Humanity Rising Day 208 Chat Page – Friday March 19, 2021
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 208
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (11:04 AM)
Om shanti everyone
Me to Panelists (11:10 AM)
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Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (11:10 AM)
He’s gone
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:10 AM)
Noi sound at all
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:11 AM)
Oh my you're bringing on an alt-point of view today with Dr Gary Null
Peg Kuperman to Panelists and Attendees (11:11 AM)
technical difficulties?
Jim Garrison to Panelists and Attendees (11:12 AM)
Had some technical challenges but it seems OK now.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:12 AM)
thank you, Jim, for bringing in this point of view. It’s important, imho.
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Thank goodness someone is saying clearly what we are recognizing !
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Good morning, everyone, please include Attendees in this chatbox so we can chat together. Bless you for coming and being part of this.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
- ) :) <3 <3 xxx :-D xxx
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
Propaganda is powerful and always has been.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
Phew!!! Forgot!!! May repeat the first comments hahaha
Robin Geller to Panelists and Attendees (11:15 AM)
I am thoroughly pleased, eager that you are here, Gary——
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:15 AM)
Yes...… Blessings people. Love and peace to all xxx
And wow!! - The Truth!! (or one of them haha)
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:16 AM)
In which lab was it aerosolized? North Carolina or Rotterdam?
Penny Hodgson to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)
$$ over morals
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)
Manly Hall
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)
If you run a report on the CDCs VAERS database using the Covid-19 vax, you will be shocked at the number/kind of adverse results including many deaths--as of 3/10 it was 38 pages
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:19 AM)
Most people throw out the side effects to medications. Why would anyone take anything with those worse side effects ?
Penny Hodgson to Panelists and Attendees (11:19 AM)
@Diane, and we know that many Drs never report adverse reactions to VAERS
nina kruschwitz to Panelists and Attendees (11:19 AM)
@Penny , I’ve wondered about that…
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:20 AM)
The 38 pages of the VAERS database report shows around 6,208 symptoms many of which are deadly like heart attack, liver failure
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:21 AM)
And now how much money is being poured into following the protocols and social distancing?
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (11:21 AM)
massive transfer of money from many to a few corporations
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:21 AM)
Yes the saddest news on the VAERS report is that only about 1% of reported adverse results are there … but it is a picture into the problem
Jon May to Panelists and Attendees (11:23 AM)
I find this to be a rambling paranoid mess. It is a very poor representation of the “alt” viewpoint WRT the pandemic. If you want to get a more rational viewpoint, try Ivor Cummins, who has been producing excellent videos on Youtube for many months now.
Penny Hodgson to Panelists and Attendees (11:24 AM)
HI Jon. You're welcome to leave at any time.
Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)
Very confused now.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)
patience, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve listened to far worse.
Jon May to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
Quite the enlightened take there, @Penny Hodgson
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
Jon, Stay and see what comes up. Maybe even research a few of his major points.
Penny Hodgson to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
thank you!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
We have to learn to listen deeply to all and then listen to our own inner voice.
Jon May to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
Yes, I’m looking forward to hearing something useful here.
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)
You're hearing evidence proving that the CDC as a private for-profit company, has covered up evidence that causes severe vax damages.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)
21 CEOs of major corporations stepped down before Covid.
Jim Garrison to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)
It’s very important to listen to what Gary is saying. He is challenging the prevailing wisdom and pointing to the deleterious effect of the MMR vaccine, well documented.
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
I appreciate listening to him because he represents many other voices who have concerns. I suspect there is truth in what he is saying
Patriciafaye Marshall to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
The definition of Depp listening is to be “willing to have our minds changed by what we hear”! Also remember that the egos’s voice speaks first and loudest!
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:31 AM)
So for those of us who are half or fully vaccinated what are we supposed to think? We’re just a ticking time bomb? It’s just a matter of time until we start experiencing adverse effects, deadly or not? Do I cancel my second shot? Jesus, this is really disconcerting.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Immunity builds community. The body can repair itself with care. Holistic healthcare 🙏🏼
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Truth is sometimes very difficult to hear. But it is better to take it in then ignore it
Jon May to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Yes, @Jen Forti, that’s the kind of useful information that we need.
