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Humanity Rising Day 571 Chat Page   –   Monday October 31, 2022

Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 571


11:09:21 From Matt to Everyone:

   Thanks for your patience, everyone. The chat is enabled.

11:10:20 From Rita Marsh to Everyone:

   Woman, Life, Freedom.

11:10:22 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Blessings Banafsheh for this movement of Light WorkersQ

11:10:36 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   WE are with you!

11:10:37 From Stan for the ChatPeople to Matt(Direct Message):

   Thank you, Matt

11:12:59 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Amazing Consciousness at PLAY here!

11:13:08 From Stan for the ChatPeople to Everyone:

   Welcome to Day 571 of Humanity Rising - Woman, Life, Freedom

11:14:24 From Nazlı Töre to Everyone:

   We are in solidarity with Iranian Women. Our thoughts and prays are with our neighbours. (Turkish Council of Women)

11:14:40 From Dielle Hamilton to Everyone:

   Just listening to Banafsheh fills my heart & strengthens my soul. Dd not know they were prohibiting dancing. Women unite!

11:22:20 From Ekam Music - (Sri Preethaji) to Host and Panelists:

   I am reducing slight when Sri Preethaji is speaking to make sure her voice doesn’t get cut

11:23:38 From Ekam Music - (Sri Preethaji) to Host and Panelists:

   ok. i will increase 2 more points of volume

11:24:26 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   Prayers for ALL Iranians and peoples of the world are USEFUL NOW. Prayers don't get watered down cause we ‘spread the around!

11:27:38 From Patricia Davis to Everyone:

   From the Dine' Indigenous lens the Female Life-task is Life-giver/Nurturer; and, the Male Life task is Protector/Provider of women and children in a Healthy Helping teamwork for win-win, constructive co-creative life-affirming decisions for those outcomes. The Root Cause of violence against women and girls is male domination and female submission, which results in animosity and aggression within and among males, when females Reframe out of Placator (Pleaser) to Leveler and Truth-teller. Historically women and People of Color are required to agree to lose and pay to lose, which is destructive and death-producing decisions for those outcomes we are now witnessing and transcending and transmuting into living the loving way as a way of life, HOZHO for the women in Iran and women of the world.

11:28:07 From MARIA PATRICIA PRADO to Everyone:

   let´s all connect. Banasheh and Sri Preethaji..move me deeply? Let us all unity for freedom. Beautiful meditation!!!!Thank you!

11:28:15 From Diane Sue to Everyone:

   And so it is!!!!

11:28:34 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Namaste! So gentle and powerful! Much Gratitude!

11:37:58 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:


11:38:04 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Hear hear!

11:38:14 From Rita Marsh to Everyone:

   May it be so!

11:38:18 From MARIA PATRICIA PRADO to Everyone:

   Amen, Aho! Wow!

11:38:28 From Annelies2 Weijschede to Everyone:


11:43:16 From Tina Michel to Everyone:

   SO true! We witness not only the courage, but the grief and suffering of the women of Iran - and the men supporting their cries for freedom and justice!

11:45:56 From Dielle Hamilton to Everyone:

   Marianne is such an amazing combination of heart and mind & the ability to express it.

11:48:36 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   The Peace Lab/IMAGINED produced the podcast linked below on how CORE VALUES ARE REALIZED for being HAPPY and THRIVING on a PEACEFUL Planet.   

   See these Incredible people sharing wisdom that brings people to enjoy a full and PEACEFUL life.  Character Inclusion for Regenerative Societies ~ ::     

   Join us in applying simple and easy practices. We are here for a purpose. We are the Imaginal/Intentional cells. Together we fly more easily ~ like the two wings of a bird… Flying together in formation to make life easier with teamwork.   

   The Peace LAB’s practices/programs dramatically reduce violence, recidivism, and wars… We get what we focus upon. Let's share our ideas and expertise. Collaborate with us:

11:57:08 From Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson to Everyone:

   In the spirit of alignment with the energy of today's theme & Marianne’s message, I humbly offer the link to an article I wrote some years ago about the power of “Yes” and “No”:  ::

11:57:21 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:

   Thank you Banafsheh, Sri Preethaji, Andrew, and Marianne for your passionate, loving words on behalf of the women, girls, men and boys of Iran who are fighting for freedom and justice. You are speaking for so many of us.

