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= [[Peace Lab|The Department of Peace has expanded into the Peace Lab]] =
This is a page about an old idea whose time has come....
*[https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk033McSqzgBxoz2Xqp6bdjuZxuso1w%3A1605591112819&source=hp&ei=SGCzX96ML7Oh5NoPs_6V0AU&q=Department+of+Peace&oq=Department+of+Peace&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQyQMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BAgjECc6CgguEMcBEK8BECc6CAgAELEDEIMBOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6BQgAELEDOggILhDHARCjAjoLCC4QxwEQrwEQkwI6AgguOggILhDHARCvAToICAAQsQMQyQNQrBNYwk1g9lFoAXAAeAGAAb4DiAHNE5IBCjExLjcuMS4wLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=2ahUKEwje0Ln_7IjtAhWzEFkFHTN_BVoQ4dUDegQIABAD&uact=5 Google Search: Department of Peace]
:: See Also: [[Peace Resource Page]]
== Creating a DEPARTMENT OF PEACE ==
Is it finally an, “Idea Who’s Time Has Come?
*The Humanity Rising after Chat People are taking action. ChatAction.
::We’re not simply chatting and doing Deep Dives, we’ve got a powerful action step for Humanity to Rise even more!
*How about having a week or more on Creating a “National Department of Peace” (means any country) section on Humanity Rising?
::Is this the Time for Creating a DEPARTMENT OF PEACE? An “Idea Who’s Time Has Come” ~ Victor Hugo?
*What would it be composed of?
**How could we deal differently with violence prior to, during, and after?
**What would it take & how can we make that happen, given we agree it IS the time.
== Introduction by Kurt Krueger ==
We are envisioning a powerful step for Humanity Rising forward and upward by creating a National “Department of Peace!” We get to act as “HUMANKIND - Be Both.”
*When you have any ideas that could bring peace in any manner, anywhere, anytime, please apply it and then share it. With us too…
*At the turn of the year, we’re planning a major podcast of about 2-3 weeks, 90 minutes on weekdays. Your input would be much appreciated.
*Together we fly more easily… :) The worldwide Department(s) of Peace will dramatically reduce violence and wars… We get what we focus upon.
::Lots of Love,
::K. A. Krueger
::Department of Peace
:::“Peace with Everything, and Everything with Peace.” ~ Lama Gangchen
== Peace: BOTH Sides in Effective Dialogue ==
In a Second week: BOTH Sides DISCUSSING the point
* Dennis Prager, Jordan Peterson, etc.
*Department of PEACE ~ Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich
*Character Education ~ Diane Tillman, LivingValues Education program/Parenting
*Non-Violent Communications ~
'''After violence:'''
* Truth & Reconciliation Commissions ~ Desmond Tutu
* Forgiving the Unforgivable ! Anita Sanchez, Azim Khamisa,
* Methods to release PTSD ~ like Tapping ~ Ulf Sandstrom?
* Prison Reform, Prison-Ashram Project - Sita Lozoff
* Gabor Mate, Addictions.
* Etc.
== Origins of Department of Peace ==
* 1793: Benjamin Rush, Founding Father  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Peace
* 1947: Representative Everett Dirksen (R-Illinois) introduced a bill for “A Peace Division in the State Department”.
* 1955 to 1968: Eighty-five Senate and House of Representative bills were introduced calling for a United States Department of Peace.
* 2005 [https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civicax/filebank/documents/21826 <u>This legislation</u>] was introduced into the U.S. Senate (S. 1756) and re-introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 3760) in September of 2005.
[[File:Departments of Peace.png|thumb|Aspects of a Department of Peace from Swift Networks Wheel ]]
== Departments of Peace SECTIONS==
What other sections would be included in each department? How would they function? What implementation procedures could be exercised?
# EDUCATION ~ what would be included/excluded/questioned for curriculum on all levels of learning, including Occupational Centers and TradeTech’s. Let Love be the teacher. ~ Rumi.
# RELATIONSHIPS ~ Inclusive, democratizing Education and workplace. Yan Golding, Sheri Herndon
# ECONOMY ~ Circular/Donut, 
# ARTS ~ Uplifting and positive inspirations, eg. Touched by an Angel, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Dream the Impossible Dream, Imagine, Stairway to Heaven, Father and Son,seeing life from all sides as exemplified in this depiction,  etc.
# GOVERNANCE ~ A bold idea to replace politicians, César Hidalgo’s TedTalk has a radical suggestion for fixing our broken political system: automate it!
# MEDIA ~ Empowering Communications, Positive and uplifting programming. Will Smith. 
# JUSTICE ~ What others sections would encompass your dept.
# HEALTH ~ available for ALL. Holistic, homeopathy, various healing modalities experimented/researched with allopathy when needed,
# SCIENCE ~ Neal DeGrasse Tyson,  Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton.
# RESOURCES ~ Share The World’s Resources
== Ideas on The Education Branch of the DOP: ==
== Some ideas for stimulating our SOCIETY in the area of character consciousness ==
*'''The Music industry''' could suggest the singers to create music that is focused on one or several character traits.  This could be at all levels of music from children's to adolescent and adult styles.
*'''The television/movie industry''' could have movie themes illustrating character trait(s).  Older examples of successful series on American TV was, Touched by an Angel; or the movie, Remember the Titans. A set of 52 character traits could be spread out for one a week, to focus upon.
*The Print Media could emphasis the character traits daily, weekly or monthly with a feature article/story/page. More positive news about what is working. And heart opening stories…
*'''The Internet''' could have as site banners some great character quotes, stories or illustrations/cartoons depicting character qualities.  While boarding a Delta Airlines flight, character quality quotes are shown on the screen. YouTuble staples; Prince Ea, Wayne Dyer, and Goalcast short videos.
*'''The Art Scene''' could have murals developed for the cities illustrating particular character traits.  Students at all levels could be the artists that paint murals around the schools, and cities, thus empowering them to manifest the qualities depicted while developing their artistic vision and self-worth.
*'''Business and Industry''' can bring the character inclusion programs into their particular company AND by supporting character development through volunteering and offering financial support for character inclusion programs AND in their phone systems hold time, place recorded inspiring quotes.
*'''Education''' can use all the modalities and disciplines for inculcating quality character traits throughout the educational systems including the support staff and administrators.  Read further for some results. Physical Education can focus on Strengthening Character and cooperative games, it can be a start for a school.
*'''Physical Activity/Sports''' can use strengthening character programs like the Project Adventure, New Games, or the Positive Coaching Alliance for ALL levels of society.
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Latest revision as of 14:19, 26 December 2020