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:33 AM)
Since there was all this continuous research on gain of function coronavirus, it seems that these vaccine companies must have been doing vaccine research on them for years also. There are good articles showing the constructed DNA with four different sections combined.
Penny Hodgson to Panelists and Attendees (11:33 AM)
Yes! Thank you Dr Null for having the courage to speak the truth!
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:33 AM)
@Jen Recommend watching Dr Tenpenny's recent interview with R. Senum on on @neverlosetruth
Patriciafaye Marshall to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
I think it was Werner Erhard who said, “ The truth may initially piss you off and then it sets you free!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
Jen...…. What to think? You have control over one thing in this life - your own mind. Fill it with beauty and love and joy and you will live well. (Woo hoo and fairyland maybe but ….. Love Love Love. Corona is a blessing. It's given us time for us to learn how to live xxx)
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
Agree Patriciafaye
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:35 AM)
Also so sad that China killed the young doctor who originally found and publicized it.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
Corona is a blessing for truth and transparency and the mass realization to wake up to our life
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
This bit's good - counteract the co-morbidities!!
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
How do we get these articles
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
Diane, yes. Jen, love you so much. All we can do is the best we can to take care of ourselves and love each other.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
and yes Sarita
Jon May to Panelists and Attendees (11:37 AM)
Exactly. Co-mobidities are the key. If you take the time to listen to Ivor Cummins, we are seeing a convergence of several pandemics: COVID, obesity, and vitamin deficiencies.
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
There are so many ways to fight Covid naturally. And there is also Ivermectin
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
is it vitamin C, or the fact that it’s an anti-oxidant? If that’s the case, then what about other super-anti-oxidants, i.e. C-60?
Jim Garrison to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
Jon is making a very important point, which is what Gary is also saying, plus the fact that there are many many ways like Vitamin C and D that people could be taking.
Benjamin Still to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
what was that herb for the lungs?
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
Fauci feels like a decent human being… my gut tells me… what about others?
Patriciafaye Marshall to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
I have heard many different opinions from doctors about Fauci.
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
And it’s so crazy that Most of the vitamin C we buy, even in the Health Food industry is Ascorbic Acid from corn sources Not complete Vitamin C- crazy!
Benjamin Still to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:41 AM)
Yes, Jon. And mix those thoughts with Sarita's 'time to wake up and smell the coffee statement..... A better life and a better world for all. Just out of interest, here's a link to the first doctor that Gary was talking about. Andrew Wakefield (also part of that case) - not so sure but...…... fill my own mind with other things? Luckily the phone rang hahaha ::
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:41 AM)
Marcel Sternberger was the photographer who took photos of how to psychologically photo a leader to sway the public opinion
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:41 AM)
Vitamin deficiencies caused by “inorganic” farming? Get back to nature.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)
co-morbidities are the key… COVID, like other external factors such as over-exposure to EMF, obviously depresses our immune system, which leads to death due to co-morbidities. KISS
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)
And sun is most useful healing, with vitamin D source
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)
So it’s not about “Causing” death, it’s about “contributing” to death.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
The Psychological Portrait - Marcel Sternberger’s revelations in Photography. He was killed in a mysterious car accident after he began talking about what he did - funded by the government
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
PCR Test is all about how many cycles they amplify. >35 is simply too many.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
There's a bigger picture going on. The schools are not working well - they needed to be closed down. Our modern world needed to stop - so that we can make improvements - work with nature instead of against it. Are we making changes? In the UK, schools have gone back!! No change there!!! Aaaaaagh!!
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
Q: Is there any of the COVID vaccines that are safe? Or safer?
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
Johnson & Johnson doesn’t have the RNA
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
So my big question…..If you had the first Pfizer booster in you and had your second one coming up and you heard all this, would you cancel it?
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
don't forget how the stock market is being. propped. up
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
The stories of Auschwitz by the maids who worked for Hitler - talk about how comfortable their lives were - and how much bounty there was while a master plan was being executed. People in fear can’t think for themselves easily. Fear of not belonging when social structures are being built. This has been going on for along time - and now they know- get the children and we have the minds this is about trafficking humans, nature and earth - yes?
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
@Jen Recommend watching Dr Tenpenny's recent interview with R. Senum on on @neverlosetruth channel
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
Jen, just my opinion for me, no, I wouldn’t take it.
