Humanity Rising Day 647 Chat Page – Tuesday March 7, 2023
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 647
11:01:25 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
A fine International Women’s Day to you all! Loving greetings from the traditional lands of the Secwepemc now known as Kamloops BC Canada. Welcome to Humanity Rising!
11:05:38 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Did anyone see the movie: HER? Powerful presentation was Academy Award nominee…
11:08:13 From Doreen Tanenbaum to Host and Panelists:
Good Morning from Cherokee Country, N.C.
11:09:01 From Carlos Prosser to Everyone:
11:09:02 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
11:09:12 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Good Morning! I did see Her and thought it was really good...
11:09:16 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Yeah Georg!
11:09:26 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Welcome to Humanity Rising
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
11:09:36 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Oh!! Georg!! Welcome to the main stage. So good to see you!
11:09:43 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Welcome and always thank you, Georg!!
11:09:51 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
Hello from the Credit River Watershed
11:10:33 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Did you hear about AI beating humans at the game of Diplomacy? Learning how to out strategize and negotiate vs. humans.
Can you imagine creating a diplomacy game using AI that is a MUN game?
There could be several variations:
11:11:18 From Julian Stay to Everyone:
Amazing Georg! Tomorrow University, trying to Bridge A.I. and Responsible Living is also based in Berlin. So now let's see whether a conscious A.I. can be a great Service :-)
11:11:19 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Wow! Yes I’ve been seeing a lot about it on TikTok.
11:12:52 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
“Disrupt their business cycle” …hmmm… TOO popular, too fast?
11:14:31 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
If Georg’s presentation tweaks your interest. Bill Graham shared this informative description of AI use: ::
11:15:32 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
It does its own research… sometimes making mistakes
11:15:36 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Fact checking is vital when using AI.
11:15:37 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Wow neat description!!
11:15:50 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Like missing Jim.
11:16:30 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
It helps to ask questions with clues.
11:17:03 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Yes Steve Farrell is Humanity's Team, not HR. Big deal if you are using it for a term paper. lol
11:17:32 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
I definitely have seen different people showing how it is getting some things wrong or not the full information…
11:18:22 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
People who can ask the optimum query of AI, get incredible pay because it generates advances in AI’s abilities and people’s interests.
11:19:43 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Carlos, great seeing you today. 🙂
11:27:22 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
How about educating the entire world in a holistic education? It starts with simple literacy. Check out a System proven in India and elsewhere to be literate enough to read a newspaper in less than 90 days! Check out ::
11:35:34 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
This is such an interesting session...
11:36:27 From Nanci Wazienski to Everyone:
Yes, it is.
11:36:35 From Russell Greene to Everyone:
Yes @Kahterine. Illuminating.
11:36:42 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
I agree Katie fascinating
11:37:33 From Katie Lieberman to Everyone:
its just software folks.. a sophisticated software program of course and a huge data set, but we integrate new software capabilities all the time. a few decades ago, voice prompts and voice recognition was very new but we all assume and expect this on help lines now.
11:38:44 From Katie Lieberman to Everyone:
AI software is simply software funded by AI funding.. don't be caught by the term AI.
11:40:04 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Will the AI revolution overtake the discord that people are making in social discourse? Culture war could be disrupted by artificial intelligence.
11:42:47 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
AI has already been asked, and answered that horizontal governance models are likely the safest way for a transitional consciousness
11:53:41 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Is anyone working on Asimov’s “Laws of Robotics?”
11:54:52 From Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Everyone:
This is so very interesting and challenging. I need to learn!!
11:59:41 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
“A Matrix Moment”…!!!
11:59:49 From Rita Marsh to Everyone:
Excellent film! Thank you!
11:59:49 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
How do we us AI in helping to Create the vision of the Peace Lab AND PeaceMakers Circles ~ “Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace!”
12:01:22 From kip adams to Everyone:
I am reminded of a 1969 Ron Cobb cartoon with 2 images and one word: Technology. Search it and shiver.
12:01:41 From Marijke Kuipers to Everyone:
Could the planet handle the enormous amount of energy this costs? In this time of climate emergency?
12:01:41 From Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Everyone:
Basic income, yes.
12:01:48 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
Wow! My mind is blown! Great video and conversation. I understood a very small percentage of it. :-)
12:01:53 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Kurt, Kevin addressed something like that above re horizontal governance
12:02:41 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Luckily, this is recorded, and listed in here: ::!Day647::
12:02:49 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Thank you for sharing this discussion. Yes, I do understand it is software. I have been wanting to understand what it does better (good and bad). Grateful to have a broader perspective from today’s session.
