Anil Bhattarai

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  • Anil Bhattarai, PhD, is one of the visible and respected grassroots educators and thought-leaders of grassroots initiatives throughout South Asia, Anil is also a highly diligent and self-motivated information technology professional. After completing his doctoral degree from Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto (2019), he has self-taught himself and has been designing and building full stack web applications. A fast learner with a child-like enthusiasm for learning who acquired intermediate to advanced level competence in two human languages (French and Spanish) and two computer languages (JavaScript and Python) in the last two years (mid-2018 – 2021). At Annapurna Pluriversities, he will further enrich his interest in working with grassroots initiatives, particularly contributing its design and delivery in the areas of web design, research and documentation around issues of climate change, water, ecological housing and shelter and ecological food systems.
  • Participation on Humanity Rising

See Also

HR!Day231 - Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance