Humanity Rising Day 160 After Chat
- Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2021
- Back to Day Page for HR!Day160 - City & Community as Living Systems with Consciousness, Culture & Complex Adaptive Dynamics
- Cities Rising - Day 2
Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 160:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:42:10 Julie W. Breakout Support: I hear you and feel you Stanley
00:42:21 Thanks for another great system. How do we translate the self-organizing system of Gaia into governance of our regenerative cities?
00:42:32 Great session. Sorry
00:43:40 MALINI Rajendran: The disconnect is inevitable when every thing comes from the mind the intellect. Which is why we need to move into the heart and live from the heart then the disconnect is naturally removed.
00:45:13 Shannon McArthur: are you speaking?
00:45:18 Thanks Malini. Yes that is our challenge, synchronize our hearts with Gaia.
00:45:43 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: thank you all
00:46:42 Hugo Araujo: City as a Biosphere
00:46:52 Beth Sanders: We think of bird’s nests as natural. What happens if we consider cities, the nests we make for ourselves, to be natural too?
00:47:08 Shannon McArthur: yes, Beth!
00:47:33 Marilyn Hamilton - Findhorn: What happens when we think of cities as Human Hives?
00:48:22 Beth Sanders: Cities are natural :) How can we make them in ways so they contribute to the wellness of the natural world?
00:48:36 stanley nyoni: I am sorry I have to leave. Amazing conversations. We are at the edge of new civilisation
00:48:38 Shannon McArthur: we need to remember (imho) that there is no /queen. We each embody the imperatives of the queen.
00:48:45 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: repopulate green things
00:48:46 Beth Sanders: Bye Stanley! Thank you!
00:48:53 Shannon McArthur: come back tomorrow Stanley!
00:49:36 Hilary Van Welter: Check out the work of Tamsin Woolley-Barker - she has written the book Teeming. -
00:49:50 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: the Queen Bee is Mother Earth, who has many simultaneously thriving interconnected hives
00:50:09 Shannon McArthur: thanks RuthAnn, of course!
00:50:09 Hugo Araujo: Tamsin was the biologist in my team that I was talking about =)
00:50:33 Hugo Araujo: She is also a Biomimicry Professional =)
00:50:49 Hilary Van Welter: Yes and is bringing Biomimicry into coprorations
00:51:54 Hugo Araujo: Yes… here is a vortex of her superorganism approach
00:52:37 Hugo Araujo: Look at the patterns inside… might bring some light as how to behave
00:53:56 Shannon McArthur: thank you, Hugo, looks interesting
00:54:19 Hugo Araujo: Con mucho gusto
00:54:58 Shannon McArthur: it is for us to listen to allow Justice to arise
00:55:18 Thank you Hugo. This is amazing and inspiring.
00:56:42 Shannon McArthur: we are learning to listen…
00:56:48 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: I think this more as education or pre-mediation .... bringing All Our Relations to the "Peace Talk" table, as it were
00:57:39 Beth Sanders | Edmonton: To Malini’s question: both :)
00:58:06 Shannon McArthur: one enables the other!!
00:58:16 Marilyn Hamilton - Findhorn: which is more alive? the cell? the organelle? the organ? the whole person?
00:58:41 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: I'm not sure Mother Earth is really interested in our perception of sovereignty . . . but that's for the governance discussion tomorrow !
00:59:05 LilianeM-Breakout Host: 2 Part Question:
What am I noticing that is living and vital in my city that was invisible to me before the “new normal”?
How can I use this energy to transform the areas of discomfort in my city?
00:59:23 MALINI Rajendran: what am I noticing that is linving and vital in my city that was invivible to me before the now normal?
00:59:44 Sorry to miss the rest of the chat. I need to leave.
01:01:29 Shannon McArthur: are we coming back to share the results?
01:01:29 MALINI Rajendran: How can I use this energy to transform the areas of discomfort?
01:03:25 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: move me anywhere
01:03:28 Hugo Araujo: Thanks for the invite… see you tomorrow… I have the family waiting.
01:05:01 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: yes?
01:40:05 David Stoney - Breakout Host: If you have a story to tell:…. David Stoney
01:48:15 Katerina Zalamova: Dear Friends, I need to leave earlier. Looking forward continuing our conversation tomorrow. Thank you very much for this wonderful time together!
01:50:10 Beth Sanders | Edmonton: I have to slip off — see you all tomorrow :)
01:50:22 Shannon McArthur: Bye for now Beth!
01:50:37 Shannon McArthur: Bye Katerina!
01:53:04 Shannon McArthur: I have been awared!!
01:53:27 Kurt Krueger: Kurt Krueger, 818-399-0771,
01:55:46 Karen B- breakout support: We have a language of domination
01:55:51 Kurt Krueger: Everything is PRESENT!
01:57:20 Shannon McArthur: My mom just got here - I gotta go… I love you!!
01:58:31 Charles Bensinger: Check out the “Council of All Beings” by Johnathan Seed
01:58:47 Marilyn Hamilton - Findhorn: I don't want to leave- but need to go right now - see you all tomorrow Beautiful People :-)
01:59:12 Julie W. Breakout Support: Please put your feedback in the Doc:
01:59:16 LilianeM-Breakout Host: Sounds lovely!
02:00:11 Tim Heide: Food:
02:00:48 Charles Bensinger: Benjamin Whorf— linguistics
02:02:31 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: preparation for tomorrow's governance discussion might reflect our dialogue on words and meaning: sovereignty is a word imposed on Indigenous world views who saw themselves as interconnected family of diverse beings ... just a though!
02:02:53 Hilary Van Welter-Cohost - Symbol Room: Yes RuthAnn!
02:03:00 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: 👍
02:03:01 Jean Robertson: Bruce Robertson:
02:03:38 RuthAnn Lenapehoking: thank you !
02:03:49 Tim Heide: there is too much money in the fund that is not being drawn down i think language is overrated and is needed because of the many differences between people. in evolution, i see completely different ways of communicating.
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