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Humanity Rising Day 102 Chat Page

  • Date: Thursday September 24, 2020 (2020-09-24)

Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day102:

From: Sabinije von Gaffke (11:00 AM) A warm welcome to Humanity Rising Day Session nr 102! 
The Future of Business: Humanistic Management and Regenerative Economics 
Business created climate change, structural inequality and loss of biodiversity. It’s also what can solve them. Meet the pioneers who are reinventing business education. 
• L. Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions, author A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life 
• Dr. Eban Goodstein, Director Bard Center for Environmental Studies, and Bard MBA in Sustainable Management 
• Dr. Michael Pirson, Director FordhAM) Center for Humanistic Management 
• Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University, 
• Sabinije von Gaffke, Entrepreneur, Change Leader, Founder, Impactfullness Ventures

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:00 AM) Happy Thursday Everyone!

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:02 AM) Happy Thursday From: the woods of North Carolina

From: Shannon McArthur (11:02 AM) Good morning Jim, you’re looking well! Thank you for being as reliable as the sun. Bless you, and those who travel with you (and the others too—they’ll come). Joy is in the gathering of souls… happens right here!

From: Sharon Truax (11:02 AM) A bright day to you all From: Seattle.

From: Danielle Hansmann (11:07 AM) Jim, HR is an oasis! It’s a gift for all of us, and it’s helped me find a community. Thank you From: the bottom of my heart. 💜

From: Shannon McArthur (11:07 AM) Aho, Danielle. My thanks join yours.

From: Me (11:09 AM) I searched Wikipedia for Ubiquity University and found that there is no article on the University. I can help to build a Wikipedia article for Ubiquity, but will need help. Write to me if you wish to help create an article about Ubiquity and for Jim as well. Wikipedia has specific guidelines for article submission which we will be required to address.

From: Jim Garrison (11:09 AM) Interesting idea. Let’s discuss.

From: Sharon Truax (11:10 AM) Beautiful!

From: Me (11:10 AM) A previous attempt to post an article was rejected on grounds that the guidelines were not fulfilled...

From: Jon Harvey (11:12 AM) Ubiquity University is -->mentioned(!!)<-- in some Wikipedia articles "Hans Christian (musician)" and "Carol S. Pearson"

From: Me (11:12 AM) That's a start!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:13 AM) Good morning, Hunter, welcome!

From: Jon Harvey (11:15 AM) The promo/reminder e-mail for today's session said it would be Tim Freke who was yesterday. I knew this was a mistake, so I AM) not complaining, but just reminding.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:16 AM) Jon, Tim Freke WAS yesterday. No mistake.

From: Kat Haber (11:16 AM) I stand with you, Hunter for a Finer Future!

From: Jon Harvey (11:18 AM) The email said Freke would be today. He was actually yesterday. That is what I meant

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:18 AM) Welcome back Hunter!

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:19 AM) Sustainable Business - my needs, your needs, our needs.

From: Suzanne Marie (11:19 AM) Joining with Danielle …HR is true gift. Thank you.❤

From: Me (11:20 AM) Can someone fix the nAM)e on the current speaker's window?

From: Shannon McArthur (11:21 AM) ty shorter timeline needed, imho

From: Antonia Gentile (11:22 AM) I earned a traditional MBA over a decade ago, and remember thinking, back then, how I wish it had a sustainable/humanistic slant.

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:23 AM) we didn't have business making our lights, fires, growing our food and clothing us ( in the old traditional life). we need a serious mindset change.

From: Sharon Truax (11:23 AM) I have always known all of this is possible. This is so exciting to be here. thank you all!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:24 AM) the future in action!!

From: Me (11:25 AM) Business needs a more stable economy to work in... The big spenders need to stop speculating on the value of money!!! Those transactions ought be taxed to reduce their prevalence in the world's enterprise system. After taxing speculation in money, it out to be banned outright.

From: Dehanna Rice (11:25 AM) Yep! Collective consciousness is always more in alignment w/ Nature!🌱

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:25 AM) Doing this for years in the classroom, but never had an administration that was supportive.

