Humanity Rising Day 159 Chat Page
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- Back to Day Page for HR!Day159 - Cities Rising for a Regenerative World: AQtivating cities at scale
Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 159
08:00:24 From Rajinda Jayasinghe to Panelists : Hello All
08:00:35 From Rajinda Jayasinghe to Panelists : I hope I have logged in using the right link
08:00:52 From Julie Wolf to Panelists : Welcome to Day 159
08:00:59 From Julie Wolf to Panelists : and 2021
08:00:59 From Jen Forti to Everyone : Welcome back everyone and happy new year! Blessings from Portland, OR <3
08:01:00 From Richard Buckley to Panelists : Hi Raji you are fine
08:01:14 From Stanley Pokras Pokras to Everyone : Woo Woo!!! Day 159!!!
08:01:44 From Doreen Tanenbaum to Everyone : So glad you are back…from the N.C. woods.
08:01:50 From Liliane Mavridara to Everyone : Happy New Year Everyone!
08:01:50 From ChangJi (DDMBA) to Everyone : Happy 2021 everyone! So happy to be back!
08:01:53 From Shannon McArthur to Panelists : Happy New Year, all!!!
08:02:06 From Diane Skidmore to Panelists : Woo hoo. Hello Lovely people. Happy New Year xxxxx
08:02:13 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists : So nicety see and hear you Jim! YAY we are back.
08:02:28 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Happy New Year!!! Please remember to include Attendees here in Chat… Bless you all!
08:03:19 From Daniel Rieders to Everyone : Happy 2021
08:03:27 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : [this is Dau 159 2021 Cities Rising]
08:03:32 From Marcia Raff to Everyone : happy happy 2 all!
08:03:47 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Woo hoo. Hello Lovely people. Happy New Year xxxxx (hahaha a mistake already hahaha sent to panellists only haha)
08:04:06 From Viviane Doussy to Panelists : Brilliant that these webinars are still running after 159 days - well done to all! Viviane - South East England
08:04:10 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : And no sound. I'm going home already lol
08:04:27 From Rachel Root to Everyone : Hello everyone good to be back!!
08:04:45 From Crystal Steinberg to Everyone : New Year Blessings!
08:04:46 From David Stoney to Everyone : 2021 - a year of great change…. David
08:04:50 From Katerina Zalamova to Everyone : Hello to Everyone from Barcelona! Happy Start of 2021!
08:05:19 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Me too, Diane - fabulous to see I’m not the only one making mistakes already! I love you!
08:06:23 From David Hale to Panelists : Jim, we missed you!
08:06:59 From Stanley Nyoni/Stockholm to Panelists : Andre we are suppo
08:07:12 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : So lovely to see you too Shannon - big hugs xxxxx
08:07:33 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : The dark Night of the MIND. The soul is always LIGHT.
08:07:42 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Everyone : Happy New Year to all, in cities and communities around the world :)
08:07:57 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Phew!! Finally sorted sound too!!
08:08:05 From Karen Ball to Panelists : So true Malini
08:08:37 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : thank you Malini - keeping light hahaha
08:09:14 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists : Exactly Jim
08:09:38 From Veronica Polo to Everyone : “Island of coherence” . . . beautiful.
08:10:09 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Oooooh...…. Islands of Coherence - Islands of Light!! Order out of chaos. Fun fun fun xxx
08:10:30 From Kat Haber to Everyone : We are each in unique viral conversations with ourselves, neighbors, nations. No things are the same. Zooming in from Vail, Colorado. The wealthy are continuing to come here to play-and wear MASKS, physically distance, and test. Mental wellness from being in the fresh air, Xercizing, and connecting in person with friends and family. Limiting capacity, rising rapidly real estate prices and lack of houses to sell from urban dwellers moving to the mountains. Have the string of villages of Vail Valley become an island of coherence? Thank you, Jim and Ubiquity for regenerating our means of surviving in our degrading living systems.
08:12:24 From franka to Everyone : love
08:12:31 From Kat Haber to Everyone : JG: No more neutral ground. We are in this together. Now we can move to regenerate who we are and what we are doing, reshape our relationships that are human and larger eco field integral place. Amsterdam in May, embracing doughnut economics, placing human well being at the center and eco field as the outer ring-YAY Kate Raworth!
