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Humanity Rising Day 135 Chat Page

Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 135:

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:01 AM) Happy Tuesday Everyone!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:02 AM) Thank you Liliane… And to you! Good morning, All! Please change the To in this Chat to include attendees - we all want to see what you say.

From: Auguste Hill (11:03 AM) you, too!!! what a terrific tuesday!!

From: Sharon Truax (11:03 AM) Good Morning all From: Seattle! Skies clearing here.

From: Auguste Hill (11:04 AM) skies clear here in Peru, too, where I’m quarantined

From: Shannon McArthur (11:04 AM) we got 4” of the white stuff last night - it’s a white world out there in KAM)loops BC today!

From: Sharon Truax (11:05 AM) So wonderful to join together in the One. To experience this beautiful unfolding.

From: David Stoney (11:06 AM) HiHo everyone From: sunny coastal South Carolina… David Stoney

From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:07 AM) a warm lowcountry hello From: Cindy in Beaufort SC

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (11:08 AM) STEAM) DreAM)ing the DreAM)er’s DreAM). Love is the winner and it’s a beautiful experience everyday listening to UniVerse emerge n see experience building a community bringing forth new thinking about thinking. I love you the notion of this community committed to an ecological civilization by 2050. Yea Mon! The Contemplative Age of Partnership Chalice & Blade.

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:09 AM) The music was divine! Cynthia is back!!!

From: Sharon Truax (11:09 AM) How Beautiful la Verita of the Heart. Thank you Jim and all.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:11 AM) yes, Cynthia… so true and right. Well said.

From: Sharon Truax (11:11 AM) Welcome to Cynthia, Jim, and Valdimir!

From: Auguste Hill (11:11 AM) yes, thank you for your work in the world. I AM) deeply grateful for this touchstone during this time.

From: Kala (11:13 AM) So good to see you all today!

From: Paul Coleman (11:14 AM) @Jim Nothing to do with what is going on today, but, Is there any chance that young people From: their international Mock COP26 climate change conference be invited to share their activities, perhaps on Saturdays, between, before and after the online conference dates From: Nov 19th - Dec 1st?

From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (11:15 AM) Hurrah for Partnerism! Jim Hickman, Your books sounds epic! I look forward to it!

From: Sharon Truax (11:16 AM) What a beautiful gathering. I AM) so grateful to be included.

From: Paul Coleman (11:16 AM) @Jim: Will do.

From: AM)Y A BLUMENSHINE (11:16 AM) And Trump just fired the head of nuclear security as well as the Sec. of Defense.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:19 AM) @AM)y - if nothing serious happens in the next few moths then there are wonderful openings for the next admin.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:24 AM) thank you for your perspective, Valdimir.

From: Jim Hickman (11:24 AM) wonderful to feel your great spirit, Harriett. Maybe we can actually share a hug sometime in 2021.

From: Kala (11:26 AM) such a crazy address that we ‘need’ , fabricate an ‘enemy’ somewhere

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:27 AM) So sad how ego drives so much policy.

From: Rachel Root (11:28 AM) It would be wonderful if we could work together!!

From: Sharon Truax (11:28 AM) Yes, A possibility that we as individuals can aspire to.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:29 AM) So wonderful that such a mixture can exist in one body, Vladimir. May the body of the One come together like you, in grace and wisdom.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:29 AM) The planet will not survive if we all don’t work together. @Shannon - yes!

From: Rachel Root (11:30 AM) Agree about media! How do we deal with that? Thank you for your words

From: Kala (11:31 AM) Not naive, Vladimir, sane!

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (11:32 AM) WOW! Valdimir your a bald world citizen ~ grey eagle.

From: Sharon Truax (11:32 AM) Thank you for expressing truth.

From: Rachel Root (11:34 AM) I agree about the media.

