Kurt Krueger's Transforming Into Thriving

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Transforming into Thriving

               Transforming into Thriving offers us diverse ways to thrive. To Thrive, we get to get out of the norm and do 1% better, each day. We use methods for optimizing our body, emotions, mind, spirit and environment. The initial introductory time together will expose us to intellectual understanding and direct experience in Success Systems International’s approach. This has continued to develop since the early 1980’s, using truly modern scientific research, ancient wisdom, and advancing technologies. The following times together brings it all into an enhanced daily transformation for all areas of our life.

As we all know, the body is Systems working together for the benefit of the whole body, as is the environment. When one thrives the other is assisted in thriving. Thus, we will be cooperating, collaborating, teaming and expanding our quality of life ~ all at once!