12:03:52 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
The world is going to drastically change. For one thing there will be great changes in employment.
12:04:07 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
War is never ethical.
12:04:35 From Jean Stevens to Everyone:
Great questions Jim!
12:04:59 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
The global supplychain is 100% reliant on marginalization, both of Mother Nature AND children in labour
12:05:17 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
ETHICAL IS ALL AOUT VALUES… CREATING VIRTUES and PREVENTING VIOLENCE. This program, :: has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee Camp within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a program for street people - similar results!
It’s free, the Living Values Education Program: The first two Values instructed are LOVE and PEACE. All the other Values are generated from these. Thus affecting ALL life on our planet in every day.
"Let virtue lead the way, and every step will be safe.” ~ Seneca
12:05:22 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
Will AI allow for the slavery of women and children?
12:06:08 From Doreen Tanenbaum to Host and Panelists:
What about the judiciary system in Atlanta changing the law do to political system, how ethical is this?
12:09:26 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
The Earth is a Caldron, the Sea is the Soup, the Sun is the fire and the Moon is the spoon that stirred life into existence. -- Stanley Pokras
The Earth, with its diverse ecosystems and complex web of life, can be compared to a cauldron - a vessel in which ingredients are combined and transformed. In this metaphor, the sea represents the soup, a vital component of the cauldron that provides nourishment and sustenance to the creatures that live within it.
The sun, with its life-giving warmth and energy, can be likened to the fire that heats the cauldron and brings its contents to a simmer. Without the sun, life on Earth would not exist, as it provides the energy that fuels photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce oxygen and food.
12:10:01 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Finally, the moon is the spoon that stirs life into existence, symbolizing the role that the moon has played in shaping the conditions that allowed life to thrive on Earth. The moon's gravitational pull is responsible for the tides, which in turn have played a crucial role in the evolution of marine life.
Taken together, this metaphor emphasizes the delicate balance that sustains life on Earth and the importance of recognizing the interdependence of all living things. It also reminds us of the incredible beauty and complexity of the natural world, and the need to protect and preserve it for future generations.
12:10:29 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thanks Stan. Beautiful.
12:10:32 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
THANK YOU STAN. Beautiful expression of wisdom.
12:11:25 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Stan, Send our this for our CHatpeople. Thank you. 🙂
12:13:01 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Georg, Please come to the Chat after, if you feel so guided… 🙂 Thanks for a very special program.
12:13:20 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
What you see above its the ChatGPT interpreting my first sentence… It does an amazing job of understanding and explaining my alphorism.
12:13:28 From Jean Stevens to Everyone:
Thank you Stan for your wisdom!
12:14:00 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thank you, Stan, for using AI in a very pleasing way!!
12:14:02 From Meg Newhouse to Everyone:
I find what little I’ve heard of this conversation terrifying. I will have to find the recording. Because I can’t stay any longer.
12:14:50 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Breathe and believe, Meg, that we are finding our way together to the best for all that is. Greater Hands are on the tiller!
12:14:50 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Yes, Meg. It’s scary.
12:14:52 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Look 7 Generations… FORE Sight! Futurist.same with the visuals shared in the intensity of color wavelengths. 🙂
12:15:39 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
12:15:58 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
Stan, Ive not yet posed a question to ChatGPT ….like …., is vast wage disparity reversible , while still providing commodities in an affordable future supplychain development.
12:16:07 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Universal Basic Income…. Jim
12:16:26 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
There was recently an article in the New York Times written by someone who spent 2 hours talking to one of these new artificial intelligences. Somewhere along the way the AI decided that it was in love with the human. Despite the human telling the AI that it was very happily married, the AI could not be dissuaded from pursue a romantic thread. It was very, very strange.
12:16:26 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
UBI is a Neo-liberal trashcan of thought
12:16:54 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Not only minimum wage but UBI. Universal Basic Income releases people like Griffin from the need to work for money to exercise his genius and follow his bliss.
12:17:45 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
To make the WEST more efficient consumers byway of concretizing the slavery model , that fuels this consumption habit.
12:17:56 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Charry, I believe something like that is the storyline of Her.
12:17:56 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Jim, I love that idea, but then with a minimum wage who is going to collect the trash, or wait tables at a restaurant? Robots may not be able to fill all those roles.
12:18:06 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
The human family needs to care for everyone as individual families care for their children.