From: Antonia Gentile (11:25 AM) Wow, this is so exciting to hear. True "higher" learning.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:26 AM) @Stanley - YES, this isn’t talked about much!

From: Jane (11:27 AM) @Kathryn...sAM)e...huge frustration with admin.

From: Me (11:27 AM) Yes, the media is oddly quiet on topics concerning the dAM)age big money does to the world.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:27 AM) Jane - Yes - got me fired a few times... Resilient Values Set offers a heart connection for management.

From: Jane (11:29 AM) @Kathryn and who suffers...the children, who deserve a 'full' education of the heart and mind.

From: Sabinije von Gaffke to Me, All panelists: (11:29 AM) Stanley, what a brilliant idea! We would highly appreciate if you would like to create a Wikipedia page for Ubiquity. It is so vital that the messaging comes across, as a catalyst for change, on all paths and contributing for HR to be a beacon of light and platform for change. Does Jim have you contact details?

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:29 AM) Raine Elsier in session 91 very wisely said that we need to rework the story at the childhood level. we need to remove competition at the school or childhood level. we need to teach children collaboration. That's the curriculum change that needs to be made,

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (11:29 AM) As president or co-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology since 2006, I’m happy to hear that “humanistic management” is being used for business & economic arenas.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:30 AM) Jane and the future generations who have to struggle against the old system yet again @Michael Pirson - great!!

From: Sharon Truax (11:31 AM) Thank you Michael. Expansive.

From: Me (11:31 AM) Thomas H. Greco, Jr. has some VERY interesting ideas about how business management environments can be improved in his book "The End of Money and the Future of Civilization."

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:32 AM) it's incredible how many opportunities young people at that age of 20-30s, let's say, have to study and practice in the "new way."

From: Jane (11:32 AM) Correct Kathryn...struggle against the old system and have the repetitive issues with mental health as adults.

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:33 AM) Nature has always been collaborative and symbiotic, symbiotic synergies that is where the new logistics model is going thanks to the covid lockdown.

From: Michael Pirson (11:34 AM) Indeed Malini, and People have always been collaborative

From: Michael Pirson (11:34 AM) Thank you all for your kind comments and support!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:35 AM) Our value system however have prevented collaboration for centuries. Now is the time to change that!

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:35 AM) Yes Malini and Michael! Has been there From: the beginning.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:35 AM) Michael, it’s nice for you to drop into the Chat. and don’t let us distract you!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:35 AM) Michael - Love to get you contact info to talk more later.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:36 AM) Come to the After-Chat!

From: Hunter Lovins (11:36 AM) @Diane, spot on Rutger Bregman’s work is excellent, and, happily, now being recognized at government levels. Look for a new book called Thrive in which both Rutger and I have a chapter

From: Me (11:36 AM) . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

We also have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write to be added to the list:

. ..oOo..

From: Shannon McArthur (11:37 AM) Online must be combined with real life - bodies live in real life

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:37 AM) @Eban, what is the link, if you could please repeat the nAM)e.

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:37 AM) Can you put the link in the chat please rebel

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:38 AM) @michael, I used to teach environmental sustainability for a couple of universities till 2016, and developed various curriculum for environmental sustainability for business schools and for the India Law institute. would be glad to help if you are interested. DO put your email if you'd like to connect.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:38 AM) need to know more!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:38 AM) Need to get to aspiring government folks to put this into policy.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:40 AM) this all thrills me to the core.

From: Sharon Truax (11:40 AM) @Eban Will be holding the vision.

From: Rachel Root (11:41 AM) Exciting stuff!! Wow

From: Hunter Lovins (11:41 AM) Bard is @BardMBA and Michael’s Center is https://www.fordhAM).edu/info/24968/center_for_humanistic_management#:~:text=About%20the%20Humanistic%20Management%20Network,the%20purpose%20of%20its%20existence.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:42 AM) Great to see some real change happening! Great work Michael!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:42 AM) Thank you Hunter

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:43 AM) Thanks Hunter - Great to see you here!!! Miss Colorado.

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (11:43 AM) Michael,

From: Antonia Gentile (11:44 AM) This is all so wonderful to hear.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:44 AM) Michael, we need HR ‘mined and highlighted’ to gather more people into the conversation

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:45 AM) Eban we need your link for rebel....

