HR!Day598 Transcript

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HR!Day598 - Technologies of Hope III: Conscious Technology

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:04 Sciences I'm very analytical I try to develop solutions out of the the basics of natural science, basically, and then really bring it into the market.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:04 So, I I'm not a believer. Hence I was putting a lot of effort into trying.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:11 To understand call reality really works, and the Nature of of Interconnectedness.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:15 That Peter has already mentioned. I think it is an essential question to ask, how does reality work?

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:21 If we want to answer the question, Who we are which is a famous question in the in the Western traditions, and I try to understand both because only if you understand the nature of reality you can understand who we are and only then we can actually really develop all for potential as human beings, so that's, sort, of in a

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:20:37 nutshell what I'm doing

[George Cappannelli] 11:20:37 Oh, thanks. Peter, you know, in one of your descriptions, about the wicked world of conscious technology, you talk about the fact that sciences beginning to catch up I mean, it's, interesting that science, for a long time, thought it was so far ahead, and it's now discovering that you

[Peter Merry] 11:20:56 Hmm.

[George Cappannelli] 11:21:00 Know, there've been a lot of people walking on this path before them, and it's time.

[George Cappannelli] 11:21:04 Now to come together and I kind of Unified field. But talk about what is the wicked world of conscious technology.

[Peter Merry] 11:21:13 The weird world, the weird world. So well, just to start with weird Wyrd, it was the Anglo Saxon, kind of Viking Celtic term in Northwestern Europe for the Web of Integratedness that Created All Life like you know what we Buried it so deep in in

[George Cappannelli] 11:21:15 A weird work. Yes.

[Peter Merry] 11:21:35 In Northwestern Europe, that we had to import terms like Chi and and everything from the East, because we didn't couldn't recover our own indigenous tradition, of interconnectedness, until Brian Bates, who was a Professor at sussex University discovered a

[Peter Merry] 11:21:53 Manuscript in the British Library that have been written by one of the first Monks to to be on the British shores, who was sent out, by the Abbot to find out what the Pagans were up to you know what was all this magic Stuff that they were doing and so he headed off and

[Peter Merry] 11:22:12 Of course the local sorcerer knew he was coming and had prepared for him a whole initiation process in in this, in the tradition.

[Peter Merry] 11:22:22 And so this young monk got got initiated in the kind of Sorcerer's Pathway, this Angl Saxon, Saucer, and and then he went Back to the Monastery and He wrote It all Down and that Document Still Exists, in the British Library and

[Peter Merry] 11:22:41 Brian Bates found it took it, and then he wrote a book called the Way of Weird.

[Peter Merry] 11:22:45 That is a kind of fictional story based on that manuscript

[Peter Merry] 11:22:51 And so when I remembered that my sense was that weird could be a really cool meme to try to reawaken in the consciousness particularly in kind of Northwestern Europe, where it's indigenous rather than have to import concepts from the East that we can kind of get away

[Peter Merry] 11:23:10 With the thinking, oh, They're kind of cute, because they come from somewhere else.

[Peter Merry] 11:23:14 When we realize that actually from the land, that we're living on, that was already this tradition of weird,

[Peter Merry] 11:23:21 Then it you know then it then it has a different effect, and the original there was actually a rune.

[Peter Merry] 11:23:28 You know I can. I hold this up. You can see the original, the original room for where these these staves of interconnectedness and I saw in that the Possibilities for doing some Very Cool Branding and playing with the room to to Try to Reawaken it at a

[Peter Merry] 11:23:46 Pre-cognitive Really Level and Trans Cognitive

[Peter Merry] 11:23:51 This sense of a mystery of interconnectedness that we have, and of course, a lot of the folks who now live in the in North America, would have come from this part of the world, as well, so so and Australia so the whole weird tradition you know, is actually deep in our collective consciousness so

[Peter Merry] 11:24:10 That's why, it felt like a good word to use as we

[Peter Merry] 11:24:17 Looked at. How do we take this Work at Princeton that I can talk about if you want, and bring that into the you know the modern world.

[Peter Merry] 11:24:23 Now and make it accessible to people

[George Cappannelli] 11:24:25 Please do talk a little about that Princeton introduced

[Peter Merry] 11:24:29 No, I mean, I mean that's what that's what kind of really has got us to to where the tech is, and in the early nineteenth seventies at the school, of Engineering at Princeton University Professor Robert Yarn was the the Dean of the School of Engineering and a student, came to

[Peter Merry] 11:24:49 Him and it picked up on the work that was being done at Stanford, looking at how our intention seems to affect the world around us, and particularly these devices and he was pretty skeptical but it.

[Peter Merry] 11:25:03 Was a good Enough proposal for a project. So you know, being a real scientist rather than one that dismisses it because he doesn't understand it or it doesn't fit his worldview he let the student go ahead and do this project and the student came back you know with results that seemed

[Peter Merry] 11:25:17 to confirm what they found. That's now Stanford, which was indeed that the mind without being physically connected to a machine, can actually influence it and the student went on to other things but but this Stuck in Bob Yon's Consciousness and and as I say being a Real Scientist he can

[Peter Merry] 11:25:36 couldn't get around it. So he decided to set to set up a research lab.

[Peter Merry] 11:25:41 To look into that one of the things that happened early on is one of the airplane manufacturers he was talking to who built Fighter Aircraft, when they were in conversation, and Bob was Sharing, this the CEO said well, yeah, I mean, we all know this we'll know that

[Peter Merry] 11:26:00 When the when the pilots get into a state of stress they seem to illustrate the instruments on the Cockpit.

[Peter Merry] 11:26:06 So, if you can find out what's going on there, you know that would be really valuable to us.