12:18:19 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
Instead of a UBI we should be looking towards a UBL. (Universal Basic Lifestyle)
12:18:25 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Join the PeaceMakers who are leveraging human consciousness, personal leadership development, indigenous/Natures wisdom, social media and marketing tools to affect Intentional Change. This is a rare opportunity in history to stimulate PeaceMakers through programs that are scalable and replaceable, to unlock our potential by applying ancient knowledge, with the latest research, with Peak Performance Practices, and modern communication technology to intentionally affect personal, local and world peace. Creating ever more, "Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace."
We would love your participation in creating Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace in whichever way best suits you. In your spare time share your sacred gifts with us. 1~1.5 hours a week meeting time. To get started. Register here:
Once registered, you may join the hour weekly PeaceMakers Circle/Network.
12:19:14 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
A new aspect of the job of Social Argonauts, Stan!
12:19:27 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
AI Whisperer!
12:19:56 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
UBI needs to be seriously debated , as it’s current form is designed to continue marginalization.
12:20:22 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
I wonder what AI would say about UBI
12:20:59 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
We get to redesign our future as we like it, playing like the birds
12:21:39 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
12:21:39 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
The movie HER. See it.
12:22:25 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
The article was "A Conversation with Bing's Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled". New York Times
12:23:06 From Robert Hayes to Everyone:
12:23:14 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thank you, Charry!! Great you could bring it up.
12:23:27 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Our brains are not linear. Brains use quantum computing.
12:23:50 From Kevin he/him Canada to Everyone:
Rutger Bregman also has a great talk about bullshit jobs
12:24:39 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
If everything is consciousness, why are we surprised by AI becoming sentient?
12:25:00 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Great query Shannon
12:26:00 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Consciousness does not reside within the boundaries of the organism.
12:27:52 From Julian Stay to Everyone:
Exactly, that's what I loved about the debate Georg started to talk about the AI "LaMDA". The engineer said the A.I. became conscious. And it said About itself, that I sees itself like a ball of Energy in midair and in the Center a Stargate to different dimensions and realities. And I wonder , whether the spiritual debate is so mainstream, that it found athis to be the mbest pievce of "Chinese paper combination"
12:28:00 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thanks, Georg, great session today!!
12:28:01 From Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson to Everyone:
@Intriguing. You are getting at “What is the Consciousness of All That Is”?
12:28:51 From Clarice Hirata to Host and Panelists:
I so appreciate the discussion about issues involved with this technology and not just the wow factor of it.
12:29:26 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
From the perspective of the programmers -- and I have some computer science background -- programming can be incredibly fun and seductive. "Look what I just did". Ethics is definitely not a part of a computer science education.
12:29:41 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
12:29:55 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
This has been very stimulating. Let’s continue this in conversation - come to the AfterChat!
12:30:21 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
To be ready to join the AfterChat later, click the link and the next. When offered the Red (Leave and Join) Button, set it aside until you're ready.
12:30:35 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
I AM A TEACHER: I’ve been extremely blessed with teaching the youth and elders on 5 continents since 1965. From Swimming, Social Studies, Physical Education, Sports Psychology, Peak Performance Practices, and Stress Management. 43 of those years were at the secondary or above level.
ABOUT THE PAY OF TEACHERS: One extremely sad note: after three years of teaching from 1969-72 I was able to take my wife to Europe for three months picking up a brand new BMW, driving through 13 countries, and shipping it home. I couldn't have done the same thing after teaching in the Secondary level in Los Angeles USD for 43 year! Let's change it...
12:30:53 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Evolution now becomes something that the planet is doing, not just humans.
12:31:22 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
All That Is is evolving…
12:32:18 From Annelies2 Weijschede to Everyone:
Anyone received the latest newsletter of Jacqueline Hobbs with Youtube of Elon Musk on AI (8 days ago) and freedom?
12:32:21 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
It feels terrifying to me. It feels to me that humanity is so "not risen" that our ability to make good use of this is up for grabs.
12:32:54 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
We need to recognize that it’s not the evolution of humanity that is happening. it’s the evolution of the planet as a whole.
12:32:56 From jiyun park to Everyone:
Ai is made of silicon ? Biomimicry… wholeness paradigm?
12:33:09 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Thank you so much, Georg!
12:33:21 From jiyun park to Everyone:
12:33:25 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
12:33:30 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Yay, Georg!!
12:33:39 From Stan Pokras to Everyone:
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
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