08:12:33 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Wow!! Colorado sounds good, Kat!! (apart from the rising prices and I guess other aspects of 'real life'!!
08:13:10 From Stanley Pokras Pokras to Everyone : . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
In support of the topic of living Cities some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
08:13:12 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : Change in human society does not happen in incremental steps but in quantum leaps as 2020 has shown us.
08:13:20 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : And yet again Kat - thanks so much for your notes xxx
08:13:21 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Kat, it’s so good to have you with us, contributing your dexterity of hand and mind. Thank you!
08:15:05 From Kat Haber to Everyone : JG: Regenerative ethos in celebrating cities, Marylin Hamilton in FIndhorn founder of Integral Cities, Beth Sanders Populist planning. best City, citizens serve citizens and citizens saving cities.
08:16:44 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Diane and Shannon: We belong to each other. I love this moment of coherence. What is the link for this song? Yaya, we love Marilyn!
08:17:14 From RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Everyone : perfect, I am honored to be here with all of you. thanks Beth and Marilyn and cHat action for all the prep and effort for this week!! tri-country trio for our Earth
08:18:17 From Paul Coleman to Everyone : Nice to be back. Hope everyone has had a happy new year even amidst the craziness!
08:18:19 From Richard Page to Panelists : Paloma Pavel, and Carl C. Anthony - are thrilled to be here from Ohlone Territory (SF Bay Area USA) from Breakthrough Communities at Earth House Center
08:18:39 From franka to Everyone : I’m sorry so a t
08:18:44 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : I don’t know it - Jim has the link to our meditation music, and his tech team does too. Hopefully it will be posted.
08:19:31 From Kat Haber to Everyone : MH: Gaia’s reflective organ, reframing cities as living, evolutionary systems…up for this week or just today? Jim Garrison, Ubiquity University
Sabinije von Gaffke, Humanity Rising
Hani Quan, Life Coach, Social Entrepreneur, Canada
Jorge Garza, Future Cities, McConnell Foundation
Hugo Araujo, Founder 7Vortex, Mexico, Belgium
Taina Ketola, Public Sector Specialist, Finland
Andres Malave, Cultural Consultant, Nantes, France
Mark McCaffrey, Founder Co-Focal ECOS, Author Climate Smart & Energy Wise, Initiator Powers of 10 Framework , Italy
Stanley Nyoni, The Natural Step Consultant Africa, Sweden
Paddy Pampallis, Integral Africa: The Coaching Centre
Raji Jayasinghe, Ubiquity U Youth Initiatives, Sri Lanka
Luis Camargo, Biomimicry Expert, Colombia
Katerina Zalamova, Smart Cities Expert
Lev Gordon, Co-Founder of Living Cities Russia Association
Mira Michelle Jones, Founder The Sacred Female Rising Institute, Shaman
08:19:34 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Soni Dasmohapatra, Consultant, Canada
Keren Tang, Public Health Professional, Participatory City, McConnell Foundation
Taisa Mattos, Global Ecovillage Network, Brazil
Indra Adnan, Journalist, Founder Alternative UK
Shweta Srisastav, Design Researcher, Architect, Sustainability Consultant, India & Netherlands
Julian Baller, ED Co-Creating Europe
Yene Assegid, International Coach, Ghana, Africa
Vandana Shiva, Author Earth Democracy, India
Ranjani Balasubramanian, Faculty Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology ( LeNS Labs for Sustainability; UNESCO Chair for Culture, Habitat and Sustainable Development), Bangalore, India
Lin Zhang, Systemic Innovation Coach at Thrive Together Ltd (T2L) and Co-founder & CEO at The Natural Step China, Shanghai China
08:20:09 From Peg Kuperman to Panelists : Hell and wonderful to be back!
08:20:22 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : The link to the music was put in one of the chats, Invite you to look at the chats on othernetworks,org in the Humanity Rising Resources page.
08:20:53 From Peg Kuperman to Panelists : Meditation song: Om Mani Padme Hum ~Jane Winther
08:21:22 From Peg Kuperman to Panelists : *Hello! :-)
08:21:44 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Panelists : Hello Peg!
