List of Humanity Rising Day Pages

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Saturday AfterChats

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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
May 2020 - Days 001 to 010 January 2021 - Days 159 to 173 January 2022 Days 383 to 402 January 2023 Days 606 to 622 January 2024 Days 828 to 845
June 2020 - Days 011 to 040 February 2021 - Days 174 to 193 February 2022 - Days 403 to 422 February 2023 Days 623 to 642 February 2024 Days 846 to 866
July 2020 - Days 041 to 071 March 2021 - Days 194 to 216 March 2022 - Days 423 to 445 March 2023 Days 643 to 665 March 2024 Days 867 to 887
August 2020 - Days 072 to 083 April 2021 - Days 217 to 238 April 2022 - Days 446 to 466 April 2023 - Days 667 to 686 April 2024 - Days 888 to 909
September 2020 - Days 084 to 106 May 2021 - Days 239 to 259 May 2022 - Days 467 to 488 May 2023 - Days 687 to 709 May 2024
October 2020 - Days 107 to 127 June 2021 - Days 260 to 281 June 2022 - Days 489 to 510 June 2023 - Days 710 to 731 June 2024
November 2020 - Days 128 to 149 July 2021 - Days 282 to 303 July 2022 - Days 511 to 531 July 2023 - Days 732 to 751 July 2024
December 2020 - Days 150 to 158 August 2021 Days OFF!!! August 2022 Days OFF!!! August 2023 Days OFF!!!
September 2021 Days 304 to 329 September 2022 - Days 532 to 550 September 2023 - Days 752 to 771
October 2021 Days 330 to 350 October 2022 Days 551 to 571 October 2023 - Days 772 to 793
:: November 2021 Days 351 to 374 November 2022 Days 572 to 593 November 2023 - Days 794 to 815
:: December 2021 Days 375 to 382 December 2022 Days 594 to 605 December 2023 Days 816 to 827


How to Access the live Zoom After Chat

An informal conversational gathering at the conclusion of the main program
Usually starts around 9:30 AM Pacific time (12:30 PM Eastern)

  • Zoom Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451    Passcode: 91954
List: Humanity Rising Days
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May 2020 - Days 001 to 010

Fri 5/22/2020 Day001 Global Summit Establishing The Power Of Women In The World
Day002 How Indigenous Women Are Finding Solutions To Climate Change And The Pandemic
Day003 Community, Creativity And Spirituality Rebelieving Our World
Day004 Courage And Compassion In Collaboration : Creating Resilient, Creative And Diverse Circles Of Change
(a gathering of Warrior Goddess women)
Day005 Codes For A Healthy Earth- Governance For Whole Systems Health
Day006 Women Entrepreneurs Amplifying The Feminine Spirit
Day007 Transforming The Pandemic Crisis Into An Opportunity
Day008 Future Is Origin YINVEST In Systematic Healing For A New Prosperous Earth
What Does Successful Investing Look Like? Can We Measure Its Success?
Day009 A Living Room Conversation
Anita Sanchez describes her book The Four Sacred Gifts
Day010 Poetry Of Human Rights
No video recording for this session

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June 2020 - Days 011 to 040

Day011 Youth Green Business - Future Capitalism And Planet *
Day012 Personal Empowerment And Leadership In Times Of Crisis *
Day013 Shaping A Safer Tomorrow - Their MBA Journey *
Day014 From Anxiety To Agency - How Do We Inspire Change In Time Of Crisis *
Day015 Leadership, Entrepreneurship And A World Beyond Covid19 *
Day016 Education And Integral Wisdom *
Day017 Next Gen Week Shaping The Future Together *
Day018 Charles Eisenstein- The Pandemic, George Floyd And The World To Come *
Day019 Whole System Change *
Day020 Whole System Change| Day 2 *
Day021 Interconnecting The Elements Of Global Transformation *
Day022 Behaviour Change At Scale *
Day023 Radical Collaboration *
Day024 Personal Resilience *
Day025 Communities For Change *
Day026 Social Movements *
Day027 Dialogue With Vandana Shiva *
Day028 Strategies For New Business *
Day029 Crowdsourcing And Regenerative Business *
Day030 Dialogue With Rollin McCraty on Global Coherence *
Day031 Feeding The Soul *
Day032 UN Unity Week *
Day033 New Approaches To Global Challenges Reforming The Global System , Dealing With Climate Living With Microbes *
Day034 Global Planet Authority *
Day035 Money Still Rules The World- Move Your Money And Start Making Demands *
Day036 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals *
Day037 Weaving Community In A Fragmented World- Inspirations And Challenges From The Global Ecovillage Network *
Day038 Dialogue With Jean Houston *
Day039 Scaffolding: Helping To Support A New Paradigm In Its Becoming *
Day040 The New Art Economy - The New Art For Humanity Rising *

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July 2020 - Days 041 to 071

Day041 How A World View Can Empower Transformational Change *
Day042 Dialogue With Elisabet Sahtouris *
Day043 The Home For Humanity Story: The Artisry Of Integral Worldmaking *
Day044 Co Creating A Culture Of Love And Wisdom *
Day045 The Birth Of The Leo-Aquarius Age And The Forging Of The Leonine Human *
Day046 Beyond Neo Liberalism: The Dawn Of A New Civilization *
(About Doctrine of Discovery)
Day047 Reconsidering Leadership: Unlearning And Providing For A More Equitable Emerging Future *
Day048 Spirituality In Times Of Dis-Ease: How To Move From Sorrow To Strength *
Day049 The Solutions To The Worlds Problems Already Exist: Now What? *
Day050 Dreaming Our World
Day051 Education For A New World *
Day052 Social Entrepreneurship
Day053 Centers Of Light A Vital Catalyst
Day054 Lessons From The French Revolution
Day055 Energy Work At Scale
Day056 Healthy Human Habitats
Day057 People Planet Purpose Or Prophet? Is Sustainability Spirituality And Whos Listening To Nature
Day058 UP Leveling With Members Of The Curiosity Generation. The First Generation Not Definedby Age
Day059 Artivism Race And The Environment
Day060 Connecting The Dots
Day061 Transformations In Learning In A VUCA ( Volitile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambigous ) World
Day062 Transpersonal Contribution To Human Evolution
Day063 Embracing Doughnut And Regenerative Economics As A Pathway To A Better Future
Day064 Fundamentals Of Doughnut Economics
Day065 Cities That Are Applying The Doughnut Economic Approach
Day066 Alternative Economic Systems
Day067 Innovative Approaches To Regenerative Economics
(Rieke Cordon - Seeds Library) (Marilyn Hamilton - Cities)
Day068 Wellbeing Economy Alliance
Day069 Bouncing Beyond
Day070 Dialogue With Thomas Hubl
Day071 From Value Chains & Circular Economies To System Value Cycles
r3.0’s Value Cycles Blueprints

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August 2020 - Days 072 to 083

Day072 Mindsets For Change How Conscious Leaders Design Meaningful Action Towards A Vital World
Day073 Voices From The Elders
Day074 Creating Sustainable Brands
Day075 Developing Personal Empowerment In A Time Of COVID
Day076 Practicing Pause Post Covid19
Day077 Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy: Commemorating The 75th Anniversary Of Hiroshima
Day078 Concious Leadership
Day079 8:8 Star Lion Gate Sacred Fire For Global Peace
Day080 Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy - 75th Anniversary Of Nagasaki
Day081 Science As A Radical Collabrative Endeavor
Day082 A Crucial Time Of Choice - Healing Humanity; Healing The Earth
(...when, where and how the masculine and feminine archetypes became separated and why this matters)
Day083 Nextgen 2030: Integral Actions For Everyday Life

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September 2020 - Days 084 to 106

Day084 Our Moment Of Choice
Evolutionary Visions: Authors, including Jean Houston
Day085 Primal Spirituality: A Dialogue With David Karchere
Day086 Love, Trauma And The Alchemy Of Transformation
Day087 Deep Human Super-Skills In A Brave New World: Understanding The Importance Of Adaptive Resilience
Day088 Mindsets For Change: Conscious Leaders Innovating For A Better Future
Day089 Netherlands Rising. Reinforce Humanity, Help Your Country Rise
Day090 How Does Medicine Need To Evolve?
Day091 Conscious Evolution - From Contemplation To Action
Day092 Breaking Binaries -- From Gender Rigid To Gender Expansive
Day093 Transform Yourself. Transform The World: A Panel Presentation From Naropa University
Day094 Creating Coherence Through Music And The Arts
Kathleen Riley visited the ChatPeople today
Day095 Stop The Global Warming And Use The Heat
Day096 The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research And Its Implications
Day097 Harmony Of The Cosmos: What Pythagoras And Hildegard Von Bingen Can Teach Us In The Time Of Global Pandemic
Kayleen Asbo joined us briefly in the After Chat
Day098 Dialogue With Riane Eisler
Author: The Chalice and The Blade and President of the Center for Partnership Studies
Day099 International| Day Of Peace — Youth From Around The World Come Together
In the AfterChat, Lesley introduces herself; and... Heather sings her song "All Together, All The Time"
Day100 The Rise Of The Green Swans
"Green Swans" = solutions that take us exponentially toward breakthrough.
Day101 The One And The Many
Day102 The Future Of Business: Humanistic Management And Regenerative Economics
Day103 Climate Change, Public Health And Litigation
Day104 Donald Trump And The Upcoming US Election
Day105 Mindsets For Change Stopping The Next Pandemic
Day106 Dialogue With Johnathan Poirritt

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October 2020 - Days 107 to 127

Day107 Radical Regeneration: A Dialogue With Andrew Harvey And Caroline Baker
Day108 Systems Design For A World With A Future
Day109 From Kailash To Davos, Planetary Pilgrimage For Protopia
Day110 The Planet Has No Party Line
Day111 Through Our Dark Night To A New| Day: Our Social And Spiritual Journey In A
Day112 Integral Transpersonal Education
Day113 Femmeq — A Dialogue With A Mother And Daughter About Feminine IQ
Day114 Bouncing Beyond To A Regenerative World
Day115 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 2: Regeneration
Day116 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 3: Harmony
Day117 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 4: Evolution
Day118 Bouncing Beyond -| Day 5: Source
Day119 The Future Of Impact Investing
Day120 Nextgen Roundtable: Global Spotlight #1
Day121 Meeting The Mystery Of Money (Care First)
In "Care First," money serves the well-being of people and planet
Day122 Dialogue With David Pearl, Inventor Of The Street Wisdom Movement
Day123 Manchester Monastery
Day124 Art And The Revolution
Our ChatPerson, Sally Annett, is on this panel!
Esperide presents the Temples to Humankind
Day125 Nextgen Roundtable: Global Spotlight #2
Day126 Humanity Rising Chile
Day127 Tools For Healing The Personal To Transform The Collective
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping Technique

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November 2020 - Days 128 to 149

Day128 Shared Leadership Between MEN And WOMEN: The Power Of Connection

The Consequences of the US Presidential Election

Day129 Eve Of The Election
Day130 Election Day
Day131 The Consequences Of The US Presidential Election - The Day After
Day132 The Election Aftermath
Day133 The Larger Context Of Light And Shadow
Day134 Communities For Future - Catalyzing Societal Transformation Through Community-Led Action
Day135 Vladimir Pozner On The Stakes In U.S.-Russia Relations
Day136 VIRTUAL CITY: The New Frontier Of The Smart Cities
Day137 Sonic Coherence: Using Sound For Personal & Planetary Healing
Day138 Breakthroughs In Physics And Cosmology And The Rise Of A New Story For Humanity
Day139 Trump’s Obstruction Of US Presidential Election
Day140 Unshackled - How To Liberate Ourselves From Reactive Structures Of Mind
Day141 Dialogue With Malcolm Stern: How To Thrive Amidst Loss And Uncertainty
Day142 Daniel Ellsberg On Dismantling The “Doomsday Machine” To Avert Nuclear Catastrophe, Whistleblowing And The Future Of Our Democracy
Day143 The Art Of Grief: The Need For Community And Ritual
Day144 The Art Of Grief Part 2.
Day145 Bohm, Krishnamurti And The Unity Of Everything
Day146 Book Of Codes
Day147 We Are Nature, Reconnecting With Wisdom And Oneness
Day148 Dialogue With Zvi Ish-Shalom
Day149 How can Nature's principles of Harmony guide and inform a new way of learning to live?