[Peter Merry] 11:26:11 So you know, here's some initial funding to do the research, so that's what initiated the Princeton Engineering Anomalies, Research, Pair, and it was to Explore the Anomalies, That didn't Fit Within the Current Scientific and Engineering Mindset Bobby are

[Peter Merry] 11:26:30 Very quickly brought on a woman called Brenda Dunn to work the more human and psychological side of it, while he, worked the engineering side and together over 28 years, they experimented with how human intention can affect what should be otherwise, random events and they started with mechanical Devices, so they had a big

[Peter Merry] 11:26:50 Random Mechanical Cascade, That's, lots of Balls, kind of Cascade Through and then Distribute in a random Curve, if you don't affect them in Any way, and then they would just have People, Sit, in Front of this Cascade, and try to Influence, the Balls, Moving Left or Right and Found.

[Peter Merry] 11:27:09 That consistently they were getting statistically significant effects. It's not that kind of all the ball.

[Peter Merry] 11:27:14 Suddenly for one side but there were concepts that built a significant statistical significance.

[Peter Merry] 11:27:22 And so they then went on, they developed other experiments, and then built these random event generators, which are basically electronic coin flippers, that flip kind of Zeros and ones, very very fast so that you get a feel the r Random field of 50 over 50 of each and then they would have people try

[Peter Merry] 11:27:41 To influence that randomness through an interface on a screen, for example, where a line would either be going up or going down, that was random.

[Peter Merry] 11:27:50 It would go along the middle and then the people would try to make it go up, or make it go down.

[Peter Merry] 11:27:54 Which was more ones, or more zeros, and that meant they were able to run thousands and thousands of trials, and show that regardless of how physically proximate people were to these devices, that they were able to influence them.

[Peter Merry] 11:28:09 With statistical significance. They also did lots of other research around remote perception and things.

[Peter Merry] 11:28:17 And you know, but they had to do it all according to the proper academic and Scientific protocols published it in journals and of course, the community was skeptical and so kept demanding that they become Stricter with their Protocols, which they did and by the End of the

[Peter Merry] 11:28:32 28, years. They basically proved beyond statistical Doubt one in a 1 billion being, the chance that what they found was chance that the human mind influences, otherwise random events, in the world around Us.

[Peter Merry] 11:28:45 And so that closed the lab closed in 2,007.

[Peter Merry] 11:28:50 Bobbyon passed away a number of years ago and Brenda done just earlier this year.

[Peter Merry] 11:28:57 Actually so she was with us at the first science and consciousness event last year, that we ran with ubiquitous at brought in in the Uk and so what happened was that I got to know brenda when I was doing my my Phd at Ubiquitous.

[Peter Merry] 11:29:15 And at some point she was telling me about these all this technology and saying it was all in storage, in Princeton, and costing them a fortune, and said could I do anything with it, typical, brenda, question, and I just met a guy in the England who owns, the 3,000.

[Peter Merry] 11:29:32 Acre estate that had been is in the been in the family for a 1,000 years, and he was wanting to transform it into a place of transformation.

[Peter Merry] 11:29:39 And so my kind of all the consciousness made the connection, so I called roger, tempest, and said, Hey, how would you like it all is a quick from Princeton why don't we set up a public experience space, that people could walk?

[Peter Merry] 11:29:52 Into and directly experience them, mind, influencing these technology. So he likes the idea which led to our shipping all of this technology, the whole Princeton Library, from Pair all of the research, papers, and original data across the Atlantic, to its new Home and in the

[Peter Merry] 11:30:10 Yorkshire Dales at Broughton, which we called Weird Experience, and so that's where it sits now, and Part of What We're Working on Next which we can talk about in a bit is Is Technologies that we can Develop based on that Research, and That's What

[Peter Merry] 11:30:26 We're the text being set up for so I don't know.

[Peter Merry] 11:30:29 If Karsten, if you if you want to add anything, from that, from the Story because Carson's very familiar with the with the history, and the context, as Well.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:30:36 Yeah, It's probably just worth mentioning. So I met Brenda in person, at in the preparation phase for a conference of the sse, the Society of Scientific Exploration of which I'm an Associate and and I was we were we were Planning and Organizing that

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:30:58 Conference, in Boulder Colorado, into a sort of mid of 2,019 and the subject of that conference was consilience And Conciliance, we all know the term resilience resilience means sort of Jumping Back so Zillions is jumping and 3.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:31:15 Years back, and consulances jumping together. So the the topic of that conference was how the all of these scientific bits, and pieces all of these pieces of the Jigsaw would actually sort of jump to to Fall this Coherent bigger picture which gives Us, an Understanding of the Nature of reality, and when when We were

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:31:34 Preparing for that I had asked Bill bill Banks, the former President of the Sse Alright?

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:31:39 Who who do you think, is one of the leading figures.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:31:41 I wanted to to pull Panelists together for the conference, and so I got in touch with was Brenda and with steam radar, and with a number of other leading figures in this in this field, and Out, of that basically there was a Friendship Developing between brenda and myself, and She

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:31:55 Visited me over here in Germany, and so on. So we've kept in touch and at one day, she basically told me about the story that Peter has just shared with us that there is that that they that they have moved all of this stuff.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:07 To broaden, to the uk, and that this is going to be revitalized, which is a great kind of opportunity.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:11 I mean, just imagine you have got sort of Groundbreaking research Activity at Princeton University, right?

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:18 And in the engineering department, and I and I came, and I cannot just trust this more, because as an engineer, engineering department, this is far far away from any kind of belief and spiritual things, this is all about, facts, and then trying to figure out where the where the underlying, mechanics, are right so so I think

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:36 It's a great opportunity that we basically can can maintain these roots of that consciousness-based research and can make it available to the public in the in the Weird Experience at Broughton Hall so I think it's a It's just Brilliant so another member of the Team is is

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:56 Working, on, getting these kind of gadgets again to work.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:32:59 So that we can actually show them how they worked, and and it's fascinating. I mean, it's sort of its catapulting us back around 50 years, in time but it's it's Essential because people ought to understand what is the Scientific base of what We are then trying to

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:33:16 Or what is the scientific foundation of what we are then trying to develop in terms, of really maturing, the technological applications of

[George Cappannelli] 11:33:24 Oh, thank you both. you're both familiar with Dr.

