Humanity Rising Day 667 After Chat – Monday April 3, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 667:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:04:34 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 667
00:06:48 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Soon we’ll be on Joe ROgan
00:20:24 Stanley Pokras: The emphasis on race is part of the plan to make money by selling guns to people who are at odds with each other.
00:26:26 Heather Tischbein: Yes…not so alone, Shauna.
00:29:45 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: HR, 3-3-21. The Intersection of Beliefs, the Arts and Transformation, ::, Rodney Wittenberg, Jonathon Sprout, Phyllis Chapell., Vic Compfer, David Heitler-Klevans, Day 196
00:32:27 Stanley Pokras: I’ll show a screen shot from the day Kurt referenced.
00:32:52 Shannon McArthur (she/her): Wait Stan…
00:33:27 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: HUG a tree when ya can’t be barefooted. Or hug someone like MOM. 🙂
00:34:08 Shannon McArthur (she/her): Shauna, thank you.
00:36:05 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Love your thoughts and application on this eBook. 🙂 Love you.
00:39:10 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: 7-29-22, Humor, Happiness, and Laughter for Thriving Societies. Raheen Fatima, Mitch Ditkoff, Steve Bhaerman, Sebastien Gendry. :: Number 531.
Have a magical day creating the Grandest Version of Your Greatest Vision!
ZOOM PEACE with The Peace Salute, :: whenever you say goodbye.
“Individually, we are one drop, together we are the ocean.” ~ Ryunosuke Satoro
00:39:32 Shannon McArthur (she/her): Day 196 had Music on HR Peace Lab
00:41:45 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: ALWAYS drink it!
00:47:10 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Gia fu Feng and Jane English’s edition is superb with the calligraphy and photogrophy. 🙂
00:47:52 Leo Jacoby: "We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now" -- Romans 8:22
"And God said, 'Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.' So God made the expanse and separated the waters beneath it from the waters above. And it was so. God called the expanse 'sky.' And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.…" --Genesis 1:6-7
" our ancestors went down to Egypt, and we stayed in Egypt a long time, and the Egyptians treated us and our ancestors harshly." -- Num. 20:15
Tonight I will celebrate a seder meal with 72 others to remember our ancestors on our common human journey.
00:49:41 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Wednesday is Passover, we get to annually celebrate with our friends and family.
00:57:51 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: You may enjoy this inspirational video about our future, A Gathering of the Tribe, A 9 minute story by Charles Eisenstein. :: I’d love your feedback on this mythological story.
Some people are attracted to this kind of self-reflection for each day to make it better, ::, An app for making people Kinder and perceptive of such in one’s life. It’s not fully an app yet currently works through the website.
Be inspired with the incredible work of WE imaginal cells (those cells that create a butterfly from a dark yucky goo) with this video:
Imagine the future with Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace. That’s the motto of the Peace Lab and PeaceMakers Circles/Network.
Her’s a complimentary membership to get started. Please register with the link below.
- Once registered, you may join the hour weekly PeaceMakers MasterMind Circle/Network.
A person’s reach should exceed the grasp, or what’s a Heaven for? ~ Robert Browning
00:59:59 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: ZOOM PEACE with The Peace Salute, :: whenever you say goodbye.
“Love is omni-inclusive progressively exquisite understanding and compassionately attuned to other than self.”
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
01:00:15 Rob Hayes: Just to take a moment to explain.
My Zoom connection is often challenging here on the farm. Several times during the Zoom call it usually evaporates including the chat.... You may have noticed there's a dial-in option which usually works and stays intact and allows me to poke the android phone into my collar and either drive on or continue to do farm work.
If I'm removing my gloves to open the audio button, it takes long enough that I'll then usually type a chat and preserve the ambient audio instead of sending you all farm noises, etc.
I'm coming on. Later I'll be coming home. Doing the dance today & to do the lighten up too 👆. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sometimes at the later part of the afterchat you may yet hear some more of the chickens here.
They're squawking and scratching, kicking up dust.
01:01:45 Shannon McArthur (she/her): Thanks, Rob. Good to know.
01:02:15 shauna: I am having to leave now. Much blessings and thanks 🙏🏻
01:02:43 Heather Tischbein: Having to leave as well….love to you all,
01:07:37 Rob Hayes: Enjoy your day folks
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