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December 2020 - Days 150 to 158

Day150 From Cacophony to Coherence through the Arts and Philosophy
Day151 Returning to the Root: Contemplation and Stillness as a Pathway of Integration with Mary Magdalene as a Guide
Day152 Magic At Work - Engaging The Invisible Realms
Day153 The Vanishing Garden: Religion and the Fate of the Earth
Day154 Leveraging 'AQ' - Building resilience in people and businesses
Day155 Reshaping Capitalism: The Future of the Corporation
Day156 Reviewing the Year with Partners who helped start Humanity Rising
Day157 Transitioning to A Better Way (About The Global Network of Transition Towns)
Day158 Celebrating Trees: A Dialogue with Clare Dubois

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January 2021 - Days 159 to 173

January 11-15 Cities Week

Day159 Cities Rising - Monday: Cities Thrive When AQtivating Agency at Scale
Day160 Cities Rising - Tuesday: Cities & Community are Living Systems With Consciousness, Culture and Complex Adaptive Dynamics
Day161 Cities Rising - Wednesday: City & Community Governance Principles & Structures That Support Local Conditions
Day162 Cities Rising - Thursday: Generate Ideas To Enable You To Use Tensions in Your City & Community To Best Mutually Serve You Both
Day163 Cities Rising - Friday: Cities & Communities Are Vehicles for Regeneration When We Take Responsibility for Our Relationship With the Ecoregion Enabling Relationships of Reciprocity

January 18-22 Inauguration Week

Day164 Trump, the Attack on the US Capitol, and the Implications for Democracy in the United States
Day165 Touching The Heart & Healing The Soul of America
Day166 (Inauguration Day no Humanity Rising this day)
Day167 The Mind, the Self, and the Climate Emergency
Day168 Celebrating Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty "Entry into Force Day"

January 25 - 29 2021

Day169 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday
Day170 How the Major Religions can help save the Environment: Dialogue with Martin Palmer
Day171 Seed + Spark: Using Nature As A Model To Reimagine How We Learn & Live
Day 172 Impact Investment for Regenerative Development, Earth Regeneration and Ecosystem
Day 173 Science and Non Duality: A Dialogue with Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo

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February 2021 - Days 174 to 193

February 1-5 2021

Day 174 Dialogue with Charles Eisenstein
Day 175 Dialog with Lesley Southwick-Trask About Peace Week
Day 176 Conscious Evolution: Why is it urgent and How do we reach it?
Day 177 Creating Islands of Sanity In Seas of Chaos
Day 178 Thrive - a deep dive into the movies and movement

February 8-12 2021

Day 179 Revolutionary Love and Prophetic Empathy – A Strategy for Progressives for the Next Two Decades
Day 180 How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
Day 181 Radical Brilliance: How You can Create the Conditions to Be the Person who has Brilliant Ideas which Change the World for the Better
Day 182 Health and Humanity
Day 183 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday II: Dialogue with Rupert Sheldrake and Will Keepin

February 15-19 2021

Day 184 Closing the Divide: The Alchemy of Right Relationship
Day 185 Listening to the Indigenous Mind
Day 186 Singing in a Burning World - Peter Merry in dialogue with Songwriter Luke Concannon
Day 187 Healthy by Design
Day 188 Compassion for Empaths: Lessons from Compassion Science

February 22-26 2021

Day 189 Towards a Paradigm of Co-Creation
Day 190 Understanding the Current Status of the Pandemic: A dialogue with Dr. Chris Beyrer
Day 191 Being Healthy Naturally
Day 192 Health and the Wider Ecosystem
Day 193 How do we want to work and live together? A Dialogue with Alfred Tolle

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March 2021 - Days 194 to 216

March 1-5 2021 Peace Lab Week

Day 194 Intersection of Race, Culture and Activism
Day 195 Intersection of Trauma, Compassion and Value Economics
Day 196 Intersection of Beliefs, the Arts and Transformation
Day 197 Intersection of Spirituality, Reality and Intention
Day 198 Intersection of Action, Agency and Impact

March 8-12 2021

Day 199 Trust in Life - Celebrating International Women’s Day
Day 200 Connecting Worlds and Wisdom
Day 201 Rethinking National Security
Day 202 Ten Years Deep—Nuclear Power Disaster in Fukushima, Japan
Day 203 The Vanishing Garden: Religion and the Fate of the Earth

'March 15-19 2021

Day 204 Undoing Racism: Archetypal Energies, Race Relations, And Decolonizing The Anti-Black Racist Mind
Day 205 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday III: Dialogue with Marina Mangini, Jack Kornfeld and Paul Grof with Stan and Brigitte Grof
Day 206 Evolutionary Intelligence: A Dialogue with Anatoly Balyaev about Spiral Dynamics
Day 207 Our Digital Health
Day 208 An Alternative View on the Pandemic and Vaccines

March 22-26 2021

Day 209 Reimagining how to Regenerate Life Systems, Livelihoods, Learning and Leadership during the Combined Climate/Coronaviruses Disruptions
Day 210 Protecting Palestinian Human Rights Online
Day 211 Macrocosmic Quantum Theory and the Future of Humanity
Day 212 Mental Health, Longevity and a Working Future
Day 213 Dialogue with Caroline Myss

March 29-31 2021

Day 214 Spreading A Smile on The Streets
Day 215 How Being an Intellectual Shaman Can Help Change the World
Day 216 Co-Creating Europe. Exploring the Potential of Unity and Diversity

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April 2021 Days 217 to 238

April 1-2 2021

Day 217 Rewilding Humanity Rising
Day 218 Distance Working

April 5-9 2021

Day 219 Homo Novus: The New Man of Wisdom and Heart
Day 220 Emergence of the Sage Archetype — Sages Transforming the World
Day 221 Radiation and Gender: The Effect of Radiation on Women
Day 222 Repair, Restoration & Atonement: A Reckoning with Chattel Slavery and its Aftermath
Day 223 The Krása Skyscapes Project: A Journey in Memory, Healing, and Transformation

April 12-16 2021'

Day 224 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday IV— The Art of Psychedelic Sitting: Dialogue with Rick Doblin and Diane Haug with Stan and Brigitte Grof
Day 225 Regenerate Costa Rica
Day 226 Communicating with Animals: A Dialogue with Pea Horsley
Day 227 At the Front Lines of Climate Justice: A Dialogue with Osprey Orielle Lake
Day 228 Queen Boudica: War-Leader of her people - and so much more

April 19-23 2021

Day 229 How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
Day 230 The U Journey From Domination to Partnership
Day 231 Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance
Day 232 Tree Whispering on Earth Day
Day 233 Using Chakras for Psychological Energy Assessment

April 26-30 2021

Day 234 Vibrational Intelligence™ Cultivating Heart Coherence and Flow Through the Power of Music
Gary Malkin is a multiple Emmy Award-winning composer, performer, public speaker, arts activist, and music and health innovator
Day 235 Reflections of Second Generation Children of Holocaust Survivors
Day 236 Mindhive: A new approach to Collective Intelligence
Day 237 Gender Fluidity: A Dialogue with Donovan Ackley
Day 238 Heart Coherence and Holistic Health: A Dialogue with Bruce Cryer

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May 2021 Days 239 to 259

May 3-7 2021

Day 239 Creating Coherent Integration through Intentional Music
Day 240 Growing up Black Inside Systemic Racism
Day 241 Revolution of the Mother: A dialogue with Eve Ensler (V) and Andrew Harvey
Day 242 Deep Agroecology: Our Farms, Our Food, Our Future
Day 243 Integral Polarity Practice

May 10-14 2021

Day 244 Indigenous Leadership for Regenerative, Healthy and Sustainable Communities
Day 245 Sound for Personal and Planetary Healing
Day 246 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday V— Archetypal Astrology: Dialogue with Becca Tarnas, Renn Butler and Will Keepin with Stan and Brigitte Grof
Day 247 The Peace Lab Presents a Dialogue with Bruce Lipton: The Pattern of Peace
Day 248 Wilderness Therapy – Nurturing relationships with self, others and the natural world

May 17-21 2021

Day 249 Herman Hesse: Prophet and Visionary of a New World
Day 250 Innate Capacities, Regeneration and Multidimensional Renewal
Day 251 Shapeshifting and Identity: A Dialogue at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality
Day 252 The transformative power of health literacy - can we tame the infodemic beast?
Day 253 Humanity Rising One Year Anniversary Celebration

May 24-28 2021

Day 254 Towards a Loving World: Leadership and Governance for Wellbeing
Day 255 The Murder Of George Floyd, Black Maleness (Masculinity), And The “Dark Unknown Archetype” In Our Individual And Collective Consciousness
Day 256 Wed 5/26 The Dialogues – Authors, experts and change agents gather to explore some of the systemic problems of our time
Day 257 European Health Union - Political Pipe Dreams or Time for Next Level in Health Politics around the World?
Day 258 Awakening Through Grief & Loss in a Time of COVID

May 31 2021

Day 259 Stronger Together with Diversity and Inclusion

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June 2021 Days 260 to 281

June 1-4 2021

Day 260 The Constitutional Crisis in the United States
Day 261 The UFOs are Here
Day 262 Cradle to Grave - Healthtech to the rescue?
Day 263 From Boy to Man: The Need for Initiation

June 7-11 2021

Day 264 Actions For A Preferred Present and Future
Day 265 Shapes that Shape Us
Day 266 Biden’s Foreign Policy: Challenges, Stakes, Opportunities
Day 267 Mental Health in a Time of COVID
Day 268 The Magic and Mystery of Chartres

June 14-18 2021

Day 269 Relational Path to Regenerating Education
Day 270 Healing Voice: Liberation Through the Ecstasy of Chant
Day 271 Cassandra Speaks: When Women Are the Storytellers, The Human Story Changes
Day 272 Inequality and Public Health
Day 273 How to Be a Better Ancestor

June 21-25 2021

Day 274 Dialogue Creates
The power of co-creation with individuals, teams, and organizations
Day 275 Dialogue with Robert Kennedy Jr.
Day 276 Let’s Talk! What does meaningful youth participation look like?
Day 277 A Salute to Stan Grof on his 90th Birthday — Navigating the Collective Death and Rebirth Facing Humanity: Dialogue with Rick Tarnas with Stan and Brigitte Grof
Day 278 Exploring Unity: The Superorganism Meets the Holomovement

June 28-30 2021

Day 279 Dreaming a Pandemic Doorway
Day 280 Report from Colombia: Building Humaneness from Chaos
Day 281 U.S. Defense Department “Report on The UFO Phenomenon”

July 2021 Days 282 to 303

July 1-2 2021

Day 282 Thu 7/1 Happy Birthday, Stan Grof!
Day 283 Fri 7/2 Leading a Country towards Comprehensive Healthcare - A dialogue between Peter Merry and Dr. Amir Hagos

July 5-9 2021

Day 284 Mon 7/5 Fractured Societies: How can we put them back together? Leveraging the power of the Connectors to combat Polarization
Day 285 Tue 7/6 Toward a New Economics: A Dialogue with Hazel Henderson
Day 286 Wed 7/7 The Caledonian Forest

Open House 7 7 21 Special!!! Introducing Ubiquity's Masters In Regenerative Action (MRA)

Day 287 Thu 7/8 A Collective Rite of Passage
Day 288 Fri 7/9 Toward a World of Tolerance and Peace

July 12-16 2021

Day 289 Mon 7/12 Dialogue with Mac Macartney: Remembering the Ancestors
Day 290 Tue 7/13 What Women Need from Men
Day 291 Wed 7/14 The Dialogues
Day 292 Thu 7/15 Biomimicry
Day 293 Fri 7/16 Reflections on the future of language in the Age of Information Technology

July 19-23 2021

Day 294 Mon 7/19 Feminine Intelligence for a Regenerative Future
Day 295 Tue 7/20 Ecesis: How Nature can Save Humanity
Day 296 Wed 7/21 Global Regeneration Corps
Day 297 Thu 7/22 Not knowing, the Sacred Feminine and the Future of our Planet
Day 298 Fri 7/23 U.S. Defense Department “Report on The UFO Phenomenon”

July 26-30 2021

Day 299 Mon 7/26 Healing the Emotional Pandemic
Day 300 Tue 7/27 The Art and Science of Interconnectedness
Day 301 Wed 7/28 Standing Up with Power
Day 302 Thu 7/29 Polarity Paradigm Immersion
Day 303 Fri 7/28 The Rise of the Future Humans

August 2021 Days OFF!!!