[George Cappannelli] 11:33:31 Larry, Dosey's Work and the Work that Doc Shoulder and his group at Harvard, with their hearted coherent and all the rest of it and It's It's so Long after the time when the World should be Aware, of this Stuff, and so what

[George Cappannelli] 11:33:51 You're doing is is really phenomenal?

[George Cappannelli] 11:33:55 How How does that translate into the leadership word that you have both? Done? Is, that how how does that connect

[Peter Merry] 11:34:04 Or maybe George, I can just share a little bit of the things we're thinking to of Producing because those it's those that we will use as kind of Trojan horses into the leadership, world, to remind people as it were this interconnectedness so if that's okay, shall I just jump through a few

[George Cappannelli] 11:34:23 Please sure.

[Peter Merry] 11:34:24 Steps and I can people will get a feeling. For you know what we're what we're up to.

[Peter Merry] 11:34:32 So.

[Peter Merry] 11:34:35 So weird a text. So here, by the way, you can see how we're playing with the Weird Room with the with the Logo and Things, this this is really just to summarize the reason that we would Why develop these technologies you know isn't that great gandalf quote you just got to

[Peter Merry] 11:34:56 Decide what to do with the time you have, and and and but this feels to me that if we can get technologies into houses, into board rooms into decision making places, then it will you know, it. Will.

[Peter Merry] 11:35:15 Kind of short circuit in a way. The rational minds belief that everything is separate because there's no, you know it'll be continually reinforcing a new belief in a some kind of field that is transmitting information, between people.

[Peter Merry] 11:35:33 Without any physical connection between them. So the first product, we're thinking of developing is they a lamp.

[Peter Merry] 11:35:42 This was like they first Developed coming Out of Princeton, they called it a mind lamp.

[Peter Merry] 11:35:47 And this was a lamp that you could influence the color of with your mind.

[Peter Merry] 11:35:50 So it has a random event generator in the bottom, and then you can circle through the colors, and

[Peter Merry] 11:35:59 I've got one sitting on my on my desk here and but they they, the company, who was producing them basically stopped producing them.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:07 They weren't really, you know, they were more into the engineering words.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:09 So much into the business side of it. and so we're picking up where they left off, but playing at the moment with this, idea of of a genie of a Genie Lamp in terms of the magic of being able to transform the Color my kids you know were able to do it, easier than anybody, else

[Peter Merry] 11:36:26 They kind of come in and I say, all you have to do is imagine the lamps red boom.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:29 They'd imagine in a return red and they were kind of oh, that's cool.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:32 Then they go off and do something else so But you know, I've used the lamps in in in rooms, with the way you have like you know, half the room competing to make it blue and half to make it red and you give them tips on how intention.

[George Cappannelli] 11:36:35 Okay.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:45 Works and and it's a playful way, and then they kind of of course.

[Peter Merry] 11:36:49 They then they go away going. Well, how the hell did that work?

[Peter Merry] 11:36:52 Cause. No one taught me like the the physics of of the field, essentially so the second one, the Genie, Us, and these are all this is all kind of a draft, at the moment but one of the things, they found, during the Princeton Research, is that when you had a group, of people, together.

[Peter Merry] 11:37:15 And they had a shared. They were lined around the Shared Purpose, and they were in coherence together, that that influenced the randomness in the field, so it brought structure of patterns into the Random Field the more Coherent the group was the stronger the Collective, Purpose and the Collective.

[Peter Merry] 11:37:39 Intention, so remember that's what the research is doing.

[Peter Merry] 11:37:42 The whole time it's it's having a random starting point, and then looking at how things influence that otherwise random field which according to Traditional Science, should simply not be possible.

[Peter Merry] 11:37:53 So these are quantum random devices in case and protected against any other form of possible intervention from from the Material Sciences, let's say and so there's no way anybody should but it should be able to influence these things, but these things do get influenced in in ways, which you can

[Peter Merry] 11:38:13 Correlate with individuals, intentions, but also collective intentions.

[Peter Merry] 11:38:18 So we're thinking of a lamp that will sit in a meeting room, or a group, Process and will glow more, the more coherent and Aligned the Group becomes and We'll dim down the Less Coherent to Relying the Group, becomes so in the same way that we have Bio

[Peter Merry] 11:38:37 Feedback for our Bodies. This is what I'm Calling Socio Feedback.

[Peter Merry] 11:38:40 So it will entr us to notice what do we do.

[Peter Merry] 11:38:46 That lifts group Coherence and collective Wisdom and intelligence.

[Peter Merry] 11:38:50 And what do we do? That drops, it basically, so when when do you want to be making a decision as a group, you want to be making a decision when the lamp is glowing at its brightest, because you know the greatest collective, intelligence is in the room and the group is most Aligned behind the shared

[Peter Merry] 11:39:07 purpose. So this is the group, one Matt, with thinking of and Lynn, Mc Taggart was with us last year, at the First Side, some Consciousness events and was very excited about this and Getting it, to all of what she calls her groups of 8 in the power of 8 so these are

[Peter Merry] 11:39:24 groups that come together to share intentions, particularly around healing. And so you should be able to see in those groups, particularly the effects of their intentions on these lamps

[George Cappannelli] 11:39:35 I I would imagine, Peter, if the Lamp were big enough we could put one in the capital in Washington, so the nation could tell.

[George Cappannelli] 11:39:46 You know where the fools were at, and what they were doing, and not doing. You know

[Peter Merry] 11:39:50 You get us that contract, George then that'll be a lot might be what you can imagine just before I go on on the back of this of course, is a whole bunch of Consulting structures, Stroke education.

