Leo's links shared on HR Day 872 and Afterchat 3-8-24
Some links shared on HR and Afterchat March 8, 2024
Tom Eddington:
> ::https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/23992445:: (The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief by Francis Weller, Michael Lerner (Foreword) 2015)
> ::https://www.mettacenter.org/thirdharmony:: (44 min documentary rental; "our true nature is grounded in nonviolence". Free PDF of Nonviolence Daily 365 Days of Inspiration from Gandhi -381 pp. when you subscribe.)
Mirabai Starr:
> ::https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199793521-ordinary-mysticism:: (Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground by Mirabai Starr Expected publication September 17, 2024; WILD MERCY: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics named one of the “Best Books of 2019”)
> ::https://mirabaistarr.com/:: (Subscribe to Musings from Mirabai)
Samantha Sweetwater (samanthasweetwater@gmail.com):
> ::https://www.samanthasweetwater.com/:: (Subscribe to monthly New Moon inspirations. By subscribing get a preview (20 pp.) of Samantha's new book. Life Code: Extraplanetary Instructions for True Humans "Warning: this unassuming little eBook is psychoactive. ;) It’s likely to awaken profound inner knowing. In it, you’ll find basic instructions for how to be and become the kind of human who can cause a flourishing future for all of life. I suggest reading it with an open heart and a nice cup of tea.
Love, Samantha) First book, True Human: Remembering Ourselves at the End of Our World, will be available Fall 2024.
> ::https://michaelgarfield.substack.com/p/208:: (208 - Building Cultural Capacity for A REAL Psychedelic Renaissance with Samantha Sweetwater, Ian-Michael Hebert, and Jahan Khamsehzadeh @ Psychedelic Science 2023)
author of The Wisdom of WTF?!?
> ::https://entangledworld.podbean.com/e/the-human-predicament-samantha-sweetwater/::
Rita Marsh:
> ::https://sophiawakens.com/2022/03/18/marauders-and-the-mistresses-of-water/:: (Jean Houston forwarded this article by anthropologist Carla Stang about the archetypal dynamics of the War in Europe. Site host is Anne Kathleen McLaughlin who envisions a spirituality in harmony with our new understandings of the universe while drawing from the mystical heart of ancient spiritual beliefs and practices.)
> ::https://www.matthewfox.org/what-is-creation-spirituality:: (a list that contrasts the two traditions of Fall/Redemption Religion and Creation Spirituality.)
Janice Hall:
> ::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0wFZUmd23c:: (4:15 Yael Deckelbaum - Women of The World Unite Official Video)
Leo Jacoby (links on connectivity):
> ::https://www.themarginalian.org/2013/11/08/social-why-our-brains-are-wired-to-connect-lieberman/::
> ::https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17237217-social:: (Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Matthew D. Lieberman 2013)
> ::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNhk3owF7RQ:: (17:58 The social brain and its superpowers: Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D. at TEDxStLouis 2013)
> ::https://rivkarochkindlcpc.weebly.com/articles/hardwired-for-connection::
> ::https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26324.Social_Intelligence:: (Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships by Daniel Goleman 2006)
> ::https://www.oprah.com/own-super-soul-sunday/excerpt-the-gifts-of-imperfection-by-dr-brene-brown/5:: (2010 "As a matter of fact, we are wired for connection.")
> ::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5xUxsifYJA:: {46:46 Wired for Connection: How Our Brains Create Communities. 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival. Annie Murphy Paul (The Extended Mind), Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habit), Jay Van Bavel (Social Identity and Morality Lab, NYU)]
> ::https://www.netflix.com/title/81031737:: (Connected 2020 Documentary | 1 Season: Trailer, Surveillance, Poop, Dust, Digits, Clouds, Nukes. Science journalist Latif Nasser investigates the surprising and intricate ways in which we are connected to each other, the world and the universe.
> ::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxj6kkXrIjg:: (9:04 Humans are Hardwired to Connect Amy Banks, M.D. looks back thirty years to a time when a small group of feminist practitioner-scholars developed Relational Cultural Theory (RCT), which posits that people grow through and toward relationships, not through separation and individualization.)
Richard Page:
> ::https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8155.Terry_Tempest_Williams::
Stanley Pokras:
> ::https://othernetworks.org/Day872HRChat::
> ::https://othernetworks.org/Evolutionary_Leaders_Circle::
> ::https://othernetworks.org/Ayush_Systems_-_India:: Ayush Systems - India (Malini Rajendran sent us references to Medical Systems Practiced In India)