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September 2021 Days 304 to 329

Sept 1-3 2021

Day 304 Wed 9/1 Responding to Code Red for Humanity
Day 305 Thur 9/2 Next Phase Integral: A Dialogue with Ken Wilber
Day 306 Fri 9/3 Killing Native American Children in Canada and the US

Sept 6-10 2021

Day 307 Mon 9/6 Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound
Day 308 Tues 9/7 Shelly Alcorn: where we are relative to where we have been
Day 309 Wed 9/8 What is a Man? What is Masculinity?
Day 310 Thur 9/9 The Transformative Power of Co-creation – professionals and citizens working together
Day 311 Fri 9/10 Longevity Reimagined: Exploring the Concepts for a New Humanity

Sept 11-21 2021 11 Days of Global Unity

Day 312 Sat 9/11 For Unity - A Tribute to Avon Mattison, Peace thru Regeneration
Day 313 Sun 9/12 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Interdependence
Day 314 Mon 9/13 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Environment
Day 315 Tue 9/14 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Economic Justice
Day 316 Wed 9/15 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Health
Day 317 Thur 9/16 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Children and Youth
Day 318 Fri 9/17 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Women
Day 319 Sat 9/18 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Human Rights
Day 320 Sun 9/19 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Freedom
Day 321 Mon 9/20 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Disarmament
Day 322 Tue 9/21 Ubiquity University & We, The World Tribute to the Change Agents of Peace

Sept 22-24 2021

Day 323 Wed 9/22 Dialogue with Sri Preethaji
Day 324 Thur 9/23 Health and the Environment. A view through the lens of environmental sustainability
Day 325 Fri 9/24 Charater Inclusion for Regenerative Societies

Sept 27-30 2021

Day 326 Mon 9/27/21 Andean Shamans Summit: The Culture and Tradition of the Q’ero People
Day 327 Tues 9/28/21 Andean Shamans Summit: Yatsai: the gift of thinking and our purpose in life
Day 328 Wed 9/29/21 Andean Shamans Summit: “Munay: the way of the heart”
Day 329 Thur 9/30/21 Andean Shamans Summit: Uju Pacha: the Underworld

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October 2021 Days 330 to 350

Oct 1 2021

Day 330 Fri 10/1/21 Andean Shamans Summit: The Qero Cosmology and Blessing of the Elders

Oct 4 - 8 2021

Day 331 Mon 10/4/21 Transforming Grief into Love / Education for Change
Day 332 Tue 10/5/21 Project Adapt: the Wisdom of Living Adaptively in the face of Severe Climate Change
Day 333 Wed 10/6/21 Extinction Rebellion and COP 26: A Dialogue with Rupert Read
Day 334 Thur 10/7/21 Bottom-up innovation in European health: tail wagging the dog?
Day 335 Fri 10/8/21 Integrating a holistic approach to kidney health
The kidney health presenters didn't show up --- Jim Garrison gave a review of what is happening in the world and what Humanity Rising is doing in response.

Oct 11 - 15 2021

Day 336 Mon 10/11/21 Letting Go of Nothing: A Dialogue with Peter Russell
Day 337 Tues 10/12/21 Wholeness and Fragmentation: The Life and Work of David Bohm
Day 338 Wed 10/13/21 Women on Men: What do women think of men and how men should transform?
Day 339 Thur 10/14/21 The future in their hands? Seeking the views of young health professionals on where the European health ecosystem is heading
Day 340 Fri 10/15/21 The Mystery of Near Death Experiences and Life After Life: A Dialogue with Ray Moody

Oct 18 - 22 2021

Day 341 Mon 10/18/21 Rethinking Strategy in 2021
Day 342 Tus 10/19/21 Longevity Reimagined II: Exploring the Concepts for a New Humanity with Todd Ovokaitys
Day 343 Wed 10/20/21 New Paradigms for Conflict Transformation
Day 344 Thur 10/21/21 Health in Europe
Day 345 Fri 10/22/21 Tarot, Polarity Therapy, Astrology, and the Chakras

Oct 25 - 29 2021

Day 346 Mon 10/25/21 HR Women’s Summit | Girl Driven Solutions | What is Beauty Telling Us?
Day 347 Tues 10/26/21 Jaguar Path - Shamanic Training
Day 348 Wed 10/27/21 Healing and Expanding Consciousness with the Scientific Use of Sound
Day 349 Thur 10/28/21 Conscious Awakening Community
Day 350 Fri 10/29/21 COP26 Humanity Rising Special Coverage – Understanding the COP

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November 2021 Days 351 to 374

Nov 1 - 7 2021

COP26 workpage
Day 351 Mon 11/01/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 1: What is at Stake for COP 26
Day 352 Tues 11/02/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 2: Carbon Sequestration in Regenerative Agriculture
Day 353 Wed 11/03/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 3: Endangered Species
Day 354 Thu 11/04/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 4: Code Red for Health Justice
Day 355 Fri 11/05/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 5: Earth Charter 2.0
Day 356 Sat 11/06/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 6: Climate Colonialism
Day 357 Sun 11/07/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 7: Citizen Action

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Nov 8 - 12 2021

Day 358 Mon 11/08/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 8: Cities Are Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs
Day 359 Tue 11/09/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 9: Oceans at the Tipping Point
Day 360 Wed 11/10/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 10: A Message from the Amazon Rainforest to COP26: THE WORLD CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE THE AMAZON
Day 361 Thu 11/11/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 11: Biodiversity and Bio Regional Regeneration
Day 362 Fri 11/12/21 Global Regeneration Summit Day 12: Next Steps for Climate Action

Nov 15 - 19 2021

Day 363-1 Mon 11/15/21 The Masculine Dialogues
Day 363-2 Mon 11/15/21 Man In Relationship To the Soul
Day 364-1 Tues 11/16/21 Breaking Free of “The Man Box"
Day 364-2 Tues 11/16/21 Men In Relationship To Women
Day 365-1 Wed 11/17/21 The Apology: A Dialogue with V (formerly Eve Ensler)
Day 365-2 Wed 11/17/21 Man in Relationship to Men
Day 366-1 Thu 11/18/21 Iconography of Black Manhood As It Relates To Transitions in Individual and Collective Consciousness
Day 366-2 Thu 11/18/21 Man In Relationship To The World
Day 367-1 Fri 11/19/21 Man in Relationship to the Natural World
Day 367-2 Fri 11/19/21 The Masculine Dialogues Summary

Nov 22 - 26 2021

Day 368 Mon 11/22/21 Next Steps for the Climate Movement beyond the COP: A Dialogue with Roger Hallam
Day 369 Tue 11/23/21 Join The HIVE
Day 370 Wed 11/24/21 Giving Thanks Then and Now: Pandemics, Gratitude, Transformation
Day 371 Thu 11/25/21 Celebrating Anne Baring at 90 - Awakening to a New Story: The Evolutionary Imperative of Our Time
Day 372 Fri 11/26/21 Cosmic Ecology~Emergent Audacity, How Cosmos Shapes the Symphonies of Life
Kala Perkins offers a beautiful visual tour of the cosmos


Top of November 2021
Nov 29 - 30 2021

Day 373 Mon 11/29/21 The Transition Movement: A Dialogue with Rob Hopkins
Day 374 Tue 11/30/21 Integrating a holistic approach to kidney health

December 2021 Days 375 to 382

Dec 01 - 03

Day 375 Wed 12/01/21 Intentional Change: Revealing Humanity’s Deep Soulular Betrayal
Day 376 Thu 12/02/21 Intentional Change: Juggling History, Language, and Experience
Day 377 Fri 12/03/21 Intentional Change: Creating Powerful Synergy towards Energetic Revitalization

Dec 06 - 10

Day 378 Mon 12/06/21 Why Race Literacy is Important
Day 379 Tue 12/07/21 Turn Me to Gold: Celebrating the Mystical Poetry of Kabir with Andrew Harvey
Day 380 Wed 12/08/21 Regenerative InterActions ~ Igniting our inherent clarity. A Meaning Conversation
Day 381 Thu 12/09/21 Relational Leadership: Conveying and Elevating Indigenous Wisdom
Day 382 Fri 12/10/21 Finding Indigeneity: Conveying and Elevating Indigenous Wisdom

Top of HR Days       GoTo Top

January 2022 Days 383 to 402

Jan 05 - 07

Day 383 This number was skipped in Ubiverse
Day 384 Wed 1/05/22 The New Human Story: Igniting The Memory Of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate
Day 385 Thu 1/06/22 The Power of Ceremonial Apology to Heal Ancestral and Personal Wounding
Day 386 Fri 1/07/22 Cool City Challenge: Empowering Cities to Become Carbon Neutral by 2030

Jan 10 - 14

Day 387 Mon 1/10/22 Are you moved to create real change to our climate crisis? Become a human bridge to nature through the Global Paqo School
Day 388 Tue 1/11/22 Dialogue Creates
Day 389 Wed 1/12/22 Amazonia on the Brink: A Dialogue with Antonio Nobre
Day 390 Thu 1/13/22 Words can be Windows or Walls
a journey of conflict resolution, restorative justice and non-violent communication
Day 391 Fri 1/14/22 Showing Up Authentic
enriching, active, deep listening, congruent engagement, and authentic expression

Jan 17 - 21

Day 392 Mon 1/17/22 What’s Next for the Climate Movement?: A Dialogue with Rupert Read
Day 393 Tue 1/18/22 Health Justice: Your Birthright of Regeneration
Day 394 Wed 1/19/22 A Marshall Plan To Cool The Planet Through Forest Regeneration
Day 395 Thu 1/20/22 The Crisis of American Democracy and the Power of One: A Dialogue with George Cappannelli
Day 396 Fri 1/21/22 Confronting the Enablers of Religious Authoritarianism
#January 2022 Days 383 to 402

Jan 24 - 28

Day 397 Mon 1/24/22 Youth and Mental Health on the International Day of Education
Day 398 Tue 1/25/22 This Supreme Moment of Historical Grace
Lorna Green, PhD, is a writer, on the trail of metaphysics
Day 399 Wed 1/26/22 Dynamic Vitality: transform how you move through life
Day 400 Thu 1/27/22 Intentional Change: Welcome Home to Inclusion, Cooperatives, Laughter Yoga
Day 401 Fri 1/28/22 Intentional Change: Direct Action using Inner Resonance Technologies
#January 2022 Days 383 to 402

Jan 31 -

Day 402 Mon 1/31/21 Humanizing: A “Growing Up Learning Tale” of Two Elders
#January 2022 Days 383 to 402

February 2022 - Days 403 to 422

Feb 1 - 4

Day 403 Tue 2/01/22 A Moonshot Mission to Improve Men’s Health
Day 404 Wed 2/02/22 The 100th Anniversary of Reiner Maria Rilke’s Greatest Poems
Day 405 Thu 2/03/22 Over 350,000 farmers in India have committed suicide since 1995. Why?
Day 406 Fri 2/04/22 5G: Wave of the Future or Crime against Human Health?