From: Monica Affleck (11:45 AM) I AM) an instructor in the School of Business at a local university - would love to get involved in this.

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:46 AM) Of course they cared!

From: Monica Affleck (11:46 AM) cripples?

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:46 AM) UBUNTU secret of survival and thriving.

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:46 AM) Bruce Lipton proves the biology is collaborative

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:47 AM) Everyone has value and it is a matter of creating the systems and infrastructure to include everyone.

From: Me (11:47 AM) Kropotkin - Mutual Aid a factor of Evolution, 1902 ! Cooperation is the best tool for populations to succeed .

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:48 AM) In service to LIFE - Yes!

From: Dehanna Rice (11:48 AM) And, use OUR Imagination!💥

From: Hunter Lovins (11:48 AM) @Diane, and using the SesAM)e Street intelligence to teach adults, too

From: Dehanna Rice (11:49 AM) Einstein said: Imagination is more important than knowledge Indeed the Youth can teach us many colors

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:49 AM) There is little more euphoric than working with others of like mind in a self-organizing way!

From: Antonia Gentile (11:49 AM) Collaboration is the only way.

From: Hunter Lovins (11:50 AM) Anyone who want to get move involved in this can contact me: hlovins@natcapsolutions. I can put you in touch with Eban and Michael

From: Dehanna Rice (11:51 AM) Collaborative NATURE...All Humans Welcome 🙏

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:51 AM) can companies have a system where TIME is form of payment like collaborative time share between employees. which is not paid leave or casual day off.

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:51 AM) Michael the nAM)e again? wellbeing network?

From: Hunter Lovins (11:51 AM) @Maureen it is Wellbeing Economy Alliance

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:51 AM) My colleagues and I have taught leadership for well-being for 30 years. It has been very rewarding . And it is not so much about teaching as it is remembering.

From: Me (11:51 AM) Let's collaborate to index all of these "other Networks." see

From: Diane Sue (11:52 AM) Here is the link for rebelbase

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:52 AM) @Diane - Thank you!!

From: Hunter Lovins (11:53 AM) Rebelbase is far and away the best tool for frAM)ing any new business and indeed any new project or progrAM)

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:53 AM) thank you thank you

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:53 AM) _/\_ Hunter

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:54 AM) Hunter your email was not complete

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:54 AM) @Hunter the email seems to be incomplete. tried emailing it said error in email.

From: Hunter Lovins (11:54 AM) Sorry

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:55 AM) thanks.

From: Hunter Lovins (11:55 AM) My computer is in the process of failing, please bear with any glitches

From: Maureen Edwardson (11:55 AM) Hunter can you please put in the link to the website that Eban just mentioned? cutting edge of humanity

From: Kurt Krueger (11:57 AM) Let’s do it. Please come anytime to the After Party led by Stanley. My email is

From: Astrid Stahlberg (11:57 AM) For sure, we need a

From: Shannon McArthur (11:57 AM) Without you guys teaching /spreading the ideas you hold, the future cannot form itself. The question, I believe, is how to distribute it - your collaboration is a step in the right direction but its only a step…

From: Sharon Truax (11:57 AM) Empowering! thank you for your deep care and work.

From: Astrid Stahlberg (11:58 AM) FO sure we need to go back tu Humanity, also and also in Bussens.

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:58 AM) @Eban, what is the initiative for Climate Change education across cAM)puses?

From: Antonia Gentile (11:59 AM) Thank you for this exciting conversation. We are at an important turning point.

From: Astrid Stahlberg (11:59 AM) We need to go back to Collaboration without selection……

From: Shannon McArthur (12:01 PM what is THEIR definition of regenerative?