08:21:50 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : Great to be back and thanks for the invite to Cities Rising here it he vortex canvas for today’s conversation (live vortexing)
08:22:12 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Everyone : So glad to have you, Hugo!
08:22:29 From Kat Haber to Everyone : M: Agency at scale, T: consciousness/culture/behaviors/infrastructure W: Governance Th: Mutual agencyw/survival skill F: regeneration, relations with our ecoregions
08:23:14 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone :
08:23:17 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Hugo! Great to see you here! fun and games!
08:24:03 From Peg Kuperman to Everyone : Meditation song: Om Mani Padme Hum ~Jane Winther
08:24:23 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Thank you, Peg. Love that term non localizing!
08:24:30 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Brilliant!!! Sharing names even hahaha
08:24:30 From Róisín Booking to Panelists : hello from Ireland!
08:24:53 From Andrés France to Everyone : I have a message that says host has stopped it
08:24:59 From Andrés France to Everyone : Any ideas
08:25:22 From Richard Buckley to Panelists : andres try it now
08:26:42 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Wonderful - knew he'd say what was missing was LOVE!! That's what we can all grow, eh xxx
08:26:47 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone : Andres we can see you just fine…?
08:27:27 From Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, The Hague Center to Panelists : wonderful to see everyone here on the screen
08:27:38 From Annette Shaked to Panelists : Before we close could we see the screen re: Reflective Practitioners 1 more time - it was up & down too quickly to read - Thanks
08:28:03 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Everyone : Yes, Annette :)
08:29:58 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Annnette and others - if you feel comfortable sharing your words with us all, please change the To in this box to include Attendees.
08:31:41 From Fiona McDavid to Panelists : I seem to have an issue with the sound. It all worked fine initially but now I can't hear anything
08:33:47 From Richard Buckley to Fiona McDavid, All Panelists : Hi Fiona check you computer sound settings. If not working try leaving and coming back and check audio box when you re-enter.
08:33:59 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Beth Sanders: Edmonton, CA, Stanley Nyoni: Zimbabwe/Stockholm relate/connect with each other/quality/in streets/offices—->LOVE transforms, practice with self/others, Raji Jayasinghe: Columbo, teacher living in city engaging directly with students, Hani Quant: Edmonton paid work: homelessness, speaking of impact of pandemic on most vulnerable—>Opportunity for greater understanding of citizen contribution to social problems/solutions; Paddy Pampallis; Jorge Garza: uncertainty, at our best to embrace change urban planning, social justice; Andres-northern France find in/out groups to share getting BBQ between Right and Left; Taina Tampere: Finland: adult leader teacher in Lafte(?) innovations, startup ecosystems, how citizens can be entrepreneurs, services, Cities can provide, Hugo: Mexico City/Belgium map emerging collective feeling, Live Vortexing, to bring conversation together Mark McCaffrey: Colorado/Budapest ECOS volunteers involving public developing adequate response to climate change 3 month design
08:34:03 From AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Everyone : Please put in link!
08:34:17 From Ecos to Panelists :
08:34:43 From Richard Page to Everyone : DEAR MARK - We have a group of Environmental Justice interns who may want to participate - please send details to and we look forward to other intergenerational leadership opportunities.
08:34:54 From Róisín Booking to Everyone : It’s wonderful to be here with you all. Greetings from Ireland. I am interested in how cities can support the human physiology and evolve to improve for increased health rather than the opposite. I work in many fields - broadcasting, holistic therapies, peer-to-peer patient advocacy.
08:35:57 From Richard Page to Panelists : Marilyn - please see emails we sent offering to contribute from Earth House Center and the Breakthrough Communities project if that is helpful
08:36:07 From Daniel Rieders to Panelists : cant hear
08:37:22 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Welcome Roisin - a sharing and shared community xxx
08:38:12 From Robin Geller to Panelists : TES
08:38:30 From Richard Buckley to Daniel Rieders, All Panelists : Check your computer sound settings. If not working then try living and coming back in.