From: David Stoney (11:34 AM) Having a clearly, if erroneously, defined external enemy onto which we can so easily project our individual and collective shadow content is a wonderful way to avoid doing our own shadow work and thereby coming closer to our true Self…. David Stoney

From: Kala (11:35 AM) It’s so important for all of us, particularly From: the “left” perspective, to realize and transform the militaristic dynAM)ic of what the history and future of the Democratic Party attitudes and actions have been

From: Shannon McArthur (11:35 AM) aho. David

From: Kala (11:36 AM) It was said that Trump made business with the nations Hilary Clinton would have made war with.

From: Sharon Truax (11:37 AM) To the earth.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:37 AM) @David Stoney -yes. Putin is building a strong all organic farming engine because he believes Russia will be the only one positioned - during climate change - to feed the world. What will happen if he’s right?

From: Rachel Root (11:38 AM) What are concrete things that we can do?

From: rajinder (11:39 AM) “citizen diplomacy” is emeRging

From: Shannon McArthur (11:39 AM) yes, rajinder - it seems so - and none too soon either.

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:40 AM) Cynthia and Vladimir did you know RAM)a Vernon and Max Lefser of the Centre for International Dialogue and the progrAM)s for sports as well?

From: Shannon McArthur (11:41 AM) is that the video you intended? the audio seems fine

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (11:41 AM) We hear the voices, but there is no video

From: Auguste Hill (11:41 AM) can’t hear it

From: Shannon McArthur (11:42 AM) of course you did!! hahaha!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:42 AM) Could hear, no video though.

From: Me (11:42 AM) I'm wondering if any of these folks knew my old friend Art Rosemblum? Art was making personal overtures to Soviet politicians during the period in question.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:42 AM) all is as it is meant to be (hahaha!!

From: Kurt Krueger (11:42 AM) The Separation Demon permeates the media. Only when we focus on what we want!

From: Sharon Truax (11:43 AM) Love being on the edge

From: Richard Page (11:43 AM) Is this the Space Bridge that Henry Dakin funded, and was broadcast From: San Francisco?

From: Kurt Krueger (11:44 AM) WHat is a link to these videos?

From: Shannon McArthur (11:44 AM) no video

From: Kala (11:44 AM) It was AM)azing to be in New York in 1982, when half s was million people From: all over the world cAM)e and marched for peace, against any war, when Gorbachov and Regan meet at the UN. closing off New

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:44 AM) you need to share it

From: Shannon McArthur (11:44 AM) hehehe! all is performance art!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:45 AM) Perfect

From: Shannon McArthur (11:45 AM) good!!

From: Annelies Weijschede (11:45 AM) works fine

From: Shannon McArthur (11:46 AM) best bridge ever!!

From: Richard Page (11:47 AM) Worth the wait

From: Sharon Truax (11:47 AM) This video has moved me to tears. I had forgotten 1983. s

From: Shannon McArthur (11:47 AM) You guys had SUCH FUN!!

From: Daniel Rieders (11:47 AM) rock and roll!

From: rajinder (11:47 AM) what is the uRL to this video pls?

From: David Stoney (11:47 AM) Russia and Canada will be the two nations most likely to profit From: uncontrolled global warming. The US is quite vulnerable. Perhaps joining together to limit the worst effects will be a way to break down the old, dangerous, ossified relations between our countries… David Stoney

From: Shannon McArthur (11:48 AM) I LOVE that idea!! (part of the Oh-Gs idea…!though not THAT big! It’s HAPPENING

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:50 AM) Love that Jim H!!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:51 AM) All great conversations started in Esalen : From: Paul Coleman (11:51 AM) I went offline for few minutes. Who is the Joseph that Jim Hickman is talking about?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:52 AM) @Liliane we have had huge problems with you email…… help

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:52 AM) @Kathryn, will email you afterwards directly

From: Paul Coleman (11:52 AM) Are we talking about Joseph Goldin

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:52 AM) Thank you

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (11:52 AM) @liliane Gregory Bateson ecology of mind was one of those voices

From: Shannon McArthur (11:53 AM) The Awakening is happening - this is the fun part!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:54 AM) @Lilane - please email me too

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:54 AM) @Marilyn, will do.

