Humanity Rising Day 440 After Chat – Thursday March 24, 2022
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 440:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:07:24 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 440
00:08:31 Kurt Krueger, Kurt lives on and cares for the ancestral land of the Tongvé, just 20 miles N. of Los Angeles CA. Thanks for your work for a thriving life. Together in collaboration and dialogue, we get to prompt the world back into thriving for ALL.
Have a magical day creating the Grandest Version of Your Greatest Vision!
Kurt Krueger, PHD (Playing Happily Daily), 1-818-399-0771,
Collaborate with the PEACE LAB, AND
Going Beyond Your Beyond Youtube Channel: ::
‘We don't address their brains; we address their hearts.’ ~ Mandela
00:12:49 Leo Jacoby: Recommended by Kathyrn Davison:
- The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by Bourgeault, Cynthia 2010 EPUB, 555 KB
00:15:02 kathryn davison: Thanks, Leo, I’ve read it, and a few others of hers. In fact I think I pasted that title in the main chat during the presentation. 🙂
00:15:41 Katie Augustine: Also want to mention, I am so grateful to be here again - I often hop off the program at noon for work and feel blessed that I have today off for this program and after chat. 🙂
00:16:08 Katrin Lambert: I need to leave, thank you all and have a great conversation.
00:16:29 Shannon McArthur: Katrin, thanks for coming!
00:16:31 Katie Augustine: Bye Katrin, Hugs
00:16:50 Leo Jacoby: Ebook links I shared during HR:
- (Mary and Early Christian Women: Hidden Leadership by Ally Kateusz 2019 EPUB, 7.38 MB)
- (A Deeper Look Into the Gospel of the Beloved Companion by Collin Carbno 2014 EPUB, 135 KB)
- (borrow: Beloved disciple: the misunderstood legacy of Mary Magdalene, the woman closest to Jesus by Robin Griffith-Jones)
- (More ebooks to consider the Beloved Disciple)
- (Suggested by Rita)
00:17:16 Kurt Krueger, Governor Reinette Senum,
00:21:44 Stanley Pokras: If you are new here… send me your email address so you can receive the Chat from Humanity Rising and this chat and this recording… the ChatPeople send this report daily.
00:21:59 Katie Augustine: Love that, Kathryn. Agree
00:22:11 diana: I have to also leave - unfortunately - my son is arriving out of London 😄
00:22:15 Leo Jacoby: :: (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Levi H. Dowling and Eva Dowling; Eva S. Dowling, Introduction PDF, 703 KB) Note: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ is a book by Levi H. Dowling. It was first published on 1 December 1908. Dowling said he had transcribed the text of the book from the akashic records, a purported compendium of mystical knowledge supposedly encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. Wikipedia
00:22:22 Katie Augustine: Bye for now, Diana
00:24:43 Katie Augustine: There is a way - I don’t know how I have an Android. I’ve been trying to figure it, too.
00:25:03 Pamela Schreiner: Thanks. Am leaving now.
00:25:12 Katie Augustine: Bye Pamela, Hugs
00:27:00 Myriam Kalmogho (she/her/hers):
00:31:07 Carol Sue Engleman on FB: Grandmothers Counsel The World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision For Our Planet
00:31:33 kathryn davison: Thanks Katie! Great to hear of resources in your area at work in these ways. 🙂
00:32:27 Myriam Kalmogho (she/her/hers): Thank you for this space. I am running into another meeting.
00:33:17 Leo Jacoby: :: (another "version" of the Last Supper?)
00:33:35 Katie Augustine: A few of the groups I mentioned: The Center for Sacred Studies :: and check out The Fountain which you can find on CSS website - they hold monthly ‘prayers’ with Indigenous Elders across the globe
00:34:19 Leo Jacoby: ::
00:34:24 Katie Augustine: :: Agape International Spiritual Center - now have a virtual service Sundays - Rev. Michael Beckwith
00:36:01 Katie Augustine: The Institute I work for: :: personal development supporting people to live from vision not from the condition - raising conscious awareness ;)
00:36:35 Leo Jacoby: :: (Another parody - banned in Milan)
00:36:42 Katie Augustine: My email is and I am Katie Augustine on facebook
00:37:57 Katie Augustine: Also felt today’s teaching aligned with Dr. Sue Morter’s and the Morter Institute work ::
00:38:12 Leo Jacoby: :: (The Ladies Supper was commissioned in 2015 by the Bird in Hand winery in Adelaide, Australia. The painting is a 13 portrait all female version of the Last Supper on a 2 x 12 metre canvas that was designed to fit into the restaurant of the winery. The women in the painting are a collection of friends and family from the Bird in Hand winery. The painting explores women's role in creation and their contribution to a harmonious peaceful society, with images of love, spirituality, and creation further explored in the panels in the background.)
00:39:37 Leo Jacoby: :: (Women were at the LAST SUPPER.