[Peter Merry] 11:40:06 Offings, right like? How do you get your lamp to glow.

[Peter Merry] 11:40:10 You know how the hell do we get into collective coherent. Well, that's what a lot of us, probably a lot of people on humanity rising and has made have made their work.

[Peter Merry] 11:40:18 You know suddenly it's gonna become the big thing like, how do we and how do we train ourselves to get to our highest joint collective purpose and collective intelligence on the back end of course, you can build, all sorts of educational offers and little training programs, and other things but you can imagine a whole

[Peter Merry] 11:40:37 World, of consulting and training, growing up around the products as well.

[Peter Merry] 11:40:43 So so this one, this actually came out of the Covid experience, where the second, most important, and Damaging Effect, after the physical.

[Peter Merry] 11:40:57 Effects was the Icyolation people's people's Loneliness, and Belief, that they were isolated, which of course, if we understand that everything's Interconnected through a Field, They Weren't in they Weren't, Isolated, at all they were still Interconnected

[Peter Merry] 11:41:16 With everything, but just, not in a way, that you could physically see.

[Peter Merry] 11:41:20 So we're thinking of doing these Pairs of Lamps. Well, Let's say, I could have one in my room George and you could have one in your room, and whenever I think of you, your Lamp would glow

[Peter Merry] 11:41:32 So imagine having you know, you could have different types of lamp.

[Peter Merry] 11:41:36 You could have, you know. Imagine your mother's Somewhere living Somewhere else and that you don't see of Long, but every time you think of her her Lamp Glows, or Anytime, she thinks, of you, your Lamb, glows, all they would need is an Internet connection, for the Data, Transfer, of the Random Random Event.

[Peter Merry] 11:41:53 Generator. But this is all completely possible. This isn't fantasy.

[Peter Merry] 11:41:57 This is what we're we're actually coding.

[Peter Merry] 11:41:59 The software for at the Moment and should have the first products out next year.

[Peter Merry] 11:42:06 So other ideas. And this is part of Brenda's wish list,

[Peter Merry] 11:42:11 So one of the things they created at Princeton was a little robot that run run around the table in a random random pattern.

[Peter Merry] 11:42:19 And you would try to influence, the robot to move closer to you, or to move further away from you, and against statistically significant results that was based on an experiment.

[Peter Merry] 11:42:30 That was done with chicks, where the chicks when they you know when chicks are born, the first thing they see is the mother and so they associate they connect to the mother as it were and instead of the having the mother, hint there when the chicks, Hatched they put a little Robot.

[Peter Merry] 11:42:44 In there, and so the chicks saw this robot must be my mother, and so they formed an attachment to the robot, and then what they did is they kept the chicks in the corner of this field and rooms, the Road and which was to program to Go in a Random Pattern around

[Peter Merry] 11:42:59 The field, and what happened was that the robot spent a lot more time closer, to the chicks, and it should have done scientifically and Randomly, which proved that somehow the Chicks were having a Pole on this robot so That's very interesting because one of the things, It's

[Peter Merry] 11:43:21 Showing us is that this ability to influence the reality around us is not about being massively enlightened as such and sitting there and meditating the whole time.

[Peter Merry] 11:43:33 There's obviously, a a deeper, pre-cognitive energy.

[Peter Merry] 11:43:37 You could think lower Chakra energies, that need to be activated as well, to make it work because these Chicks weren't, kind of Buddhist Monks, or anything they were just chicks, with an Attachment, to the Robot, and they were having this Effect on the Random Field So so That's

[Peter Merry] 11:43:53 A very interesting thing to contemplate We're gonna be developing these the systems for researchers.

[Peter Merry] 11:44:01 So a a a research technology, what people can take and you know, have the software and everything to be able to do the analysis, one of the ideas is a Mini desktop, random mechanical cascade, so where these balls, drop through and you know, see if you can Influence, them the petrit treat dispenser, is a

[Peter Merry] 11:44:20 Fun one so they found in the Us that they attached a treat dispenser to a random event generator.

[Peter Merry] 11:44:29 Basically, and I think it was the raccoons, wasn't it casting?

[Peter Merry] 11:44:33 If I remember rightly, the Raccoons learned to manipulate the Random Event Generator, which remove, Traditional science says, can't be affected by anything any it's A Quantum Random System, it can't be affected by anything these Recons were Able to Manipulate the Random Event Generator

[Peter Merry] 11:44:52 To release the treats so again, that's not you know again, that's telling us something about the nature of the energy that's used to it to influence the Random Fields, the plant the Plant like one is actually my favorite, and what I want to get set up at the weird Experience so they had they put a bunch of

[Peter Merry] 11:45:11 Plants in a dark room, and they hung up a lamps hang up lamps that were on a dimmer switch and they connected the dimmer switch to a random event, generator, and what they found the plants, did is the plants started to regulate the Amount of Light they needed through the Random Event Generator, and

[Peter Merry] 11:45:34 The dinosaur

[Peter Merry] 11:45:35 So you know, we think this intelligence is only limited to humans.

[Peter Merry] 11:45:41 But we've seen animals influence, these round event generators, plants, influence.

[Peter Merry] 11:45:47 These random Event generators. So again, it's telling us something about the quality of consciousness that is needed to influence the fields, that would otherwise be random and increase, the probability of something manifesting which has basically what they were doing, and of Course what We'd want to do is Tie, all

[Peter Merry] 11:46:05 Of this into an app where you could continually get feedback on your performance.

[Peter Merry] 11:46:10 Let's say, and get tips. Just like you might do with some of these Bio feedback systems.

[Peter Merry] 11:46:15 And the Apps, you know, which say, okay, you know your heart rate variability is this, or that you know.

[Peter Merry] 11:46:20 Maybe you want to rest today, or maybe you want to go an exercise, or well, here's a little meditation.