Feb 7 - 11

Day 407 Mon 2/07/22 ENDANGERED - The Sixth Mass Extinction
Day 408 Tue 2/08/22 ENDANGERED II - One million species
Day 409 Wed 2/09/22 ENDANGERED III - Planet Earth
Day 410 Thu 2/10/22 ENDANGERED IV - Humanity and the “Age of the Great Forgetting”
Day 411 Fri 2/11/22 ENDANGERED V - What’s Next?

Feb 14 - 18

Day 412 Mon 2/14/22 Honoring the Goddess of Love
Day 413 Tue 2/15/22 From Passion to Purposeful Action; How Each of Us Plays a Part in Changing Our World
Day 414 Wed 2/16/22 Dancing with Biomimicry: Embodying Nature as Our Guide
Day 415 Thu 2/17/22 Next Generation Foresight Practitioners - Changemakers for the future
Day 416 Fri 2/18/22 Envisioning and Enacting the Desired Digital Future in Africa

Feb 21 - 25

Day 417 Mon 2/21/22 The 100th Anniversary of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Greatest Poems II
Day 418 Tue 2/22/22 No Denial, No Despair: Our Most-Likely Climate Future
Day 419 Wed 2/23/22 Becoming Truly Me - My Journey Through Health, Wisdom & Impact
Day 420 Thu 2/24/22 Care First 2022-2029: Love as our beginning and pathway through our planetary crisis
Day 421 Fri 2/25/22 Creating a PEACE Matrix: The Network of Networks

Feb 28

Day 422 Mon 2/28/22 Dynamic Emergence - Loving who you are, as you are

March 2022 - Days 423 to 445

Mar 1 - 4

Day 423 Tue 3/1/22 Muslims Declare A Climate and Ecological Emergency
Day 424 Wed 3/2/22 Grofian Psychedelic Therapy
Day 425 Thu 3/3/22 Archetypal Astrology - The Rosetta Stone of the Psyche
Day 426 Fri 3/4/22 Healing the Shadow Wounds through the Wisdom of the Higher Heart

Mar 7 - 11

Day 427 Mon 3/7/22 Democracy Dialogues I: The Movement Voter Project
Day 428 Tue 3/8/22 Democracy Dialogues II: The Rise of The Feminine In Democracy: Healing The Feminine Wound In a Male Dominated Democracy
Day 429 Wed 3/9/22 Democracy Dialogues III: Bringing America Together Across Differences
Day 430 Thu 3/10/22 Democracy Dialogues IV: Indivisible - Progressive Advocacy & Electoral Work
Day 431 Fri 3/11/22 Democracy Dialogues V: Building a more Civil Nation

Mar 14 - 18

Day 432 Mon 3/14/22 Take The Next Step: Making Positive Progress in Negative & Uncertain Times
Day 433 Tue 3/15/22 The Listening Fire: How We Can Restore a Primordial Connection to Ourselves, Each Other, and the Earth During Heartbreaking Times
Day 434 Wed 3/16/22 The Politics of Being
Day 435 Thu 3/17/22 Dialogue with Jack Healey, called "Mr. Human Rights”
Day 436 Fri 3/18/22 Citizen Empowerment through Communications/Media

Mar 21 - 25

Day 437 Mon 3/21/22 Girl Driven Solutions: The Makeover of SDG #3 – Health & Wellbeing – from the Indigenous Lens
Day 438 Tue 3/22/22 The Iran Contra Case
Day 439 Wed 3/23/22 Your Inspired Day: Living into Your Values and Moving Towards Your Ideal
- (The episode about happiness)
Day 440 Thu 3/24/22 Mary Magdalene: her message for our time
Day 441 Fri 3/25/22 On the Path of Reconciliation in Bosnia

Mar 28 - 31

Day 442 Mon 3/28/22 Understanding the Invasion of Ukraine: What is at Stake, What we need to Know
Day 443 Tue 3/29/22 Exploring the World of Trans I: Understanding Gender in Three Dimensions
Day 444 Wed 3/30/22 Exploring the World of Trans II: Gender & Pronouns in a Nonbinary World
Day 445 Thu 3/31/22 Exploring the World of Trans III: Trans & Nonbinary People, In Our Own Words

April 2022 - Days 446 to 466

April 01

Day 446 Fri 4/1/22 Religious Trauma Syndrome

April 4 - 8


Day 447 Mon 4/4/22   I: Commemorating the Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King in the Context of Black Leadership
Day 448 Tue 4/5/22   II: The Rise of Younger Black Voices Regarding Race Relations and Necessary Repair Work
Day 449 Wed 4/6/22   III: Spiritual or Soul-Centered Ways To Play The Human Race Game Anew
Day 450 Thu 4/7/22   IV: The Relevance of Humanistic Psychology for Today’s Reality
Day 451 Fri 4/8/22   V: Generic Race-Linked Wounds and How Best To Manage and/or Heal Them

April 11 - 15

Day 452 Mon 4/11/22 A Crisis of Connection - Peter Merry dialogues with Cornelius O’Shaughness
Day 453 Tue 4/12/22 Transforming California’s Biggest Challenges Into Game-changing Opportunities
(Kurt interviews Reinette Senum)
Day 454 Wed 4/13/22 Woman Between the Worlds: A Conversation with Apela Colorado
Day 455 Thu 4/14/22 The Pentagon Papers Case: From The Inside
Featuring Daniel Sheehan
Day 456 Fri 4/15/22 Language: The Ultimate Tool for Cleaving Humanity

April 18 - 22

Day 457 Mon 4/18/22 Changes in the World of Spirituality and Changes in the Spirituality of the World
Day 458 Tue 4/19/22 Ethics, Power, and Love for a Changing World: Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma on THE KURAL
Day 459 Wed 4/20/22 Leonard Peltier and the Early Years in the American Indian Movement of the 70s
Day 460 Thu 4/21/22 Integral Ecology in Action: Pope Francis' call to the Laudato Si' Action Platform
Day 461 Fri 4/22/22 The Arctic Circle in a Warming World

April 25 - 29

Day 462 Mon 4/25/22 Reuniting America, The Book, The PBS Documentary, The Movement
Day 463 Tue 4/26/22 The Democracy Dialogues II: The State of The States
(Secretary of States: Jena Griswold & Eleanor LeCain)
Day 464 Wed 4/27/22 Part III: RepresentUS - Dismantling Root Causes of Inequity & Ending Political Corruption, Extremism & Gridlock
Day 465 Thu 4/28/22 Part IV: Personal Perspectives On The Challenge Facing Our Democracy
Day 466 Fri 4/29/22 Part V: Faiths United To Save Democracy

May 2022 - Days 467 to 488

May 2 - 6 Regenerative Health for A Climate Changing World

Day 467 Mon 5/2/22 Part I: Invocations ~ The Power of Beginning with Reverence and Gratitude
Day 468 Tue 5/3/22 Part II: What is Healthcare? What is Healing?
Day 469 Wed 5/4/22 Part III: The Regenerative Model
Day 470 Thu 5/5/22 Part IV: Ancestors and Indigenous Ways
Day 471 Fri 5/6/22 Part V: Healing and Healthcare for Babies, Children, Youth and Children of the Future

May 9 - 13

Day 472 Mon 5/9/22 Endangered I: Ecocide: We are Killing Our Home
Day 473 Tue 5/10/22 Endangered II: The Death Economy and the Tyranny of our Global Systems and Institutions
Day 474 Wed 5/11/22 Endangered III: Creating the Future We Want
Day 475 Thu 5/12/22 Endangered IV: Biodiversity Loss and Revitalization on the Ground
Day 476 Fri 5/13/22 Endangered V: Personal Perspectives on Biodiversity Loss and Regeneration

May 16 - 20

Day 477 Mon 5/16/22 Politics of Being
Day 478 Tue 5/17/22 The Real Story of Ukraine: What the Public is not being Told: A Dialogue with former CIA agent Ray McGovern
Day 479 Wed 5/18/22 Strings of Hope: The Healing Power of Music and Art In Treating Addiction
Day 480 Thu 5/19/22 On the Front Line: A Dialogue with Harvey Wasserman
Day 481 Fri 5/20/22 Natural Intelligence

May 23 - 27 Self Health Empowerment Summit

Day 482 Mon 5/23/22 Self Health Empowerment Summit Day 1: The Incredible Benefits of Coherent Breathing
Day 483 Tue 5/24/22 Self-Health Empowerment II: Evolutionary Somatics: Movement Practices for Restoring Life Through Toning Your Fascial Body
Day 484 Wed 5/25/22 Self-Health Empowerment III: Bioenergy Balancing "Core Talk" using Pendulums & Tarot in Motion- Embody the Wisdom Through the Cards
Day 485 Thu 5/26/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 4: Human Tuning-Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
Day 486 Fri 5/27/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 5: Mental Medicine: Creating Health Through Imagery and Open-Focus Meditation-Harnessing the Power of Attention

May 30 - 31

Day 487 Mon 5/30/22 Inner Development Goals
Day 488 Tue 5/31/22 Venus Rising: Regenerating Love Through Apology, Reconciliation and Healing
(Pilgrimage to Chartres and the honoring of the Black Madonna)

June 2022 - Days 489 to 510

June 1 - 3

Day 489 Wed 6/1/22 A Randomly Determined Free-Will with a Creative Ethos: An Exploration based on the thinking of David Bohm
Day 490 Thu 6/2/22 Going Beyond Your Beyond: Peak Performance Practices for a Thriving Life/Society
Day 491 Fri 6/3/22 The Many Paths Inward
Susan Hess Logeais reveals her transformational experiences

June 6 - 11

Global Youth Mental Health Summit

Day 492 Mon 6/6/22 Day I: The State of Global Youth Mental Health
Day 493 Tue 6/7/22 Day II: Belonging and Community-Creating a Safe Space
Day 494 Wed 6/8/22 Day III: Gender in Question
Day 495 Thu 6/9/22 Day IV: Environmental Anxiety-the Environment and Youth Mental Health
Jane Goodall is the very special guest on this session
Day 496 Fri 6/10/22 Day V: Parenting and Youth Mental Health
Day 496a Sat 6/11/22 Connecting The Dots - Movie Watch Party

June 13 - 17

Global Youth Mental Health Summit

Day 497 Mon 6/13/22 Day VI Strings of Hope: Bringing Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Out of the Darkness
This episode includes a visit from Eve Ensler (V) - and a musical performance on the Earth Harp

Global Conscious Leadership Summit

Day 498 Tue 6/14/22 Day I: The State of the World and the Leadership Required
Day 499 Wed 6/15/22 Day II: Conscious Leadership to the Rescue?
Day 500 Thu 6/16/22 Day III: Business is Driving the World’s Agenda - Where is it taking us?
Day 501 Fri 6/17/22 Day IV: Leadership in Government - an Oxymoron?