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
It’s pulled up @Diane.
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
Jen I think it depends upon what you believe
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
Thanks Diane. An answer for Jen xxx
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
Do we have a choice of which vaccine we wish to get? Seems like J&J is a reasonable balance?
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)
I would cancel. But then, we didn’t vaccinate our children for scientific reasons… Mother Nature is far stronger.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
Sarita, that seems right to me.
Diane Carol Mark to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
It's a matter of the components in the "vaccines" and how those components effect your body
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
Totally agree Kurt. Build strength via Mother Nature
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
e.g. I fly internationally, so will likely need to get vaccinated in order to get on the plane (and not have to quarantine on the other end)
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
I’m going in this country because they changed the vaccine schedule from 3 months old to 12 months old and my parents couldn’t get me a visa without the immunization. Just a symbol in my life- there are no accidents 🙏🏼
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
Best wishes, Ben.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
(Not just 'hope for the best' - you do have to make an effort and BUILD the immune system!!)
Peg Kuperman to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
Are there any Drs of Homeopathy doing studies for node immunization?
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
Ivermectin definitely works. There are doctors who will prescribe it
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
I have dual citizenship (Italian-Ameican) and so I fear I won’t be able to visit my father unless I’m vaccinated....
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:50 AM)
There is a homeopathic sound file… let me get it for you…
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:50 AM)
what are healthcare workers taking for themselves if they’re not getting vaccinated?
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
The vaccine passport is meant to limit our freedoms. Simon says.
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
It is difficult to know what the travel restrictions will be
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
Not sure (homeopathic docs) but had loads on line offering 'How to Strengthen the Immune System' this week especially
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
My doctor tells me they have had NO flu cases this year. I agree with Gary.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
And yes, that's one of the only problems - needing a vac passport to travel.
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Yes good statistics
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Thanks Shannon
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
LOVE you, Diane - and all…
you’re relevant to me. Thank you for coming and speaking to us.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Here's another one - interesting. ::
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Beautiful ones this article among others independent research on the subject of covid19 ::
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
A rhetorical analysis of Gary Null's speech would be helpful. e.g. a lot of reference to an indeterminate "they." -- apparently written by "them" and so easily dismissed.
Peg Kuperman to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
@Shannon...thank you!
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
They are already giving the vaccine to pregnant women, whose doctors have recommended it
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
@Ben, my Hospital Chaplain partner has been overloaded comforting the surviving family members of deceased Covid victims
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
you’re welcome, Peg.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
Oooooh Very special Yasmina!! Thank you!!!
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)
Just this second I got a recorded phone call telling me I can now schedule a COVID vaccine. whoopee…
Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)
nina kruschwitz to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)
Agree. “they” and “we” never really identified. Undermines content.
David Stoney to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)
I wonder whether we have, by fashioning an extensive, world-wide system of rapid human transportation (airplanes), inadvertently managed to create the first planetary petri dish for virus spread, replication, and mutation. It seems possible (likely?) that the rapidly mutating virus responsible for the pandemic cannot be controlled without shutting down rapid global human transport.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)
Please ask Gary what he believes can happen with the mRNA vaccines over time, in terms of negative consequences, that further testing may uncover?
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
Yes, Jim; Capitalism wanted to create a class system as quickly as possible in the ex-Soviet system
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
Good question Jim. Interesting reaction from Gary.
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
franka to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
What about all those bodies in the cooling trucks?
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
I heard that too...the virus isn’t replicating like a virus would naturally from bats.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
Still think there's a bigger pic going on and the pandemic is a distraction. And because the human condition (the lower primal maybe) is to focus on the bad stuff - we're not making the changes we need to make!!
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
Pandemics are very effective for reducing populations… especially since they accelerate deaths from co-morbidities. Ulterior motive, anyone?
Privatizing profits, socializing risks. That’s one systemic issue we need to reverse.
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
Can 2-5 minute portions of this be put together to post on our various Social Media to tweak people’s thinking rather than blindly moving… :
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
Funny - that word - evolve. Gary said it just as I was thinking "It's time to evolve and we are not taking the opportunity."
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
Diane, MOM?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:05 PM)
Yes, Shannon!! We're focussing on the problem rather than the solutions. Again!!