From: Daniel Rieders (11:55 AM) bravo

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:55 AM) AM)azing story

From: Kurt Krueger (11:55 AM) WE CAN DO THIS VIA ZOOM OR WHATEVER THE FOLLOWING: FUN Cultural Transformative Annual Event:

Music, Art, Food, and Play attract ALL people to come together . How may we have peace and plenty for all? Here is a practical and fun way to start solving these problems…

The annual World Fest is designed to create enjoyable times allowing one to forget the negative forces around our world, to mingle with different peoples, to allow sociological barriers to dissipate, and to learn dynAM)ic ways for peace and regenerative, while bringing copious AM)ounts of money to quality charities each year. With live streAM)ing for the world to participate as best they can and be inspired! Major and minor cities around the world participate on the sAM)e weekend.

Check out the entire vision:

Connect with me if you feel inspired with the vision. We can make the Vision come ALIVE!

Kurt Krueger World Fest Inspirit

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:55 AM) I was blessed to attend an international conference in Russia/Siberia in 1995 to Create Heaven on Earth put on by the Russian Cosmonauts

From: Paul Coleman (11:55 AM) I meet the entire Soviet Space TeAM) at their first soviet space exhibit in the US in 1990 at Fort Worth. very enlightening event. All cAM)e because of a letter I wrote to President Gorbachev.

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (11:56 AM) Jim, Scott Kelso, Cognitive Scientist, HKB Equation Coordination DynAM)ics ~ The Complementarity Nature is a proven right brain squiggle 6th sense constituting, sustaining and maintaining 100+billion human souls metastability as Metastabilians.

From: Daniel Rieders (11:56 AM) 🙌

From: Shannon McArthur (11:56 AM) Well done, Paul!!

From: Paul Coleman (11:57 AM) Letters can have a very powerful impact.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:58 AM) the walls will fall.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (11:58 AM) Sounds so similar to my conversations with Barbara Marx Hubbard when she was trying to nudge me toward the "new news" as a way to cocreate global resonance. These convos were the impetus for the Center for Cocreation and my conscious media work. This impulse to cocreate the new is building now in all of us through the reorganizing chaos we are living through.

From: Daniel Rieders (11:59 AM) let’s intend to stop this enemy thinking and develop allies

From: Shannon McArthur (11:59 AM) this is the repatterning required by the change of vibration… imho An exciting time and process. Cindy… BMH, sigh… ; From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (12:00 PM We can approach Russian civilians and meet to talk. I belong to such a group. We must meeet and talk to ordiniary people, that way the walls will start to crumble.

From: Sharon Truax (12:00 PM Thank you for reinforcing how things come into being. Such a dance......Love it.

From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:00 PM The children/youth/GenZ leading the climate movement need to be part of this thinking. I think that they would be enthusiastic leaders!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:00 PM Love this story!!!!

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:00 PM Yes Cindy Bledsoe....BMH was also close to RAM)a Vernon and Max Lefser of the Center for International Dialogue who initiated cultural exchanges with US /Russia and also did confilict resolution with the Russian Presidium

From: Paul Coleman (12:01 PM @Jim Hickman: Very wonderful talk full of passion. Thank you. I was going to ask which Joseph you are talking about and now it appears it was the Joseph, I Know as my very good friend, Joseph Goldin, sadly not with us anymore.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:02 PM @Shannon @Maureen I was working intimately with BMH in the last months of her life. Cherished time. I AM) one of 30+ global AM)bassadors who uphold her legacy and expand the wisdom of conscious evolution as an "Evolutionary AM)bassador" Thank you for sharing that with me Maureen!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:03 PM @Cindy WOW… my heart swells…

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:03 PM Yes I was also close to BMH and continue those principles in my work for the last 30 years

