Humanity Rising Day 767 After Chat – Monday September 25, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 767:
aka ChatPeople Chat
01:31:02 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 767
01:31:28 Stanley Pokras: And we are conscious of that fact
01:40:22 Todd Bureau: Thank you Wolf. Looking forward to Shipton. A privilege to gather on such.
01:41:28 Stanley Pokras: Are we answering the question: “What is LOVE?”
01:42:04 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Love, Li
01:42:14 Kathryn Alexander, MA: fe and Consciousness are all the same thing
01:42:37 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Recognizing the sameness
01:42:44 Shannon McArthur: Yes, Kathryn, good answer!!
01:43:58 Kathleen Riley: Yes to love
01:44:04 Mary Olson: What about the arrival a new baby as a measure of parent's' love?
01:44:16 Lynn Brodlie: Love embraces all, in infinite energy throughout the universe
01:45:55 Stanley Pokras: So, my next question has to do with “Is warfare the opposite of Love?
01:45:59 Shannon McArthur: Stan sends out an email every day with the links to the HR recording and this recording, along with the chats for both. If you’d like to receive the email, send Stan a message with your email.
01:46:41 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Opennes, yes
01:47:21 Lynn Brodlie: Unconditional love
01:48:23 Maureen Edwardson: Flow State is what IRT facilitates
01:48:42 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Warfare, IMO is rage at not being loved
01:48:57 Mary Olson: LOVE to all! I have a 1:00 ET and have to jump. So grateful that you all are carrying on in this. I added the link to my teacher in energy matters--Mietek Wirkus to the HR chat. I honestly have lost track of him, and don't know if he continues to walk this plane. If so, he could share much about time / space / connection -- he is / was another pioneer with so many of you! ::
01:49:02 Kathryn Alexander, MA: dancing with
01:49:07 Hyacinth Oesterlin: Wolf, what is the organisation in Austria?
01:53:39 Kathryn Alexander, MA: as water has several states, so does consciousness… We can trust Life, love, and consciousness. And we need bodies to experience - love…
01:54:33 Kathryn Alexander, MA: I recommend works by Andreas Weber
01:55:03 Kathryn Alexander, MA: They are the same..
01:55:14 Maureen Edwardson: Yes I agree Kathryn
01:55:20 Maureen Edwardson: they are the same
01:55:38 Kathryn Alexander, MA: The body experience is one point of connection
01:55:44 Maureen Edwardson: Yes
01:57:03 Todd Bureau: Conflict is ignorance of The More
01:58:11 Todd Bureau: One could consider it immaturity
01:58:12 Maureen Edwardson: Stan what I believe is that it stems from unresolved inner conflict in our Field. Clear old unresolved issues and peace and love becomes the default. I love this morning... regretfully I have an appointment now. See you next time!!
01:58:59 Kathleen Riley: Yes Maureen - unresolved inner conflict
01:59:17 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Shannon I do not hear any areas of disagreement…
01:59:23 Maureen Edwardson: Yes Kathleen!!
01:59:42 Todd Bureau: And off to another obligation too. Not wishing to disappear rudely!
01:59:44 Shannon McArthur: Kathryn, me neither. ;)
01:59:51 Shannon McArthur: Thanks for coming, Todd...
01:59:59 Maureen Edwardson: hard to leave lol
02:00:14 Shannon McArthur: We’re here every day, Maureen.
02:00:17 Shannon McArthur: Love you!
02:00:50 Maureen Edwardson: I know Shannon, I am very busy so don't often get the opportunity bye for now
02:03:38 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Fear comes from separation, so the lack of connection Wolf talked about.
02:03:39 Shannon McArthur: Yay, Zoom!
02:04:23 K. A.’s iPhone: You would be a great addition to the Peacemakers Circles. Please accept this gift of membership in the PeaceMakers Circles/Network. PeaceMakers do it IN Everything. BEING THE BEST ANCESTOR to 7 Generations ahead.
We are thrilled that after 50 years of working globally with success techniques and leadership skills to have an opportunity to build the PeaceMakers Circle/Network. We already have people in all hemispheres being PeaceMakers. We are, for the first time, bringing ancient wisdom together with the best leaders and the best tools of the 21st century.