The June 2022 Democracy Dialogues June 20 - 24

Day 502 Mon 6/20/22 Day I: The Next Fifty
Day 503 Tue 6/21/22 Day II: Democracy’s Future & The State of The States
Day 504 Wed 6/22/22 Day III: An Inside Look At Democracy and It’s Challenge
Day 505 Thu 6/23/22 Day IV: Leading Activists On Activism & The Existential Challenges Facing Democracy
Day 506 Fri 6/24/22 Day V: Critical Demographic Segments In The Fight To Save Democracy

Science and Consciousness Week June 27 - 30

Day 507 Mon 6/27/22 Day 1 Parapsychological Stories: Their Meaning in our Modern World with Jim Hickman and Stanley Krippner
Day 508 Tue 6/28/22 Day 2 Advances in Parapsychology and Extended Consciousness
Day 509 Wed 6/29/22 Day 3 The Tarot Experiences VR
Day 510 Thu 6/30/22 Day 4 Global Consciousness Project

July 2022 - Days 511 to 531

July 1

Day 511 Fri 7/1/22 Day 5 Signs in the Fields of Consciousness

July 4 - 8

Day 512 Mon 7/4/22 Personal Rewilding As A Precursor To Ecological Regeneration
Day 513 Tue 7/5/22 Undaunted: Living Fiercely Into Climate Meltdown in an Authoritarian World
Day 514 Wed 7/6/22 Understanding the US Supreme Court I: What the new Conservative super majority means to American justice
Day 515 Thu 7/7/22 Understanding the US Supreme Court II: How the Court’s ruling last week will impact the integrity of Native American Reservations
Day 516 Fri 7/8/22 Understanding the Soul of Russia: A Dialogue with Gary Lachman

July 11 - 15

Day 517 Mon 7/11/22 The Romero Institute: 50 Years on the Front Lines for Justice
Day 518 Tue 7/12/22 UFOs: The Latest Information on the Reality of Extraterrestrial Intelligence on Planet Earth
Day 519 Wed 7/13/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis I: Psychedelics for Therapy
Day 520 Thu 7/14/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis II: Psychedelics for Therapy
Day 521 Fri 7/15/22 New and Ancient Healing Modalities For A World In Crisis III: Psychedelics for Therapy

July 18 - 22

Day 522 Mon 7/18/22 Saving the Cheetahs: The Story of the Cheetah Conservation Fund
Day 523 Tue 7/19/22 Values for the Coming Crisis – Humanity Rising
Day 524 Wed 7/20/22 Touching the Jaguar: Transforming Fear into Positive Action
Day 525 Thu 7/21/22 The Power of Homes to Pioneer Planetary Regeneration: How Humanity can still Co-create Home on Earth
Day 526 Fri 7/22/22 The Feast of Mary Magdalene, Her Message for Modern Era

July 25 - 29

Day 527 Mon 7/25/22 Be the Tree I: How a consciousness-based collaborative approach might be humanity’s last hope for a livable planet
Day 528 Tue 7/26/22 Mend Trees in Climate XTREEmz: How a consciousness-based collaborative approach might be humanity's last hope for a livable planet
Day 529 Wed 7/27/22 How Intuition can assist Large Scale Energetic Work
Day 530 Thu 7/28/22 Without faith no one prospers, and certainly not society: A Perspective from a Freemason
Day 531 Fri 7/29/22 Humor, Happiness, and Laughter for Thriving Societies

August 2022 Days OFF!!!

Five Thursdays are ON!

August 04, 2022 Funny Hat Day with Jim Garrison
August 11, 2022 Appreciation Day
August 18, 2022 Favorite Episode Day
August 25, 2022 Recommendations Day
August Recess - September 1, 2022 Tools and Solutions

Top of HR Days       GoTo Top

September 2022 - Days 532 to 550

September 6 - 9

Deconstructing Burnout Summit

Day 532 Tue 9/6/22 -- Burnout – An Evolutionary Definition and the Secret to Ending it Forever
Day 533 Wed 9/7/22 Taoist Antidotes to Burnout
Day 534 Thu 9/8/22 Caregiver Burnout and the Impact of Climate Catastrophe on War Veterans and Families
Day 535 Fri 9/9/22 Eco-Feminism and Mother-Wisdom for Ending Burnout Forever

September 12 - 16

Pachamama Alliance

Day 536 Mon 9/12/22 Our work in the Amazon: a deep partnership with indigenous people and a source of insight and inspiration to “change the dream of the modern world.”
Day 537 Tue 9/13/22 Giving legal rights to Nature: a groundbreaking legal and ecological Paradigm
Day 538 Wed 9/14/22 The Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative: one of the largest and most ambitious Indigenous led conservation initiatives on Earth
Day 539 Thu 9/15/22 Listening for the Call: How to Live a Committed Life
Day 540 Fri 9/16/22 Liberation, Freedom, and Healing: A Conversation Among Changemakers

September 19 - 23

Day 541 Mon 9/19/22 The Mystical Feminine of Chartres
The Pilgrimage to Chartres & Andrew Harvey on the archetype "Queen"
Day 542 Tue 9/20/22 In Extremis! A Practical Guide To The Power of One…Democracy’s Best & Perhaps Last Hope
Day 543 Wed 9/21/22 International Peace Day
Day 544 Thu 9/22/22 Homeopathy: Where Medical Biomimicry and Nanopharmacology Meet Medical Alchemy
Day 545 Fri 9/23/22 Humanity Rising Network & Banafsheh Sayyad on Iran

September 26 - 30

Day 546 Mon 9/26/22 What is Non Violence and Where does it Derive Power
Day 547 Tue 9/27/22 The Legacy-Jesus, Gandhi and King - Nonviolence Through the Ages
Day 548 Wed 9/28/22 What’s Peace Got To Do With It? -The True Nature of Humanity, Nonviolence and Peace
Day 549 Thu 9/29/22 The Old Story of Humanity and Its Impact on the World
Day 550 Fri 9/30/22 The New Story of Humanity: its Meaning and Significance


October 2022 Days 551 to 571

October 3 - 7

Day 551 Mon 10/3/22 The Big Surprise About Polarization -- And What It Means For Activists
Day 552 Tue 10/4/22 Nonviolence-The Encouraging Signs
Day 553 Wed 10/5/22 Nonviolence in Action-Theories and Examples
Day 554 Thu 10/6/22 Nonviolence: Our Bridge to the Future
Day 555 Fri 10/7/22 Key Take-aways: A Non Violence Dialogue

October 10 - 14

Day 556 Mon 10/10/22 It’s All On The Line In November
Day 557 Tue 10/11/22 The Critical Secretary of State Challenge
Day 558 Wed 10/12/22 Fair Elections – Ending Voter Suppression
Day 559 Thu 10/13/22 Democracy On The Ground
Day 560 Fri 10/14/22 Critical Action…Critical Need

October 17 - 21

Day 561 Mon 10/17/22 Self Health Empowerment Summit Day 1: The Incredible Benefits of Coherent Breathing
Day 562 Tue 10/18/22 Self-Health Empowerment II: Evolutionary Somatics: Movement Practices for Restoring Life Through Toning Your Fascial Body
Day 563 Wed 10/19/22 Self-Health Empowerment III: "Core Talk" using Pendulums & Tarot in Motion - Embody the Wisdom Through the Cards
Day 564 Thu 10/20/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 4: Human Tuning-Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
Day 565 Fri 10/21/22 Self-Health Empowerment Day 5: Mental Medicine: Creating Health Through Imagery and Open-Focus Meditation-Harnessing the Power of Attention

October 24 - 28

The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul

Day 566 Mon 10/24/22 Day 1: Ageism from the Inside Out and from the Outside In
Day 567 Tue 10/25/22 Day 2: What Can One Person Do? The Moral Voice of the Elder in Tumultuous Times
Day 568 Wed 10/26/22 Day 3: Retirement from the Inside Out and from the Outside In
Day 569 Thu 10/27/22 Day 4: Reimagining the Elder for Our Cultural Moment
Day 570 Fri 10/28/22 Day 5: The Spiritual Purpose of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul

October 31

Day 571 Mon 10/31/22 Woman, Life, Freedom: A Global Intention Event for Iran

November 2022 Days 572 to 593

November 1 - 4

Day 572 Tue 11/1/22 The Body and Soul of the Feminine Revolution in Iran
Day 573 Wed 11/2/22 Lessons from the Sudanese Revolution
Day 574 Thu 11/3/22 The Global Opportunity: Women’s Revolution
Day 575 Fri 11/4/22 A Vision of Inner and Outer Regeneration

November 7 - 11

Day 576 Mon 11/7/22 COP 27 I: Time for Teeming: Tamsin Woolley Barker on her book Teeming: How Nature’s Oldest Teams Adapt and Thrive
Day 577 Tue 11/8/22 COP 27 II: Inspiration from the White Lions: Linda Tucker on Saving the King of Beasts
Day 578 Wed 11/9/22 COP 27 III: Regenerative Agriculture as Key to Stopping Global Warming
Day 579 Thu 11/10/22 COP 27 IV: Vandana Shiva on Biopiracy, Biodiversity and Regenerative Ecology
Day 580 Fri 11/11/22 COP 27 V: Direct Action to stop Climate Change or is it time to simply Adapt to the Inevitable? — A Dialogue with Rupert Read of Extinction Rebellion

November 14 - 18

Day 581 Mon 11/14/22 COP VI: Viva the Eco-Revolution! The inspiring story of how 2,000 strangers became climate allies
Day 582 Tue 11/15/22 COP VII: The Great Transformation
Day 583 Wed 11/16/22 COP VIII: Climate Disaster and where Industry is Leading the Way
Introducing PeaceMakers Circles/Network
Day 584 Thu 11/17/22 COP IX: Speed Shifting our Global Mindset in Response to Climate Disaster
Day 585 Fri 11/18/22 COP X: Inner Work/Outer Work for the Climate Crisis: From Anxiety to Activism

November 21 - 25

Day 586 Mon 11/21/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman I: Psychospiritual Development in Midlife
Day 587 Tue 11/22/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman II: Quitting the Insidious Beauty Contest
Day 588 Wed 11/23/22 Embodying the Wisdom of the Elderwoman III: Telling the Truth
Day 589 Thu 11/24/22 Building Bridges of Poetic Healing in a Burning World
Day 590 Fri 11/25/22 International Young Earth Defenders

November 28 - 30

Day 591 Mon 11/28/22 ME – WE – US
Day 592 Tues 11/29/22 Are You Highly Sensitive? Caring for Sensitive Brains in the Midst of a Suffering World
Day 593 Wed 11/30/22 A Fundamental Paradigm Shift in Exploring Consciousness & its Practical Applications

December 2022 Days 594 to 605

December 1 - 2

Day 594 Thu 12/01/22 Integral Yoga applied – Healing and Transformation with Integral Regression Therapy
Day 595 Fri 12/02/22 Assessing the Pandemic: The Need for Truly Rigorous Science and Skepticism

December 5 - 9

Day 596 Mon 12/05/22 Technologies of Hope I: Climate Restoration
Day 597 Tue 12/06/22 Technologies of Hope II – Human Wellness
Day 598 Wed 12/07/22 Technologies of Hope III: Conscious Technology
Day 599 Thu 12/08/22 Technologies of Hope IV: Solving Societal & Planetary Issues
Day 600 Fri 12/09/22 Technologies of Hope V: Natural Concrete - Changing The Way Roads & Highways Are Built

December 12 - 16

Day 601 Mon 12/12/22 Modern-day Magic I - Hacking Yourself
Day 602 Tue 12/13/22 Modern-day Magic II - Hacking the World
Day 603 Wed 12/14/22 Holistic rapid self-transformation as the optimal way to improve quality of life across all life aspects at once
Day 604 Thu 12/15/22 Love is Everything: The Mystical Poetry of Hadewijch of Antwerp
Day 605 Fri 12/16/22 Defying Gravity – Using Levity to Uplift in Unfunny Times

Top of HR Days       GoTo Top

January 2023 Days 606 to 622

January 9 - 13

Day 606 Mon 1/9/23 Teach in on Ukraine I: The Pathway to War
Day 607 Tue 1/10/23 Teach in on Ukraine II: The Pathway to Peace
Day 608 Wed 1/11/23 Apology and Reckoning: A consecration from Women Elders of Wombs of Peace
Day 609 Thu 1/12/23 Apology Program: Stories from Native American Elders
Day 610 Fri 1/13/23 Apology Program: Stories from Native American Elders

January 16 - 20

Day 611 Mon 1/16/23 How Lack of Apology or Forgiveness Leads to Disease, Distraction, and Depression
Day 612 Tue 1/17/23 Apology Program: V on Apology and Reckoning
Day 613 Wed 1/18/23 Apology Program: The Power of Ho'Oponopono
Day 614 Thu 1/19/23 Apology Program: The Suppression of Native American Spirituality
Day 615 Fri 1/20/23 The Challenge of Being a Man