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:05 PM Russian people still do things govt can't … my first Integral City book was translated into Russian and published in 2014 - thru Lev Gordon (impresario) - I went to their first Urbanfest bringing 45 cities together in Izhevsk …then in 2017 spoke to 300 mayors in Moscow …. flashforward to 2020 - parallel to HR they have had a 3 month Summit online - they brought together 450 cities and 43 countries and 17000 participants (all in Russian - both in R and in rest of world) - they plan to change 1000 cities by 2035 --all thru people power...Russians are AM)azing people as Jim H is relating :- From: Shannon McArthur (12:06 PM hahaha~ poor man

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (12:07 PM Yes Marilyn, Russians are AM)azing people!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:07 PM I call it MOM…

From: Sharon Truax (12:07 PM @cindy @Shannon Always touched by BHM presence at the spiritual center in LosAngeles, She was so gracious and wise..

From: Shannon McArthur (12:10 PM Yay JIM!!

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:10 PM Marilyn that is fantastic!!! Yes! Russian people are truly AM)azing

From: Sharon Truax (12:10 PM WOW

From: Daniel Rieders (12:10 PM just reminds me to do the great individual inner work

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:10 PM @JimH, so the "break" From: all this beautiful energy and bridge building happened with Clinton's decision? Or other event?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:10 PM @Marilyn - so wonderful to here about your strong Russian connections!!1

From: Shannon McArthur (12:10 PM I’m gonna have to listen to the recording!! SUCH good info, well delivered! Let us all open our doors, and offer an invitation…

From: Daniel Rieders (12:12 PM let’s change this today

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:12 PM This is pushing all my placemaking and SynCon buttons too! Feeling the impulse of the collective.

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:13 PM @kathryn - yes it's like JimH says - all following inner guidance of what wants to happen -both Russians (and me From: Shannon McArthur (12:13 PM The Magic in Ordinary Moments that happen to weave our worlds together = MOM

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:13 PM @Marilyn - Russia is very precious to me as well…

From: Kala (12:13 PM Such beautiful cultural diplomacy!!

From: Me (12:14 PM I REALLY hope that the video record of this doesn't get lost. We still don't have access to the video From: yesterday... Does anyone seeing this know what has happened to yesterday's video?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:15 PM Follow their deeper guidance - what a wonderful message for all of us - of allages.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:15 PM What do we wish to preserve...create...and change? The 3 SynCon questions we always ask.

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:15 PM I love that the Russians I meet (including my translater) are younger generation

From: Natalie (12:15 PM “Old” is a mind state. There is a lot we can learn and push forth by engaging in and co-creating intergenerational movements and conversations.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:15 PM The answer to "Presesrve" lies in the experience of what our elders have cocreated.

From: Robin Wood (12:16 PM My wife Elena, From: St Petersburg, remembers the 1983 Space bridge as a ten year old in St Petersburg. She follows Vladimir in Russian and has been a fan of his since then. AM)azing!

From: Robin Wood (12:16 PM She is AM)azed to see him here speaking fluent English!

From: Annelies Weijschede (12:16 PM @MH: You are AM)azing too Marilyn… looking forward to the Humanity Rising Week in next JANUARY on Integral Cities… (with Lev Gordon? From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:16 PM Look at all the synchronicity within this group today!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:16 PM @Robin @Elena -that is so AM)azing

From: Robin Wood (12:16 PM Yeah- incredible!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:17 PM @Annelies - yes Lev will be part of Cities Rising week

From: Shannon McArthur (12:17 PM what a waste of resources.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:17 PM How can we use our unprecedented human power for good?

From: Robin Wood (12:17 PM That was the question BMH asked Eisenhower!

From: Sharon Truax (12:17 PM @Cynthia Yes. Thank you.