11:59:15 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Justice-Love-Peace for ALL Iranian Women! WE ARE WITH YOU! Blessings Marianne, thank you for your wisdom & presence!

11:59:26 From Celia Anne Browne to Host and Panelists:


11:59:40 From Tina Michel to Everyone:

   Amen! ☮️

11:59:50 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   I will be a more courageous person in life because of your courage. TYG

12:00:30 From Rita Marsh to Everyone:

   Deep gratitude for your powerful words of truth and inspiration.

12:00:39 From Jean Stevens to Everyone:

   I hope the Iranians can hear these messages thru the tapping of their phones and the Iranian government’s blockage of free press.

12:01:04 From Stan for the ChatPeople to Everyone:



            Welcome to Humanity Rising

            With Love...          

            Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.          

           You can join the After Chat here:       


            Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451    

            Passcode: 919541       


   We’ll post this notice several times…


12:17:58 From Kate Hansen Hansen to Everyone:


12:18:46 From Kat Haber to Everyone:

   You are magnificent from within. You belong to the glorious. You are of given radiance. You are of divine radiance. - Rumi

12:21:52 From to Everyone:

   The Divine Feminine awoken and embodied and balanced in each of us female and male....Wholeness Connected!!! Empowered! Energized! The only way forward...

12:24:25 From Nazlı Töre to Everyone:

   Zen, Zendegi, Azadi. Women Rising, Humanity Rising! Thank you!!!

12:26:34 From Banafsheh Sayyad to Everyone:

   By spirit you are imperishable, magnificent from within.

   You belong to the glorious, you are of divine radiance. - Jalaleddin Rumi

12:27:28 From Kat Haber to Everyone:

   @Baafsheh thank you so deeply!

12:28:47 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone:

   Havel is included in this short video showing how totalitarian regimes are founded on lies which citizens must resist so as not to be corrupted: :: (12:02 The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World)

12:29:02 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Beautiful Banafsheh, much GRAT

12:29:03 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:


12:29:17 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:


12:30:50 From Annelies2 Weijschede to Everyone:

   It started also now in Brazil: ‘we are going to live new times of peace, love and hope’…. Lula da Silva

12:32:58 From Paige Latin to Everyone:

   Hi from Kamloops,British Columbia, Canada. 🇨🇦

   I believe in the power of intention and sending love and light and blessings to all! 🙏🏻

12:33:23 From Candy Leonard to Everyone:

   An early attempt at this…..::

12:33:30 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   LET’S do this daily:  the PeaceMaker Meditation, :: Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace will reverberate throughout your day… making it the focus and bringing more peace to you and ‘others.’   

   Groups are forming together or through teleconference to bring more Peace to the Planet.

12:36:38 From Paige Latin to Everyone:


12:40:41 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   YES, holding hands with ‘others’. With great love flowing. TYG

12:40:56 From Patricia Davis to Everyone:

   There are only two intentions: 1) Inverse thinking system: win-lose, no-one wins, destructive and death-producing decisions for those outcomes as we are witnessing in the enemy-creation global crisis today that devalues and dehumanized people. 2) Affirmative thinking system: win-win, constructive and life-affirming decisions for those outcomes using the appropriate function of Conscience.

12:40:57 From Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson to Everyone:

   Humbly, I offer a link to about “the mirror effect” and the law of attraction, which in my view is reflective of “intention”:  ::

12:42:42 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   Tears flow so easily with these visions of Love. YES, the Power of Visualization/Intention. TYG.

12:43:42 From Annabel Hollis to Everyone:

   Yes. They do.

12:44:18 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   Our INTERCONNECTEDNESS implemented! So palpable!

12:44:23 From Lynnea Franks to Everyone:

   This is so incredible. My tears are falling. What wonderful work.

12:45:35 From Diane. to Everyone:

   So many of us are so ready for all this!! We are ONE ❤️ xxxxx

12:46:07 From Annelies2 Weijschede to Host and Panelists:

   It is so beautiful… and we do not see Lynne, see a blue screen

12:46:09 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   These images get to get out to more media, where is the link to spread in SM?

12:46:16 From Paige Latin to Host and Panelists:

   So powerful, connection stimulates the vagus nerve for healing and  peace that radiates outward.💜

12:46:19 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   The Social Brain travels down the Vagus and the Love Fest expands out!

