grof
- Day 206 Evolutionary Intelligence: A Dialogue with Anatoly Balyaev about Spiral Dynamics
- Day 207 Our Digital Health
- Day 208 An Alternative View on the Pandemic and Vaccines
March 22-26 2021
- Day 209 Reimagining how to Regenerate Life Systems, Livelihoods, Learning and Leadership during the Combined Climate/Coronaviruses Disruptions
- Day 210 Protecting Palestinian Human Rights Online
- Day 211 Macrocosmic Quantum Theory and the Future of Humanity
- Day 212 Mental Health, Longevity and a Working Future
- Day 213 Dialogue with Caroline Myss
March 29-31 2021
- Day 214 Spreading A Smile on The Streets
- Day 215 How Being an Intellectual Shaman Can Help Change the World
- Day 216 Co-Creating Europe. Exploring the Potential of Unity and Diversity
April 2021 Days 217 to 238
April 1-2 2021
April 5-9 2021
- Day 219 Homo Novus: The New Man of Wisdom and Heart
- Day 220 Emergence of the Sage Archetype — Sages Transforming the World
- Day 221 Radiation and Gender: The Effect of Radiation on Women
- Day 222 Repair, Restoration & Atonement: A Reckoning with Chattel Slavery and its Aftermath
- Day 223 The Krása Skyscapes Project: A Journey in Memory, Healing, and Transformation
April 12-16 2021'
- Day 224 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday IV— The Art of Psychedelic Sitting: Dialogue with Rick Doblin and Diane Haug with Stan and Brigitte Grof
- Day 225 Regenerate Costa Rica
- Day 226 Communicating with Animals: A Dialogue with Pea Horsley
- Day 227 At the Front Lines of Climate Justice: A Dialogue with Osprey Orielle Lake
- Day 228 Queen Boudica: War-Leader of her people - and so much more
April 19-23 2021
- Day 229 How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
- Day 230 The U Journey From Domination to Partnership
- Day 231 Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance
- Day 232 Tree Whispering on Earth Day
- Day 233 Using Chakras for Psychological Energy Assessment
April 26-30 2021
- Day 234 Vibrational Intelligence™ Cultivating Heart Coherence and Flow Through the Power of Music
- Gary Malkin is a multiple Emmy Award-winning composer, performer, public speaker, arts activist, and music and health innovator
- Day 235 Reflections of Second Generation Children of Holocaust Survivors
- Day 236 Mindhive: A new approach to Collective Intelligence
- Day 237 Gender Fluidity: A Dialogue with Donovan Ackley
- Day 238 Heart Coherence and Holistic Health: A Dialogue with Bruce Cryer
May 2021 Days 239 to 259
May 3-7 2021
- Day 239 Creating Coherent Integration through Intentional Music
- Day 240 Growing up Black Inside Systemic Racism
- Day 241 Revolution of the Mother: A dialogue with Eve Ensler (V) and Andrew Harvey
- Day 242 Deep Agroecology: Our Farms, Our Food, Our Future
- Day 243 Integral Polarity Practice
May 10-14 2021
- Day 244 Indigenous Leadership for Regenerative, Healthy and Sustainable Communities
- Day 245 Sound for Personal and Planetary Healing
- Day 246 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday V— Archetypal Astrology: Dialogue with Becca Tarnas, Renn Butler and Will Keepin with Stan and Brigitte Grof
- Day 247 The Peace Lab Presents a Dialogue with Bruce Lipton: The Pattern of Peace
- Day 248 Wilderness Therapy – Nurturing relationships with self, others and the natural world
May 17-21 2021
- Day 249 Herman Hesse: Prophet and Visionary of a New World
- Day 250 Innate Capacities, Regeneration and Multidimensional Renewal
- Day 251 Shapeshifting and Identity: A Dialogue at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality
- Day 252 The transformative power of health literacy - can we tame the infodemic beast?
- Day 253 Humanity Rising One Year Anniversary Celebration
May 24-28 2021
- Day 254 Towards a Loving World: Leadership and Governance for Wellbeing
- Day 255 The Murder Of George Floyd, Black Maleness (Masculinity), And The “Dark Unknown Archetype” In Our Individual And Collective Consciousness
- Day 256 Wed 5/26 The Dialogues – Authors, experts and change agents gather to explore some of the systemic problems of our time
- Day 257 European Health Union - Political Pipe Dreams or Time for Next Level in Health Politics around the World?
- Day 258 Awakening Through Grief & Loss in a Time of COVID
May 31 2021
June 2021 Days 260 to 281
June 1-4 2021
- Day 260 The Constitutional Crisis in the United States
- Day 261 The UFOs are Here
- Day 262 Cradle to Grave - Healthtech to the rescue?
- Day 263 From Boy to Man: The Need for Initiation
June 7-11 2021
- Day 264 Actions For A Preferred Present and Future
- Day 265 Shapes that Shape Us
- Day 266 Biden’s Foreign Policy: Challenges, Stakes, Opportunities
- Day 267 Mental Health in a Time of COVID
- Day 268 The Magic and Mystery of Chartres
June 14-18 2021
- Day 269 Relational Path to Regenerating Education
- Day 270 Healing Voice: Liberation Through the Ecstasy of Chant
- Day 271 Cassandra Speaks: When Women Are the Storytellers, The Human Story Changes
- Day 272 Inequality and Public Health
- Day 273 How to Be a Better Ancestor
June 21-25 2021
- Day 274 Dialogue Creates
- The power of co-creation with individuals, teams, and organizations
- Day 275 Dialogue with Robert Kennedy Jr.
- Day 276 Let’s Talk! What does meaningful youth participation look like?
- Day 277 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday — Navigating the Collective Death and Rebirth Facing Humanity: Dialogue with Rick Tarnas with Stan and Brigitte Grof
- Day 278 Exploring Unity: The Superorganism Meets the Holomovement
June 28-30 2021
- Day 279 Dreaming a Pandemic Doorway
- Day 280 Report from Colombia: Building Humaneness from Chaos
- Day 281 U.S. Defense Department “Report on The UFO Phenomenon”
July 2021 Days 282 to 303
July 1-2 2021
- Day 282 Thu 7/1 Happy Birthday, Stan Grof!
- Day 283 Fri 7/2 Leading a Country towards Comprehensive Healthcare - A dialogue between Peter Merry and Dr. Amir Hagos
July 5-9 2021
- Day 284 Mon 7/5 Fractured Societies: How can we put them back together? Leveraging the power of the Connectors to combat Polarization
- Day 285 Tue 7/6 Toward a New Economics: A Dialogue with Hazel Henderson
- Day 286 Wed 7/7 The Caledonian Forest
Open House 7 7 21 Special!!! Introducing Ubiquity's Masters In Regenerative Action (MRA)
July 12-16 2021
- Day 289 Mon 7/12 Dialogue with Mac Macartney: Remembering the Ancestors
- Day 290 Tue 7/13 What Women Need from Men
- Day 291 Wed 7/14 The Dialogues
- Day 292 Thu 7/15 Biomimicry
- Day 293 Fri 7/16 Reflections on the future of language in the Age of Information Technology
July 19-23 2021
- Day 294 Mon 7/19 Feminine Intelligence for a Regenerative Future
- Day 295 Tue 7/20 Ecesis: How Nature can Save Humanity
- Day 296 Wed 7/21 Global Regeneration Corps
- Day 297 Thu 7/22 Not knowing, the Sacred Feminine and the Future of our Planet
- Day 298 Fri 7/23 U.S. Defense Department “Report on The UFO Phenomenon”
July 26-30 2021
- Day 299 Mon 7/26 Healing the Emotional Pandemic
- Day 300 Tue 7/27 The Art and Science of Interconnectedness
- Day 301 Wed 7/28 Standing Up with Power
- Day 302 Thu 7/29 Polarity Paradigm Immersion
- Day 303 Fri 7/28 The Rise of the Future Humans
August 2021 Days OFF!!!
September 2021 Days 304 to 329
Sept 1-3 2021
- Day 304 Wed 9/1 Responding to Code Red for Humanity
- Day 305 Thur 9/2 Next Phase Integral: A Dialogue with Ken Wilber
- Day 306 Fri 9/3 Killing Native American Children in Canada and the US
Sept 6-10 2021
- Day 307 Mon 9/6 Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound
- Day 308 Tues 9/7 Shelly Alcorn: where we are relative to where we have been
- Day 309 Wed 9/8 What is a Man? What is Masculinity?
- Day 310 Thur 9/9 The Transformative Power of Co-creation – professionals and citizens working together
- Day 311 Fri 9/10 Longevity Reimagined: Exploring the Concepts for a New Humanity
Sept 11-21 2021 11 Days of Global Unity
- Day 312 Sat 9/11 For Unity - A Tribute to Avon Mattison, Peace thru Regeneration
- Day 313 Sun 9/12 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Interdependence
- Day 314 Mon 9/13 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Environment
- Day 315 Tue 9/14 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Economic Justice
- Day 316 Wed 9/15 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Health
- Day 317 Thur 9/16 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Children and Youth
- Day 318 Fri 9/17 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Women
- Day 319 Sat 9/18 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Human Rights
- Day 320 Sun 9/19 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Freedom
- Day 321 Mon 9/20 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Disarmament
- Day 322 Tue 9/21 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Peace
Sept 22-24 2021
- Day 323 Wed 9/22 Dialogue with Sri Preethaji
- Day 324 Thur 9/23 Health and the Environment. A view through the lens of environmental sustainability
- Day 325 Fri 9/24 Charater Inclusion for Regenerative Societies
Sept 27-30 2021
- Day 326 Mon 9/27/21 Andean Shamans Summit: The Culture and Tradition of the Q’ero People
- Day 327 Tues 9/28/21 Andean Shamans Summit: Yatsai: the gift of thinking and our purpose in life
- Day 328 Wed 9/29/21 Andean Shamans Summit: “Munay: the way of the heart”
- Day 329 Thur 9/30/21 Andean Shamans Summit: Uju Pacha: the Underworld
October 2021 Days 330 to 350
Oct 1 2021
Oct 4 - 8 2021
- Day 331 Mon 10/4/21 Transforming Grief into Love / Education for Change
- Day 332 Tue 10/5/21 Project Adapt: the Wisdom of Living Adaptively in the face of Severe Climate Change
- Day 333 Wed 10/6/21 Extinction Rebellion and COP 26: A Dialogue with Rupert Read
- Day 334 Thur 10/7/21 Bottom-up innovation in European health: tail wagging the dog?
