Resonance Path Institute

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Planet Earth is in the midst of a birthing process on a global scale. In birthing, both the mother and child are experiencing a life-threatening crisis as well as the magnificent emergence of new life. Climate change, ecological collapse and societal disruptions are all signs of the crisis. Meanwhile, many of us are opening our body, mind and soul as vehicles to embody the new life that Earth wants to express. We are called to developing new ways of seeing, being and knowing that are grounded in the wholeness of self.

Participation on Humanity Rising

Day 393 Tue 1/18/22 Health Justice: Your Birthright of Regeneration
Day 467 Mon 5/2/22 Part I: Invocations ~ The Power of Beginning with Reverence and Gratitude
Day 533 Wed 9/7/22 Taoist Antidotes to Burnout
Day 678 Tue 4/18/23 Creativity Rising 2 - Systemic Change Invokes Co-Creative Solutions
Day 709 Wed 5/31/23 The Resonance Code: A Rebirth of I Ching, the Ancient Chinese Divinatory System

See Also