HR!Day775 - New Grof Studies Program and the Death-Rebirth Struggle of Humanity - Renn Butler & Mari Castle

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--- Humanity Rising Day 775 - Thursday October 5, 2023      (GoTo Bottom)
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We will talk about the groundbreaking research of Stanislav Grof and our new Grof Studies Graduate Program offered in partnership through Ubiquity University. Humanity is engaged in an epic birth labor which will determine the future of life on planet Earth. Many of our shared problems have roots in the collective unconscious—and exploring and resolving that material can help us to overcome the forces of greed, destruction, and self-destruction that are being acted out in the world around us. Deep self-exploration can not only help us heal many emotional and psychosomatic problems, but can help us to heal the collective psyche of humanity. Please join us for this special presentation where we will talk about Grof’s work in the context of the unfolding psychedelic renaissance.

Renn Butler, PhD, studied with Richard Tarnas and Stanislav Grof at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California beginning in 1980, and certified as a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator in 1989. He offers workshops in British Columbia and abroad, as well as archetypal astrology consultations with clients around the world. Renn’s first book, Pathways to Wholeness, about astrology and psychedelic experiences, was published in 2014, followed by The Archetypal Universe in 2018, which focuses on dreams, and Oh, Goddess in 2020 about relationships. His nine-month online course in Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology has received enthusiastic reviews. Renn has a B.A. in English and religious studies, and a PhD in archetypal astrology and transpersonal psychology from Ubiquity University. He also co-teaches courses in the new Grof Studies graduate programs through Ubiquity. Renn worked part time as a health care worker with physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged adults for over thirty years and lives in Victoria, B.C.

Mari Castle, PhD, is a Holistic Health practitioner and earned her PhD in Wisdom Studies through Ubiquity University in 2013. She has a Master's degree in both Transpersonal Psychology and Oriental Medicine. She certified in Holotropic Breathwork in 2005, recertifying in Grof® Breathwork in 2023. She is passionate about facilitating people in holotropic states of consciousness and guiding a holistic mind, body, and spirit approach to health and wellness, one that includes an opening to their higher spiritual nature. Mari firmly believes that Breathwork can assist with awareness, expand our conscious Self, and realize freedom of life patterns. Mari’s PhD and books combine C.G. Jung’s perspective of Individuation with the ancient wisdom and mysteries of the 5,000 year old Sumerian culture. She traveled internationally and studied a number of cultural approaches to healing the body through a spiritual practice, including Buddhist, Sufi, Hindu, Pagan, Sumerian, and Eastern Medicine approaches. In her travels, she had a special opportunity to launch a Mindful Living project with Dr. Andrew Weil. She is an Author of two books combining modern and ancient wisdom to share keys for whole-life human development. Unveiling the Modern Goddess: through symbolism, chakras & myth and The Sacred Union: connecting the masculine and feminine within. Sharing her knowledge of Holistic Health internationally has given Mari a deep understanding of culture. She recognizes the impact of developing one’s personal or soul journey and is passionate about humankind reclaiming their connection to the sacred feminine and masculine within and restoring our connection to nature.


Jim Garrison

90 Participants


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