From: Dehanna Rice (12:01 PM Yep, define it! Our bodies are the biggest mirror of Regeneration 🔥

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (12:03 PM Michael Pirson, I attended the harvest meeting at FordhAM) Blockchain of Humanity Symposium 2017.11.10 I invite you to give me a call 303-520-6866. We are creating a Blockchain of Humanity ~ Lakota Exchange. We have to slide decks explaining a Lakota circular regenerative exchange with powerful IP in place. In addition, Professor Scott Kelso “Coordination DynAM)ics ~ The Complementary Nature” is committed to the Maka Is Tomni Insitute Lakota Paradigm (26,000 years old ORAL life way wes(i)dom continuum) is an earth-centric eco literacy and new EDU paradigm moving Cartesian Knowledge to ancient and primordial wisdom continuums in our humanness squiggling 6th sense in CD-THC. The Jesuits is the only order in the Church that I trust and mainly From: Chardin’s Phenomena of Man that impacted my thinking in 1966. Thanks

From: Sharon Truax (12:03 PM Beyond Exciting...……..

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:04 PM

From: Shannon McArthur (12:04 PM come baaaaack!!!

From: Me (12:05 PM No one can be everywhere, thank you Hunter!

From: Antonia Gentile (12:05 PM As someone who lives in New York, the concept of a regenerative economy is doubly exciting.

From: Kat Haber (12:05 PM Yes, lead by being! Go Colorado. COGCC is making new rules now on methane release. Let’s all contact the Gov’s office to support Hunter’s report.

From: Michael Pirson (12:05 PM Mushin, this sounds great. please feel free to connect me. We do have a Human Energy Project based on Teilhard de Chardin going as well: my email: pirson@fordhAM).edu

From: Shannon McArthur (12:05 PM how do we feed each other WHERE WE ARE?

From: Dehanna Rice (12:06 PM And, every decision of our economic growth w/ 7 Generations awareness implemented!☄️

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:06 PM Ecological capital. lets not forget that.

From: Kat Haber (12:06 PM Capital needs to flow for greatest good for greatest number for greatest time. Let’s rebuild our economy that works for us all together, since we belong to each other.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:07 PM KAt, YES!

From: Me (12:08 PM Regeneration should start with ALL packaging being made bio-degradable.

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:08 PM The tourism industry largely uses ecological capital and then goes and destroys it. there is a saying " Tourism kills tourism".

From: Kurt Krueger (12:08 PM Malini - LESS packaging!

From: Kat Haber (12:08 PM @Hunter how might we accelerate the ski industry to refrAM)e regeneration in their operations here in Colorado? Vail Resorts, ICON, and Booth Creek own most of this country’s ski resorts. Now they are setting in place social distancing, lower capacity numbers, reservations for skiing/riding daily?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:09 PM @Michael - yes and it is SO fun to work across/with

From: Hunter Lovins (12:09 PM @Kat, would love to talk. Yes, we definitely need the ski industry more involved. We had Xanterra and one person From: Vail. We need em all

From: Antonia Gentile (12:09 PM I like the "15 minute city" plan of Paris mayor Hidalgo, that everything you need should be within a 15 minute walk/bike of your home.

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:09 PM one of the problems of schools is all subjects are not related and collaborating with each other.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:10 PM @Antonia, I love this, do you have more info, a link perhaps?

From: Hunter Lovins (12:10 PM @Antonia, YES, what Mayor Hidalgo is doing in Paris is fabulous

From: Shannon McArthur (12:10 PM monasteries gathered people of like-mind together to accomplish more than daily life - this is a model that I believe could inform structuring of places

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:11 PM A friend of mine Steven Haggart in Australia has created a blueprint for CoCreative Hubs which is genius and brings all of this together also

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:11 PM Hunter - that’s entrepreneurial…

From: Shannon McArthur (12:11 PM business should be incredibly exciting and fun!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:11 PM @Liliane - fyi Beth Sanders just catalysed the Edmonton City Plan as a 15 min city - so when you take the Course with us you will find out details

From: Me (12:12 PM Hunter - We're all your students! Thank you.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:12 PM @Marilyn brilliant! I was to connect with Beth today for a few questions I have.

From: Hunter Lovins (12:13 PM @Hillary it is VERY applicable to Banff, and Calgary. Would love to send you our report soon’s I finish writing it…:- From: Kurt Krueger (12:13 PM We are all students as teachers ~ its impossible to stop learning unless ya want to go extinct!