12:46:26 From Diane. to Everyone:

   Weaving the wave ❤️

12:46:29 From Michelle Massi to Host and Panelists:

   Thank you all and especially The women and girls of Iran, brave souls all. Banafsheh with H.R. to include today ,Andrew, Marianne and Lynn. for women  life freedom . Yes and Yes and Yes I feel you are seeing and hearing at a cellular level and this is so helpful and hopeful  This connect today is so Spirited and welcomed. May we know Peace in our hearts so that the Earth and all her beings can expand to achieve this goal for for our sisters in Iran. Sending so much love and compassion for their brave and noble hearts.

12:46:31 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:


12:47:08 From Aida Merriweather to Everyone:

   the blackline blocks t

12:47:11 From Paige Latin to Host and Panelists:

   Yes! And so it is! 💜

12:48:44 From Stan for the ChatPeople to Everyone:

   Michelle Massi to Host and Panelists (12:46 PM)

   Thank you all and especially The women and girls of Iran, brave souls all. Banafsheh with H.R. to include today ,Andrew, Marianne and Lynn. for women  life freedom . Yes and Yes and Yes I feel you are seeing and hearing at a cellular level and this is so helpful and hopeful  This connect today is so Spirited and welcomed. May we know Peace in our hearts so that the Earth and all her beings can expand to achieve this goal for for our sisters in Iran. Sending so much love and compassion for their brave and noble hearts.

12:55:10 From Ellen Woods to Host and Panelists:

   Could you please share the music you played during our shared intention? It seemed to open and resound in the field we share, I seemed like a perfect invitation for our intention to travel through our entire central channel, and then settle and take root n the heart. I would like to use it again and again. Thank you.

12:57:22 From Banafsheh Sayyad to Ellen Woods, Host and Panelists:

   which piece dear?

12:57:56 From Banafsheh Sayyad to Ellen Woods, Host and Panelists:

   the dance piece or the one Lynne played?

12:57:58 From Ellen Woods to Host and Panelists:

   The piece Lynne just played, during our intention.

12:58:12 From Aida Merriweather to Everyone:

   Would you put that link into the chat

12:58:40 From Ellen Woods to Host and Panelists:

   Also, I loved the music you played for us to move to. Would so welcome that as well.

12:59:12 From Banafsheh Sayyad to Ellen Woods, Host and Panelists:

   She is not with us. This is a video she sent. We can ask her and put it in the description of this video on youtube.

12:59:29 From Richard Page to Everyone:

   I remembered that when I see a person of peace, I can feel that peace and can then inquire into what in me is needed for peace

12:59:41 From Kat Haber to Everyone:

   Can the link put in chat here please?

12:59:48 From Banafsheh Sayyad to Ellen Woods, Host and Panelists:

   what is your email dear? I can send you an email

13:00:02 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:

   Please remember... 🙂

13:00:12 From BMardiyya to Everyone:

   quite Amazing,,

13:00:16 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   I saw a circle of light above Iran and gradually moved down into their space as the violence ceased and the people started humming! Very potent!

13:00:20 From Rita Marsh to Everyone:


13:00:33 From Jean Stevens to Everyone:

   My intention was freedom of all women on the planet to be equal in rights to men.  Plus, the hard scarves removed from those whom want.

13:00:41 From Marion Welton-Delafield to Everyone:

   Incredibly moving

13:00:51 From Sommer Joy Ramer to Everyone:

   I could see angels all over the streets walking in divine light protecting all women, children and men away from violence. wow

13:00:54 From Annabel Hollis to Everyone:

   Thank you. What an honour to participate in this wonderful experiment.

13:01:25 From Mo Stevens to Everyone:

   Love Love Love Namaste

13:01:55 From Maryam Kargar to Host and Panelists:


13:02:36 From Ellen Woods to Host and Panelists:

   Thank you so much Banafsheh. It was such ab honor to participate today. ellenwoods1@gmail,com.

13:02:41 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:

   You Go Whirlers! Thank you for this wonderful loving time together! Blessings to Iran!

13:02:45 From Lynnea Franks to Everyone:

   This was one of the most powerful group meditations I have ever participated in - and on zoom of all things! I could feel it all.

13:02:48 From Annabel Hollis to Everyone:

   I saw the men standing with the women in a circle of light in which everyone in Iran was included.

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