08:40:01 From Robin Geller to Panelists : YES, D Stoney, Year 21 Of ‘Great Change’
08:40:35 From Kat Haber to Everyone : MH: Individual is nested in collectives/groups/ 1-7 individual 2 family/clan 3 Group/tribe 4 Orgs: Work/education/healthcare 5 communities 6 city 7 eco region
08:41:49 From Annelies Weijschede to Everyone : Love the live vortexing…!
08:42:09 From Richard Buckley to Raji Jayasinghe(Direct Message) : Happy New Year! I hope your family is well.
08:42:19 From Richard Buckley to Raji Jayasinghe(Direct Message) : Good to see you
08:45:40 From Róisín Booking to Panelists : apologies, I have a work commitment which has just called me. I will rejoin, if I can. such a beautiful group, thank you. róisín
08:46:51 From Viviane Doussy to Panelists : Apologies have to go - another meeting at 5pm UK time.
08:56:00 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : Is there any focus on how peace may be engendered in our exploring cities…
08:56:51 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : Peace Officers rather than Police Officers?
08:56:55 From Richard Page to Panelists : Where is live Vortexing ?
08:57:38 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : you can follow it here as well
09:00:11 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Yes Kurt!! Fantastic idea!! Peace officers - great!!!
09:00:15 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : Charles Bensinger are you here?
09:02:40 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Saw a film from Sarajevo - "We need to build peace before we can keep it!" So - Peace Growers or Builders rather than Peace Keepers too
09:06:21 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : The separation gap is world-wide Jorge - hence Peace Growers please. Peace Unifiers maybe
09:07:34 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : Peace LAB = Laboratory ~ experiments, investigates, researches, and explorations, and some emergent design … ALSO
Labyrinth ~ one winding, irregular, peaceful path in and out!
09:07:38 From Jorge Garza / Montreal to Panelists : Yes Diane. It is happening world-wide. Fully agree with the need of peace growers, perhaps advocates for just futures as well?
09:08:36 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Oooooooooh yes!!! A lab with two meanings
09:08:41 From Jen Forti to Everyone : Kurt & Diane….I recently came across this post about the Bart in SF to hire social workers to replace police officers to maintain order and peace…
09:09:50 From Jen Forti to Everyone : I haven’t read it yet cause it appears I have to subscribe….
09:11:30 From Rachel Root to Everyone : @Kat thank you so much for your notes!!
09:12:04 From Cheryl Cronin to Everyone : Please think of those of us who live in the Forest Mountain communities (outside of cities( with these Militia's as we continue to attempt
09:12:14 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Yes Jen!! A while ago the UK trained prison officer in social work ways - not sure that they still do it (times have changed forward and backward more than once) but - yes the idea is there and brilliant
09:13:06 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : You Amy wish to connect with Mark Anielski, lives in Edmonton, expert in the Economics of Happiness. GREAT guy and educator. :)
09:14:10 From Cheryl Cronin to Everyone : as we continue to attempt to blend in and stay safe.
09:16:01 From MALINI Rajendran to Panelists : I may be wrong but I find that a community gets together and a village or commune emerges, This then grows and expands into a city and starts bringing communities into its environs. The question is addressing the issue of why do or why would people leave betterlifestyles and converge into cities which may not be for their own good but just be places for innane survival.
09:16:23 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : advancing our new Society based on BEING Inclusive ~
Let’s bring inclusive words to life in our words. Inclusive pronouns and comments have something that exclusive pronouns don’t. Inclusive includes oneself, and “others.” We are all contained on one planet, and what “others” do or don’t do can dramatically affect us. So, when we use an inclusive affirmation it would sound like, “We are happy,” “We are Healthy,” “We are holy.” Or Inclusive Afformations®, “Why are we so happy, healthy, and holy?”
09:17:21 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : Here is wher Mark MCCaffrey is sharing his slides on Who are We as Humans - its an hour and 15 min into the session. Facinating over view- hoping Kat is writting someof these #s down - 100Billion os uf have ever lived, etc (was that right?)
09:17:42 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : ^us
09:17:56 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : of us
09:19:26 From Kat Haber to Panelists : Julie: yes 1 in nearly every 10 humans every lived in Earth are alive now?
