Humanity Rising Day 848 Chat Page – Monday February 5, 2024
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 848
11:01:38 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
So glad you’re here!! Loving greetings from the traditional lands of the Secwepemc now known as Kamloops BC Canada. Welcome to Humanity Rising!
11:02:16 From Diane Carol Mark to Host and Panelists:
Happy Anniversary Dr Jim for your many years at the helm of Ubiquity (a bit late 🙂)
11:03:31 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
This is Day 848 of Humanity Rising…
11:07:06 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
A family friend just returned from Israel saying that the people there think that everything is “Normal,” They know little of the killings of women and children.
11:08:20 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
The one thing we DO have is a voice. RAISE YOURS. You can use the New Paradigm Institute’s website to contact your government representatives… tell them what you think. Don’t let this just happen; participate, if only with your voice.
11:08:36 From Rev Dr Karen L Holgersen to Host and Panelists:
11:08:42 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
11:08:55 From Bruce Robertson to Everyone:
Thank you Jim. Mr.Biden makes us all collude with his genocide.
11:09:06 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
11:10:09 From Rev Dr Karen L Holgersen to Host and Panelists:
I called the White House and left a message with the operator. I have also composed a letter which I emailed. I also let a recorded message for President Biden. Everyone must make their voices heard!
11:10:23 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
yes, we had 3 soldiers killed with a drone and how many bombs did we blast indiscrimentaly killing how many?
11:10:40 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Here is the prayer
11:10:48 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Rev Dr Karen L Holgersen to Host and Panelists (11:10 AM)
I called the White House and left a message with the operator. I have also composed a letter which I emailed. I also let a recorded message for President Biden. Everyone must make their voices heard!
11:10:52 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
BRAVO AGAIN, JIM! As you say, stay strong, 😡
11:11:03 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Here is the prayer I put in my daily prayer session today: Prayers for the people and all beings in Gaza today - holding love light PEACE and knowing there can be a miracle NOW and seeing our leaders see the light!! Holding that before this planned bombing, there is a Divine interaction and instead of bomps, humanity love care food water is moved in. Please pray for a miracle with me that Rafah is under a cloak of prayer and protection, love and peace. That leaders see the LIGHT. AMEN AHO
11:11:32 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
HI tom!
11:11:37 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
Welcome again, TOM.
11:12:16 From Marcia to Everyone:
The investigation into whether or not Israel was committing genocide did Not identify Israel’s actions as Genocide. So why are you continuing to say that Israelis committing genocide? Why are you not calling for the hostages to be returned.
11:12:22 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
🙏 Katherine Augustine
11:12:42 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Yes! Let there be light! Food, water, shelter, and cease fire forever! Praying with you all until this atrocity stops AND NEVER happens again!❤️
11:12:53 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Marcia, a monster is a monster no matter what you call them.
11:12:56 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
The Daily Stoic had a provocative email/podcast today approaching the root causes query.
11:13:12 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Kurt, please offer the link if you have it
11:13:22 From Marcia to Everyone:
Hamas is the monster…not Israel.
11:13:38 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
All of the perpetrators are monsters.
11:14:11 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Welcome back, Tom. I totally agree, what steps can we take to help all humans to see all of life, all Sentient Beings, as worthy, loved and respected, in today’s evolutionary world. There is a possibility for this, in all the infinite possibilities… it is beyond time. Holding for this NOW.
11:14:36 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Yes, Katherine, yes. Bless you and all…
11:15:14 From Roberto SCIFFO to Everyone:
those in power seem to be stuck.. and the system in place seems like a major contributor
11:15:32 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Always wonderful to see and hear you Tom! Thank you for your sane, enlightening, wise perspectives! Deeply grateful! 😇🌍🌳 Indeed, we humans are STUCK in destructive stages all around.
11:16:17 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
The leaders in Israel have become their former captors, they are acting from the same syndrome that other captives do by identifying with their captors, thus rationalizing their behavior, so sad, and yet another reason to understand how our behavior impacts others, sometimes years later.
11:19:04 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Jim, THANK YOU ❤️🥰🌍for your wise insistence and leadership on staying fully awake and aware every day on these US funded global atrocities! The only deep human moral understanding and stance. THANK YOU!
11:19:33 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Well said, Kim and Kathryn.
11:19:57 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
11:20:06 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
Thank you Jim, echoing Kim Kerrigan’s message above. Your clarity & devotion inspires me DIRECTLY, and I will be amplifying your & my voices as far & wide as possible, as soon as possible.