[Peter Merry] 11:46:25 You could do so. A similar thing. But then working with this consciousness, consciousness, technology.

[Peter Merry] 11:46:32 And if anybody wants to follow up more and and get like, the updates, when the products come out, if you go to weird there's a Newsletter, that people can sign up to and we can we'll be letting, people know once the first first Products are out, so that's that's kind of what we're up

[Peter Merry] 11:46:48 to as you see, it's basically an attempt to get get artifacts, into the world that challenge our current way of thinking about reality.

[Peter Merry] 11:47:00 But also encourage us to work more consciously with that field of consciousness, become literal co-creators with reality. which is I think, you know what we were really born to do so

[George Cappannelli] 11:47:14 Well, I I I can certainly say, and Tom, I'm sure you have a number of comments.

[George Cappannelli] 11:47:21 Having been in the Trials of organizational development and leadership, and all the rest of it.

[George Cappannelli] 11:47:29 I want you both to know that you have targets on your backs.

[George Cappannelli] 11:47:33 Obviously, or the trouble You're about to create in in Taking Traditional Organizational Structure and Throwing it right out, the Window, on a lot of Levels, You Know

[Peter Merry] 11:47:46 Well, well, George, that is funny. You should mention targets on your back, because We've actually just created a we created our first Merch, as weird experience, and one of them has the the weird logo on the back.

[Peter Merry] 11:47:57 And it says, make me look stare here, cause you know it's this Rupert shell, break research into the feeling of Being Stared at so that you got this on your back and the idea is you know people, try to make you turn around, by staring at your back.

[George Cappannelli] 11:48:02 Yup

[Peter Merry] 11:48:14 Karsten, did you want to add anything to what I

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:48:15 Yeah, no, absolutely I mean, this is this is tremendous.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:48:19 You see the potential, that we are just discovering here, and with all of the work that the Peerlet has already started.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:48:26 But I want to. I want to leave the the product, part of it, and the technical application part of it.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:48:31 Aside for a moment, and pick up one of the statements that have been made beforehand about the Shadow Side of Technologies.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:54:46 whether this is just, because they have been brought up and conditioned in the wrong way based on a wrong, understanding on who they are and and how reality. Literally works.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:54:46 So if the letter is the case, right we could potentially correct that if there are true sociopaths, I mean, okay, then it's it's more difficult.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:54:55 But I would say there is a good chance that a lot of the leaders who behave to the best of their knowledge, right at that very moment in the in their in their worldview, they basically, do plausible, things, right I mean, they they look at individual kind, of targets, they try to defend their

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:12 position, their individual position, the position of their company, the position of their country, right.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:17 This is all fine right, but it's all a symptom of the worldview that they that they hold and maintain right.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:24 So what we basically do is we if we if we exchange the backdrop, if we actually exchange the old Paradigm Worldview and replace it with a new paradigm Worldview, then all of the Sunday, the leaders will turn Around and say oh, oh, this is Reality right and then

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:38 They will probably adapt as well, so so I wouldn't again.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:42 I I like I like the idea to Ted off as a sociopath, but I think there is hope because not all of them are have any kind of sort of really mental illnesses here I think it's just.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:55:53 It's just that they don't understand how reality really works

[George Cappannelli] 11:55:56 And and

[Tom Eddington] 11:55:56 Yeah, and and certainly the the organization, culture can help foster and feed that behavior.

[Tom Eddington] 11:56:02 That's it's not appropriate

[George Cappannelli] 11:56:03 Yeah, and I think that, but I think you know some of what Tom is talking, about if you think about where we are, when we talk about climate change and the actions that need to happen.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:56:04 Yeah

[George Cappannelli] 11:56:22 And the companies, and organizations that are dead, set against those actions, taking place what you're really doing is you're giving humanity tools to Completely Redefine what leader, means it's as if you are taking a Giant, pyramid and your Turning it upside

[George Cappannelli] 11:56:47 Down and we're going to be asked to discover that the real wisdom, the real leadership comes from the base of the Pyramid coming into coherent and alignment, rather than on the skills, of somebody, that is immensely overpaid for protecting that they know where

[George Cappannelli] 11:57:09 We're supposed to be going and what we're supposed to be doing.

[George Cappannelli] 11:57:12 So I think realistically, the idea of beginning this revolution in people's Homes, and in other places, where they can begin to become a custom to that unified field probably will meet a hell of a lot, less resistance, because I gotta tell you those lamps in Congress or those lamps in most corporate

[George Cappannelli] 11:57:40 Boardrooms, would be dark and awful lot of the time.

[George Cappannelli] 11:57:43 You know, and that's not to say that I don't have hope for the possibility that humanity has, and for what consciousness can do.

[George Cappannelli] 11:57:55 But I I anyway, I love your traditional, and I think that there are a lot of people.

[George Cappannelli] 11:58:04 I I mean, I can even remember when you talked about the mood.

[George Cappannelli] 11:58:07 The the lamp. Do you remember the mood rings that people used to wear in the sixties.

[Peter Merry] 11:58:12 Yes.

[George Cappannelli] 11:58:14 So There's a lot of great stuff here.

[George Cappannelli] 11:58:18 I want to applaud you, both for the work that you're doing and the innovation, and the imagination that you're bringing to it so where do we go.

