Georg Boch

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Georg is passionate about unleashing the human & AI potential for the good of our global village. At UU he works on producing paradigm-shifting educational offerings such as courses, webinars and live-events. His background in brand story consultancy and film production lives at the intersection of exponential technology, immersive media and conscious leadership purposed towards the “more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”. In his spare time you can find him cooking Mexican food, playing with his daughters and hosting Virtual Reality Mindfulness Retreats.

Participation on Humanity Rising

Day016 Sat 6/6/2020 Education And Integral Wisdom
Day 647 Tue 3/7/23 AI Rising: Frankenmind or Silicon Saviour?
Day 696 Fri 5/12/23 The Age of Thinking Machines: Practical Policy Recommendations for Democracies to Thrive and Survive
Day 697 Mon 5/15/23 AI Tutors - Madness or Magic
Day 722 Mon 6/19/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 1: Unpacking the term "alignment"
Day 723 Tue 6/20/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 2: In search for an ethical and compassionate Al
Day 724 Wed 6/21/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 3: Aligned Al use- cases in Education
Day 725 Thu 6/22/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 4: Alignment in Social Media
Day 726 Fri 6/23/23 Al Alignment Summit Day 5: Al Industry self-regulation and guardrails in practice
Day 802 Mon 11/13/23 AI Literacy Summit: Pandora’s Box, Panacea or Catalyst for Human Evolution?
Day 803 Tue 11/14/23 AI Literacy Summit - Understanding the Open vs Closed Source AI Debate
Day 804 Wed 11/15/23 AI Literacy Summit - Mitigating the Neo-Colonial Power-Dynamics of LLMs
Day 805 Thu 11/16/23 AI Literacy Summit: Gaining Cognitive Clarity with AI Today
Day 806 Fri 11/17/23 AI Literacy: The Convergence of Homo & Silicon Sapiens
Day 1032 Thu 11/21/24 The Rendlesham Forest Incident: Britain’s Roswell
Day 1049 Thu 12/19/24 What’s happening with the “Drones” in our skies? Humanity Rising Special: Day 1049

More Artificial Intelligence

Day 848 Mon 2/5/24 The Call for AI Policy. Is Anyone Listening?
Day 849 Tue 2/6/24 Are AI Guardrails Possible at this Late Date?
Day 850 Wed 2/7/24 Is Ethical AI Possible in the Capitalistic System?
Day 852 Fri 2/9/24 Parenting in an AI World