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:13 PM @Liliane - I just spoke with her - we are super excited about the Ubiquity U course

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:13 PM @Kurt - yes LOL

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:14 PM Article on sustainability?

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:14 PM @Hunter - I would love to receive your report too for the Beyond Resilient course that Integral City is partnering with Ubiquity U to deliver -

From: Kat Haber (12:14 PM @Hunter Also Alaska is about to dAM)age several wilderness areas: with Gold Mining in Bristol Bay wild salmon headwaters of Pebble Mine-with Dynasty’s backchannelling, logging in Tongass Boreal Rainforest, Road building through several crossings of the wild Yukon River, fracking on the Kenia Peninsula and in lower Cook Inlet by Hilcorps, and still drilling horizontally for oil/gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge the place where the Gwich’in say is the Place Where Life Began. How might we send a bold beautiful pulse From: enough of the world to stop the destruction of wild places?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:15 PM @Kat - yes - Pebble Mine has been a conner for years and POTUS will not stop it - it has been on the edge for years, but MUST be stopped!!!

From: Hunter Lovins (12:17 PM For all of you who want my report, please write me. I’ll send it to you soon’s as the Gov signs off on it

From: Kat Haber (12:17 PM @Kathryn, how might we sound the alarm so this is stopped now?

From: Jody Weiss (12:17 PM What is the best way to contact the panel if we have follow-up ideas / collaborations?

From: Shannon McArthur (12:17 PM churches have fallen out of favour - the network could be re-worked to benefit humanity in a healthy way

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:17 PM @hunter - can you put your email in the chat pls

From: Hunter Lovins (12:17 PM Also very happy to send any of my syllabi, reading lists

From: Antonia Gentile (12:17 PM There are many articles about Mayor Hidalgo's plans for a 15 minute city, but here is one:

From: Kat Haber (12:17 PM Love these skill building educational efforts-Thank you so very much!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:17 PM @Kat - let’s talk

From: Hunter Lovins (12:18 PM

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:19 PM There is nothing in the chat From: Eban.

From: Jane (12:19 PM LOVE all these exAM)ples of creating positive change for the good of all. Thank you all.

From: Kat Haber (12:19 PM Yes, scale and time-these are our design constraints and are our friends-COVID Clue!

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:19 PM Eban's email again in the chat please

From: Kat Haber (12:19 PM VOTE.

From: Kala Perkins (12:19 PM Tomorrow’s meeting with Hunter is ?

From: Hunter Lovins (12:19 PM

From: Shannon McArthur (12:20 PM I’m excited EVERY morning - coming here!!

From: Kat Haber (12:20 PM Relieved that China is changing course-several spots in Alaska were at risk with the thirst for coal fired energy.

From: Antonia Gentile (12:20 PM Saturn enters Aquarius in December 2020. From: that perspective, our efforts will also be supported. Saturn (structure) and Aquarius (community).

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:20 PM Thank you ALL for your exciting brilliance!!!!!

From: Jon Harvey (12:20 PM I DO get up earlier in the morning watch Humanity Rising!!

From: Sharon Truax (12:20 PM What A Beautiful Collaboration in the One! Remaining vertical in Seattle. Opportunity knocks..

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:20 PM Yes Jon, me too

From: Me (12:20 PM . ..oOo..
Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

We also have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write to be added to the list:

. ..oOo..

From: Jen Forti (12:21 PM Thank you ALL. I’m in Portland too Eban!! Would love to connect some time…

From: Hunter Lovins (12:21 PM Tony Seba Rethinking Humanity:

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:21 PM Link to Fullertons papaer?


From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:22 PM THANK YOU Diane!!

From: Michael Pirson (12:22 PM my email again: pirson@fordhAM).edu

From: Kat Haber (12:23 PM HUNTER: we are in the most challenging time that humanity has ever faced, read the papers of Tony of disruption and change, create new opportunities, new ideas, lead to an S curve of option then a collapse repeating patterns…this might be the collapse, it may be very unpleasant, we have tech we need new operating system that allows complete freeing of humanity From: burdens, look, think, listen, current structure of US may not be it, Colorado, California, China, Paris, Where will it emerge?

