HR!Day767 - Science & Consciousness - Building evidence that consciousness exists outside of the brain - Peter Merry & Wolfhardt Janu

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--- Humanity Rising Day 767 - Monday September 25, 2023      (GoTo Bottom)
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This Week: Science & Consciousness






Spirituality & Time


(E)Volution of Time


Freedom from Time


Jim & Peter HR Day 767.png
Wolfhardt Janu HR Day 767.png

Dr Peter Merry and Dr Wolfhardt Janu were part of the team that won the prize from the Institute for Noetic Science for designing an experiment that demonstrates that consciousness exists beyond the brain. In this session they will describe that experiment, as well as their latest research findings using leading edge consciousness technology. Peter and Wolf are co-founders of Wyrd Research and Wyrd Technologies.

Dr. Peter Merry is core faculty for the Hack the World courses. Peter is co-founding Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity, co-founder of Wyrd Experience and Wyrder Tech, and initiator of the Broughton Science and Consciousness conferences.

He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organizations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, government ministries, and in multistakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. Peter has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognized expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral. His first book was published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership, 2005) and his second in 2019 (Why Work? on designing work for people and planet. His third book on 12 principles for working with the energy of land and organizations (Leading from the Field) came out at the end of November 2020. He has an MSc in Human Ecology from Edinburgh University and a PhD from Ubiquity’s Wisdom School on volution theory (see :: His personal website is ::

Dr. Wolfhardt Janu is core faculty for the Hack your World courses. ​​He holds a PhD in chemistry and worked for 10 years in academic research. He then moved to be a freelancer in software and hardware development for customized laboratory solutions.

At the same time he set up his own private laboratory to investigate the relationship between matter and consciousness, his main scientific interest for 25 years. Together with his colleagues and friends he developed a new method to scan the output of two random number event generators (REG’s) for correlations, which enables one to detect with high precision changes in a non-local field, mainly known as the field of consciousness. On his journey, he has been practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for 19 years, discovered African Shamanism (Sangoma) and (co-)led several private scientific teams investigating the “paranormal” in theory and practice. In 2007 he got to know the work of Ken Wilber and since then he and his team(s) have been using the Integral map as the main tool to navigate and communicate on the margins of the so-called “unknown”. Wolfhardt Janu is married, has two children and lives in Austria.



Jim Garrison

95 Participants

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