Ajay Rastogi

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  • Ajay Rastogi (Regenerative work on the Indian Himalayas) is Co-founder & Director of Foundnature.org. One of the notable emergent regenerative educators from India, Ajay Rastogi is the founder member of the Foundnature Foundation and has established the Vrikshalaya Himalayan Centre in the village Majkhali, Almora, Uttrakhand, India. He is a philosopher, multicultural educator, a writer and applied ethics practitioner with extensive experience working across the fields of environment, agriculture, livelihoods and ethical business practice. Recipient of the South Asia Youth Leaders Award, European Union Erasmus Mundus Fellowship in Applied Ethics, and the Nehru-Fulbright Environmental Leadership Award for Contemplative Education, Ajay is also certified yoga teacher and a contemplative practitioner.
  • Participation on Humanity Rising

See Also

HR!Day231 - Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance Pluri-Cultures and Pluri-Species Assemble to Celebrate “Everyday as Earth Day” in the Spirit of Regenerative Abundance