- Day 335 Fri 10/8/21 Integrating a holistic approach to kidney health
- The kidney health presenters didn't show up --- Jim Garrison gave a review of what is happening in the world and what Humanity Rising is doing in response.
Oct 11 - 15 2021
- Day 336 Mon 10/11/21 Letting Go of Nothing: A Dialogue with Peter Russell
- Day 337 Tues 10/12/21 Wholeness and Fragmentation: The Life and Work of David Bohm
- Day 338 Wed 10/13/21 Women on Men: What do women think of men and how men should transform?
- Day 339 Thur 10/14/21 The future in their hands? Seeking the views of young health professionals on where the European health ecosystem is heading
- Day 340 Fri 10/15/21 The Mystery of Near Death Experiences and Life After Life: A Dialogue with Ray Moody
Oct 18 - 22 2021
- Day 341 Mon 10/18/21 Rethinking Strategy in 2021
- Day 342 Tus 10/19/21 Longevity Reimagined II: Exploring the Concepts for a New Humanity with Todd Ovokaitys
- Day 343 Wed 10/20/21 New Paradigms for Conflict Transformation
- Day 344 Thur 10/21/21 Health in Europe
- Day 345 Fri 10/22/21 Tarot, Polarity Therapy, Astrology, and the Chakras
Oct 25 - 29 2021
- Day 346 Mon 10/25/21 HR Women’s Summit | Girl Driven Solutions | What is Beauty Telling Us?
- Day 347 Tues 10/26/21 Jaguar Path - Shamanic Training
- Day 348 Wed 10/27/21 Healing and Expanding Consciousness with the Scientific Use of Sound
- Day 349 Thur 10/28/21 Conscious Awakening Community
- Day 350 Fri 10/29/21 COP26 Humanity Rising Special Coverage – Understanding the COP
November 2021 Days 351 to 374
Nov 1 - 7 2021
- COP26 workpage
- Day 351 Mon 11/01/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 1: What is at Stake for COP 26
- Day 352 Tues 11/02/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 2: Carbon Sequestration in Regenerative Agriculture
- Day 353 Wed 11/03/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 3: Endangered Species
- Day 354 Thu 11/04/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 4: Code Red for Health Justice
- Day 355 Fri 11/05/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 5: Earth Charter 2.0
- Day 356 Sat 11/06/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 6: Climate Colonialism
- Day 357 Sun 11/07/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 7: Citizen Action
Nov 8 - 12 2021
- Day 358 Mon 11/08/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 8: Cities Are Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs
- Day 359 Tue 11/09/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 9: Oceans at the Tipping Point
- Day 360 Wed 11/10/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 10: A Message from the Amazon Rainforest to COP26: THE WORLD CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE THE AMAZON
- Day 361 Thu 11/11/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 11: Biodiversity and Bio Regional Regeneration
- Day 362 Fri 11/12/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 12: Next Steps for Climate Action
Nov 15 - 19 2021
- Day 363-1 Mon 11/15/21 The Masculine Dialogues
- Day 363-2 Mon 11/15/21 Man In Relationship To the Soul
- Day 364-1 Tues 11/16/21 Breaking Free of “The Man Box"
- Day 364-2 Tues 11/16/21 Men In Relationship To Women
- Day 365-1 Wed 11/17/21 The Apology: A Dialogue with V (formerly Eve Ensler)
- Day 365-2 Wed 11/17/21 Man in Relationship to Men
- Day 366-1 Thu 11/18/21 Iconography of Black Manhood As It Relates To Transitions in Individual and Collective Consciousness
- Day 366-2 Thu 11/18/21 Man In Relationship To The World
- Day 367-1 Fri 11/19/21 Man in Relationship to the Natural World
- Day 367-2 Fri 11/19/21 The Masculine Dialogues Summary
Nov 22 - 26 2021
- Day 368 Mon 11/22/21 Next Steps for the Climate Movement beyond the COP: A Dialogue with Roger Hallam
- Day 369 Tue 11/23/21 Join The HIVE
- Day 370 Wed 11/24/21 Giving Thanks Then and Now: Pandemics, Gratitude, Transformation
- Day 371 Thu 11/25/21 Celebrating Anne Baring at 90 - Awakening to a New Story: The Evolutionary Imperative of Our Time
- Day 372 Fri 11/26/21 Cosmic Ecology~Emergent Audacity, How Cosmos Shapes the Symphonies of Life
- Kala Perkins offers a beautiful visual tour of the cosmos
Top of November 2021
Nov 29 - 30 2021
- Day 373 Mon 11/29/21 The Transition Movement: A Dialogue with Rob Hopkins
- Day 374 Tue 11/30/21 Integrating a holistic approach to kidney health
December 2021 Days 375 to 382
Dec 01 - 03
- Day 375 Wed 12/01/21 Intentional Change: Revealing Humanity’s Deep Soulular Betrayal
- Day 376 Thu 12/02/21 Intentional Change: Juggling History, Language, and Experience
- Day 377 Fri 12/03/21 Intentional Change: Creating Powerful Synergy towards Energetic Revitalization
Dec 06 - 10
- Day 378 Mon 12/06/21 Why Race Literacy is Important
- Day 379 Tue 12/07/21 Turn Me to Gold: Celebrating the Mystical Poetry of Kabir with Andrew Harvey
- Day 380 Wed 12/08/21 Regenerative InterActions ~ Igniting our inherent clarity. A Meaning Conversation
- Day 381 Thu 12/09/21 Relational Leadership: Conveying and Elevating Indigenous Wisdom
- Day 382 Fri 12/10/21 Finding Indigeneity: Conveying and Elevating Indigenous Wisdom
January 2022 Days 383 to 402
Jan 05 - 07
- Day 383 This number was skipped in Ubiverse
- Day 384 Wed 1/05/22 The New Human Story: Igniting The Memory Of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate
- Day 385 Thu 1/06/22 The Power of Ceremonial Apology to Heal Ancestral and Personal Wounding
- Day 386 Fri 1/07/22 Cool City Challenge: Empowering Cities to Become Carbon Neutral by 2030
Jan 10 - 14
- Day 387 Mon 1/10/22 Are you moved to create real change to our climate crisis? Become a human bridge to nature through the Global Paqo School
- Day 388 Tue 1/11/22 Dialogue Creates
- Day 389 Wed 1/12/22 Amazonia on the Brink: A Dialogue with Antonio Nobre
- Day 390 Thu 1/13/22 Words can be Windows or Walls
- a journey of conflict resolution, restorative justice and non-violent communication
- Day 391 Fri 1/14/22 Showing Up Authentic
- enriching, active, deep listening, congruent engagement, and authentic expression
Jan 17 - 21
- Day 392 Mon 1/17/22 What’s Next for the Climate Movement?: A Dialogue with Rupert Read
- Day 393 Tue 1/18/22 Health Justice: Your Birthright of Regeneration
- Day 394 Wed 1/19/22 A Marshall Plan To Cool The Planet Through Forest Regeneration
- Day 395 Thu 1/20/22 The Crisis of American Democracy and the Power of One: A Dialogue with George Cappannelli
- Day 396 Fri 1/21/22 Confronting the Enablers of Religious Authoritarianism
Jan 24 - 28
- Day 397 Mon 1/24/22 Youth and Mental Health on the International Day of Education
- Day 398 Tue 1/25/22 This Supreme Moment of Historical Grace
- Lorna Green, PhD, is a writer, on the trail of metaphysics
- Day 399 Wed 1/26/22 Dynamic Vitality: transform how you move through life
- Day 400 Thu 1/27/22 Intentional Change: Welcome Home to Inclusion, Cooperatives, Laughter Yoga
- Day 401 Fri 1/28/22 Intentional Change: Direct Action using Inner Resonance Technologies
Jan 31 -
- Day 402 Mon 1/31/21 Humanizing: A “Growing Up Learning Tale” of Two Elders
- #January 2022 Days 383 to 402
February 2022 - Days 403 to 422
Feb 1 - 4
- Day 403 Tue 2/01/22 A Moonshot Mission to Improve Men’s Health
- Day 404 Wed 2/02/22 The 100th Anniversary of Reiner Maria Rilke’s Greatest Poems
- Day 405 Thu 2/03/22 Over 350,000 farmers in India have committed suicide since 1995. Why?
- Day 406 Fri 2/04/22 5G: Wave of the Future or Crime against Human Health?
Feb 7 - 11
- Day 407 Mon 2/07/22 ENDANGERED - The Sixth Mass Extinction
- Day 408 Tue 2/08/22 ENDANGERED II - One million species
- Day 409 Wed 2/09/22 ENDANGERED III - Planet Earth
- Day 410 Thu 2/10/22 ENDANGERED IV - Humanity and the “Age of the Great Forgetting”
- Day 411 Fri 2/11/22 ENDANGERED V - What’s Next?
Feb 14 - 18
- Day 412 Mon 2/14/22 Honoring the Goddess of Love
- Day 413 Tue 2/15/22 From Passion to Purposeful Action; How Each of Us Plays a Part in Changing Our World
- Day 414 Wed 2/16/22 Dancing with Biomimicry: Embodying Nature as Our Guide
- Day 415 Thu 2/17/22 Next Generation Foresight Practitioners - Changemakers for the future
- Day 416 Fri 2/18/22 Envisioning and Enacting the Desired Digital Future in Africa
Feb 21 - 25
- Day 417 Mon 2/21/22 The 100th Anniversary of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Greatest Poems II
- Day 418 Tue 2/22/22 No Denial, No Despair: Our Most-Likely Climate Future
- Day 419 Wed 2/23/22 Becoming Truly Me - My Journey Through Health, Wisdom & Impact
- Day 420 Thu 2/24/22 Care First 2022-2029: Love as our beginning and pathway through our planetary crisis
- Day 421 Fri 2/25/22 Creating a PEACE Matrix: The Network of Networks
Feb 28
March 2022 - Days 423 to 445
Mar 1 - 4
- Day 423 Tue 3/1/22 Muslims Declare A Climate and Ecological Emergency
- Day 424 Wed 3/2/22 Grofian Psychedelic Therapy
- Day 425 Thu 3/3/22 Archetypal Astrology - The Rosetta Stone of the Psyche
- Day 426 Fri 3/4/22 Healing the Shadow Wounds through the Wisdom of the Higher Heart
Mar 7 - 11
- Day 427 Mon 3/7/22 Democracy Dialogues I: The Movement Voter Project
- Day 428 Tue 3/8/22 Democracy Dialogues II: The Rise of The Feminine In Democracy: Healing The Feminine Wound In a Male Dominated Democracy
- Day 429 Wed 3/9/22 Democracy Dialogues III: Bringing America Together Across Differences
- Day 430 Thu 3/10/22 Democracy Dialogues IV: Indivisible - Progressive Advocacy & Electoral Work
- Day 431 Fri 3/11/22 Democracy Dialogues V: Building a more Civil Nation
Mar 14 - 18
- Day 432 Mon 3/14/22 Take The Next Step: Making Positive Progress in Negative & Uncertain Times
- Day 433 Tue 3/15/22 The Listening Fire: How We Can Restore a Primordial Connection to Ourselves, Each Other, and the Earth During Heartbreaking Times
- Day 434 Wed 3/16/22 The Politics of Being
- Day 435 Thu 3/17/22 Dialogue with Jack Healey, called "Mr. Human Rights”
- Day 436 Fri 3/18/22 Citizen Empowerment through Communications/Media
Mar 21 - 25
- Day 437 Mon 3/21/22 Girl Driven Solutions: The Makeover of SDG #3 – Health & Wellbeing – from the Indigenous Lens
- Day 438 Tue 3/22/22 The Iran Contra Case
- Day 439 Wed 3/23/22 Your Inspired Day: Living into Your Values and Moving Towards Your Ideal
- - (The episode about happiness)
- Day 440 Thu 3/24/22 Mary Magdalene: her message for our time
- Day 441 Fri 3/25/22 On the Path of Reconciliation in Bosnia
Mar 28 - 31
- Day 442 Mon 3/28/22 Understanding the Invasion of Ukraine: What is at Stake, What we need to Know
- Day 443 Tue 3/29/22 Exploring the World of Trans I: Understanding Gender in Three Dimensions
- Day 444 Wed 3/30/22 Exploring the World of Trans II: Gender & Pronouns in a Nonbinary World
- Day 445 Thu 3/31/22 Exploring the World of Trans III: Trans & Nonbinary People, In Our Own Words
April 2022 - Days 446 to 466
April 01
April 4 - 8
- Day 447 Mon 4/4/22 I: Commemorating the Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King in the Context of Black Leadership
- Day 448 Tue 4/5/22 II: The Rise of Younger Black Voices Regarding Race Relations and Necessary Repair Work
- Day 449 Wed 4/6/22 III: Spiritual or Soul-Centered Ways To Play The Human Race Game Anew
- Day 450 Thu 4/7/22 IV: The Relevance of Humanistic Psychology for Today’s Reality
- Day 451 Fri 4/8/22 V: Generic Race-Linked Wounds and How Best To Manage and/or Heal Them
April 11 - 15
- Day 452 Mon 4/11/22 A Crisis of Connection - Peter Merry dialogues with Cornelius O’Shaughness
- Day 453 Tue 4/12/22 Transforming California’s Biggest Challenges Into Game-changing Opportunities
- (Kurt interviews Reinette Senum)
- Day 454 Wed 4/13/22 Woman Between the Worlds: A Conversation with Apela Colorado
- Day 455 Thu 4/14/22 The Pentagon Papers Case: From The Inside
- Featuring Daniel Sheehan
- Day 456 Fri 4/15/22 Language: The Ultimate Tool for Cleaving Humanity
April 18 - 22
- Day 457 Mon 4/18/22 Changes in the World of Spirituality and Changes in the Spirituality of the World
- Day 458 Tue 4/19/22 Ethics, Power, and Love for a Changing World: Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma on THE KURAL
- Day 459 Wed 4/20/22 Leonard Peltier and the Early Years in the American Indian Movement of the 70s
- Day 460 Thu 4/21/22 Integral Ecology in Action: Pope Francis' call to the Laudato Si' Action Platform
- Day 461 Fri 4/22/22 The Arctic Circle in a Warming World
April 25 - 29
- Day 462 Mon 4/25/22 Reuniting America, The Book, The PBS Documentary, The Movement
- Day 463 Tue 4/26/22 The Democracy Dialogues II: The State of The States
- (Secretary of States: Jena Griswold & Eleanor LeCain)
- Day 464 Wed 4/27/22 Part III: RepresentUS - Dismantling Root Causes of Inequity & Ending Political Corruption, Extremism & Gridlock
- Day 465 Thu 4/28/22 Part IV: Personal Perspectives On The Challenge Facing Our Democracy
- Day 466 Fri 4/29/22 Part V: Faiths United To Save Democracy
May 2022 - Days 467 to 488
May 2 - 6 Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World
- Day 467 Mon 5/2/22 Part I: Invocations ~ The Power of Beginning with Reverence and Gratitude
- Day 468 Tue 5/3/22 Part II: What is Healthcare? What is Healing?
- Day 469 Wed 5/4/22 Part III: The Regenerative Model
- Day 470 Thu 5/5/22 Part IV: Ancestors and Indigenous Ways
- Day 471 Fri 5/6/22 Part V: Healing and Healthcare for Babies, Children, Youth and Children of the Future
May 9 - 13
- Day 472 Mon 5/9/22 Endangered I: Ecocide: We are Killing Our Home
- Day 473 Tue 5/10/22 Endangered II: The Death Economy and the Tyranny of our Global Systems and Institutions
- Day 474 Wed 5/11/22 Endangered III: Creating the Future We Want
- Day 475 Thu 5/12/22 Endangered IV: Biodiversity Loss and Revitalization on the Ground
- Day 476 Fri 5/13/22 Endangered V: Personal Perspectives on Biodiversity Loss and Regeneration
May 16 - 20
- Day 477 Mon 5/16/22 Politics of Being
- Day 478 Tue 5/17/22 The Real Story of Ukraine: What the Public is not being Told: A Dialogue with former CIA agent Ray McGovern
- Day 479 Wed 5/18/22 Strings of Hope: The Healing Power of Music and Art In Treating Addiction
- Day 480 Thu 5/19/22 On the Front Line: A Dialogue with Harvey Wasserman
- Day 481 Fri 5/20/22 Natural Intelligence
May 23 - 27 Self Health Empowerment Summit
- Day 482 Mon 5/23/22 Self Health Empowerment Summit Day 1: The Incredible Benefits of Coherent Breathing
- Day 483 Tue 5/24/22 Self-Health Empowerment II: Evolutionary Somatics: Movement Practices for Restoring Life Through Toning Your Fascial Body
- Day 484 Wed 5/25/22 Self-Health Empowerment III: Bioenergy Balancing "Core Talk" using Pendulums & Tarot in Motion- Embody the Wisdom Through the Cards
- Day 485 Thu 5/26/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 4: Human Tuning-Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
- Day 486 Fri 5/27/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 5: Mental Medicine: Creating Health Through Imagery and Open-Focus Meditation-Harnessing the Power of Attention
May 30 - 31
- Day 487 Mon 5/30/22 Inner Development Goals
- Day 488 Tue 5/31/22 Venus Rising: Regenerating Love Through Apology, Reconciliation and Healing
- (Pilgrimage to Chartres and the honoring of the Black Madonna)
June 2022 - Days 489 to 510
June 1 - 3
- Day 489 Wed 6/1/22 A Randomly Determined Free-Will with a Creative Ethos: An Exploration based on the thinking of David Bohm
- Day 490 Thu 6/2/22 Going Beyond Your Beyond: Peak Performance Practices for a Thriving Life/Society
- Day 491 Fri 6/3/22 The Many Paths Inward
- Susan Hess Logeais reveals her transformational experiences
June 6 - 11
Global Youth Mental Health Summit
- Day 492 Mon 6/6/22 Day I: The State of Global Youth Mental Health
- Day 493 Tue 6/7/22 Day II: Belonging and Community-Creating a Safe Space
- Day 494 Wed 6/8/22 Day III: Gender in Question
- Day 495 Thu 6/9/22 Day IV: Environmental Anxiety-the Environment and Youth Mental Health
- Jane Goodall is the very special guest on this session
- Day 496 Fri 6/10/22 Day V: Parenting and Youth Mental Health
- Day 496a Sat 6/11/22 Connecting The Dots - Movie Watch Party
June 13 - 17
Global Youth Mental Health Summit
- Day 497 Mon 6/13/22 Day VI Strings of Hope: Bringing Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Out of the Darkness
- This episode includes a visit from Eve Ensler (V) - and a musical performance on the Earth Harp
Global Conscious Leadership Summit
- Day 498 Tue 6/14/22 Day I: The State of the World and the Leadership Required
- Day 499 Wed 6/15/22 Day II: Conscious Leadership to the Rescue?
- Day 500 Thu 6/16/22 Day III: Business is Driving the World’s Agenda - Where is it taking us?
- Day 501 Fri 6/17/22 Day IV: Leadership in Government - an Oxymoron?