[George Cappannelli] 11:58:26 Next in the iteration of getting, from the beginning of these technologies and these uses to actually the transformation of humanity.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:58:38 Yeah so I think, I think it needs it needs, obviously, further, research, right, I mean, we are we are basing our technologies on the on the Rig.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:58:49 So The dB, from from chance, and randomness. As Peter has already said, right, but there are different means to basically measure this what I call the information.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:58:57 Field, right, this, this, global consciousness, one, so it depends really what we would want to do.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:05 If we need if we need to really get accuracy into it, if we really need to have really fine-tuned measures of the information field, we need to refine our methods to interact with the information field obviously right so that is the more fine-tune the product needs to be the the better we

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:20 Need to understand how to interact with the information field. So that is from a technological base.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:26 And I think we need to also put the various research activities together.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:31 So we need the neuroscience. We need to have the the quantum physicists.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:35 We need to have all of these guys, sort of contributing in order to do the base research.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:39 But if we assume that the Baseline, research is actually happening, and it's it's getting to together.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 11:59:45 I think what we then need to do as the next thing is, we need to a, develop the applications and be teach people about the existence of this information, field and not just these communities who already have bought into that and that is the interesting thing because we have got a lot of communities like probably the ones that we are that

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:02 We are all know that we all know about. We have got a lot of communities, who just feel it.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:06 They know it, that they know that this is there right, but the scientific contribution here, is that you produce facts, you produce statistical statistically, relevant evidence.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:19 So this is basically opening up a new market if I may use my business term at the market of the Skeptics, Right.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:25 The market that has not yet opened up for these kind of thoughts that's what's currently happening when we introduce these technologies, because we these technologies start to do something they start to Behave weird as Peter was Rightly, saying right and this weirdness, causes a question mark in People's mind and

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:43 the Sketches A/C well, this lamb is or this this gadget is behaving weird, Right, and the Skeptics then start to ask themselves, Why and that is then the next Level and so we are We are Evolving like hand in hand like step by step we're evolving the technological part and

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:00:59 We are evolving the awareness, and then the technological part, and the awareness, and and that.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:01:03 Is how I see this path, going on. And if you ask me really on on what I think we need to ideally, if if I would come up with a wish, list.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:01:11 I think we need to we need to have people who a understand that story you understand that that message and carries it out to the world.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:01:19 And honestly I think we need to have people who support that also financially, because the research activity is not I'm not talking for our research.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:01:26 But I'm talking about this research, field, I I think we just need to have more people focusing on that.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:01:30 And more scientists also being brave enough to look at this new kind of journey rather than just being very conservative and and just trying to secure their own careers, and hands doing only the research, which is classical kind of research.

[George Cappannelli] 12:01:49 Peter, what about you? One? Of the what are the key step?

[George Cappannelli] 12:01:55 I mean in some way or another. What you're really doing is creating a truth.

[George Cappannelli] 12:02:02 Monitor, you know a a, a a truth, integrity coherence, monitor, whatever you're calling it and considering the number of people that are in hiding that have been avoiding this for decades and centuries i'm telling you 2 are real

[Peter Merry] 12:02:17 Hmm.

[George Cappannelli] 12:02:26 Troublemakers and

[Peter Merry] 12:02:28 I think, yeah, yeah, that's the Point, George

[Peter Merry] 12:02:34 But I think you know the possibility, once, once, like like like casting, said, if it puts a question mark, and then the question mark leads to a kind of new possible belief or Understanding, around the nature, of reality.

[Peter Merry] 12:02:55 Then all sorts of things, start, to spring, from that. It's what okay, if indeed, we are all interconnected.

[Peter Merry] 12:03:02 And there is an information field and and in that dimension time isn't linear which is also and we can be anywhere in space.

[Peter Merry] 12:03:13 Then what does that mean for the way we design and run our organizations, our communities, and everything else, and it has serious implications.

[Peter Merry] 12:03:24 You know a simple things are and I've got on my to-do list is like developer training for kind of Side for executives.

[Peter Merry] 12:03:34 You know, because actually think how useful that will be. If you can if you can get an intuition before something's manifesting, and learn to trust that and learn how that information feels in your body, then that's a big advantage if you can if you can hold a the field of a group, in such

[Peter Merry] 12:03:55 A. Way. That the solutions that emerge from that group are more than the some of the parts then that's, a competitive, advantage you know that's gonna help you achieve your goal, more effectively, but what it's what you find is when people start to get into that world like cost and refer to it it

[Peter Merry] 12:04:18 Has a major effect on the Ego because the Ego is trying to hold in place a belief an ego in the I'd say that the healthy ego is obviously the sense of the sense of self which is a healthy thing but when it gets into the place where it believes separate from everything

[Peter Merry] 12:04:37 Else that's the unhealthy thing. So what this is going to do is you know when you start to get into that world you can't avoid it's just part of the package.

[Peter Merry] 12:04:49 Right, that that sense of separate self, it's, the nail in the coffin is that or is wolf who is our researcher, says this is the nail in the coffin, for materialist, science, and the the I mean, some of the Research, that We've been doing recently and maybe this is the way.

[Peter Merry] 12:05:04 It's gonna go. George, you know you never quite go know what the Channel's going to be.

[Peter Merry] 12:05:10 But we have partners in the healthcare systems in Spain for example, who we have been putting these regs into intensive care units, and and noticing.

[Peter Merry] 12:05:22 So there's no physical connection right between the person and this device and tracking what happens when somebody passes away and you get a serious structure in the Random field, so that's that's telling Us that something non physical and non material because according to material physical science nothing can influence these devices.

[Peter Merry] 12:05:45 So they can't counter the fact that something else must be going on then the moment that someone passes away.

[Peter Merry] 12:05:50 You get, and you get a peek. In these fields so that's telling us the the the the moment of death is something more than a physical event which a lot of Us feel intuitively but here's like you know science based on 28 Years of research, at Persons engineering department

[Peter Merry] 12:06:06 Demonstration, that fact, showing that as the family comes into the room or when the priest arrives, you get a peek in the field, so it's just something else going on that we don't and that we don't, understand and that's the key to plant that Seed of data, like

[Peter Merry] 12:06:23 Cost and said, Well, how can that be? Well, maybe we should go and take a look at the wisdom.