09:21:03 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Please do not use the at symbol in this Chat other than in an email address. Thank you.
09:22:17 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : 1 w 11 zeroes of us have ever lived. Facinating. Campoared to today on earth that is what?
09:22:19 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : 2020 has shown that personal networks have gone beyond the city scale. also social media has rewritten this to further levels. So this taxonomy needs to be reworked given the experience of 2020.
09:23:45 From Kat Haber to Everyone : in the middle 100,000 seems to be the sweet spot. Critical mass from individual to proxy (city planners) to collective GLOCAL. WE are the sweet spot in the middle.
09:23:55 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : First piece of education - every person is a droplet in the ocean of the one human ocean. There is only one of us here.
09:24:25 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : When we reach a tipping point of understanding...….. we'll take off
09:24:34 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Thank you Mark! great info!
09:25:17 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : Are you saying that urbanisation is the way forward. Hope not. What is needed is communities building cities and the concept of megacities have proven unsustainable . we need to learn from nature and decentralise.
09:26:15 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : Needing to know more about the word "Agency" , I found
What does it mean for a person to have agency?
Individual agency is when a person acts on his/her own behalf, whereas proxy agency is when an individual acts on behalf of someone else (such as an employer). ... They also have differing amounts of abilities and resources resulting in some having greater agency (power) than others.
09:27:34 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Jorge: scales for affecting global change Raji: division different categorizations of WE’s Jax vs nonvax, local vs richer,
09:27:35 From Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, The Hague Center to Panelists : yes agree - what is influence of scale for impact
09:27:49 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Only thing Malini - the cities are already there. So - share them better - at the moment the cities are full of overcrowded areas in terrible condition while empty buildings are everywhere in 'nice' areas. Redistribute - maybe on a decentralisation level
09:28:20 From Stanley Pokras Pokras to Everyone : . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
In support of the topic of living Cities some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
We have an email list for ChatPeople where we send a daily message that points to all of the HR recordings and Chats since mid July.
We also have an interactive list called ChatAction for people to discuss their broad interests. And list called for discussions concerning cities.
Write to me to be added to one or all of the lists.
09:28:25 From Jorge Garza / Montreal to Panelists : We look at different scales as we enable social change: scaling deep (shifting mindsets), up (scaling promising community initiatives across neighbourhoods) and out (building ecosystems of transformation between cities).
09:28:39 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : would be nice to repurpose those empty buildings/spaces to gardens tended by everyone
09:28:59 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Beth: seas of tension Xpoloring, Hani: peacefully coexisting with wide range of personal interests agency/action/permission via formal informal contracts
09:29:14 From Marilyn Hamilton/Findhorn to Panelists : links to Reflective Practitioners
09:29:16 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : What does it mean to have agency in the world?
The sense of agency (SA), or sense of control, is the subjective awareness of initiating, executing, and controlling one's own volitional actions in the world. ... However, you would not have felt that you were the author of the movement; you would not have a sense of agency (SA).
Sense of agency - Wikipedia
09:29:29 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Absolutely Shannon
09:29:32 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Julie - pls check your email.
09:30:20 From Daniel Rieders to Everyone : agency - ability to engage
09:30:30 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
In support of the topic of living Cities some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
We have an email list for ChatPeople where we send a daily message that points to all of the HR recordings and Chats since mid July.
We also have an interactive list called ChatAction for people to discuss their broad interests. And list called for discussions concerning cities.
Write to me to be added to one or all of the lists.
09:30:31 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : Diane just my point they are already there and do we need to continue to make the same mistake again and again. Instead of empowering and powering up the inner communities and villages and not expecting them to move to cities because the real estate is going to waste.
09:31:26 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Agree Malini - definitely stop building. No more building anywhere!!! There's no need!!
09:31:43 From Liliane Mavridara to Everyone : Beautiful Hugo!!!
09:31:45 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Hugo: live vortexing: comfortable pulled through to uncomfortable, cities living organ on the planet, YES—> nature regenerates, forest bathing, mountain playing
09:31:46 From Jane Norton to Everyone : yes, listening to and learning from Nature is essential
09:31:57 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Ripping resources out of mother earth because humans are unable to share?? Crazy!!!