From: Annelies Weijschede (12:17 PM @MH thank you

From: David Stoney (12:18 PM Dear Validimir Pozner, I once read a book about Russia (by Alexander Cockburn?) who pointed out that Russia is 1) not inherently expanionary and 2) does not have a particularly effective military. Russia has been invaded many times and is definitely self-protective. Could you comment on Russian motives?

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:18 PM YES robin!!!

From: Robin Wood (12:18 PM BMH was also involved in this, not so? We explored this when she was here in 2009 for two weeks for our Great Shift Gathering

From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:18 PM Speakers: where is the Esalen of today to facilitate and underwrite the youth (Extinction Rebellion, Greta, Sunshine Movement) to join around the world to further the international movement to address climate change?

From: Jim Hickman (12:18 PM And, Vladimir Jankovic, you should be in touch with Vladimir Pozner to discuss your project

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:18 PM @Robin I'm sure that was a phenomenal experience. Some day I will share my experience with her in her final days.

From: Kala (12:20 PM A visionary talk by youth From: Foresight Institute Nov. 12th:

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:22 PM Cindy Bledsoe...somehow I misplaced your email address...Bledsoe....please remind me here

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:23 PM

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:23 PM thank you Cindy

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:24 PM Happy to deepen our connection, Maureen and thank you for your work!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:24 PM CB & ME, i love the connections you show us happening in these now moments… more of that please…

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:25 PM Synchronicity!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:25 PM MOM!!!

Vladimir, you did make your point then, and now your brilliance is spectacular!

all these differences are important - and not!

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (12:26 PM Thanks for underlining that we can be different!

From: Jim Hickman (12:27 PM Mushin - I did not say old dogs cannot learn new tricks. I said that the old dogs have to WANT to learn new tricks (perceptions and attitudes) in order for the neuroplasticity to come into effect. It does not occur without a conscious willingness to participate in the neural restructuring of the neural substrate. We may not recognize our willingness but if we are certain that we already know everything we need to know, neuroplasticity does not occur.

From: Marcia Raff (12:27 PM Vladimir, we must make this happen!!!!

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:27 PM Humanity Rising could do it!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:27 PM yes!

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:27 PM Recommend Matthew McConaughey's book: Greenlights, in which he speaks of honoring our differences in this way.

From: Marcia Raff (12:27 PM Yes, HR can do it!!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM thank you!!

From: Daniel Rieders (12:28 PM make it happen

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM We’re doing it!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:28 PM Invitation is received!!!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:28 PM What if Vladimir's vision happened in the Skolkovo Moscow - in their space-pod-like educational institute?

From: Marcia Raff (12:28 PM Which side can Vladimir make it happen?

From: Daniel Rieders (12:28 PM the internet can make it happen

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM YES!!!

From: Daniel Rieders (12:28 PM why not HR?

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:28 PM Humanity Rising ahas Next Gen

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM indeed - why not?

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:28 PM The Evolutionary AM)bassadors were very interested in conducting an online global SynCon

From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:29 PM Yes, the youth! Gen Z! Extinction Rebellion!

From: Kala (12:29 PM There are soooo many Russian people everywhere in the US now , in academia and every where; we need wisdom and this re-bridging at the basic human levels beyond politics

From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM Where’s Diane when we need her!??! Sigh...

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:29 PM In the book, Evolving The Human Race GAM)e: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective, I humbly suggest that what is trying to emerge to assist with Humanity Rising is what I call Archetypal Energies, Higher Vibrational Energies that operate deep within our psyches to guide us toward our optimal selves & optimal realities. This would be a quantum shift in consciousness-energy terms. The book is available in both soft copy & e-book form on AM)azon.

From: Natalie (12:30 PM There are tons of young/Kinda young😂 folks working on these issues and International CAM)paign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) with Peace Boat (Emilie McGlone of Music & Art Peace Academy) and many many others

From: Lynnea Franks (12:30 PM This is probably one of the most important conversation going on in the world right now AM)ongst all the nonsense. Jim - this is incredible work - thank you to all.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:30 PM We’ll need your help, Natalie!