The June 2022 Democracy Dialogues June 20 - 24
- Day 502 Mon 6/20/22 Day I: The Next Fifty
- Day 503 Tue 6/21/22 Day II: Democracy’s Future & The State of The States
- Day 504 Wed 6/22/22 Day III: An Inside Look At Democracy and It’s Challenge
- Day 505 Thu 6/23/22 Day IV: Leading Activists On Activism & The Existential Challenges Facing Democracy
- Day 506 Fri 6/24/22 Day V: Critical Demographic Segments In The Fight To Save Democracy
Science and Consciousness Week June 27 - 30
- Day 507 Mon 6/27/22 Day 1 Parapsychological Stories: Their Meaning in our Modern World with Jim Hickman and Stanley Krippner
- Day 508 Tue 6/28/22 Day 2 Advances in Parapsychology and Extended Consciousness
- Day 509 Wed 6/29/22 Day 3 The Tarot Experiences VR
- Day 510 Thu 6/30/22 Day 4 Global Consciousness Project
July 2022 - Days 511 to 531
July 1
July 4 - 8
- Day 512 Mon 7/4/22 Personal Rewilding As A Precursor To Ecological Regeneration
- Day 513 Tue 7/5/22 Undaunted: Living Fiercely Into Climate Meltdown in an Authoritarian World
- Day 514 Wed 7/6/22 Understanding the US Supreme Court I: What the new Conservative super majority means to American justice
- Day 515 Thu 7/7/22 Understanding the US Supreme Court II: How the Court’s ruling last week will impact the integrity of Native American Reservations
- Day 516 Fri 7/8/22 Understanding the Soul of Russia: A Dialogue with Gary Lachman
July 11 - 15
- Day 517 Mon 7/11/22 The Romero Institute: 50 Years on the Front Lines for Justice
- Day 518 Tue 7/12/22 UFOs: The Latest Information on the Reality of Extraterrestrial Intelligence on Planet Earth
- Day 519 Wed 7/13/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis I: Psychedelics for Therapy
- Day 520 Thu 7/14/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis II: Psychedelics for Therapy
- Day 521 Fri 7/15/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis III: Psychedelics for Therapy
July 18 - 22
- Day 522 Mon 7/18/22 Saving the Cheetahs: The Story of the Cheetah Conservation Fund
- Day 523 Tue 7/19/22 Values for the Coming Crisis – Humanity Rising
- Day 524 Wed 7/20/22 Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear into Positive Action
- Day 525 Thu 7/21/22 The Power of Homes to Pioneer Planetary Regeneration: How Humanity can still Co-create Home on Earth
- Day 526 Fri 7/22/22 The Feast of Mary Magdalene, Her Message for Modern Era
July 25 - 29
- Day 527 Mon 7/25/22 Be the Tree I: How a consciousness-based collaborative approach might be humanity’s last hope for a livable planet
- Day 528 Tue 7/26/22 Mend Trees in Climate XTREEmz: How a consciousness-based collaborative approach might be humanity's last hope for a livable planet
- Day 529 Wed 7/27/22 How Intuition can assist Large Scale Energetic Work
- Day 530 Thu 7/28/22 Without faith no one prospers, and certainly not society: A Perspective from a Freemason
- Day 531 Fri 7/29/22 Humor, Happiness, and Laughter for Thriving Societies
August 2022 Days OFF!!!
Five Thursdays are ON!
- August 04, 2022 Funny Hat Day with Jim Garrison
- August 11, 2022 Appreciation Day
- August 18, 2022 Favorite Episode Day
- August 25, 2022 Recommendations Day
- August Recess - September 1, 2022 Tools and Solutions
September 2022 - Days 532 to 550
September 6 - 9
Deconstructing Burnout Summit
- Day 532 Tue 9/6/22 -- Burnout – An Evolutionary Definition and the Secret to Ending it Forever
- Day 533 Wed 9/7/22 Taoist Antidotes to Burnout
- Day 534 Thu 9/8/22 Caregiver Burnout and the Impact of Climate Catastrophe on War Veterans and Families
- Day 535 Fri 9/9/22 Eco-Feminism and Mother-Wisdom for Ending Burnout Forever
September 12 - 16
Pachamama Alliance
- Day 536 Mon 9/12/22 Our work in the Amazon: a deep partnership with indigenous people and a source of insight and inspiration to “change the dream of the modern world.”
- Day 537 Tue 9/13/22 Giving legal rights to Nature: a groundbreaking legal and ecological Paradigm
- Day 538 Wed 9/14/22 The Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative: one of the largest and most ambitious Indigenous led conservation initiatives on Earth
- Day 539 Thu 9/15/22 Listening for the Call: How to Live a Committed Life
- Day 540 Fri 9/16/22 Liberation, Freedom, and Healing: A Conversation Among Changemakers
September 19 - 23
- Day 541 Mon 9/19/22 The Mystical Feminine of Chartres
- The Pilgrimage to Chartres & Andrew Harvey on the archetype "Queen"
- Day 542 Tue 9/20/22 In Extremis! A Practical Guide To The Power of One…Democracy’s Best & Perhaps Last Hope
- Day 543 Wed 9/21/22 International Peace Day
- Day 544 Thu 9/22/22 Homeopathy: Where Medical Biomimicry and Nanopharmacology Meet Medical Alchemy
- Day 545 Fri 9/23/22 Humanity Rising Network & Banafsheh Sayyad on Iran
September 26 - 30
- Day 546 Mon 9/26/22 What is Non Violence and Where does it Derive Power
- Day 547 Tue 9/27/22 The Legacy-Jesus, Gandhi and King - Nonviolence Through the Ages
- Day 548 Wed 9/28/22 What’s Peace Got To Do With It? -The True Nature of Humanity, Nonviolence and Peace
- Day 549 Thu 9/29/22 The Old Story of Humanity and Its Impact on the World
- Day 550 Fri 9/30/22 The New Story of Humanity: its Meaning and Significance
October 2022 Days 551 to 571
October 3 - 7
- Day 551 Mon 10/3/22 The Big Surprise About Polarization -- And What It Means For Activists
- Day 552 Tue 10/4/22 Nonviolence-The Encouraging Signs
- Day 553 Wed 10/5/22 Nonviolence in Action-Theories and Examples
- Day 554 Thu 10/6/22 Nonviolence: Our Bridge to the Future
- Day 555 Fri 10/7/22 Key Take-aways: A Non Violence Dialogue
October 10 - 14
- Day 556 Mon 10/10/22 It’s All On The Line In November
- Day 557 Tue 10/11/22 The Critical Secretary of State Challenge
- Day 558 Wed 10/12/22 Fair Elections – Ending Voter Suppression
- Day 559 Thu 10/13/22 Democracy On The Ground
- Day 560 Fri 10/14/22 Critical Action…Critical Need
October 17 - 21
- Day 561 Mon 10/17/22 Self Health Empowerment Summit Day 1: The Incredible Benefits of Coherent Breathing
- Day 562 Tue 10/18/22 Self-Health Empowerment II: Evolutionary Somatics: Movement Practices for Restoring Life Through Toning Your Fascial Body
- Day 563 Wed 10/19/22 Self-Health Empowerment III: "Core Talk" using Pendulums & Tarot in Motion - Embody the Wisdom Through the Cards
- Day 564 Thu 10/20/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 4: Human Tuning-Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
- Day 565 Fri 10/21/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 5: Mental Medicine: Creating Health Through Imagery and Open-Focus Meditation-Harnessing the Power of Attention
October 24 - 28
The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul
- Day 566 Mon 10/24/22 Day 1: Ageism from the Inside Out and from the Outside In
- Day 567 Tue 10/25/22 Day 2: What Can One Person Do? The Moral Voice of the Elder in Tumultuous Times
- Day 568 Wed 10/26/22 Day 3: Retirement from the Inside Out and from the Outside In
- Day 569 Thu 10/27/22 Day 4: Reimagining the Elder for Our Cultural Moment
- Day 570 Fri 10/28/22 Day 5: The Spiritual Purpose of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul
October 31
November 2022 Days 572 to 593
November 1 - 4
- Day 572 Tue 11/1/22 The Body and Soul of the Feminine Revolution in Iran
- Day 573 Wed 11/2/22 Lessons from the Sudanese Revolution
- Day 574 Thu 11/3/22 The Global Opportunity: Women’s Revolution
- Day 575 Fri 11/4/22 A Vision of Inner and Outer Regeneration
November 7 - 11
- Day 576 Mon 11/7/22 COP 27 I: Time for Teeming: Tamsin Woolley Barker on her book Teeming: How Nature’s Oldest Teams Adapt and Thrive
- Day 577 Tue 11/8/22 COP 27 II: Inspiration from the White Lions: Linda Tucker on Saving the King of Beasts
- Day 578 Wed 11/9/22 COP 27 III: Regenerative Agriculture as Key to Stopping Global Warming
- Day 579 Thu 11/10/22 COP 27 IV: Vandana Shiva on Biopiracy, Biodiversity and Regenerative Ecology
- Day 580 Fri 11/11/22 COP 27 V: Direct Action to stop Climate Change or is it time to simply Adapt to the Inevitable? — A Dialogue with Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion
November 14 - 18
- Day 581 Mon 11/14/22 COP VI: Viva the Eco-Revolution! The inspiring story of how 2,000 strangers became climate allies
- Day 582 Tue 11/15/22 COP VII: The Great Transformation
- Day 583 Wed 11/16/22 COP VIII: Climate Disaster and where Industry is Leading the Way
- Introducing PeaceMakers Circles/Network
- Day 584 Thu 11/17/22 COP IX: Speed Shifting our Global Mindset in Response to Climate Disaster
- Day 585 Fri 11/18/22 COP X: Inner Work/Outer Work for the Climate Crisis: From Anxiety to Activism
November 21 - 25
- Day 586 Mon 11/21/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman I: Psychospiritual Development in Midlife
- Day 587 Tue 11/22/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman II: Quitting the Insidious Beauty Contest