09:32:01 From Karen Ball to Panelists : Beautiful Hugo
09:32:10 From Stanley Pokras Pokras to Everyone : Has anyone told us why there is a Q in Activating?
09:32:21 From Jorge Garza / Montreal to Panelists : Shannon :) we are doing this in Montreal. Taking baby steps on this matter. Happy to discuss anytime!
09:32:23 From Jen Forti to Everyone : Thank you Hugo <#
09:32:24 From RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Everyone : Hugo... amazing!!! I am Heart Center visual temperament, so this is perfect for me. so inspiring!!!
09:32:26 From Jen Forti to Everyone : <3
09:32:47 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : Con mucho gusto =)
09:32:50 From Jorge Garza / Montreal to Panelists : Beautiful Hugo! Thanks!
09:32:57 From MALINI Rajendran to Everyone : Thank you Hugo Nature scales through Diversity.
09:33:03 From Daniel Rieders to Everyone : loved the live vortexing
09:33:05 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : Here is again the link =)
09:33:14 From Daniel Rieders to Everyone : bravo Hugo
09:33:37 From RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Everyone : Hugo, Puedo sentir tu gusto!!
09:33:56 From Karen Ball to Panelists : Beautifully said Beth
09:33:58 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : Con mucho gusto Ruthe =)
09:34:15 From Kat Haber to Everyone : Thank you everyone for your reflections and clarifications! Influencing and influenced by our cities. Tomorrow adaptive systems of cities. competing value systems.
09:34:18 From Daniel Rieders to Panelists : PLEASE post link for after chat
09:34:36 From Hugo / Mexico City to Everyone : here is the integrative vortex for the 5 days
09:34:38 From Doreen Tanenbaum to Everyone : Love the set-up of showing us how to converse on a subject and allow everyone to participate. The Live vortexing is a great combination along with Mark’s 10 to 10 power.
09:34:46 From Annelies Weijschede to Everyone : Thank you Marilyn and Beth <3 — existing in relationship and grieving poverty and seas of tension…grateful for your sharings… love the daily possibility to walk and meet big big trees and then meet fellow-villagers in the little supermarket… edgy? non eyecontact having ‘faces’… love the live glasses! (thank you Kat also)
09:34:49 From Stanley Pokras Pokras to Everyone : . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
In support of the topic of living Cities some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
09:34:52 From RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Everyone : yes! falling in love....
09:35:34 From Diane Skidmore to Everyone : Thank you everyone - chat group too. Think I have to leave shortly so - no chat today for me xxx
09:35:43 From Rachel Root to Everyone : Thank you everyone!
09:36:01 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Everyone : Thank you to everyone :)
09:36:14 From Doreen Tanenbaum to Everyone : Yes Jim wonderful way to summarize
09:36:25 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : Join us! Lets continue the conversation! We want to hear and know your reflections too! Lets be a we a community. We will have 4 breakout rooms to give you time to be heard and seen.
09:36:28 From sharon to Everyone : Thank you all for an inspiring round of exploration into community building.
09:36:30 From Beth Sanders (she/her) | Edmonton to Everyone : Please join the community to explore your reflection further…
09:37:05 From Peg Kuperman to Everyone : Yes…paradox in every angle of our lives…we can hold both the Joy and the Pain as humans
09:37:09 From Julie Wolf to Everyone : Generation 10 thousand! wow
09:37:44 From Philippine Linn to Panelists : Thank you for that beautiful metaphor @Jim. The oyster
09:38:03 From jennifer carter to Panelists : Thank you all ~ I do hope we hear more from each one!
09:38:11 From Kat Haber to Everyone : JG: irritant in the oyster produces the pearl, come together to create in beautiful, genius ways, find it, turn these into pearls. 100 Billion humans & WE are generation 10,000! Crucial moment to know that in terms of power of ten (Also see Eames Demetrios Pwer of Ten video of his grandfather Charles Eames research on power of 10) Cities may be the place to begin where most humans live.
09:38:15 From sharon to Everyone : Thank you Jim!
09:38:24 From Jen Forti to Everyone : Bye everyone and THANK YOU!!
09:38:33 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : see you in the afterchat
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