Register now so we can do it even faster with the PeaceMaker MasterHeart Circles ~ to be all you can be in bringing Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace: :: ONCE REGISTERED you will receive an email with all the links to the PeaceMakers Circles, so that WE participate in creating Peace.
02:04:42 Shannon McArthur: Bless you, Kurt, sending you love...
02:05:57 K. A.’s iPhone: Please create your own Personal Vision Statement of Peace. Here is one: "Because I believe total Peace is Possible, I am called to BE Peace in a way that Excites in others their vision of Peace resulting in Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace.”
90 minutes discussing PeaceMakers: What are PeaceMakers Circles and How do they bring Peace to Life? ::
Links for more resources: ::
02:08:16 Kathleen Riley: The movie is The 1 Field featuring John Stuart Reid, HeartMath and others.
02:13:18 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Think Putin - what need is he trying to fill?
02:13:23 K. A.’s iPhone: Please spread this video EVERYWHERE. "Reinventing the Planet" video: ::
Be a DreamKeeper
Pachamama Alliances Vision statement, Create an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on Mother Earth. :)
The Awaken the Dreamer, Change the Dream 2 hour online course is free: :: Alliance
Paul Hawken’s book, DRAWDOWN, illuminates the 100 BEST ways to REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING, #6 is Educating Women! is a platform to bring ALL CARING and HELPFUL people’s of the world together in one resource. Share your gifts for others to grow and bring more Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace.
02:15:42 Shannon McArthur: Stan collects links of HR & AfterChat sessions, along with the chats from both, and all the speakers who have appeared. Check out the list of episodes, and then dive deeper: ::
02:17:36 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Being true to oneself...
02:20:13 Kathryn Alexander, MA: Many blessings! I need to leave. 🙏
02:23:14 Wolfhardt Janu: I have to leave, thank you for the discussion.
02:23:52 Shannon McArthur: Wolf!! Thank yo ufos coming
02:23:55 Shannon McArthur: oops
02:24:04 Shannon McArthur: Thank you so much for coming!!!
02:24:43 Shannon McArthur: Words are the smaller parts of us, like we are smaller parts of #TheOneWeAre..
02:25:59 Shannon McArthur: To read Jim’s Morning Messages, check out My Work on my website: http:://
02:26:18 Shannon McArthur: ::
02:26:30 Carol Sue Engleman-FB Sarah Sue-|Belize: Messages From The Spirit World: Awakening to You Soul by David Armstrong
02:30:23 Shannon McArthur: Stan sends out an email every day with the links to the HR recording and this recording, along with the chats for both. If you’d like to receive the email, send Stan a message with your email.
02:30:41 Shannon McArthur: Stan collects links of HR & AfterChat sessions, along with the chats from both, and all the speakers who have appeared. Check out the list of episodes, and then dive deeper: ::
02:42:41 Stanley Pokras: Tricia, there will be another time… welcome
02:47:23 Leo Jacoby: David, author and title again for your relevant quote??
02:47:47 David Stoney: David Abrams, Becoming Animal
02:47:57 Leo Jacoby: thanks
02:48:04 Stanley Pokras: Agreements
Everything we know, everything we see, everything we do together depends on agreements. Language is a tool for making agreements, writing is a tool for recording agreements, money is a tool for enumerating and assigning value to our agreements. Agreements among people are the basis for our conscious reality. Without a process for agreed upon concepts, our reality would be awash with meaningless sensations.
02:49:40 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Josef, great to hear your hearty clarity and openness to Being the Peace we wish to be and See. :)
02:51:02 iPhone 13 Pro Max: Thanks for a most interesting time
02:52:38 Stanley Pokras: Spell of the Sensuous
02:52:48 iPhone 13 Pro Max: Love Love Love to. All
02:53:26 Leo Jacoby: The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World, Vintage 1997 by David Abram
02:53:55 Bob Hayes: That's aluminating... bauxite?
02:54:28 Katsi Cook:
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