11:20:31 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
11:21:05 From Hyacinth Oesterlin to Everyone:
SORRY! Bombing hospitals and Refugee Centres; denying FOOD; WATER; FUEL; MEDICINE to severely traumatised people, with more than 25,000 already KILLED, continued daily attacks and killings, with the stated aim to get rid of the people, MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED AS GENOCIDE. I sincerely pray for the perpetrators, that they come to understand that what they doto others, they are doing to themselves
11:22:38 From Marcia to Everyone:
Yes, Most of the citizens continue to protest Netanyahu’s policies and are trying to change. Israel wants their hostages returned and protection from Hamas repeating their Genocide behavior. Israel is trying to stop Hamas from pushing them into the sea!
11:23:13 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
SHannon, I get a daily email which is so right on for the day. ::
11:24:08 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
11:28:42 From Gianluca Gatti to Everyone:
Hi everyone from Italy
11:28:59 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Humans are uniquely capable of healthy, nourishing, loving TOUCH. Babies do not, and will not thrive without CARING TOUCH. NO A-I will ever re-place, duplicate, or substitute this fundamental human capacity. THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! Secondly, we humans still cannot get "real" things right: like the "great virtues" - like consciousness, caring, compassion. Why are we devoting endless resources for "ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING?" over REAL THINGS? Let's think about the REAL things - like real food, real knowing, real relationships, real caring, real TRUTH, real questions, real morals, real laws, real compassion, real learning, real touch! I LOVE, TRUST, AND VALUE ALL OF YOU FOR BEING REAL THINKING PEOPLE, WHO CARE ABOUT REAL COMMUNITY AND REAL LEARNING! JUST SAYIN!😎💞🌍 Please do NOT submit to becoming "artificial anything!" 🥰
11:30:21 From Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Everyone:
Kim, thank you, so wonderfully said.
11:30:46 From Clarice Hirata to Host and Panelists:
can we view the speakers please?
11:30:57 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
Is anyone having trouble seeing the panel?
11:31:37 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
For example: Right there is a misguided question! Compassion for Whom and Why? Seriously? Who has the power to be asking that question? For what purpose? For whose benefit? Whose profit? To what end? And why??? 🐼🥰🌍
11:31:44 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
Michael Putz is still sharing his screen with us.
11:31:47 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Kathleen, good point
11:32:18 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
Great! Love seeing you all. :-)
11:32:27 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Can you put the question being addressed in the chat, Georg?
11:33:04 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
YES! We must SEE all your glorious smart REAL men! Gotta love this connection thru our eyes and our souls - ALL REAL! WE LOVE YOU DUDES!🥰😎🌍
11:33:12 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
You cant have it all - Michael has the slides - usually the speakers are on the right side even while screen sharing is on
11:34:14 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
I would love to connect about getting the core VALUES of Nature’s wisdom into AI. Would love to integrate AI into sharing the PeaceMakers practices and augement our efforts by ‘using its abilities.’ I may not be in the AfterChat cause of a doctors appt. Thanks for BEING HERE NOW.
11:35:13 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Host and Panelists:
Kurt Krueger, 1-818-399-0771, live in Los Angeles area. 🙂
11:35:25 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
THANK YOU TOM! For your critical questions regarding FIRE! 🌻🌻🌻 FIRE is elemental and sacred, and required human tending, human consciousness, and wisdom! Witness our world!
11:35:48 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Kurt, we all love you. Take care of yourself, your health is important to us
11:37:29 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
Like the session on the 30th about ANOMALITIES, there are crucial and wonderful questions and discoveries that would not have and would not happen with this Mechanistic Methodology I see in AI, lord bless it. But They don't have human doubt. They might be building a Philip K. Dick Nightmare world we can't foresee and get around.
11:38:57 From Carroy Ferguson to Host and Panelists:
Question: Some years ago, at an international conference, on a panel dealing self and no-self, I introduced the idea of human beings having a “multidimensional ever-emerging self”. I wonder how you might address this notion in relation to the AI discussion?
11:39:29 From Rev Dr Karen L Holgersen to Host and Panelists:
Zuckerberg developed the original Facebook to judge the female students on campus. Gave them numbers.
11:39:57 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
One of the problems is that WE don’t really have a clear understanding of the Value of our Values… What is value anyway?
11:41:32 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Just heard, was it here? That in the states they (think it was a bill in Congress) are trying to put in censorship of social media in the name of Protect the Children, which will censor us all…
11:42:05 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
A high conscious culture has no need for so many laws.
11:42:21 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
We’re not there yet, Bruce.
11:42:38 From michael coles to Everyone:
The WAR on children has been going since forever.