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:05 PM)
Spiral Dynamics predicts that when there’s downshifting perceptions of life conditions, our values downshift as well in order to cope. It becomes very difficult to “evolve” our thinking under those conditions. One leverage point is reframing our perceptions/fears of death.
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
lets get back to the present, plz… thanks for All the Sharing & for this Session, I do Appreciate it.
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
what's your recommendation for the audience Dr. null?
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
I am interested in the answer to the question you posed Ben
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
Ben, fascinating message, and the use of “leveraging our perceptions /fears of death! I was just thinking of that again yesterday… Peace
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
Ben - some of our life conditions are improving!! That's the point! birds are singing. People are slowing down and caring for each other. Material conditions are not so good but (as I said re schools) they were not so good anyway (see George Floyd and other class inequalities). So, yes, SD and downshifting but - check the conditions and focus on solutions xxx
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
A comprehensive rhetorical analysis should include understanding the effect of non sequiturs and other devices on an uncritical, even gullible, audience.
Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)
@Diane… you are reflecting the most important word in what I wrote… PERCEPTIONS of life conditions. It’s all about our thinking in terms of how we relate to our world, and respond to it.
Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM)
Question: Are the “corporate democrats any different than corporate republicans” ;?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM)
Yes Ben. Our thinking is everything!!
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:12 PM)
Chaos Theory talks about ‘bifurcation points’ in far-from-equilibrium conditions where the least little thing (‘butterfly wing flapping’) can cause the system to bifurcate, where a part of the system must collapse in order to free up energy for the remaining system to evolve to a more complex level. That’s what’s happening now.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:12 PM)
They can i
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Generalizations can be unhelpful.
Karen Sadler to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
The system is rigged. There are people inside it who are inherently good however those good people are carrying out without critical thinking policies that benefit the few rather than the many. Marketing and its subliminal messages are prevalent and “we” don’t even realize that. Many systems must fail because they are not broken but rigged. The answers lie WITHIN ourselves to create new. It is not through censorship but rather through coming together for conversations to include all sides…that’s where our new solutions, our new systems, our new Earth will be birthed.
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:13 PM)
I'm working on an Idea I call "Radius of Caring..."
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Oooops…. Apologies. Needed to say. "They can control my body, but they can never control my mind" - on the wall on first day in Holloway prison
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Join us in the journey to creating a life that can manifest the Platinum Rule, Treat other as they would like to be treated. Golden Rule is Good. “What is the mystery of peace, that if we were to discover and embrace, our realization of it would be faster and easier."
We'd love to have you collaborate with us in answering this query.
You could be a massive contributor with your hearty history to the Peace LAB. Participate in any branch or simply BE the force for Peace. Lot's of Love.
David Stoney to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Time for me to leave. Health and wholeness to all. Remember to take your Vitamin D…
carroy Ferguson to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
As an African American, in my view, as human beings we are “meaning-makers,” and in that context we can find any set of data to make meaning out of our individual and collective experience, even constructing all or none and either/or constructions of reality to try to make “meaning” of what is being experienced.
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Jen, I received the second Modena shot as lesser risk option
Karen Sadler to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Cognitive dissonance…is prevalent. Humans can’t make sense, can’t believe the level of corruption exists.
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
glad that I moved to a village in India where life amidst the jungle has been normal
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
Yes how we relate to our world , our perceptions, Ive been focusing best I can on being heart centered and caring in the moment, best I can. Finding the Compassionate Middleway, no matter what choice people choose. Staying in my embodied spiritual heart…. day by day, morning to afternoon, too night….
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
Yes, fencing and corralling of the information commons
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
Sad day for HR.
rajinder to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
« tyranny is complete » completely what ?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
Brilliant Karen!! Well done. Focus on the heart. And the more we leave material stuff behind, the less corporations have power over us.
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Can you list those reference he just made?
franka to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Join us ChatPeople in the Afterchat ::
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
- Get off the grid. Off FB, Google, Twitter. They don’t enhance your life. Use duckduckgo, etc. less controlled.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
- Financially off-grid. Tear up credit cards, invest in local credit unions supporting local businesses.
- Buy locally.