January 23 - 27

Day 616 Mon 1/23/23 How Did We Get Here? When science meets industry –The History of Glyphosate
Day 617 Tue 1/24/23 Glyphosate: What science is telling us and why it matters
Day 618 Wed 1/25/23 Glyphosate: Legal Success: USD $10 + Billion Lawsuit Victory against Bayer / Monsanto
Day 619 Thu 1/26/23 Glyphosate: How New Policies Can Limit Glyphosate Use: Dialogue with Dr. Zach Bush
Day 620 Fri 1/27/23 Glyphosate: Eliminating Poisons from our Environment

January 30 - 31 Shedding The Shackles of Systemic Racism

Day 621 Mon 1/30/23 Systemic Racism Day 1: Conversations with Black Men About How They Tapped Into Their Own Creativity To Structure Journeys To Make A Difference At Individual and Collective Levels
Day 622 Tue 1/31/23 Systemic Racism Day 2: A Conversation with Black Men About Personal, Societal, and/or Global Challenges and Resilience

February 2023 Days 623 to 642

February 1 - 3 Shedding The Shackles of Systemic Racism

Day 623 Wed 2/1/23 Systemic Racism Day 3: A Conversation with Black Men About Finding One’s Passion To Make A Difference at Individual and Collective Levels
Day 624 Thu 2/2/23 Systemic Racism Day 4: A Conversation with Black Men About Their Educational Journeys
Day 625 Fri 2/3/23 Systemic Racism Day 5: A Conversation with Black Men About Creative Visions for the Future (All in The Family)

February 6 - 10

Day 626 Mon 2/6/23 The Stress Prescription: Living Your Best Life in Times of Existential Stress
Day 627 Tue 2/7/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: The Battle for Democracy
Day 628 Wed 2/8/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: The Movement Voter Project – Difference Maker in 2022 & What They Have Planned For 2024
Day 629 Thu 2/9/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: Progressive on the Ground
Day 630 Fri 2/10/23 Democracy Dialogues Feb 2023: More Women On The Front Lines - Defending Democracy

Top of HR Days       GoTo Top

February 13 - 17

Day 631 Mon 2/13/23 Black Women’s Lives I: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?
Day 632 Tue 2/14/23 Journey In Search of the Black Madonna for Valentines
Day 633 Wed 2/15/23 Black Women’s Lives II: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?
Day 634 Thu 2/16/23 Church of England Offers £100 million in Reparation for Slavery
Day 635 Fri 2/17/23 Black Women’s Lives III: Colonization of Black Female Bodies A Mosaic of Stories, Bodies, and Knowledges, Vision, Voice, and Being: What Apology? What Atonement? What Repair? What Restitution?

February 20 - 24

Day 636 Mon 2/20/23 Genocide Against the Native Americans: A Dialogue with Henrietta Mann
Day 637 Tues 2/21/23 Echoes of the Holocaust I
Day 638 Wed 2/22/23 Discovering the Oppressor Within
Day 639 Thu 2/23/23 Echoes of the Holocaust II
Day 640 Fri 2/24/23 The Meaning of Apology in Tibetan Buddhism: A Dialogue with Robert Thurman

February 27 - 28

Day 641 Mon 2/27/23 Summit on Ukraine I: Overview of the War
Day 642 Tue 2/28/23 Summit on Ukraine II: The Danger of Nuclear War

March 2023 Days 643 to 665

March 1 - 3

Day 643 Wed 3/1/23 Summit on Ukraine III: The Costs of War
Day 644 Thu 3/2/23 Summit on Ukraine IV: The Pathway to the War
Day 645 Fri 3/3/23 Summit on Ukraine V: The Pathway to Peace

March 6 - 10

Day 646 Mon 3/6/23 The Tao of Social Action
Day 647 Tue 3/7/23 AI Rising: Frankenmind or Silicon Saviour?
Day 648 Wed 3/8/23 Celebrating Women Activists on International Women’s Day
Day 649 Thu 3/9/23 The Art of the Brand
Day 650 Fri 3/10/23 Extending the Limits of Humanity's Health Span

March 13 - 17

Day 651 Mon 3/13/23 ENDANGERED Humanity I: Celebrating Action
Day 652 Tue 3/14/23 ENDANGERED Humanity II: Celebrating Action
Day 653 Wed 3/15/23 Tired of all the “Blah, blah, blah” about climate change? Understanding the global conversation about decarbonizing the economy.
Day 654 Thu 3/16/23 Waves of Love: The Healing Music of the Spheres
Day 655 Fri 3/17/23 Feast of Losses: Poetry and Music in Honor of Grief

March 20 - 24

Day 656 Mon 3/20/23 Humanity Rising Network - Communications Reimagined
Day 657 Tue 3/21/23 Understanding the Mysteries of Consciousness through the Godly Attributes
Day 658 Wed 3/22/23 Indigenous Learning
Day 659 Thu 3/23/23 Ceremony, sacred spaces, and wisdom from Teotihuacan, Mexico
Day 660 Fri 3/24/23 At the Frontiers of Cosmology

March 27 - 31

Day 661 Mon 3/27/23 The Soul of Toni Wolff and the Magic of the Feminine Psyche
Day 662 Tue 3/28/23 Democracy and Governance I: The Practice of Democracy
Day 663 Wed 3/29/23 Democracy and Governance II: Next Steps
Day 664 Thu 3/30/23 Democracy and Governance III: Are We Going To Wake Up In Time?
Day 665 Fri 3/31/23 Democracy and Governance IV: Evangelicals For Democracy & Faiths United to Save Democracy

April 2023 - Days 667 to 686

April 3 - 7

Day 667 Mon 4/3/23 Women’s History of Changing the World I: Bearing Witness to America’s Civil Rights History: A Personal Journey
Day 668 Tue 4/4/23 Women’s History of Changing the World II: Spiritual Mentorship: Coretta Scott King, Daisy Bates and Maya Angelou
Day 669 Wed 4/5/23 Women’s History of Changing the World III: Poetry in Motion
Day 670 Thu 4/6/23 Women’s History of Changing the World IV: I am Who I am because I am a Black Woman
Day 671 Fri 4/7/23 Women’s History of Changing the World V: Wise Talk Wise Women

April 10 - 14

Day 672 Mon 4/10/23 The Age Dilemma - One of The Largests & Least Talked About Issues of Our Time
Day 673 Tue 4/11/23 In Pursuit of Home
Day 674 Wed 4/12/23 In Pursuit of Home II
Day 675 Thu 4/13/23 Solutions of Another Kind: The Youth Mental Health Crisis
Day 676 Fri 4/14/23 Join our Pilgrimage to Chartres July 2 - 8: Experience Waves of Love from the Music of the Spheres

April 17 - 21

Day 677 Mon 4/17/23 Creativity Rising 1 - Liberating Our Creative Nature
Day 678 Tue 4/18/23 Creativity Rising 2 - Systemic Change Invokes Co-Creative Solutions
Day 679 Wed 4/19/23 Creativity Rising 3 - Creativity as Personal and Planetary Healer
Day 680 Thu 4/20/23 Creativity Rising 4 - The Innovative Art of Land Regeneration
Day 681 Fri 4/21/23 Creativity Rising 5 - Collective Envisioning and Global Activation

April 24 - 28

Day 682 Mon 4/24/23 Summit on Ukraine I: What Lessons can be learned from the Success of Citizen Diplomacy during the Cold War that might help us bring peace in Ukraine today?
Day 683 Tue 4/25/23 Summit on Ukraine II: Understanding Who blew up the the Nordstream Pipeline and the Current status of the War
Day 684 Wed 4/26/23 Summit on Ukraine III: Understanding the Depths and Scope of US Imperialism with Chris Hedges
Day 685 Thu 4/27/23 Summit on Ukraine IV: Is Negotiation Possible?
Day 686 Fri 4/28/23 Summit on Ukraine V: Understanding Who blew up the the Nordstream Pipeline and the Current Status of the War

May 2023 - Days 687 to 709

May 1 - 5

The Rivers of Splendor: Your Birthright of Regenerative Health
Day 687 Mon 5/1/23 Meet the Faculty and Experience True Regenerative Health
Day 688 Tue 5/2/23 The Prenatal Origins of Health and the Regenerative Health Curriculum
Day 689 Wed 5/3/23 Holistic Mental Health and the Expressive Arts Elective Track
Day 690 Thu 5/4/23 Empowerment Based Healthcare Elective Track
Day 691 Fri 5/5/23 Regenerative Health in Action

May 8 - 12

Day 692 Mon 5/8/23 The Wide World of Water: How Water Unifies Humanity
Day 693 Tue 5/9/23 Victory in Europe Day in Russia: a Perspective on War and Peace
Day 694 Wed 5/10/23 Homeopathy and JD Rockefeller
Day 695 Thu 5/11/23 SHIFTING FREQUENCIES: Indigenous Cosmology & Unified Physics
Day 696 Fri 5/12/23 The Age of Thinking Machines: Practical Policy Recommendations for Democracies to Thrive and Survive

May 15 - 19

Day 697 Mon 5/15/23 AI Tutors - Madness or Magic
Day 698 Tue 5/16/23 Israel and Palestine: Latest Developments
Day 699 Wed 5/17/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis I: The Climate Solution
Day 700 Thu 5/18/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis II: The Strategy to get Humanity to Move
Day 701 Fri 5/19/23 Cooling Climate Chaos — A Practical Path out of the Polycrisis III: Get on Board!

May 22 - 26

Day 702 Mon 5/22/23 The Latest on UFOs, Saving Democracy and other Matters: a Dialogue with Daniel Sheehan
Day 703 Tue 5/23/23 Zombies Rising: The existential threat to our humanity posed by the idealisation of modern technology and its many manifestations
Day 704 Wed 5/24/23 The After Shocks of War: The Agony of Being a Vet
Day 705 Thu 5/25/23 Wild Yoga - Rebecca Wildbear
Day 706 Fri 5/26/23 Nexus: a Novel for Exploring the Nature of Time, Causality, and Purpose

May 29 - 31

Day 707 Mon 5/29/23 Urgent Call to Mothers and Grandmothers: War Stops Now!
Day 708 Tue 5/30/23 Harnessing the Power of Women
Day 709 Wed 5/312/23 The Resonance Code: A Rebirth of I Ching, the Ancient Chinese Divinatory System

June 2023 - Days 710 to 731

June 1 - 2

Day 710 Thu 6/1/23 Nonviolence action within the complexities of Iran’s repression of freedom
Day 711 Fri 6/2/23 Warrior Women Wisdom

June 5 - 9

Day 712 Mon 6/5/23 The Technologies of Hope I: Safer Made
Day 713 Tue 6/6/23 The Technologies of Hope II: The Innovation Marketplace
Day 714 Wed 6/7/23 Technologies of Hope III: Building Materials, Biocyler & Intellisynthesis
Day 715 Thu 6/8/23 Technologies of Hope IV: Autism
Day 716 Fri 6/9/23 Technologies of Hope V: Healing Technologies

June 12 - 16

Day 717 Mon 6/12/23 Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path
Day 718 Tue 6/13/23 Playing With Fire: Listening to the Ancients About Technology
Day 719 Wed 6/14/23 The Handless Maiden
Day 720 Thu 6/15/23 A Dialog with Roger Hallam, Co-Founder, Extinction Rebellion
Day 721 Fri 6/16/23 Thrutopia: a new paradigm for creating the future we’d be proud to leave behind.

June 19 - 23

Day 722 Mon 6/19/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 1: Unpacking the term "alignment"
Day 723 Tue 6/20/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 2: In search for an ethical and compassionate Al
Day 724 Wed 6/21/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 3: Aligned Al use- cases in Education
Day 725 Thu 6/22/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 4: Alignment in Social Media
Day 726 Fri 6/23/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 5: Al Industry self-regulation and guardrails in practice

June 26 - 30

Day 727 Mon 6/26/23 China is Not our Enemy I: Ten Years of Pivot towards War with China
Day 728 Tue 6/27/23 China is Not our Enemy II: A look into the geostrategic realities of China
Day 729 Wed 6/28/23 China is Not our Enemy III: Propaganda
Day 730 Thu 6/29/23 China is Not our Enemy 4: Effect of the Conflict on Asian Americans
Day 731 Fri 6/30/23 China is Not our Enemy V: What can we do to stop war with China?