- Day 588 Wed 11/23/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman III: Telling the Truth
- Day 589 Thu 11/24/22 Building Bridges of Poetic Healing in a Burning World
- Day 590 Fri 11/25/22 International Young Earth Defenders
November 28 - 30
- Day 591 Mon 11/28/22 ME – WE – US
- Day 592 Tues 11/29/22 Are You Highly Sensitive? Caring for Sensitive Brains in the Midst of a Suffering World
- Day 593 Wed 11/30/22 A Fundamental Paradigm Shift in Exploring Consciousness & its Practical Applications
December 2022 Days 594 to 605
December 1 - 2
- Day 594 Thu 12/01/22 Integral Yoga applied – Healing and Transformation with Integral Regression Therapy
- Day 595 Fri 12/02/22 Assessing the Pandemic: The Need for Truly Rigorous Science and Skepticism
December 5 - 9
- Day 596 Mon 12/05/22 Technologies of Hope I: Climate Restoration
- Day 597 Tue 12/06/22 Technologies of Hope II – Human Wellness
- Day 598 Wed 12/07/22 Technologies of Hope III: Conscious Technology
- Day 599 Thu 12/08/22 Technologies of Hope IV: Solving Societal & Planetary Issues
- Day 600 Fri 12/09/22 Technologies of Hope V: Natural Concrete - Changing The Way Roads & Highways Are Built
December 12 - 16
- Day 601 Mon 12/12/22 Modern-day Magic I - Hacking Yourself
- Day 602 Tue 12/13/22 Modern-day Magic II - Hacking the World
- Day 603 Wed 12/14/22 Holistic rapid self-transformation as the optimal way to improve quality of life across all life aspects at once
- Day 604 Thu 12/15/22 Love is Everything: The Mystical Poetry of Hadewijch of Antwerp
- Day 605 Fri 12/16/22 Defying Gravity – Using Levity to Uplift in Unfunny Times
Top of HR Days GoTo Top
January 2023 Days 606 to 622
January 9 - 13
- Day 606 Mon 1/9/23 Teach in on Ukraine I: The Pathway to War
- Day 607 Tue 1/10/23 Teach in on Ukraine II: The Pathway to Peace
- Day 608 Wed 1/11/23 Apology and Reckoning: A consecration from Women Elders of Wombs of Peace
- Day 609 Thu 1/12/23 Apology Program: Stories from Native American Elders
- Day 610 Fri 1/13/23 Apology Program: Stories from Native American Elders
January 16 - 20
- Day 611 Mon 1/16/23 How Lack of Apology or Forgiveness Leads to Disease, Distraction, and Depression
- Day 612 Tue 1/17/23 Apology Program: V on Apology and Reckoning
- Day 613 Wed 1/18/23 Apology Program: The Power of Ho'Oponopono
- Day 614 Thu 1/19/23 Apology Program: The Suppression of Native American Spirituality
- Day 615 Fri 1/20/23 The Challenge of Being a Man
January 23 - 27
- Day 616 Mon 1/23/23 How Did We Get Here? When science meets industry –The History of Glyphosate
- Day 617 Tue 1/24/23 Glyphosate: What science is telling us and why it matters
- Day 618 Wed 1/25/23 Glyphosate: Legal Success: USD $10 + Billion Lawsuit Victory against Bayer / Monsanto
- Day 619 Thu 1/26/23 Glyphosate: How New Policies Can Limit Glyphosate Use: Dialogue with Dr. Zach Bush
- Day 620 Fri 1/27/23 Glyphosate: Eliminating Poisons from our Environment
January 30 - 31 Shedding The Shackles of Systemic Racism
- Day 621 Mon 1/30/23 Systemic Racism Day 1: Conversations with Black Men About How They Tapped Into Their Own Creativity To Structure Journeys To Make A Difference At Individual and Collective Levels
- Day 622 Tue 1/31/23 Systemic Racism Day 2: A Conversation with Black Men About Personal, Societal, and/or Global Challenges and Resilience
February 2023 Days 623 to 642
February 1 - 3 Shedding The Shackles of Systemic Racism
- Day 623 Wed 2/1/23 Systemic Racism Day 3: A Conversation with Black Men About Finding One’s Passion To Make A Difference at Individual and Collective Levels
- Day 624 Thu 2/2/23 Systemic Racism Day 4: A Conversation with Black Men About Their Educational Journeys
- Day 625 Fri 2/3/23 Systemic Racism Day 5: A Conversation with Black Men About Creative Visions for the Future (All in The Family)
February 6 - 10
- Day 626 Mon 2/6/23 The Stress Prescription: Living Your Best Life in Times of Existential Stress
- Day 627 Tue 2/7/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: The Battle for Democracy
- Day 628 Wed 2/8/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: The Movement Voter Project – Difference Maker in 2022 & What They Have Planned For 2024
- Day 629 Thu 2/9/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: Progressive on the Ground
- Day 630 Fri 2/10/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: More Women On The Front Lines - Defending Democracy
February 13 - 17
- Day 631 Mon 2/13/23 Black Women’s Lives I: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?
- Day 632 Tue 2/14/23 Journey In Search of the Black Madonna for Valentines
- Day 633 Wed 2/15/23 Black Women’s Lives II: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?
- Day 634 Thu 2/16/23 Church of England Offers £100 million in Reparation for Slavery
- Day 635 Fri 2/17/23 Black Women’s Lives III: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?
February 20 - 24
- Day 636 Mon 2/20/23 Genocide Against the Native Americans: A Dialogue with Henrietta Mann
- Day 637 Tues 2/21/23 Echoes of the Holocaust I
- Day 638 Wed 2/22/23 Discovering the Oppressor Within
- Day 639 Thu 2/23/23 Echoes of the Holocaust II
- Day 640 Fri 2/24/23 The Meaning of Apology in Tibetan Buddhism: A Dialogue with Robert Thurman
February 27 - 28
- Day 641 Mon 2/27/23 Summit on Ukraine I: Overview of the War
- Day 642 Tue 2/28/23 Summit on Ukraine II: The Danger of Nuclear War
March 2023 Days 643 to 665
March 1 - 3
- Day 643 Wed 3/1/23 Summit on Ukraine III: The Costs of War
- Day 644 Thu 3/2/23 Summit on Ukraine IV: The Pathway to the War
- Day 645 Fri 3/3/23 Summit on Ukraine V: The Pathway to Peace
March 6 - 10
- Day 646 Mon 3/6/23 The Tao of Social Action
- Day 647 Tue 3/7/23 AI Rising: Frankenmind or Silicon Saviour?
- Day 648 Wed 3/8/23 Celebrating Women Activists on International Women’s Day
- Day 649 Thu 3/9/23 The Art of the Brand
- Day 650 Fri 3/10/23 Extending the Limits of Humanity's Health Span
March 13 - 17
- Day 651 Mon 3/13/23 ENDANGERED Humanity I: Celebrating Action
- Day 652 Tue 3/14/23 ENDANGERED Humanity II: Celebrating Action
- Day 653 Wed 3/15/23 Tired of all the “Blah, blah, blah” about climate change? Understanding the global conversation about decarbonizing the economy.
- Day 654 Thu 3/16/23 Waves of Love: The Healing Music of the Spheres
- Day 655 Fri 3/17/23 Feast of Losses: Poetry and Music in Honor of Grief
March 20 - 24
- Day 656 Mon 3/20/23 Humanity Rising Network - Communications Reimagined
- Day 657 Tue 3/21/23 Understanding the Mysteries of Consciousness through the Godly Attributes
- Day 658 Wed 3/22/23 Indigenous Learning
- Day 659 Thu 3/23/23 Ceremony, sacred spaces, and wisdom from Teotihuacan, Mexico
- Day 660 Fri 3/24/23 At the Frontiers of Cosmology
March 27 - 31
- Day 661 Mon 3/27/23 The Soul of Toni Wolff and the Magic of the Feminine Psyche
- Day 662 Tue 3/28/23 Democracy and Governance I: The Practice of Democracy
- Day 663 Wed 3/29/23 Democracy and Governance II: Next Steps
- Day 664 Thu 3/30/23 Democracy and Governance III: Are We Going To Wake Up In Time?
- Day 665 Fri 3/31/23 Democracy and Governance IV: Evangelicals For Democracy & Faiths United to Save Democracy
April 2023 - Days 667 to 686
April 3 - 7
- Day 667 Mon 4/3/23 Women’s History of Changing the World I: Bearing Witness to America’s Civil Rights History: A Personal Journey
- Day 668 Tue 4/4/23 Women’s History of Changing the World II: Spiritual Mentorship: Coretta Scott King, Daisy Bates and Maya Angelou
- Day 669 Wed 4/5/23 Women’s History of Changing the World III: Poetry in Motion
- Day 670 Thu 4/6/23 Women’s History of Changing the World IV: I am Who I am because I am a Black Woman
- Day 671 Fri 4/7/23 Women’s History of Changing the World V: Wise Talk Wise Women
April 10 - 14
- Day 672 Mon 4/10/23 The Age Dilemma - One of The Largests & Least Talked About Issues of Our Time
- Day 673 Tue 4/11/23 In Pursuit of Home
- Day 674 Wed 4/12/23 In Pursuit of Home II
- Day 675 Thu 4/13/23 Solutions of Another Kind: The Youth Mental Health Crisis
- Day 676 Fri 4/14/23 Join our Pilgrimage to Chartres July 2 - 8: Experience Waves of Love from the Music of the Spheres
April 17 - 21
- Day 677 Mon 4/17/23 Creativity Rising 1 - Liberating Our Creative Nature
- Day 678 Tue 4/18/23 Creativity Rising 2 - Systemic Change Invokes Co-Creative Solutions
- Day 679 Wed 4/19/23 Creativity Rising 3 - Creativity as Personal and Planetary Healer
- Day 680 Thu 4/20/23 Creativity Rising 4 - The Innovative Art of Land Regeneration
- Day 681 Fri 4/21/23 Creativity Rising 5 - Collective Envisioning and Global Activation
April 24 - 28
- Day 682 Mon 4/24/23 Summit on Ukraine I: What Lessons can be learned from the Success of Citizen Diplomacy during the Cold War that might help us bring peace in Ukraine today?