Buy food locally.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
And pay local farmers in advance so food can be grown organically
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
And the more we spread these ideas - the more others will do it too and - gradually we change the world!! We head for peace hahahaha
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Create hope and happiness with your community.
Hilary Van Welter to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Charlie - are you listening? Hydroponics!!!
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Gary understands a bigger picture! I appreciate that! We can get so side-tracked
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Thanks Diane, that’s been my mantra since April 2020, Compassionate Graceful Middleway, 1st for myself and then others… cuz I’ve got to get myself aligned… less is more freedom to enjoy life, the Earth, our animals, our natural abundance…and one another…
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:23 PM)
Find your place in your community to support each other.
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:23 PM)
There is a wave of these intentional communities globally..,it is a model that is growing
Sally Okoniewski to Panelists and Attendees (12:23 PM)
I agree with the analysis… however, a lot of these suggestions are sooooo NOT available to so many of us - location, accessibility, cost…
Robin Geller to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
I advise a l l to spring from G Null, et al’s, ie, broadcasts, ARTICLES, research
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you're told, regardless of what is right. And I do believe in faith and god and all of that but..... (just supporting what Gary said re religions. Take care!!)
carroy Ferguson to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
@Sally. A very important point.
Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
What if you live close to the polar circle in a2 room appartment and have no job?
Sally Okoniewski to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
What if you live in an apartment and are on fixed income? In a food desert? seriously
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Yes, I align with Finding an eco-sustainable community and finding my place there… the land that calls to me and my place of what I contribute to community… Ahhahha back to bringing in my dream…
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Use your gut to help you make decisions… take the decision, put it in your mouth, chew it well, and swallow it. If you get indigestion, don’t do it.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
do what you CAN and help your neighbours. Create community. Take your vitamins.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
And spend time in nature!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
wow... so glad to have learned how to make ayurvedic medicines over the last few years.
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Ben, that’s a good suggestion and one I get, digest the choice or not… then make a different choice if need be..
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Sally O - you can still buy pretty much just veg. Fill your head with pics and books and happier things/healthy stories. Open the window. Breathe well xxx
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Make meaning in your life by learning a new skill that will serve you in the tumultuous times ahead.
e.g. gardening, etc.
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
I've lost count, 50 or 60 grievances and opinions thrown out to the audience. It only takes one to resonate with and catch part of that audience. Adding uncontestable claims and values gives credence to the whole enchilada.
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
Life Learning Lessons
Short 1-2 page Learning stories from around the world. For Educational Use only - not for profit. Life Learning Lessons for the kids of all ages.
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
Harmonizing on level giving… sweet Gary, thank you
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
Put your money where your values are.
Sally Okoniewski to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
@Diane and all - I DO buy veggie, I live very simply, I volunteer, I am careful with health… and I am on fixed income. I can not afford half of these suggestions
Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
Sally Okoniewski to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
“Learn to do my own plumbing”? really
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
What are your information sources, sources for communication?
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
@Sally - find a plumber in your community that you share values with and support her.
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
Lots of alternatives to listening to HR have been offered.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
Sally, you are doing well. When you feel you aren’t, try one of the suggestions here - or go for a walk and smile at Nature - She appreciates you.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
All, can you please allow us to Save the Chat?
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:31 PM)
. ..oOo..
- ==========================::
Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
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. ..oOo..
- ==========================::
I publish the Chat every day. Come to the afterchat to send me your email address.
Leo Jacoby to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Highlight the chat text, copy, and paste into notepad.
Ben Levi Levi to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Easier for Host to simply allow Participants to Save Chat.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Sally - me too. That's why I answered/heard you. Basic pension - very little money so - I ignore all those things I can't do and - be nice to neighbours and anyone who crosses my path (vulnerable so locked in for a year - pretty much). But - I focus on the good bits and - don't worry be happy hahaha (oops - apologies if that sounded flippant)
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Where are you Gary?
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
click into the chat, Ben, hold down Command and click A to highlight the entire chat. hold down Commmand and click C to copy it. Drop it into a word processor. like Leo said. Yes, Ben, but they
‘ve been asked before
Karen Carrieri to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Thank you Jim, Gary and All I needed this today. Well Wishes and may your dreams come true day by day….Take Good Care of U so U can use your genius in our coming times…. In Love & Light, KC
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Thank you Gary
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