July 2023 - Days 732 to 751

July 3 - 7

Day 732 Mon 7/3/23 Waves of Love: The Healing Music of the Spheres
Day 733 Tue 7/4/23 Network for Ecovillage Emergence and Development in the Sahel
Day 734 Wed 7/5/23 Promoting African local creative solutions to benefit people and Planet
Day 735 Thu 7/6/23 Holofractographic Integral Spiritual Practice
Day 736 Fri 7/7/23 Caregivers of Mother Earth ECO-lution - Connecting children with nature to live sustainably

July 10 - 14

Day 737 Mon 7/10/23 Twelve mindsets for thriving in the 21st century
Day 738 Tue 7/11/23 Humanity’s Team - Conscious Community & Transformative Learning
Day 739 Wed 7/12/23 Trees Are in Big Trouble But We Tell the Story of How Trees (and Humanity) Can Be Saved
Day 740 Thu 7/13/23 The EARTHwise Game for Civilizational Transformation
Day 741 Fri 7/14/23 Women Peacemakers: The Hidden Side of Peacemaking: How to make war irrelevant.

July 17 - 21

Day 742 Mon 7/17/23 Values development in Europe in the context of the Russian invasion into Ukraine
Day 743 Tue 7/18/23 Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity: the Rocky Road to Democracy
Day 744 Wed 7/19/23 Lasting peace in Europe: what is necessary and what is possible?
Day 745 Thu 7/20/23 MycoHab - Food and Housing from Waste Resources
Day 746 Fri 7/21/23 The Power of the Pilgrimage

July 24 - 28

Day 747 Mon 7/24/23 Ecopeace Teen Cafe: Towards Peace Through Climate Action
Day 748 Tue 7/25/23 The Moonshot mission + Long Live Men Book
Day 749 Wed 7/26/23 Men’s Physical and Mental Health
Day 750 Thu 7/27/23 Men’s Relational and Emotional Health
Day 751 Fri 7/28/23 Mature Masculinity

August 2023 Days OFF!!!

Humanity Rising will resume a daily program schedule on September 5, 2023
Many thanks to Jim Garrison, Georg and all the people at Ubiquity University and around the world who make Humanity Rising happen.

September 2023 - Days 752 to 771

September 5 - 8

Day 752 Tue 9/5/23 US Government begins process of releasing information on UFOs to the public
Day 753 Wed 9/6/23 Dialogue with Stephen Dinan Founder and CEO of the Shift Network
Day 754 Thu 9/7/23 Collective Recovery from Denial of UFO/UAP and NHI (NonHumanIntelligences)
Day 755 Fri 9/8/23 May I Have Your Attention, Please? How do we re-imagine a conscious attention economy?

September 11 - 15

Day 756 Mon 9/11/23 The Epigenetics of 9/11: Dedicated to the Babies in Utero on 9/11/2001
Day 757 Tue 9/12/23 WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE: The Metallurgy of Grief: Voices of Ground Zero
Day 758 Wed 9/13/23 Forecast of Love: Our Veterans Speak WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE:
Day 759 Thu 9/14/23 Warriors Cry For Peace: Suicide
Day 760 Fri 9/15/23 WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE: The End of War

September 18 - 23

Day 761 Mon 9/18/23 DAY 1: PEACE ON EARTH BY 2030 – An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Day 762 Tue 9/19/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 – Empowerment In Action
Day 763 Wed 9/20/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 - Unity In Action
Day 764 Thu 9/21/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 - Cooperation In Action
Day 765 Fri 9/22/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 – Ubuntu In Action 12 to 2 pm ET
Day 766 Sat 9/23/23 Peace On Earth By 2030 In Action: Celebrating The Players, Learnings, & Activation Of A Global Peace Movement

September 25 - 29

Day 767 Mon 9/25/23 Science & Consciousness - Building evidence that consciousness exists outside of the brain
Day 768 Tue 9/26/23 Science & Consciousness: Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World
Day 769 Wed 9/27/23 Science & Consciousness: Spirituality and Time
Day 770 Thu 9/28/23 Science & Consciousness: The (E)Volution of Time
Day 771 Fri 9/29/23 Science & Consciousness: Freedom from Time

October 2023 - Days 772 to 793

October 2 - 6

Day 772 Mon 10/02/23 How Emerson Can Change Your Life: Lessons from an American Stoic
Day 773 Tue 10/03/23 Sisters Trails Alliance
Day 774 Wed 10/04/23 The Power of Psychedelic Medicine
Day 775 Thu 10/05/23 New Grof Studies Program and the Death-Rebirth Struggle of Humanity
Day 776 Fri 10/06/23 Creativity, Consciousness and Spirituality

October 9 - 13

Day 777 Mon 10/09/23 Compassion 2.0 What is Compassion 2.0 and How to Measure Flourishing?
Day 778 Tue 10/10/23 Compassion 2.0 Compassion, Politics and the Common Good
Day 779 Wed 10/11/23 Compassion 2.0 Architected Compassionate Human Experiences
Day 780 Thu 10/12/23 Compassion 2.0 Compassion, Capitalism and the Sustainable Development Goals
Day 781 Fri 10/13/23 Compassion 2.0 The Neuroscience of Compassion & Prosociality

October 16 - 20

Day 782 Mon 10/16/23 The Israeli - Hamas War in Gaza: A Perspective of an American Jew
Day 783 Tue 10/17/23 Women on the Frontlines of Climate Justice
Day 784 Wed 10/18/23 The Urania Book on Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Day 785 Thu 10/19/23 Mikhail Gorbachev: A Transcendent Spirit for a New World Civilization
Day 786 Fri 10/20/23 Understanding the Historical Context for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

October 23 - 27

Day 787 Mon 10/23/23 NATURE'S NUMBERS I:The Wisdom of Harmony: Nature-based Education As Architecture Of the Future
Day 788 Tue 10/24/23 Numerology of the Physical
Day 789 Wed 10/25/23 Numerology of the Spiritual - Cynthia Bledsoe
Day 790 Thu 10/26/23 Numerology of the Emotional - Suzanne Blons, The Beauty Shaman
Day 791 Fri 10/27/23 Panelists integrate the week's learning modules and take Q & A

October 30 - 31

Day 792 Mon 10/30/23 Whistleblowers I: The History of Shutting down Voices of Dissent
Day 793 Tue 10/31/23 Whistleblowers II: Dissenters calling for Peace with China

November 2023 - Days 794 to 815

November 1 - 3

Day 794 Wed 11/1/23 Whistleblowers III: UFO Whistleblowers with Daniel Sheehan
Day 795 Thu 11/2/23 Whistleblowers IV: Palestine
Day 796 Fri 11/3/23 Whistleblowers V: What they do to Whistleblowers

November 6 - 10

Day 797 Mon 11/6/23 Conscious Leadership I - Discover Your Superpowers
Day 798 Tue 11/7/23 Conscious Leadership II - Discover Your Superpowers: The Departure
Day 799 Wed 11/8/23 Conscious Leadership III - Discover Your Superpowers: The Initiation
Day 800 Thu 11/9/23 Conscious Leadership IV - Discover Your Superpowers: The Return
Day 801 Fri 11/10/23 Conscious Leadership V - The Being of a Conscious Leader

November 13 - 17

Day 802 Mon 11/13/23 AI Literacy Summit: Pandora’s Box, Panacea or Catalyst for Human Evolution?
Day 803 Tue 11/14/23 AI Literacy Summit - Understanding the Open vs Closed Source AI Debate
Day 804 Wed 11/15/23 AI Literacy Summit - Mitigating the Neo-Colonial Power-Dynamics of LLMs
Day 805 Thu 11/16/23 AI Literacy Summit: Gaining Cognitive Clarity with AI Today
Day 806 Fri 11/17/23 AI Literacy: The Convergence of Homo & Silicon Sapiens

November 20 - 24

Day 807 Mon 11/20/23 The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance: A New Frontier on UFO Disclosure
Day 808 Tue 11/21/23 SACRED ACTIVISM I: The Origin and Evolution of the "American Promise"
Day 809 Wed 11/22/23 SACRED ACTIVISM II: The Realization of the "American Promise"
Day 810 Thu 11/23/23 Reflections on Kristallnacht and Gaza
Day 811 Fri 11/24/23 Ukraine and the Emergence of a Multipolar World

November 27 - 30

Day 812 Mon 11/27/23 The Adulting Alliance I: Empowering Young Lives
Day 813 Tue 11/28/23 The Adulting Alliance II: Perspectives on Art and Vision
Day 814 Wed 11/29/23 The Adulting Alliance III :Unlocking Sexual Intimacy
Day 815 Thu 11/30/23 The Adulting Alliance IV: Divine Self-Worth

December 2023 - Days 816 to 827

December 1

Day 816 Fri 12/01/23 The Adulting Alliance V: Empowering Young Lives

December 4 - 8

Day 817 Mon 12/04/23 COP 28 I: Overview of COP 28
Day 818 Tue 12/05/23 COP 28 II: Regenerative Ecology
Day 819 Wed 12/06/23 COP 28 III: Youth Climate Activism
Day 820 Thu 12/07/23 COP 28 IV: Dialogue with Vandana Shiva
Day 821 Fri 12/08/23 Implications of the Failure of COP 28 on UAP Disclosure

December 11 - 21

Day 822 Mon 12/11/23 Breaking Together: The Collapse of Modernity and a Freedom Based Response
Day 823 Tue 12/12/23 The 12 Steps of Recovery: Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes
Day 824 Wed 12/13/23 Retrospective on 2023, Looking forward to 2024
Day 825 Thu 12/14/23 UAP Disclosure Act: Dialogue with Daniel Sheehan
Day 826 Fri 12/15/23 Celebrating a Life: Jed Diamond at 80
Day 827 Thu 12/21/23 Commemorating the Passage of the UFO/UAP Disclosure Act

January 2024

January 8 - 12

Starting 2024: Looking forward to the Summer Solstice in Light of Kogi Prophecy

Day 828 Mon Looking forward to the Summer Solstice in Light of Kogi Prophecy
Day 829 Tue 1/9/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications I: "Evidence through the Years" with Richard Dolan
Day 830 Wed 1/10/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications II: Retrievals of Tech and “Biologics with Richard Dolan
Day 831 Thu 1/11/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications III: Getting Inside the Cover-Up, and Why It Should Matter to You with Richard Dolan
Day 832 Fri 1/12/24 UAP/UFO Reality and Implications IV: What's Going On? with Richard Dolan

January 15 - 19

Day 833 Mon 1/15/24 Science & Consciousness Summit I: Foundations of Scientific Research into Consciousness
Day 834 Tue 1/16/24 Science & Consciousness Summit II: The Science and Consciousness of Remote Perception
Day 835 Wed 1/17/24 Science & Consciousness Summit III: The Science and Consciousness of Telepathy and Mediumship
Day 836 Thu 1/18/24 Science & Consciousness Summit IV: The Science and Consciousness of Intention and Co-Creation
Day 837 Fri 1/19/24 Science & Consciousness Summit V: Consciousness Technologies

January 22 - 26

Day 838 Mon 1/22/24 ALMA: a Deep Dive into the Cosmic Soul
Day 839 Tue 1/23/24 Prophetic Mayan Astrology for our Time
Day 840 Wed 1/24/24 You, Awake: Mastering the Art of Change by Gary Malkin and Hope Fitzgerald
Day 841 Thu 1/25/24 Taking the ETs Seriously: Latest Research on Popular Perceptions
Day 842 Fri 1/26/24 Educating for Humanity Rising

January 29 - 31

Day 843 Mon 1/29/24 Latest Update on UAP Disclosure from Washington
Day 844 Tue 1/30/24 The Gift of Anomalies
Day 845 Wed 1/31/24 Genocide in Gaza and the Archetype of Wotan

February 2024

February 1 - 2

Day 846 Thu 2/1/24 Saving the White Lions
Day 847 Fri 2/2/24 Humanity and the Plant Kingdom — together — At a Turning Point


