Humanity Rising Day 689 After Chat – Wednesday May 3, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 689:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:03:55 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Thanks for your life’s work for a thriving life for all. Together in collaboration, coagulation, and dialogue, we get to prompt the world back into thriving for ALL our relations. See how we can do it even faster with the PeaceMaker Master Heart Circles ~ to be all you can be to bring Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace: ::
Kurt Krueger, AnotherU, 1-818-399-0771,
Founding Member of Peace Lab:
The World Fest,
- Winning Ways for Living * (last volume in the bestselling series) ~ Three books in 1 to make your life better…
Peak Performance Prompters Youtube channel: :: It contains 361 videos selected with Kurt and OTHERS, including Jim Carey.
‘We don't address their brains; we address their hearts.’ ~ Mandela
PeaceMaker Meditation, ::
00:04:09 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 689
00:04:38 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: HERE’S OUR LINK TO THE MEETING: I am usually on about 15 minutes early so come early and chat or ask questions. ZOOM link: ::
00:06:01 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: We would love your participation in creating Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace in whichever way best suits you. In your spare time share your sacred gifts with us. 1~1.5 hours a week meeting time. To get started. Register here:
Once registered, you may join the hour weekly PeaceMakers Circle/Network.
A person’s reach should exceed the grasp, or what’s a Heaven for?
~ Robert Browning ~
90 minutes discussing PeaceMakers: What are PeaceMakers Circles and How do they bring Peace to Life? ::
00:06:56 Stephanie Mines:
00:07:01 Katie Augustine: Thank you, that answered my questions. I have a friend (Stephanie she was in Chartres with me) who I think may really be interested!
00:07:20 Ruud West: Qigong as a portal to Presence. Gunther Weil.
00:07:26 Ruud West: ::
00:08:32 Spring: Thanks Ruud!
00:08:45 Ruud West: As mentioned when this article came up last night I thought about your work Spring. Interesting foe all of course.
00:09:33 Spring: Yes, thanks Ruud for paying attention ;-)
00:12:25 Katie Augustine: Sorry I have to drop for a work meeting - I so appreciate each of you and this work and have and will be more so passing on information about your program and the electives too. In Gratitude!!
00:13:01 Stephanie Mines: Thank you Katie for coming in and know that you can reach out to me at any time about the program.
00:20:34 Stella Osorojos Eisenstein: Thanks everybody! I’m going to go be with my son for a few hours. See you tomorrow!
00:20:41 Spring: Thanks Stella
00:27:30 Ruud West: Thank you all and beautiful faculty! I have to move to the next Zoom meeting.
00:28:45 Stanley Pokras: You can find Sheila’s page on OtherNetworks here: ::
00:30:40 shauna: I would like to attend the information meeting . I am at . Great 😊
00:31:25 Sheila Spremulli:
00:34:45 Spring: ::
00:35:03 Spring: sign up button is by the Stephanie's photo
00:36:19 Stanley Pokras: Link to the zoom info session on the 30th of May:::::::
00:41:09 Stanley Pokras: Sheila Spremulli to Everyone
00:46:10 shauna: Thank you all so much 🌟🦋I will tune in tomorrow. Spring … I am so happy to be introduced to you today … I feel a deep resonance with you and your work 🌸🐝🧘🏻♂️
00:51:18 Stephanie Mines:
00:52:11 Spring: Spring's offer: ::
00:52:36 Stanley Pokras: Stephanie Mines to Everyone (May 3, 2023, 1:22 PM)
01:02:05 Stanley Pokras: Robert Kennedy Jr. was on Humanity Rising…::
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