[Peter Merry] 12:06:27 Traditions, right, maybe maybe maybe they can tell us all the indigenous traditions, or wherever, so that quest but just the fact that people start to ask that question and now they now it's become so people, have been so startled by the results, in spain that now, the ambulance, services,

[Peter Merry] 12:06:46 Want them, so that when they go to you know events on the street and things are in the ambulance, so that they can track the field essentially of what happens.

[Peter Merry] 12:06:54 There, so this whole research is starting already into what's actually going on, and that's the very first question is all.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:03 Let's gather the data and see what's happening.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:04 Like in the first in the data, they were gathering a prince, then it was primarily the quantity of the the quantity of impact you were having but Wolf was now working with these Twin Regs, and is noticing other Correlations that you can actually maybe start to Discern the

[Peter Merry] 12:07:22 Quality of the energy through the pattern that you're seeing in the data, not just the quantity as well.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:28 You know it said so that suddenly, but it were in in the in Dutch.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:32 You see, in the kindergarten in the baby shoes, you know, at this at the moment, right at the very early days of of working this out, but once it takes off you know you can imagine the excitement.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:44 I mean. It's like a new, enlightenment. Essentially.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:47 It's like, you know a new ph phase of human research.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:52 But the the beauty of it is that it's grounded in this context of deep into connectedness.

[Peter Merry] 12:07:59 So at last we're kind of getting back to the place that's really home for for us rather than living in this, in constant stress, because deep down, we know that the way We're doing things at the Moment is Completely.

[Peter Merry] 12:08:11 Not, who we are and not you know not the way that best of Firms, all of life, around us,

[Peter Merry] 12:08:22 So I think it's I think it's it it it'll be viral, you know, in a positive way, because there's enough people out there.

[Peter Merry] 12:08:31 Now who, I think, have for whom? The Idea of Interconnectedness?

[Peter Merry] 12:08:35 Now is not a crazy, idea, right there's enough people have been doing.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:08:37 Okay.

[Peter Merry] 12:08:40 If you look at the development developmental psychology and stuff, you can see in the and the way that yoga and and and these kind of things are taken off and mindfulness and stuff, that's kind, of an acceptable thing so once you start to bring in the science and the technology, that proves, it and the gadgets

[Peter Merry] 12:08:57 That work with it, you know. Then it's I can only see it snowballing. Yeah.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:03 And I, I just like to to add a quote which apparently Leonardo I've, been the auto Leonardo da Vinci is set or gave, and that is there are 3 Classes, of people those who see those who see when they are shown and those who Don't See

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:25 And this is about we show them, we show them the existence of the information, Field.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:31 We show them the Interconnectedness and some of them the first group already sees this because they are already there.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:37 They know this the second group, we show them and they see it.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:40 When we are showing it and the third group are those even when we try to show, or even when we show it to them, they won't see it so from a transformational point of view, we should not waste, any, energy on the third group honestly, right we should support the first group of those who see by giving

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:09:56 Them. More, arguments, more Backup, information, so that they can be multiplies, that they can actually spread the world of the word and we should therefore also particularly focus on those We'll See.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:09 When they are show right, and that is a huge distinction here.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:13 So in terms of who, do, we address, and also to to your point of George, about being Troublemakers, right I mean, we have troublemakers for those who Don't See, even if we show them Right but We are Properly, Not necessarily Troublemakers, but We are We are Contributors, Valuable

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:29 Contributors to those who see when they are shown right?

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:32 So yes, there were troublemakers, fair enough. But let's just work with the right audience.

[Peter Merry] 12:10:32 Hmm.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:37 I shall say right let's work with those people who are receptive, who actually understand who sees what's going on, and who probably are new to this field, but are open enough right and hence.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:10:50 Would want to learn more about it. So we have got these 3 groups. So Delo Leonardo was referring to and I think we just need to be smart on who we work. With

[Peter Merry] 12:10:52 Yes.

[Tom Eddington] 12:10:58 So picking up, picking up on that point. you know ions the Institute of Noetic Sciences has been around for Decades.

[Tom Eddington] 12:11:07 George Mentioned, Larry Dossy. He's been writing about this for decades.

[Tom Eddington] 12:11:11 We've got heart. Math has been around for for several decades.

[Tom Eddington] 12:11:16 What is it about the world? Now that it seems that there are more people who see or could see.

[Tom Eddington] 12:11:26 If if if supported, what what's shifted in the world consciousness from from your perspective

[Peter Merry] 12:11:32 Well, it's because they because they've been around.

[Peter Merry] 12:11:37 Tom, you know, if you understand the the kind of field dynamics, what it's done. Is.

[Peter Merry] 12:11:41 It's created a pattern in the field. That is easier for other people to find.

[Peter Merry] 12:11:46 You know, call Ken Wilbur would call it a cosmic groove, you know, and that groove has just got deeper, and broader, which is making it easier somehow for others to be able to download and Inside or to See things that way so the field of consciousness that resonates the Morphic

[Peter Merry] 12:12:05 field or Maybe as Rupert Shell Drake would say, you know, in this domain is growing and and so I think that's what's changing, and at some point, you know, you hit this tipping point where it suddenly becomes normal everyone got everyone kind of goes yeah, you know, I've, always thought like.

[Peter Merry] 12:12:20 that but I didn't dare to. You know. Say it and suddenly it moves over the kind of early Adopter.

[Peter Merry] 12:12:28 You know midpoint into the Laid Adopters and Cascades, Cascades through and I do.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:12:36 Yeah, and I,

[Peter Merry] 12:12:37 I do think that that Covid may have helped at that level, because it forced people to a lot of people to slow down and stop because everything.

[Peter Merry] 12:12:48 It's so we can easily get caught up in the patterns of you.