- Day 683 Tue 4/25/23 Summit on Ukraine II: Understanding Who blew up the the Nordstream Pipeline and the Current status of the War
- Day 684 Wed 4/26/23 Summit on Ukraine III: Understanding the Depths and Scope of US Imperialism with Chris Hedges
- Day 685 Thu 4/27/23 Summit on Ukraine IV: Is Negotiation Possible?
- Day 686 Fri 4/28/23 Summit on Ukraine V: Understanding Who blew up the the Nordstream Pipeline and the Current Status of the War
May 2023 - Days 687 to 709
May 1 - 5
- The Rivers of Splendor: Your Birthright of Regenerative Health
- Day 687 Mon 5/1/23 Meet the Faculty and Experience True Regenerative Health
- Day 688 Tue 5/2/23 The Prenatal Origins of Health and the Regenerative Health Curriculum
- Day 689 Wed 5/3/23 Holistic Mental Health and the Expressive Arts Elective Track
- Day 690 Thu 5/4/23 Empowerment Based Healthcare Elective Track
- Day 691 Fri 5/5/23 Regenerative Health in Action
- #Top
May 8 - 12
- Day 692 Mon 5/8/23 The Wide World of Water: How Water Unifies Humanity
- Day 693 Tue 5/9/23 Victory in Europe Day in Russia: a Perspective on War and Peace
- Day 694 Wed 5/10/23 Homeopathy and JD Rockefeller
- Day 695 Thu 5/11/23 SHIFTING FREQUENCIES: Indigenous Cosmology & Unified Physics
- Day 696 Fri 5/12/23 The Age of Thinking Machines: Practical Policy Recommendations for Democracies to Thrive and Survive
- #Top
May 15 - 19
- Day 697 Mon 5/15/23 AI Tutors - Madness or Magic
- Day 698 Tue 5/16/23 Israel and Palestine: Latest Developments
- Day 699 Wed 5/17/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis I: The Climate Solution
- Day 700 Thu 5/18/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis II: The Strategy to get Humanity to Move
- Day 701 Fri 5/19/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis III: Get on Board!
- #Top
May 22 - 26
- Day 702 Mon 5/22/23 The Latest on UFOs, Saving Democracy and other Matters: a Dialogue with Daniel Sheehan
- Day 703 Tue 5/23/23 Zombies Rising: The existential threat to our humanity posed by the idealisation of modern technology and its many manifestations
- Day 704 Wed 5/24/23 The After Shocks of War: The Agony of Being a Vet
- Day 705 Thu 5/25/23 Wild Yoga - Rebecca Wildbear
- Day 706 Fri 5/26/23 Nexus: a Novel for Exploring the Nature of Time, Causality, and Purpose
- #Top
May 29 - 31
- Day 707 Mon 5/29/23 Urgent Call to Mothers and Grandmothers: War Stops Now!
- Day 708 Tue 5/30/23 Harnessing the Power of Women
- Day 709 Wed 5/312/23 The Resonance Code: A Rebirth of I Ching, the Ancient Chinese Divinatory System
- #Top
June 2023 - Days 710 to 731
June 1 - 2
- Day 710 Thu 6/1/23 Nonviolence action within the complexities of Iran’s repression of freedom
- Day 711 Fri 6/2/23 Warrior Women Wisdom
- #top
June 5 - 9
- Day 712 Mon 6/5/23 The Technologies of Hope I: Safer Made
- Day 713 Tue 6/6/23 The Technologies of Hope II: The Innovation Marketplace
- Day 714 Wed 6/7/23 Technologies of Hope III: Building Materials, Biocyler & Intellisynthesis
- Day 715 Thu 6/8/23 Technologies of Hope IV: Autism
- Day 716 Fri 6/9/23 Technologies of Hope V: Healing Technologies
- #top
June 12 - 16
- Day 717 Mon 6/12/23 Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path
- Day 718 Tue 6/13/23 Playing With Fire: Listening to the Ancients About Technology
- Day 719 Wed 6/14/23 The Handless Maiden
- Day 720 Thu 6/15/23 A Dialog with Roger Hallam, Co-Founder, Extinction Rebellion
- Day 721 Fri 6/16/23 Thrutopia: a new paradigm for creating the future we’d be proud to leave behind.
- #top
June 19 - 23
- Day 722 Mon 6/19/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 1: Unpacking the term "alignment"
- Day 723 Tue 6/20/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 2: In search for an ethical and compassionate Al
- Day 724 Wed 6/21/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 3: Aligned Al use- cases in Education
- Day 725 Thu 6/22/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 4: Alignment in Social Media
- Day 726 Fri 6/23/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 5: Al Industry self-regulation and guardrails in practice
- #top
June 26 - 30
- Day 727 Mon 6/26/23 China is Not our Enemy I: Ten Years of Pivot towards War with China
- Day 728 Tue 6/27/23 China is Not our Enemy II: A look into the geostrategic realities of China
- Day 729 Wed 6/28/23 China is Not our Enemy III: Propaganda
- Day 730 Thu 6/29/23 China is Not our Enemy 4: Effect of the Conflict on Asian Americans
- Day 731 Fri 6/30/23 China is Not our Enemy V: What can we do to stop war with China?
- #top
July 2023 - Days 732 to 751
July 3 - 7
- Day 732 Mon 7/3/23 Waves of Love: The Healing Music of the Spheres
- Day 733 Tue 7/4/23 Network for Ecovillage Emergence and Development in the Sahel
- Day 734 Wed 7/5/23 Promoting African local creative solutions to benefit people and Planet
- Day 735 Thu 7/6/23 Holofractographic Integral Spiritual Practice
- Day 736 Fri 7/7/23 Caregivers of Mother Earth ECO-lution - Connecting children with nature to live sustainably
- #top
July 10 - 14
- Day 737 Mon 7/10/23 Twelve mindsets for thriving in the 21st century
- Day 738 Tue 7/11/23 Humanity’s Team - Conscious Community & Transformative Learning
- Day 739 Wed 7/12/23 Trees Are in Big Trouble But We Tell the Story of How Trees (and Humanity) Can Be Saved
- Day 740 Thu 7/13/23 The EARTHwise Game for Civilizational Transformation
- Day 741 Fri 7/14/23 Women Peacemakers: The Hidden Side of Peacemaking: How to make war irrelevant.
- #top
July 17 - 21
- Day 742 Mon 7/17/23 Values development in Europe in the context of the Russian invasion into Ukraine
- Day 743 Tue 7/18/23 Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity: the Rocky Road to Democracy
- Day 744 Wed 7/19/23 Lasting peace in Europe: what is necessary and what is possible?
- Day 745 Thu 7/20/23 MycoHab - Food and Housing from Waste Resources
- Day 746 Fri 7/21/23 The Power of the Pilgrimage
- #top
July 24 - 28
- Day 747 Mon 7/24/23 Ecopeace Teen Cafe: Towards Peace Through Climate Action
- Day 748 Tue 7/25/23 The Moonshot mission + Long Live Men Book
- Day 749 Wed 7/26/23 Men’s Physical and Mental Health
- Day 750 Thu 7/27/23 Men’s Relational and Emotional Health
- Day 751 Fri 7/28/23 Mature Masculinity
- #top
August 2023 Days OFF!!!
- Humanity Rising will resume a daily program schedule on September 5, 2023
- Many thanks to Jim Garrison, Georg and all the people at Ubiquity University and around the world who make Humanity Rising happen.
September 2023 - Days 752 to 771
September 5 - 8
- Day 752 Tue 9/5/23 US Government begins process of releasing information on UFOs to the public
- Day 753 Wed 9/6/23 Dialogue with Stephen Dinan Founder and CEO of the Shift Network
- Day 754 Thu 9/7/23 Collective Recovery from Denial of UFO/UAP and NHI (NonHumanIntelligences)
- Day 755 Fri 9/8/23 May I Have Your Attention, Please? How do we re-imagine a conscious attention economy?
September 11 - 15
- Day 756 Mon 9/11/23 The Epigenetics of 9/11: Dedicated to the Babies in Utero on 9/11/2001
- Day 757 Tue 9/12/23 WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE: The Metallurgy of Grief: Voices of Ground Zero
- Day 758 Wed 9/13/23 Forecast of Love: Our Veterans Speak WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE:
- Day 759 Thu 9/14/23 Warriors Cry For Peace: Suicide
- Day 760 Fri 9/15/23 WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE: The End of War
September 18 - 23
- Day 761 Mon 9/18/23 DAY 1: PEACE ON EARTH BY 2030 – An Idea Whose Time Has Come
- Day 762 Tue 9/19/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 – Empowerment In Action
- Day 763 Wed 9/20/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 - Unity In Action
- Day 764 Thu 9/21/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 - Cooperation In Action
- Day 765 Fri 9/22/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 – Ubuntu In Action 12 to 2 pm ET
- Day 766 Sat 9/23/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 In Action: Celebrating The Players, Learnings, & Activation Of A Global Peace Movement
September 25 - 29
- Day 767 Mon 9/25/23 Science & Consciousness - Building evidence that consciousness exists outside of the brain
- Day 768 Tue 9/26/23 Science & Consciousness: Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World
- Day 769 Wed 9/27/23 Science & Consciousness: Spirituality and Time
- Day 770 Thu 9/28/23 Science & Consciousness: The (E)Volution of Time
- Day 771 Fri 9/29/23 Science & Consciousness: Freedom from Time
October 2023 - Days 772 to 793
October 2 - 6
- Day 772 Mon 10/02/23 How Emerson Can Change Your Life: Lessons from an American Stoic
- Day 773 Tue 10/03/23 Sisters Trails Alliance
- Day 774 Wed 10/04/23 The Power of Psychedelic Medicine
- Day 775 Thu 10/05/23 New Grof Studies Program and the Death-Rebirth Struggle of Humanity
- Day 776 Fri 10/06/23 Creativity, Consciousness and Spirituality
October 9 - 13
- Day 777 Mon 10/09/23 Compassion 2.0 What is Compassion 2.0 and How to Measure Flourishing?