11:42:40 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
Yes - we need to keep this vision in mind always. We are driven by our ideas of the future.
11:43:07 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
11:43:24 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
People suffer from lack of vision. People unite over shared dreams.
11:44:20 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
The Gods punished Prometheus for a good reason, man wasn't ready for it. and still isn't. No, I don't object to fire, but more should be devoted to understand POSSIBLE consequences. We had the Flood, they say it's The FIRE next time. I'm sorry for poor Marcia, who has such a myopic view.
11:45:41 From Judy Hanmer to Everyone:
Why do educationalists not teach discernment and the exrercising of critical facilities? This was a major constituent of my UK education in the 1950s.
11:46:08 From Bruce Robinson to Host and Panelists:
Trying to utilize my kegan5 and lifepath33 in service for the benefit of all.
11:46:11 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Outstanding, illuminating title! "WE ARE IN OVER OUR HEADS!" And OVER OUR MINDS!
11:46:42 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Perhaps out of our minds…
11:47:04 From Marilyn Schramm to Everyone:
Kim, your "caps lock" is on
11:47:30 From Stan Pokras to Bruce Robinson, Host and Panelists:
Bruce, do you only wish to write to the panel?
11:47:53 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Yes! to our human divine genome and hence - our SOVEREIGN human essence! Jung called this "individuation"
11:48:25 From Stan Pokras to Bruce Robinson, Host and Panelists:
If not, set the “To” to “Everyone”
11:48:33 From Hyacinth Oesterlin to Everyone:
"Without vision, the People perish" said the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs -------some 3000 years ago. Still relevant!!!
11:48:38 From Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Everyone:
Please, slow down a bit. Thanks!
11:49:19 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Stan, TY. Yes, this is what WE get to do. Take care of our Self/All inclusive/Tao.
11:49:20 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
Yes Hyacinth. I adapted it into my own I shared above (before I even heard of Solomon’s statement). People perish from lack of vision, people unite over shared dreams.
11:49:47 From Peter Sforza to Everyone:
In 2021, Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) became the first philosophical stance to be formalized into an International Standard (ISO/IEC 21838-2:2021), grounded in realist ontology (realism is appealing for it's utility with concretized 'things'...). What are the implications of adopting a realist philosophy for computational ontologies (AI, etc) that adhere to this standard?
11:50:14 From Bruce Robinson to Everyone:
We need to clarify and champion our vision. Simplicity with courageous devotion.
11:51:24 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
WHY don’t we have Peace? Can AI HELP guide us? What is your Personal Vision Statement of Peace. A world scripture says: “A person without Vision shall perish.” If we don’t have one, how do we expect to get it? Having it written brings it more into the physical phase for us to take action.
Here is Kurt's “Because I believe total Peace is Possible, I am called to BE Peace in a way that excites in others their vision of Peace resulting in Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace.” This format is using Tamsin Wooley-Barker’s prompting in her TEEMING workshop based on her bestselling book of the same title..
Create your own expression, video(s) song(s), or meme’ing, OR…
Should you choose, please respond with YOUR particular Vision of Peace. Love to experience it, and with your permission, possibly share it! :)
Here is Tamsin Wooley-Barker’s template: Because I believe _________, I am called to ________________ in a way that ________________________, so that _____________.
11:52:07 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
JUDY, The US had the McCarthy Era, the Hays Office trying to denature the warrior soldiers coming home, conflicting with the Cold War and change in sexual mores, the Beat Generation vs Doris Day. The UK had it's problems too, people still living on rationed food, more people thankful to Russia and the 26 million it lost in the war...
11:54:13 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
To build that in the builders need to have it………….
11:55:10 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Day 806 on HR: ::!Day806::
11:55:29 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
AI Literacy: The Convergence of Homo & Silicon Sapiens
11:55:42 From Diane Sue to Everyone:
11:55:48 From michael coles to Host and Panelists:
We created the illusion then we deny what we created
This the real problem we face.
¬The Witness Observer
11:56:19 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
A line from Michael Franti's song, STAY HUMAN, "We better heed the words of Dalai Lama! or at least the words of your mama..."
11:56:44 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
The Existential Risk of AI is not found in YouTube
11:57:05 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Joscha Bach Participation on Humanity Rising
Day 806 Fri 11/17/23 AI Literacy: The Convergence of Homo & Silicon Sapiens ::
11:57:18 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Diane Sue, thank you!!
11:58:06 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Michael, beautifully said.
11:58:35 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
How do we collaborate with you?