Jesus said: "Do this in memory of me" to the women and men who supported his ministry.)
00:42:45 Leo Jacoby: I like this pic (above) more than others I linked to - women at the Last Supper - of course!
00:46:19 Leo Jacoby: :: (In Coburn’s painting the table is large and seventeen people are seated on all four sides, all the way around, and it includes men and women. Flanking the table are four standing people - two women and two men- who are serving the meal)
00:46:23 Leo Jacoby: “Only the names of the 12 male apostles are mentioned in the gospels, but it is noteworthy that 12 women disciples are also mentioned in ministerial capacities: 1. Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38, John 19:25) 2. Mary’s sister, Jesus’ aunt (John 19:25) 3. The mother of James and John Zebedee (Matthew 27:55-56) 4. Mary Magdalene (John 20:16) 5. Joanna, wife of Chuza (Luke 8:3) 6. Salome (Mark 15:40-41) 7. Susanna (Luke 8:3) 8. Mary, wife of Cleopas (John 19:25) 9. Simon Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8:15) 10. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus (John 11:27) 11. Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus (John 12:3) 12. The Samaritan woman (John 4:39) Source: J. J. McKenzie, 1994, p. 292.”
00:46:37 Leo Jacoby: You’ll find 56 Wikipedia articles related to “women and Christianity” at
For two articles that discuss “Were women at the Last Supper?” see:
00:50:18 Leo Jacoby: ::
00:50:24 Katie Augustine: The Secret Magdalene by Ki Longfellow
00:51:43 Leo Jacoby: :: (The Secret Magdalene by Longfellow, Ki 2007 EPUB, 777 KB)
00:52:44 Leo Jacoby: :: (similar ebook titles)
00:53:14 Katie Augustine: Thank you, Leo
00:56:20 Leo Jacoby: :: (45 pp preview)
00:57:33 Katie Augustine: Very good points, Kathryn.
00:58:14 Katie Augustine: Carol Sue, can you please send us a link to your site if you have one. Thanks!
01:02:44 kathryn davison: Here ya go:
01:02:45 kathryn davison: ::
01:03:05 Leo Jacoby: :: (My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem - on healing 2017 EPUB, 443 KB)
01:03:31 Katie Augustine: Thank you for posting the links to the books - Leo!
01:03:48 kathryn davison: ::
01:05:04 Stanley Pokras: ::
01:05:13 Leo Jacoby: Katie, this is a great source for free ebooks: ::
01:07:11 Leo Jacoby: Also articles at: ::
01:08:37 Katie Augustine: BRB can hear !
01:15:44 Katie Augustine: There’s a beautiful Church with the Black Madonna as part of the center, in the mountains above Barcelona that I felt that as entering. In Monseurat I believe was the city.
01:18:31 Leo Jacoby: :: (Our Lady of Montserrat or the Virgin of Montserrat is a Marian title associated with a statue of the Madonna and Child venerated at the Santa Maria de Montserrat monastery on the Montserrat Mountain in Catalonia, Spain. She is the Patron Saint of Catalonia, an honour she shares with Saint George.)
01:19:29 Leo Jacoby: ::
01:20:39 Leo Jacoby: :: AND ::
01:22:57 Leo Jacoby: :: (by Anne Harrison Oct 18, 2021)
01:25:32 Leo Jacoby: Katie, you did fine weaving together different threads today -- you would be a gracious hostess here.
01:27:09 Stanley Pokras: Damanhur: ::
01:27:26 Katie Augustine: Great point, Kathryn !
01:28:24 kathryn davison: ::
01:28:53 kathryn davison: Mondragon is the cooperative I was thinking of — it’s in Spain, check it out
01:30:37 Leo Jacoby: I can send anyone interested a book on cooperative vs. competitive society by Joe Torma, -- references Mondragon.
01:30:51 Katie Augustine: The Holotropic Mind by Stanislav Grof, MD with Hal Zina Bennett
01:32:28 Leo Jacoby: :: (The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives by Stanislav Grof, Hal Zina Bennett 1993 EPUB, 264 KB)
01:32:44 Katie Augustine: Thanks again, Leo!
01:35:48 kathryn davison: ::
01:37:26 Leo Jacoby: :: (The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff 1986 PDF, 562 KB)
01:42:48 Leo Jacoby: :: (Making the Progressive Case: Towards a Stronger U.S. Economy by David Coates 2011 The Continuum International Publishing Group PDF, 892 KB)
01:45:14 Leo Jacoby: :: (Many interesting titles from this publisher.)
01:50:32 Katie Augustine: Still here…
01:53:57 Katie Augustine: Wow - yes about the genes carrying on…
01:57:50 Leo Jacoby: bye Katie
02:02:30 Carol Sue Engleman on FB: Raining now and loud on my tin roof so trying to hear and won't talk
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