- Day 778 Tue 10/10/23 Compassion 2.0 Compassion, Politics and the Common Good
- Day 779 Wed 10/11/23 Compassion 2.0 Architected Compassionate Human Experiences
- Day 780 Thu 10/12/23 Compassion 2.0 Compassion, Capitalism and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Day 781 Fri 10/13/23 Compassion 2.0 The Neuroscience of Compassion & Prosociality
October 16 - 20
- Day 782 Mon 10/16/23 The Israeli - Hamas War in Gaza: A Perspective of an American Jew
- Day 783 Tue 10/17/23 Women on the Frontlines of Climate Justice
- Day 784 Wed 10/18/23 The Urania Book on Extraterrestrial Civilizations
- Day 785 Thu 10/19/23 Mikhail Gorbachev: A Transcendent Spirit for a New World Civilization
- Day 786 Fri 10/20/23 Understanding the Historical Context for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
October 23 - 27
- Day 787 Mon 10/23/23 NATURE'S NUMBERS I:The Wisdom of Harmony: Nature-based Education As Architecture Of the Future
- Day 788 Tue 10/24/23 Numerology of the Physical
- Day 789 Wed 10/25/23 Numerology of the Spiritual - Cynthia Bledsoe
- Day 790 Thu 10/26/23 Numerology of the Emotional - Suzanne Blons, The Beauty Shaman
- Day 791 Fri 10/27/23 Panelists integrate the week's learning modules and take Q & A
October 30 - 31
- Day 792 Mon 10/30/23 Whistleblowers I: The History of Shutting down Voices of Dissent
- Day 793 Tue 10/31/23 Whistleblowers II: Dissenters calling for Peace with China
November 2023 - Days 794 to 815
November 1 - 3
- Day 794 Wed 11/1/23 Whistleblowers III: UFO Whistleblowers with Daniel Sheehan
- Day 795 Thu 11/2/23 Whistleblowers IV: Palestine
- Day 796 Fri 11/3/23 Whistleblowers V: What they do to Whistleblowers
November 6 - 10
- Day 797 Mon 11/6/23 Conscious Leadership I - Discover Your Superpowers
- Day 798 Tue 11/7/23 Conscious Leadership II - Discover Your Superpowers: The Departure
- Day 799 Wed 11/8/23 Conscious Leadership III - Discover Your Superpowers: The Initiation
- Day 800 Thu 11/9/23 Conscious Leadership IV - Discover Your Superpowers: The Return
- Day 801 Fri 11/10/23 Conscious Leadership V - The Being of a Conscious Leader
November 13 - 17
- Day 802 Mon 11/13/23 AI Literacy Summit: Pandora’s Box, Panacea or Catalyst for Human Evolution?
- Day 803 Tue 11/14/23 AI Literacy Summit - Understanding the Open vs Closed Source AI Debate
- Day 804 Wed 11/15/23 AI Literacy Summit - Mitigating the Neo-Colonial Power-Dynamics of LLMs
- Day 805 Thu 11/16/23 AI Literacy Summit: Gaining Cognitive Clarity with AI Today
- Day 806 Fri 11/17/23 AI Literacy: The Convergence of Homo & Silicon Sapiens
November 20 - 24
- Day 807 Mon 11/20/23 The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance: A New Frontier on UFO Disclosure
- Day 808 Tue 11/21/23 SACRED ACTIVISM I: The Origin and Evolution of the "American Promise"
- Day 809 Wed 11/22/23 SACRED ACTIVISM II: The Realization of the "American Promise"
- Day 810 Thu 11/23/23 Reflections on Kristallnacht and Gaza
- Day 811 Fri 11/24/23 Ukraine and the Emergence of a Multipolar World
November 27 - 30
- Day 812 Mon 11/27/23 The Adulting Alliance I: Empowering Young Lives
- Day 813 Tue 11/28/23 The Adulting Alliance II: Perspectives on Art and Vision
- Day 814 Wed 11/29/23 The Adulting Alliance III :Unlocking Sexual Intimacy
- Day 815 Thu 11/30/23 The Adulting Alliance IV: Divine Self-Worth
December 2023 - Days 816 to 827
December 1
December 4 - 8
- Day 817 Mon 12/04/23 COP 28 I: Overview of COP 28
- Day 818 Tue 12/05/23 COP 28 II: Regenerative Ecology
- Day 819 Wed 12/06/23 COP 28 III: Youth Climate Activism
- Day 820 Thu 12/07/23 COP 28 IV: Dialogue with Vandana Shiva
- Day 821 Fri 12/08/23 Implications of the Failure of COP 28 on UAP Disclosure
December 11 - 21
- Day 822 Mon 12/11/23 Breaking Together: The Collapse of Modernity and a Freedom Based Response
- Day 823 Tue 12/12/23 The 12 Steps of Recovery: Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes
- Day 824 Wed 12/13/23 Retrospective on 2023, Looking forward to 2024
- Day 825 Thu 12/14/23 UAP Disclosure Act: Dialogue with Daniel Sheehan
- Day 826 Fri 12/15/23 Celebrating a Life: Jed Diamond at 80
- Day 827 Thu 12/21/23 Commemorating the Passage of the UFO/UAP Disclosure Act
January 2024
January 8 - 12
Starting 2024: Looking forward to the Summer Solstice in Light of Kogi Prophecy
- Day 828 Mon Looking forward to the Summer Solstice in Light of Kogi Prophecy
- Day 829 Tue 1/9/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications I: "Evidence through the Years" with Richard Dolan
- Day 830 Wed 1/10/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications II: Retrievals of Tech and “Biologics with Richard Dolan
- Day 831 Thu 1/11/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications III: Getting Inside the Cover-Up, and Why It Should Matter to You with Richard Dolan
- Day 832 Fri 1/12/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications IV: What's Going On? with Richard Dolan
January 15 - 19
- Day 833 Mon 1/15/24 Science & Consciousness Summit I: Foundations of Scientific Research into Consciousness
- Day 834 Tue 1/16/24 Science & Consciousness Summit II: The Science and Consciousness of Remote Perception
- Day 835 Wed 1/17/24 Science & Consciousness Summit III: The Science and Consciousness of Telepathy and Mediumship
- Day 836 Thu 1/18/24 Science & Consciousness Summit IV: The Science and Consciousness of Intention and Co-Creation
- Day 837 Fri 1/19/24 Science & Consciousness Summit V: Consciousness Technologies
January 22 - 26
- Day 838 Mon 1/22/24 ALMA: a Deep Dive into the Cosmic Soul
- Day 839 Tue 1/23/24 Prophetic Mayan Astrology for our Time
- Day 840 Wed 1/24/24 You, Awake: Mastering the Art of Change by Gary Malkin and Hope Fitzgerald
- Day 841 Thu 1/25/24 Taking the ETs Seriously: Latest Research on Popular Perceptions
- Day 842 Fri 1/26/24 Educating for Humanity Rising
January 29 - 31
- Day 843 Mon 1/29/24 Latest Update on UAP Disclosure from Washington
- Day 844 Tue 1/30/24 The Gift of Anomalies
- Day 845 Wed 1/31/24 Genocide in Gaza and the Archetype of Wotan
February 2024
February 1 - 2
- Day 846 Thu 2/1/24 Saving the White Lions
- Day 847 Fri 2/2/24 Humanity and the Plant Kingdom — together — At a Turning Point
February 5 - 9
- Day 848 Mon 2/5/24 The Call for AI Policy. Is Anyone Listening?
- Day 849 Tue 2/6/24 Are AI Guardrails Possible at this Late Date?
- Day 850 Wed 2/7/24 Is Ethical AI Possible in the Capitalistic System?
- Day 851 Thu 2/8/24 AI Policy Summit: Building Compassion into AI
- Day 852 Fri 2/9/24 Parenting in an AI World
February 12 - 16
- Day 853 Mon 2/12/24 Modern Flourishing I: Founders and Wellness
- Day 854 Tue 2/13/24 Modern Flourishing II: Science and Flourishing
- Day 855 Wed 2/14/24 Modern Flourishing III: Pro-social Teaming: Humanity based Organizations
- Day 856 Thu 2/15/24 Modern Flourishing IV: Ancient Wisdom in a Modern Framework
- Day 857 Fri 2/16/24 Modern Flourishing V: Flourishing for the Individual
February 19 - 23
- Day 858 Mon 2/19/24 Awakening the Capacity to Feel - the Luminous Fascia
- Day 859 Tue 2/20/24 If Your Body Could Talk What Would It Say?