11:59:31 From michael coles to Host and Panelists:
The root illusion is the corporate personhood created to be responsible for human resposibilities for each other and all life. we make none real being person to be the charge of real being humans....IE I am not a PERSON
11:59:47 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
You would be a great addition to the Peacemakers Circles. Please accept this gift of membership in the PeaceMakers Circles/Network. PeaceMakers do it IN Everything. BEING THE BEST ANCESTOR to 7 Generations ahead.
We are thrilled that after 50 years of working globally with success techniques and leadership skills to have an opportunity to build the PeaceMakers Circle/Network. We already have people in all hemispheres being PeaceMakers. We are, for the first time, bringing ancient wisdom together with the best leaders and the best tools of the 21st century.
Register now so we can do it even faster with the PeaceMaker MasterHeart Circles ~ to be all you can be in bringing Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace: https:// ONCE REGISTERED you will receive an email with all the links to the PeaceMakers Circles, so that WE participate in creating Peace.
11:59:48 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Join PeaceMakers Circles/Network for people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world and daring enough to do it!
12:00:15 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
michael coles to Host and Panelists (11:59 AM)
The root illusion is the corporate personhood created to be responsible for human resposibilities for each other and all life. we make none real being person to be the charge of real being humans....IE I am not a PERSON
12:00:23 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Yes he SHOULD be here!! AND THERE!!
12:00:48 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Connect with VAN JONES and get you on National media.
12:03:08 From Peter Sforza to Everyone:
Thanks Jim. reframe Kegan in a more fundamental way... perhaps without stage theory. We should be careful since stage theories encode bias, are deeply flawaed (as Jim is reminding us), so stage theories may not be the best way to evaluate AI.
12:03:14 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
Viktor Frankl ❤️
12:03:35 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
YES, these people should be on AMANPOUR and FAREED ZAKARI and DEMOCRACY NOW, then MEET THE PRESS, etc. Biden should addressing all this and perhaps he might get reelected, perhaps. I still don't know if that would be a good thing, but Trump???
12:03:36 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
How do we bring LOVE into AI?
12:04:02 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Riveting truths, Jim! As long as there are global genocides. we are ALL inside these atrocities! Outstanding point! Soul, self, love MUST reign free! Must be our central focus!❤️🌹🥰
12:04:04 From michael coles to Everyone:
We created the illusion then we deny what we created
This the real problem we face.
¬The Witness Observer
12:04:43 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
And it is not the only problem :0
12:04:50 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
Yep! Love needs to be emphasized!
12:05:09 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
We CAN and MUST fix our humanity! 😇
12:05:31 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
I want that book!!
12:06:06 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
There is no way to get outside of development - age/time matters. We distort it as ‘better than’ but a 7 yr old is NOT 21, is NOT 75. That’s an act. The issue is what to do with it?
12:06:28 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Love it Michael
12:06:31 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Equate that with AI!!
12:06:47 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
What is the title of the book?
12:06:52 From Paul Hillery to Everyone:
We need a new Monty Python film on THE MEANING OF LIFE to reach most people.
12:07:14 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Tich Naht Han for Children (?)
12:08:08 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Nope… which one, Georg!!??
12:08:14 From Tricia Fortina to Everyone:
I know it's spelled Thich Nhat Hanh, for starters... ; )
12:08:15 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
"create the capacity to receive" so Right!!
12:08:26 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
12:08:43 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Tich Naht Han for Children
12:08:46 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
12:09:29 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
12:10:18 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
12:10:27 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Exciting and important introductory week! THANK YOU FOR THIS EXCELLENT DISCUSSION!🐼💞🐶
12:10:47 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
We are not in “Future Shock” We are in Present Shock.
12:12:13 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:12:15 From Gianluca Gatti to Everyone:
12:12:17 From Myra Jackson to Everyone:
My experience in creating an enabling capacity to embrace complexity is the recognition of what I call the three Is: interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependence. Meta’ing if I might create a word here is moving with what Sources life, what is life enhancing and what is life honoring.
12:12:36 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Great point, Stan! DO NO HARM needs to be our solid human foundation! 😇🥰🌈
12:12:47 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Nice Myra
12:13:21 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Kim, seems to me that we are like a child playing with fire …we don’t know the harm that it can do.
12:13:37 From Gianluca Gatti to Everyone:
The AI Dilemma
Tristan Harris
12:13:56 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thank you so much, Michael, Jim, Tom and Georg.
12:14:14 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
Thank you all!!!!
12:14:17 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Come to the AfterChat, let’s continue this conversation!!
12:15:03 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
🙏 everyone!!! Good conversation! I’m hoping for examples of ethical AI
12:15:16 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
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