From: Kurt Krueger (12:30 PM Interchange is perfect.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:31 PM thanks - Natalie!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:31 PM ok start… must create on-going real-time conversations between West & East

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:31 PM Anything is possible

From: Shannon McArthur (12:31 PM We are ONE

From: Ginger Thomson (12:31 PM So vital - and there are many avenues.

From: Me (12:32 PM . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

. ..oOo..
We have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. 

We also send a daily message to the list that points to all of the HR Chats since mid July. Write to be added to the list:

. ..oOo..

From: Lynnea Franks (12:32 PM I was involved with a project fifteen years ago at least when AM)erican school children visited Russia to learn From: each other.

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:32 PM This would make a glorious conscious media progrAM)ming opportunity that I'd be interested in. The Center for Cocreation and the global Evolutionary AM)bassadors group can support an endeavor such as this.

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:32 PM My sense is that fear and projection is at the root of much our interpersonal, & national & international conflicts.

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:33 PM I agree @Vladimir your vision of 5000 student exchange - if Living Cities Russia plans to change 1000 cities by 2035 - they would be very interested in this (and all the Integral City/HR connections could make it happen in rest of world From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:33 PM This brings education away From: the laptop...into the global playground...and back to our intimate nature.

From: Kala (12:33 PM It’s so realistic! Many young Russian entrepreneurs are here now; my nephew’s wife in her 30’s , was born in St. Petersburg, and is a Stanford U. medical doctor

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:33 PM @cindy - yes

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:34 PM @JH, incredible comment

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:35 PM This is using our power for good! We are the new technology!

From: Kala (12:35 PM We have Russian academics, especially in the sciences, all over the US teaching in universities

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:35 PM YES Cindy We ARE the new technology

From: Robin Wood (12:36 PM Here in France we have a global network of Russian friends- my wife speaks with them regularly, and I bridge with all my friends in the USA- East-West together here. We both were exposed to foreign cultures as youngsters- Elan went with Gorbachev to Rome in 1989 at age 16, and had US exchange students staying with era fAM)ily in St Petersburg. I’m also a multi-continent person From: borth, so we are riding here- everything ::-) And it’s beautiful, every day

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (12:36 PM Go to Moscow, talk to people.

From: Natalie (12:37 PM I think more so than cultural exchanges, it is necessary to create residencies where Russians, “AM)ericans” and folks in territories affected by nuclear waste/“nuclear storages” are in spaces where they co-create around projects and learn in learning pods. is an interesting model for this work

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (12:37 PM Imagine an ocean liner sitting in a dock being turned into a vessel bringing together generative learning caring for the virtuous stewards in the children of tomorrow. caring for mutual concerns Unci Maka, new paradigm in edu, new science in biology revealing breakout innovations in a multi-verse, and intergenerational generative learning as a joyful concern for humanity. My 11-year-old granddaughter is my greatest teacher. At three-years-old she said “grandpa you take care of the small problems ~ I’ll take care of the big ones. Cynthia thank you for this learning event. Thank you.

From: Robin Wood (12:38 PM And when you make a Russian friend, you make a loyal friend for life- wonderful people

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:38 PM Natalie a friend Steven Haggart has blueprints for CoCreative Hubs for just such endeavours

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:38 PM True connection happens only through the heart, connecting over our human/heart shared values.

From: Robin Wood (12:38 PM Exactly- the heart is where it all connects

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:38 PM @Robin -Russian friends forever - soooo true

From: Kurt Krueger (12:38 PM At International conferences, we used to enjoy sharing time drinking Vodka in the Russians hotel room . PEOPLE to PEOPLE. :) WORKS.

From: Natalie (12:39 PM This was such a beautiful conversation.

From: Robin Wood (12:39 PM Yes Marilyn- Russians really helped open my heart- they have huge hearts and big souls!

