Humanity Rising Day 1032 After Chat – Thursday November 21, 2024
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 1032:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:04:31 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 1032
00:11:24 tamihay: Human are de-secting animals all the time.
00:12:02 tamihay: Thank you Gary
00:16:04 Janice Hall: isn't it possible that if we detonate nuclear weapons it could have impact far beyond our planet.... endangering many other celestial civilizations
00:17:12 Andrew Cameron Bailey: Actually I think some of them are locals - as in Crypto Terrestrials. Advanced Earthlings.
00:20:21 Shannon McArthur: Gary, do you have a podcast or a Substack where you offer updates?
00:24:39 Paul Greco: Thank you Gary for your Dedication !
00:25:22 Shannon McArthur: Paul, you offered some interesting comments in Humanity Rising - do you want to speak to Gary?
00:29:05 Angela: Half an hour later
00:29:22 Angela: oops,maybe not
00:29:45 Angela: 8pm CET
00:41:06 Paul Greco: I visited 14 Crop Circles in 2008. I felt most were authentic. I just can’t imagine how the woven and swirled areas could be created by humans ?
00:41:28 Craig McManus: thanks Paul
00:42:07 Shannon McArthur: Replying to "I visited 14 Crop ..."
00:44:26 Angela: ::
00:46:47 Craig McManus: what did Gary say about an I beam?
00:52:01 Angela: Appreciated. I just want to add that as regards fake news, I am not on social media nor watch tv. I read about these so-called in various sources in published books of a certain standing
00:53:22 Craig McManus: I am like you Angela, but I am on some private facebook subjects
00:53:36 Shannon McArthur: Thanks, Angela. Sorry to interrupt, and I'm glad we have the chat so your concluding remarks can be included.
00:53:51 Craig McManus: it gets funding
00:57:01 Craig McManus: In these papers given to congress they say we are concerned about foreign governments may have the ufo tech and more. 11/2024 Please read these 11 pages from Congressional hearings ::
00:58:07 Craig McManus: says our satellite saw another countries ships and a ufo and may have been reverse engineered
00:59:05 Paul Greco: CNN, MSNBC, I saw nothing on the last hearing ?
01:03:59 paulcurtishillery: PAUL GRECO and EVERYONE - there are many online stations that covered the hearing. Do a search on Youtube.
01:05:22 paulcurtishillery: GARY HESELTINE - There is a top man at Ubiquity, Caleb, who can track energy ion places, even ancient energy. Please get JIM to hook you up.
01:05:57 Paul Greco: Excellent !
01:06:04 Paul Greco: I love that !
01:07:53 Janice Hall: ley lines are the pathways connecting magnetic sites around the planet
01:08:08 paulcurtishillery: As I said in the chat, this occurrence was near Sutton Hoo, ancient burial ground of the kings.
01:11:16 Janice Hall: I think there is a good chance we are already on mars... and I think that 'they' have been very good at keeping the truth from us
01:11:40 Craig McManus: Chris bledsoe will be in Wisconsin may2-5
01:11:43 Paul Greco: Chris Bledsoe, is the Real Deal !
01:12:14 Paul Greco: Fear Sells !
01:14:18 Craig McManus: I have been doing classes online and hope to do Starlines class in Jan. . I percieved many dimmensions, hundreds of greys, 2 reptilians, 2 tall greys, everything is conscious, and that I was flying a ufo and my name was Ashtar, and some past lives...
01:15:25 Hyacinth Oesterlin: And we publisg
01:15:47 Paul Greco: “Project Blue beam” ? Comment please.
01:16:47 Hyacinth Oesterlin: And we publish that the Enemy is going to attack so we must defend; so send more weapons.
01:18:38 Hyacinth Oesterlin: The US has just vetoed the Security Council Resolution for Israel to end the War in Gaza.
01:19:45 Craig McManus: a quintillion thank you Gary!
01:20:25 Craig McManus: they seem to be showing a worm hole at skin walker ranch
01:20:39 Hyacinth Oesterlin: not hearing Paul
01:21:38 Janice Hall: Doesn't elon have UAP technology that was reversed engineered? He is too rich and knows too much
01:24:51 Hyacinth Oesterlin: Elon is a Newcomer to the super rich. Others are also too rich, too powerful, exercising too much control.
01:25:30 Gary Heseltine:
01:25:56 Paul Greco: Thank you Shannon !
01:26:15 Janice Hall: BIG WOW.
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