Michelle Ashen
- Michelle Ashen, Africans United, on changing the pathway of the African continent through health and wellbeing.
Michelle Ashen, founder of Africans United delivers a message of encouragement to youth across Africa alongside anti-apartheid activists in recognition of Youth Day. The youth of today must remember that YOU are the future of our continent, that you were born with greatness inside of you. Don’t let the wounds of others hurt you. Remember that hurt people hurt people. Stop judging. Start learning. Listen, give and above all - be courageous and believe in yourself like many of us believe in you. I can tell you confidently that there are a number of people in this country and around the world who’s mission and purpose in life is to see you succeed, to be safe, protected and living the life you dream of. Let today, every day be a reminder and an opportunity for to redefine who you are and where you’re going. Leave the past where it belongs and find a community who truly sees you and believes in you. Your life matters. So live your life like it matters, like everyone matters. You’re not alone. We are not alone. Nelson Mandela once said I never loose. I either win or learn. Make today count.
- AfricansUnited #BlackLivesMatter #Ubuntu #GAIAjourney #SDGs Join UN75 Presencing Institute United Nations in South Africa United Nations South African Democratic Teachers' Union - SADTU