- Day 860 Wed 2/21/24 The Breath-Body-Mind Foundation
- Day 861 Thu 2/22/24 Unlocking Intuition: Transformative Insights through Tarot
- Day 862 Fri 2/23/24 Mental Imagery - The Mind Speaking in Pictures
February 26 - 29
- Day 863 Mon 2/26/24 Learning from the Elephants
- Day 864 Tue 2/27/24 Emmanuel Swedenborg: Nature Mystic
- Day 865 Wed 2/28/24 Discerning the Future with Benjamin J. Butler
- Day 866 Thu 2/29/24 Making Ecocide an International Crime
March 2024 - Days 867 to 887
March 4 - 8
- Day 868 Mon 3/4/24 Spirituality and Regenerative Living
- Day 869 Tue 3/5/24 Awakening Our Spiritual Core
- Day 870 Wed 3/6/24 Inner Peace and Well-Being
- Day 871 Thu 3/7/24 Interconnectedness and Unity
- Day 872 Fri 3/8/24 Future of Spiritual Evolution
March 11 - 15
- Day 873 Mon 3/11/24 Living In Synchronicity with Dr. Carroy Ferguson
- Day 874 Tue 3/12/24 THE POWER OF PURPOSE: Thriving In Your Life Path with Cynthia Bledsoe, MA, CRMT
- Day 875 Wed 3/13/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration I
- Day 876 Thu 3/14/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration II Practicing Cultural Sensitivity
- Day 877 Fri 3/15/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration Ill
March 18 - 22
- Day 878 Mon 3/18/24 ET Contact: Going Cosmologically Cosmopolitan
- Day 879 Tue 3/19/24 Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan I
- Day 880 Wed 3/20/24 Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II
- Day 881 Thu 3/21/24 Understanding the Complexity of the ETs
- Day 882 Fri 3/22/24 The Alien Abduction Story of Betty and Barney Hill
March 25 - 29
- Day 883 Mon 3/25/24 Roswell: The Most Famous UFO Event in History
- Day 884 Tue 3/26/24 Investigating the UFOs
- Day 885 Wed 3/27/24 Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact
- Day 886 Thu 3/28/24 UFO Abductions
- Day 887 Fri 3/29/24 Conscious Engagement: How ETs Connect and Instruct Human Evolution
April 2024 - Days 888 to 909
April 1 - 5
- Day 888 Mon 4/1/24 Day 1: The Role of Creativity in the 21st Century
- Day 889 Tue 4/2/24 Day 2: The Promise of Healthcare Technology
- Day 890 Wed 4/3/24 Day 3: Music & Sound as Tools for Creativity & Healing
- Day 891 Thu 4/4/24 Day 4: The Future of Storytelling
- Day 892 Fri 4/5/24 Day 5: The Future of Creativity in the 21st Century
April 8 - 12
- Day 893 Mon 4/8/24 EnergyMedzGlobal Practice + The Kindness Initiative
- Day 894 Tue 4/9/24 True Human: Reimagining Ourselves at the End of Our World
- Day 895 Wed 4/10/24 Roswell: The Most Famous UFO Event in History
- Day 896 Thu 4/11/24 God vs. Aliens: Is the Universe Big Enough for Both?
- Day 897 Fri 4/12/24 ET & ECOintention Collaboration: Healing Nature through Energy Balancing
April 15 - 19
- Day 898 Mon 4/15/24 Disgrace and Grace at Guantanamo
- Day 899 Tue 4/16/24 MediSounds® Presentation
- Day 900 Wed 4/17/24 Conscious Business in an Age of Predatory Capitalism
- Day 901 Thu 4/18/24 Saving Great Salt Lake in the Face of Water Demand and Climate Change
- Day 902 Fri 4/19/24 Is Water Conscious? Exploring the Mysteries of our most Ubiquitous Element
April 22 - 26
- Day 903 Mon 4/22/24 Humanity Rising in the Leo Aquarian Age
- Day 904 Tue 4/23/24 The Nazca Alien Mummies
- Day 905 Wed 4/24/24 UAP Disclosure in Latin America
- Day 906 Thu 4/25/24 The Living Intelligence Project
- Day 907 Fri 4/26/24 Alien Abduction Story
April 29 - 30
- HR!Day908 - Mon 4/29/24 ETs who are Allies of Humanity - Marshall Vian Summers
- HR!Day909 - Tue 4/30/24 An ex CIA’s perspective on Ukraine and Gaza - Lawrence Johnson
May 2024
May 1 - 3
- Day 910 Thu 5/1/24 uNHIdden: Understanding the Mental Health Effects of UAP Experiences
- Day 911 Thu 5/2/24 Dialogue with Otto Scharmer on our Planetary Moment
- Day 912 Fri 5/3/24 The Story is in our Bones
May 6 - 10
- Day 913 Mon 5/6/24 Extraterrestrial Encounters by Children
- Day 914 Tue 5/7/24 The Hidden World Around Us
- Day 915 Wed 5/8/24 The Mystical Secrets of the Pyramids of the Maya
- Day 916 Thu 5/9/24 Israeli Zionism and US Manifest Destiny
- Day 917 Fri 5/10/24 The Heart of Intuition
May 13 - 17
- Day 918 Mon 5/13/24 Intuitive Interspecies Communication I: The Language of the Universe
- Day 919 Tue 5/14/24 Remembering how to listen to Nature and the Animals
- Day 920 Wed 5/15/24 Communicating with visible & invisible landscapes
- Day 921 Thu 5/16/24 Advocacy for and with Nature: A Call to Action
- Day 922 Fri 5/17/24 Communicating with the Elements and other Beings
May 20 - 24
- Day 923 Mon 5/20/24 Bullying in America: Nicholas Carlisle in conversation with Bob Rees
- Day 924 Tue 5/21/24 One Nation Under Blackmail: The relationship between Intelligence & Organized Crime
- Day 925 Wed 5/22/24 Crop Circles - the Art and Science
- Day 926 Thu 5/23/24 One Nation Under Blackmail II: From Sex Trafficking to Data Trafficking
- Day 927 Fri 5/24/24 Breakthrough Therapies in Mental Health for Military Personnel, & Veterans
May 27 - 31
- Day 928 Mon 5/27/24 Exploring Positive Contact Extraterrestrial Experiences
- Day 929 Tue 5/28/24 UFO Investigations Today
- Day 930 Wed 5/29/24 Escalating Tensions between China and the US
- Day 931 Thu 5/30/24 Water is Conscious: Activating Water with the Infinity Wave
- Day 932 Fri 5/31/24 Extraterrestrials in the Bible
June 2024
June 3 - 7
- Day 933 Mon 6/3/24 Institute for Advanced Consciousness Studies (IACS) Day 1 Introduction to the Lab, and review of the Emulating Entheogens
- Day 934 Tue 6/4/24 IACS II: Toward a Multiscale Account of Trust
- Day 935 Wed 6/5/24 Aesthetic Chills and Empathic AI
- Day 936 Thu 6/6/24 Qualia Compass & Neuromodulatory Induction of Meditative States
- Day 937 Fri 6/7/24 The importance of the Independent Science Lab & future research projects
June 10 - 14
- Day 938 Mon 6/10/24 The Meaning Crisis and the Future of God
- Day 939 Tue 6/11/24 WeSpace - Making God Accessible through Innovations in Participatory Mystical Practice - Luke Healy
- Day 940 Wed 6/12/24 Christian Minister’s Response to the Meaning Crisis
- Day 941 Thu 6/13/24 Knowing our Place in the Field of Love
- Day 942 Fri 6/14/24 Interfaith perspective on the Future of God
June 17 - 21
- Day 943 Mon 6/17/24 Day 1: Restoring Universal Mother as Leader and Rebirthing the Ancient Tao
- Day 944 Tue 6/18/24 Day 2: Memoir-Writing to Nurture Seeds of the Future: A Feminine Weaving of Personal-Planetary Life Narrative
- Day 945 Wed 6/19/24 Day 3: I Ching through the Lens of Resonance Code: Developing Your Leadership through Generating Resonance
- Day 946 Thu 6/20/24 Day 4: Songwriting, Creativity and Leadership
- Day 947 Fri 6/21/24 Day 5: Psychotopology Coaching: A Groundbreaking Methodology to Restore Feeling as the Inner Compass
June 24 - 28
- Day 948 Mon 6/24/24 Native American Healing Wisdom: Bridging Worldviews
- Day 949 Tue 6/25/24 Can Humanity Save Itself with Energy, Climate, Health Challenges?
- Day 950 Wed 6/26/24 The Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan: Testimonials
- Day 951 Thu 6/27/24 Wise Mirror
- Day 952 Fri 6/28/24 Word of the Eagle
July 2024
July 1 - 5
- Day 953 Mon 7/1/24 Primordial Wisdom and the Momentousness of our Time
- Day 954 Tue 7/2/24 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: An EU Introduction
- Day 955 Wed 7/3/24 Experiencers of the Paranormal: Identifying the Nature of our Greater Reality and Consciousness
- Day 956 Thu 7/4/24 Veganism: The Key to Healing Self, Community, our Species and Mother Earth
- Day 957 Fri 7/5/24 ReQovery: How I Tumbled Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole and Climbed Out
July 8 - 12
- Day 958 Mon 7/8/24 “The Full Body Yes” with Scott Shute
- Day 959 Tue 7/9/24 “The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature with Dr. Michael Nagler”
- Day 960 Wed 7/10/24 “The Compassion Remedy” with Catherine Wergin Schweikert
- Day 961 Thu 7/11/24 “How to Train a Happy Mind” with Scott Snibbe
- Day 962 Fri 7/12/24 "The Attention Activist” with Jay Vidyarthi
July 15 - 19
- Day 963 Mon 7/15/24 Contemplating a Galactic Belief System
- Day 964 Tue 7/16/24 Money, Power, Democracy, and War
- Day 965 Wed 7/17/24 Collaborative Ecological Healing: Interspecies Communication
- Day 966 Thu 7/18/24 In Search of A Most Perfect Love: an Indigenous Two-Spirit Perspective
- Day 967 Fri 7/19/24 The Mayan Calendar System
July 22 - 26
- Day 968 Mon 7/22/24 Human Development: A Narrative for Our Times
- Day 969 Tue 7/23/24 Mapping Consciousness: The Diamond Model Meets Spiral Dynamics
- Day 970 Wed 7/24/24 Our New Narrative from a Systemic Way of Knowing
- Day 971 Thu 7/25/24 Igniting your Radiance
- Day 972 Fri 7/26/24 Cracking the Aging Code
July 29 - 31
- Day 973 Mon 7/29/24 Defending UAP Whistleblowers - Daniel Sheehan
- Day 974 Tue 7/30/24 Wild, Willing, and Wise - HeatherAsh Amara
- Day 975 Wed 7/31/24 Contemplation on Coherence in a Time of Chaos - Jim Garrison
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