From: Shannon McArthur (12:23 PM applause!!!!!!!!!

From: Mushin Patric Roberts (12:23 PM Hunter as a Coloradan since 1971 and founder of Colorado company in 1984 committed to B-Corp principles, thank you for working on a Colorado Regenerative Economy. Please add me to your mailing list Mushin Patric Roberts The Lakota Paradigm is the old primordial operating system based in realization of living. Thanks

From: Dr Maura Conlon (12:23 PM Link for tomorrow?

From: Jen Forti (12:23 PM Can you guys please share the link again to tomorrow’s even?

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:23 PM Wow

From: Kat Haber (12:23 PM Brilliance in action-Gratitudes all!

From: Kala Perkins (12:23 PM Thank you again!,

From: Jody Weiss (12:23 PM Thank you. This was such an excellent conversation.

From: Diane Sue (12:23 PM Thank you all for all you shared!!!! So inspiring....

From: Astrid Stahlberg (12:24 PM Sooo much inspiration and hope fot our future…..

From: Sharon Truax (12:24 PM Welcome to our World-what a homecoming.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:24 PM So exciting and inspiring!!!!

From: Hunter Lovins (12:24 PM Tomorrow’s session:

From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:24 PM Thanks for generous sharing and insights into redesigning education

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:24 PM @Hunter time?

From: Hunter Lovins (12:25 PM Go with Eban’s url

From: Antonia Gentile (12:25 PM We are returning to who we really are. Thank you for making my day with this convo.

From: Hunter Lovins (12:25 PM 10AM) Colorado time - so noon NYC

From: Kurt Krueger (12:25 PM The Dark Crystal comes to mind…

From: Shannon McArthur (12:25 PM the Jesus story has brought us here - new directions ahead!!

From: Rachel Root (12:25 PM This is so encouraging thank you all!!

From: Jon Harvey (12:25 PM Yes, the Dark Crystal

From: Kat Haber (12:26 PM @Hunter do you connect with POW?

From: Hunter Lovins (12:26 PM @Kat, yes One of their folk was part of our sessions

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:26 PM Thank you Hunter.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:26 PM Hunter - what time is the session tomorrow

From: Hunter Lovins (12:26 PM 10AM) Colorado time

From: Kat Haber (12:27 PM Hypocrisy is the first step toward change-greenwashing against corps…they get they need to Greenwich. McDonald’s Walmart using term regenerative economics-@Hunter how about COSTCO and packaging?

From: Kala Perkins (12:27 PM When sanity is revolutionary...

From: Hunter Lovins (12:27 PM @Kat Yes, my colleague Catherine Greener is focused on packaging, plastics and how to get rid of all of this

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:27 PM Fyi, there was no url From: Eban.

From: Kat Haber (12:28 PM @Hunter how do we connect the many grassroots efforts at work currently…feels like there is much redundancy…how do we cooperate most efficiently-being the economist that you are?

From: Hunter Lovins (12:28 PM @Jim, thanks, and we would love to be a part of all that you are doing

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM juicy soup!!

From: Hunter Lovins (12:28 PM @Jim, I’ve given lectures for Eduard Muller, as well

From: Kat Haber (12:28 PM FG: Education is the ultimate revolution. Short order on EARTH.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:28 PM Thank you, it was wonderful!

From: Jody Weiss (12:29 PM Question: Has this talk been recorded?

From: Kat Haber (12:29 PM WOW-litigation!

From: Sharon Truax (12:29 PM @Jim @Sabinije Thank you so much for you continued brilliance! Yes to tomorrow!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:29 PM Yeah!!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM yes, Jody - UU, HR

From: Kala Perkins (12:29 PM See Jefferson County Open School in Boulder, Colorado - awesome paradigm

From: Kurt Krueger (12:29 PM Blessings to you all

From: Jen Forti (12:29 PM Thanks you everybody <3

From: Hunter Lovins (12:29 PM @kat, please get in touch, We created the Colorado Regenerative Recovery coalition. We need all your help

From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM chat!!!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:29 PM @Jody yes on

From: Kat Haber (12:29 PM Thanks, Hunter, Eban, Michael-so grateful!