HR!Day099 - International Day of Peace — Youth from around the world come together

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Today we will focus on an extraordinary gathering of youth around the world to commemorate the International Day of Peace  observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peaceful collaboration, both within and among all nations and peoples.

The coronavirus dis­ease has ad­ded a new di­men­sion to Pea­ceday 2020. For the first time in his­tory, people all over the world are hav­ing the same con­cerns about how we re­build the world bey­ond the pan­demic.

Young lead­ers from 96 cit­ies are now step­ping up to the chal­lenge. On 19 Septem­ber 2020 they will come to­gether, on­line and onsite, to take coun­sel on how we can turn the crisis of the pan­demic into an op­por­tun­ity for global re­newal.

The Global Youth As­sembly will open at 9am and close at 7pm in 4 dif­fer­ent time zones. In­spired by the Dough­nut Eco­nomy model, the dia­logue at the 12 vir­tual tables will fo­cus on the burn­ing ques­tion:

"How can we meet the needs of all - within the means of the planet?"

The con­clu­sions from the as­sembly will be handed over to the UN on Septem­ber 21, 2020.

The epi­cen­ter of the event will be YOUTH IS­LAND - a former sea fort­ress loc­ated a short sail­ing trip from the UN-City in Copen­ha­gen, where 11 UN or­gan­iz­a­tions are col­lab­or­at­ing across sec­tors to achieve the 17 Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment Goals. Since the fort­ress was handed over to the Dan­ish Scouts five years ago, it has been trans­formed into a unique gath­er­ing place for young people from all over the world.

The Pea­ceday 2020 live event on Youth Is­land will be con­nec­ted to local gath­er­ings in the par­ti­cip­at­ing cit­ies via live-stream. Mu­sic and dance con­tri­bu­tions, cel­eb­rat­ing peace and cul­tural di­versity, will be weaved to­gether with video greet­ings from sup­port­ers of the event.

The event will be pro­duced by Citytrans­formers (a non-profit as­so­ci­ation fo­cused on em­power­ing urban com­munit­ies to trans­form our world) in col­lab­or­a­tion with DEAL (Dough­nut Eco­nomy Ac­tion Labs) Ubi­quity Uni­versity (an ac­cred­ited global uni­versity de­signed for so­cial im­pact), Mas­ter­Peace (a youth driven NGO with 55 clubs in 40 coun­tries), AIESEC (the largest youth lead­er­ship move­ment or­gan­iz­a­tion in the world) Peace Child In­ter­na­tional (an or­gan­iz­a­tion that over the past 30 years, has tapped into the en­ergy of mil­lions of young people in 183 coun­tries) MIND­POOL (a plat­form for har­ness­ing col­lect­ive in­tel­li­gence) The Hague Cen­ter for Global Gov­ernance In­nov­a­tion and Emer­gence, UNITY Earth (a global move­ment for Unity and Peace on Earth) and Hu­man­ity Rising (a net­work of more than 400 NGO’s rep­res­ent­ing +10 mil­lion mem­bers to date).

A group of 12 high pro­file thought lead­ers will be in­vited to join the event as ment­ors, sup­port­ing the young del­eg­ates throughout the pro­cess.


  • Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University, with Sabinije von Gaffke, Entrepreneur, Change Leader, Founder, Impactfullness Ventures

Humanity Rising Day 099 Monday September 21, 2020

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Jim Garrison President of Ubiquity University and Founder Humanity Rising Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University UbiVerse Social Platform Humanity Rising: A Global Solutions Summit. “Transforming conversations that matter into action that makes a difference."
Sabinije von Gaffke ... ... ...

Paste Day From Week

Monday September 21, 2020 Day 99 : International Day of Peace — Youth from around the world come together

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