[Peter Merry] 12:12:50 Know our everyday activity rushing from this to that to that and and surrounded by this world that's reinforcing a mindset of separation, that once we start I think that i think that did trigger a lot, of people actually may have given us a little kind of boost on the way

[George Cappannelli] 12:13:05 I think that I think the what you're you're both and and all talking about it.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:13:06 Yeah

[George Cappannelli] 12:13:14 Is true in terms of the groupings, the where to perhaps direct.

[George Cappannelli] 12:13:23 Attention, but I I really believe that no matter what group we are in this concept of completely redefining authority, completely Redefining, the nature of Cooperation, and Collaboration, Completely Redefining our ability to Measure, Truth and and Integrity, and all of these Qualities, is

[George Cappannelli] 12:13:59 Something that will impact everyone, whether they can see whether they're ready to see or whether they can't. See.

[George Cappannelli] 12:14:07 I mean just imagine, a parent dealing with a child and the amount of non, truth.

[George Cappannelli] 12:14:18 The passes for authority in a parental child relationship.

[George Cappannelli] 12:14:23 Think of the the every aspect of society, in which they're up, people in positions of power, or authority.

[George Cappannelli] 12:14:36 This is not just, a an evolutionary disruption.

[George Cappannelli] 12:14:43 This is a revolution of extraordinary proportion, and it may very well be that what's going to be required, is that many of us who are on the planet now move on and new generations, coming in who are wired and more receptive to the consciousness that you're talking about will

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:14:46 Yeah

[George Cappannelli] 12:15:08 Be natural's you know, anyway, I'm not discouraging.

[George Cappannelli] 12:15:14 What you're doing. I'm applauding it and celebrating it.

[George Cappannelli] 12:15:18 But I realize that there is no ground, no ground that I'm aware of in society, that will remain unshaken by the possibilities that you're Communicating

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:15:31 Yeah, I, I totally agree. And and just to add, what the kernel shamans in the in the in the Andes, Will basically, how they would call that transformation?

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:15:41 They would call, it a shift from the Homo sapiens, to the homo luminous right and and we have basically I think I mean when I'm talking to business, leaders, business, he does have certain terminologies, right and they talk, about disruptive mega, Trends.

[George Cappannelli] 12:15:44 Yes, yes, yes.

[Carsten Ohrmann] 12:15:57 Right and and they find it being a very disruptive megahertz, I can just I can just tell you. It is peanuts in comparison to what we are what we are talking about here.

[George Cappannelli] 12:15:57 Yeah

[George Cappannelli] 12:16:05 Yes, yes, that's true, that's true and

[Peter Merry] 12:16:08 Your authority question is interesting, George, because the question is, then, Where does the authority come from?

[George Cappannelli] 12:16:13 Yes.

[Peter Merry] 12:16:13 And I was pondering that in my role, as you know, managing director at ubiquity and having been a leadership role, there for a while, and you know the Key decisions Customers, talking about leaders, Taking decisions, the key Decisions Strategic Decisions, all came through Moments of inspiration they came from the

[George Cappannelli] 12:16:34 Yes, yeah.

[Peter Merry] 12:16:35 field basically, this is the name of Humanity, rising was something that came through me, one er early morning, when I was in that twilight zone, kind of half awake, half not Awake and I was like what is this thing that we're you, know, that's, coming through Boom, humanity, rising oh.

[Peter Merry] 12:16:52 of course, there we go and and Jim or something that Peter came up with the name I could never say it that way because I didn't come up with the name.

[Peter Merry] 12:17:00 You know the authority lay elsewhere. The name came through me, the same with a number of you.

[Peter Merry] 12:17:06 Know recent strategic decisions. for Ubiquity as well, so the off it's when the authority shifts from somebody believing that they're separate individual who's going to you know think up the decision, all on their own and and be the be the be the brilliant, person, to think that

[George Cappannelli] 12:17:16 Nice

[Peter Merry] 12:17:23 Up, and deliver it to more of a surrender and kind of humble request to the universe to tell us what the hell we should be doing, next, and when you do but that does require really authorized surrender, you, get the answer and I said the authority lies elsewhere, but I can

[George Cappannelli] 12:17:41 Yeah

[Peter Merry] 12:17:43 tell you that it's cause I've been you know, in leadership roles many many years.

[Peter Merry] 12:17:49 And I've been, you know, also in the Activist movement and and then the difference between believing you're, the one who has to make the difference and go out there and change the world everything else, and all the weight, that puts, on your shoulders and all the ego that activates to knowing that actually you can never

[Peter Merry] 12:18:06 know it yourself, and that there is a bigger plan. You can never understand, but that you're, you're looking for guidance.

[Peter Merry] 12:18:14 Each step of the way, that's such a weight off your shoulders, you know it reduces the stress completely.

[Peter Merry] 12:18:22 All you know is you need to have a clear intention, and then you need to pay attention.

[Peter Merry] 12:18:27 To how life wants to manifest that intention. So you don't have to come up with the plan because you know, if you make a you make a 5 year, plan, take the first step the plans out of date cause life, has changed so it it's radically changes your quality of presence as a leader and

[Peter Merry] 12:18:47 The way, you it it opens it's a much more playful and curious place.

[Peter Merry] 12:18:52 Because you know that the ultimately the authority lies elsewhere

[George Cappannelli] 12:18:55 Yes, I

[Tom Eddington] 12:18:56 And we heard that we heard that yesterday, David Schmidt, who joined us, was sharing that many of the the creations that his company has come up with, have come from source or from from some Place outside, of of Himself

[Peter Merry] 12:19:13 Yeah. Dhana asks. You know, what does love have to do with it?

[Peter Merry] 12:19:18 And you all know you've you've asked us every time.

[Peter Merry] 12:19:20 Don't you know how I remember you've asked it before.

[Peter Merry] 12:19:22 But interestingly enough, a lot with these technologies, because what they found was in the Princeton research this is one of the most fascinating things that it was the people, who had the biggest effects, or the biggest effect, was when you combined a clear intention with heartfelt attention intention