February 5 - 9

Day 848 Mon 2/5/24 The Call for AI Policy. Is Anyone Listening?
Day 849 Tue 2/6/24 Are AI Guardrails Possible at this Late Date?
Day 850 Wed 2/7/24 Is Ethical AI Possible in the Capitalistic System?
Day 851 Thu 2/8/24 AI Policy Summit: Building Compassion into AI
Day 852 Fri 2/9/24 Parenting in an AI World

February 12 - 16

Day 853 Mon 2/12/24 Modern Flourishing I: Founders and Wellness
Day 854 Tue 2/13/24 Modern Flourishing II: Science and Flourishing
Day 855 Wed 2/14/24 Modern Flourishing III: Pro-social Teaming: Humanity based Organizations
Day 856 Thu 2/15/24 Modern Flourishing IV: Ancient Wisdom in a Modern Framework
Day 857 Fri 2/16/24 Modern Flourishing V: Flourishing for the Individual

February 19 - 23

Day 858 Mon 2/19/24 Awakening the Capacity to Feel - the Luminous Fascia
Day 859 Tue 2/20/24 If Your Body Could Talk What Would It Say?
Day 860 Wed 2/21/24 The Breath-Body-Mind Foundation
Day 861 Thu 2/22/24 Unlocking Intuition: Transformative Insights through Tarot
Day 862 Fri 2/23/24 Mental Imagery - The Mind Speaking in Pictures

February 26 - 29

Day 863 Mon 2/26/24 Learning from the Elephants
Day 864 Tue 2/27/24 Emmanuel Swedenborg: Nature Mystic
Day 865 Wed 2/28/24 Discerning the Future with Benjamin J. Butler
Day 866 Thu 2/29/24 Making Ecocide an International Crime

March 2024 - Days 867 to 887

March 1
Day 867 Fri 3/1/24 Update on Ukraine and the Death of Alexei Navalny

March 4 - 8

Day 868 Mon 3/4/24 Spirituality and Regenerative Living
Day 869 Tue 3/5/24 Awakening Our Spiritual Core
Day 870 Wed 3/6/24 Inner Peace and Well-Being
Day 871 Thu 3/7/24 Interconnectedness and Unity
Day 872 Fri 3/8/24 Future of Spiritual Evolution

March 11 - 15

Day 873 Mon 3/11/24 Living In Synchronicity with Dr. Carroy Ferguson
Day 874 Tue 3/12/24 THE POWER OF PURPOSE: Thriving In Your Life Path with Cynthia Bledsoe, MA, CRMT
Day 875 Wed 3/13/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration I
Day 876 Thu 3/14/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration II Practicing Cultural Sensitivity
Day 877 Fri 3/15/24 Art of Cultural Sensitivity and Integration Ill

March 18 - 22

Day 878 Mon 3/18/24 ET Contact: Going Cosmologically Cosmopolitan
Day 879 Tue 3/19/24 Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan I
Day 880 Wed 3/20/24 Kogi Prophecy and the Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan II
Day 881 Thu 3/21/24 Understanding the Complexity of the ETs
Day 882 Fri 3/22/24 The Alien Abduction Story of Betty and Barney Hill

March 25 - 29

Day 883 Mon 3/25/24 Roswell: The Most Famous UFO Event in History
Day 884 Tue 3/26/24 Investigating the UFOs
Day 885 Wed 3/27/24 Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact
Day 886 Thu 3/28/24 UFO Abductions
Day 887 Fri 3/29/24 Conscious Engagement: How ETs Connect and Instruct Human Evolution

April 2024 - Days 888 to 909

April 1 - 5

Day 888 Mon 4/1/24 Day 1: The Role of Creativity in the 21st Century
Day 889 Tue 4/2/24 Day 2: The Promise of Healthcare Technology
Day 890 Wed 4/3/24 Day 3: Music & Sound as Tools for Creativity & Healing
Day 891 Thu 4/4/24 Day 4: The Future of Storytelling
Day 892 Fri 4/5/24 Day 5: The Future of Creativity in the 21st Century

April 8 - 12

Day 893 Mon 4/8/24 EnergyMedzGlobal Practice + The Kindness Initiative
Day 894 Tue 4/9/24 True Human: Reimagining Ourselves at the End of Our World
Day 895 Wed 4/10/24 Roswell: The Most Famous UFO Event in History
Day 896 Thu 4/11/24 God vs. Aliens: Is the Universe Big Enough for Both?
Day 897 Fri 4/12/24 ET & ECOintention Collaboration: Healing Nature through Energy Balancing

April 15 - 19

Day 898 Mon 4/15/24 Disgrace and Grace at Guantanamo
Day 899 Tue 4/16/24 MediSounds® Presentation
Day 900 Wed 4/17/24 Conscious Business in an Age of Predatory Capitalism
Day 901 Thu 4/18/24 Saving Great Salt Lake in the Face of Water Demand and Climate Change
Day 902 Fri 4/19/24 Is Water Conscious? Exploring the Mysteries of our most Ubiquitous Element

April 22 - 26

Day 903 Mon 4/22/24 Humanity Rising in the Leo Aquarian Age
Day 904 Tue 4/23/24 The Nazca Alien Mummies
Day 905 Wed 4/24/24 UAP Disclosure in Latin America
Day 906 Thu 4/25/24 The Living Intelligence Project
Day 907 Fri 4/26/24 Alien Abduction Story

April 29 - 30

HR!Day908 - Mon 4/29/24 ETs who are Allies of Humanity - Marshall Vian Summers
HR!Day909 - Tue 4/30/24 An ex CIA’s perspective on Ukraine and Gaza - Lawrence Johnson

May 2024

May 1 - 3

Day 910 Thu 5/1/24 uNHIdden: Understanding the Mental Health Effects of UAP Experiences
Day 911 Thu 5/2/24 Dialogue with Otto Scharmer on our Planetary Moment
Day 912 Fri 5/3/24 The Story is in our Bones

May 6 - 10

Day 913 Mon 5/6/24 Extraterrestrial Encounters by Children
Day 914 Tue 5/7/24 The Hidden World Around Us
Day 915 Wed 5/8/24 The Mystical Secrets of the Pyramids of the Maya
Day 916 Thu 5/9/24 Israeli Zionism and US Manifest Destiny
Day 917 Fri 5/10/24 The Heart of Intuition

May 13 - 17

Day 918 Mon 5/13/24 Intuitive Interspecies Communication I: The Language of the Universe
Day 919 Tue 5/14/24 Remembering how to listen to Nature and the Animals
Day 920 Wed 5/15/24 Communicating with visible & invisible landscapes
Day 921 Thu 5/16/24 Advocacy for and with Nature: A Call to Action
Day 922 Fri 5/17/24 Communicating with the Elements and other Beings

May 20 - 24

Day 923 Mon 5/20/24 Bullying in America: Nicholas Carlisle in conversation with Bob Rees
Day 924 Tue 5/21/24 One Nation Under Blackmail: The relationship between Intelligence & Organized Crime
Day 925 Wed 5/22/24 Crop Circles - the Art and Science
Day 926 Thu 5/23/24 One Nation Under Blackmail II: From Sex Trafficking to Data Trafficking
Day 927 Fri 5/24/24 Breakthrough Therapies in Mental Health for Military Personnel, & Veterans

May 27 - 31

Day 928 Mon 5/27/24 Exploring Positive Contact Extraterrestrial Experiences
Day 929 Tue 5/28/24 UFO Investigations Today
Day 930 Wed 5/29/24 Escalating Tensions between China and the US
Day 931 Thu 5/30/24 Water is Conscious: Activating Water with the Infinity Wave
Day 932 Fri 5/31/24 Extraterrestrials in the Bible

June 2024

June 3 - 7

Day 933 Mon 6/3/24 Institute for Advanced Consciousness Studies (IACS) Day 1 Introduction to the Lab, and review of the Emulating Entheogens
Day 934 Tue 6/4/24 IACS II: Toward a Multiscale Account of Trust
Day 935 Wed 6/5/24 Aesthetic Chills and Empathic AI
Day 936 Thu 6/6/24 Qualia Compass & Neuromodulatory Induction of Meditative States
Day 937 Fri 6/7/24 The importance of the Independent Science Lab & future research projects

June 10 - 14

Day 938 Mon 6/10/24 The Meaning Crisis and the Future of God
Day 939 Tue 6/11/24 WeSpace - Making God Accessible through Innovations in Participatory Mystical Practice - Luke Healy
Day 940 Wed 6/12/24 Christian Minister’s Response to the Meaning Crisis
Day 941 Thu 6/13/24 Knowing our Place in the Field of Love
Day 942 Fri 6/14/24 Interfaith perspective on the Future of God

June 17 - 21

Day 943 Mon 6/17/24 Day 1: Restoring Universal Mother as Leader and Rebirthing the Ancient Tao
Day 944 Tue 6/18/24 Day 2: Memoir-Writing to Nurture Seeds of the Future: A Feminine Weaving of Personal-Planetary Life Narrative
Day 945 Wed 6/19/24 Day 3: I Ching through the Lens of Resonance Code: Developing Your Leadership through Generating Resonance
Day 946 Thu 6/20/24 Day 4: Songwriting, Creativity and Leadership
Day 947 Fri 6/21/24 Day 5: Psychotopology Coaching: A Groundbreaking Methodology to Restore Feeling as the Inner Compass

June 24 - 28

Day 948 Mon 6/24/24 Native American Healing Wisdom: Bridging Worldviews
Day 949 Tue 6/25/24 Can Humanity Save Itself with Energy, Climate, Health Challenges?
Day 950 Wed 6/26/24 The Pilgrimage to Teotihuacan: Testimonials
Day 951 Thu 6/27/24 Wise Mirror
Day 952 Fri 6/28/24 Word of the Eagle

July 2024

July 1 - 5

Day 953 Mon 7/1/24 Primordial Wisdom and the Momentousness of our Time
Day 954 Tue 7/2/24 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: An EU Introduction
Day 955 Wed 7/3/24 Experiencers of the Paranormal: Identifying the Nature of our Greater Reality and Consciousness
Day 956 Thu 7/4/24 Veganism: The Key to Healing Self, Community, our Species and Mother Earth
Day 957 Fri 7/5/24 ReQovery: How I Tumbled Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole and Climbed Out

July 8 - 12

Day 958 Mon 7/8/24 “The Full Body Yes” with Scott Shute
Day 959 Tue 7/9/24 “The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature with Dr. Michael Nagler”
Day 960 Wed 7/10/24 “The Compassion Remedy” with Catherine Wergin Schweikert
Day 961 Thu 7/11/24 “How to Train a Happy Mind” with Scott Snibbe
Day 962 Fri 7/12/24 "The Attention Activist” with Jay Vidyarthi

July 15 - 19

Day 963 Mon 7/15/24 Contemplating a Galactic Belief System
Day 964 Tue 7/16/24 Money, Power, Democracy, and War
Day 965 Wed 7/17/24 Collaborative Ecological Healing: Interspecies Communication
Day 966 Thu 7/18/24 In Search of A Most Perfect Love: an Indigenous Two-Spirit Perspective
Day 967 Fri 7/19/24 The Mayan Calendar System

July 22 - 26

Day 968 Mon 7/22/24 Human Development: A Narrative for Our Times
Day 969 Tue 7/23/24 Mapping Consciousness: The Diamond Model Meets Spiral Dynamics
Day 970 Wed 7/24/24 Our New Narrative from a Systemic Way of Knowing
Day 971 Thu 7/25/24 Igniting your Radiance
Day 972 Fri 7/26/24 Cracking the Aging Code

July 29 - 31

Day 973 Mon 7/29/24 Defending UAP Whistleblowers - Daniel Sheehan
Day 974 Tue 7/30/24 Wild, Willing, and Wise - HeatherAsh Amara
Day 975 Wed 7/31/24 Contemplation on Coherence in a Time of Chaos - Jim Garrison

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