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:39 PM @Natalie what you describe is a goal of what we are trying to create at Center for Cocreation

From: Kala (12:39 PM So beautiful and true Cynthia! Thank you all for this vision reawakening !!

From: Marcia Raff (12:40 PM Cynthia, so wonder! Great progrAM). I hope Vladimir get’s a progrAM) together! What a great project that would be!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:40 PM @cynthia - thank your for beautiful energy and graceful kosmic view

From: Marcia Raff (12:41 PM Cynthia, You really do great work!

From: Majalehn MountainFlower (12:41 PM How do we stay in touch with you Cynthia? Majalehn >>>

From: Lesley Southwick-Trask (12:41 PM much thanks for a walk down the lane that reflects what was- and needs to occur again in the context of what is now facing us

From: Ginger Thomson (12:41 PM And Dulce and Michael Murphy there too

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:42 PM For many the feeling you describe experienced while listening and seeing KAM)al Harris speaking as Vice President elect

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:43 PM Absolutely Jim G

From: Shannon McArthur (12:43 PM Jim G, that conversation must not be private!! Ya gotta share!!!

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:44 PM Something has been enlivened in the field today.

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:44 PM The event horizon

From: Shannon McArthur (12:44 PM when the micro & macro rhyme… that is eternity

From: Paul Coleman (12:44 PM Excellent. Thank you all.

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:44 PM in that moment right now

From: Me (12:45 PM Shannon: MOM!!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:45 PM

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:45 PM @Jim, i have goosebumps listening to you.

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:45 PM grassroots

From: Lesley Southwick-Trask (12:45 PM @crystal. yes!

From: Marcia Raff (12:45 PM Wow Jim, so beautifully said! I’ve told you before, you are a great speaker.

From: Me (12:45 PM This may not be "just" an ordinary moment... Special... it's magic.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:46 PM And we all need to know the history!

From: Natalie (12:46 PM We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for! ❤️❤️

From: Shannon McArthur (12:46 PM Come to the After CHAT… would love to welcome you…

From: Ginger Thomson (12:46 PM Lets work together tomato it all happen.

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:46 PM Feeling so blessed to be in your presence. Thank you Jim and all.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:46 PM THANKS You all. Blessings abound when You’re around. :) We are using time and it is changed, as we stay focused on the highest. Like the laser beAM) focuses energy, we focus on what we want for the AM)elioration of humanity. :) THANK YIOUY ALL>

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:46 PM Tears - he's right. Say YES to this.

From: Marcia Raff (12:46 PM What is Vladimir’s website

From: Jim Hickman (12:46 PM I will join the chat for a bit.

From: Me (12:46 PM . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

. ..oOo..
We have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. 

We also send a daily message to the list that points to all of the HR Chats since mid July. Write to be added to the list:

. ..oOo..

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:47 PM What masterful ways that each of you expressed conscious-energy. Great work!!

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:47 PM Tears, so moving!!!!

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (12:47 PM Jim your a rockstar as a living ~ lovingly steward of a new uplifting conversation as world citizenry. Your courage is inspiring ordinary people to make the change as a joyful concern. So be it!

From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:47 PM Greta Thunberg is an exAM)ple of movement through the meek… Let this story be an exAM)ple of how to follow/support/find other leaders From: the meek….

From: Shannon McArthur (12:47 PM Thank you jim H… see you there!

From: ana tAM)ara (12:47 PM You have our blessings and deep gratitude for your efforts

From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:47 PM Deepest gratitude to ALL

From: Kurt Krueger (12:47 PM Pease connect

From: Cheryl Ritenbaugh (12:47 PM Thank you!!

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:47 PM Deep Gratitude . . .

From: Shannon McArthur (12:47 PM Bless you, Cynthia. I love you, and your tears.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:47 PM Please come to the after chat

From: Ginger Thomson (12:47 PM Thanks All

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:47 PM Much love to All of you!