Humanity Rising Day 096 Chat Page
- Date: Wednesday September 16, 2020 (2020-09-16)
- Back to HR!Day096 - Dialogue with Brenda Dunne
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Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 096:
From: Shannon McArthur (11:01 AM) Good morning PETER & Jim and all you beautiful people… please change To: From: just panelists to include us attendees too.
From: Peter Merry (11:02 AM) Hi everyone! Really looking forward to this.
From: Tiffany Stone (11:04 AM) Good morning, Peter and everyone. Yes, Peter looking forward to today 🌞
From: Diane Skidmore (11:04 AM) Good morning Shannon - A great start!! Looking forward to an exciting day!! Hi Peter and Jim. And...….Greetings world. Happy listening to come.
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:04 AM) Good Morning From: the woods of North Carolina.
From: moto g(7) power (11:05 AM) happy Wednesday Everyone! welcome back Peter!!!
From: Me (11:05 AM) Good morning Peter and Brenda. Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Diane Skidmore (11:05 AM) Oooooh Great!! Some world-wide focussing happening From: this point on!! Exciting, eh!!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:06 AM) note: you are ALL Chat-People!! Even you who don’t type into this little box!!
From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (11:06 AM) Great to see you again, Peter!
From: Jane (11:07 AM) Good sunny afternoon everyone. thanks for the reminder.: From: Bob Harbort (11:07 AM) Good morning From: Atlanta
From: Jane (11:08 AM) @Shannon....reminder
From: Jude Asphar (11:16 AM) random event generating?!
From: Veronika Krejci (11:16 AM) Good talk but much is lost due to technical issues
From: Diane Skidmore (11:16 AM) Too important to miss this - please can we ask to hear it again xxx Kinda losing it. Gosh Apologies for big mouth xx
From: Veronika Krejci (11:17 AM) can she repeat at some point the Rand Num Gen
From: Peter Merry (11:18 AM) A Random Event Generator is like a very fast coin flipper. It is often reflected on a screen with the deviations From: randomness showing as a line going up or down the screen, with markings for statistical significance. The people are not connected to the computer or REG in any physical way.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:19 AM) Thank you.
From: Peter Merry (11:20 AM) IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
From: Veronika Krejci (11:20 AM) Thanks
From: Shannon McArthur (11:21 AM) “Magic” in an Ordinary Moment … MOM
From: moto g(7) power (11:27 AM) Ψ ?
From: Me (11:28 AM) Oh my god... is it witchcraft in the engineering department?
From: moto g(7) power (11:29 AM) Too funny about the pear!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:29 AM) hahaha laughing out loud - lol as they say!! @Shannon - a MOM xxx
From: Veronika Krejci (11:29 AM) synchronicity explained scientifically?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:30 AM) @Veronika - thank you I couldn’t spell it
From: Veronika Krejci (11:30 AM)
From: Peter Merry (11:30 AM) Remote Perception = someone being at a location and someone else at a different location trying to pick up information about where the other person is.
From: Veronika Krejci (11:32 AM) were these randomly selected people in the study?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:32 AM) The fear needs to be honored and addressed not dismissed.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:34 AM) cumulative effects through shared intentions is what we are “here” to generate in our world /womb
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:35 AM) @Shannon - yes
From: Diane Skidmore (11:35 AM) Wahaaaay!! We're here to have fun!! We're just playing!! Yaaaay!!
From: Peter Merry (11:35 AM) A principle for success: fun and taking it lightly
From: Diane Skidmore (11:36 AM) L.O.L
From: Shannon McArthur (11:36 AM) we are SO just saying...
From: Veronika Krejci (11:36 AM) SO? what is it?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:37 AM) Gotta say it - I AM) god. And I AM) you and you are me and we are we - God!! (saying it very light-heartedly) xxx
From: Shannon McArthur (11:37 AM) God! Collectively, imho This is the fun part!!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:38 AM) The co-operator pear...……. lol Yes, Fun!!! A bond = out of this world!!!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:40 AM) they lost the fun
From: Me (11:40 AM) Change in effect could have something to do with the "fear of success."
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:40 AM) Hard to accept your success
From: Shannon McArthur (11:41 AM) novel experiences are very exciting /fun
From: Diane Skidmore (11:42 AM) Strong females again hahaha ooooooh - a feeling - LOVE???
From: Shannon McArthur (11:43 AM) women need men… not a bad thing men need women too not need… just are better with
From: Diane Skidmore (11:44 AM) Totally!! I LOVE men hahaha (personally speaking) xxx
From: Me (11:44 AM) How would these experiments change if modern "companion" robots be the subject of the operators efforts?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:44 AM) Bottom line - we all play together xxx or - we all play with each other hahaha
From: Shannon McArthur (11:44 AM) That bottom looks good to me
From: Diane Skidmore (11:45 AM) The sAM)e wavelength!!!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:46 AM) AM)azing question Peter - proves the point!! And - you can't say 'Love' to science hahaha
From: Jen Forti (11:47 AM) \\
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:48 AM) David Bohm’s “Hidden Variables?”
From: Diane Skidmore (11:48 AM) Gosh. Profound. It's why we're here - with Humanity Rising!! There's something extra going on!! yes. Joy!!
From: Jane (11:50 AM) It is like copper......feelings and emotions are the master Transmitters/connectors.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:50 AM) noooooo missed that age-old what?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:51 AM) OMG!!!! Women are better at communication - which explains why female leaders are an improvement!! Jacinda (NZ PM) studied communication for her uni subject. Gosh - breaks are hard!! Repeat it please (if it was imortnat - I'm sure it was!!0
From: moto g(7) power (11:52 AM) @Peter, perhaps you could please ask questions afterwards with regards to the points we have been missing.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:52 AM) coincidence?
From: Diane Skidmore (11:53 AM) Weird, eh - still happening - the battle between good and evil!! We WILL pull through tho!!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:53 AM) let’s play through!!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:53 AM) Yes, we can just listen - it's really important to hear!!
From: Me (11:54 AM) @Brenda - You might want to have someone update a mention of your progrAM) in the Wikipedia article on Remote Viewing.'s_Remote_Perception_progrAM)
From: Diane Skidmore (11:54 AM) Phew!! The c word!! AM)azing!! Primordial indeed!!!
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:55 AM) "consciousness is the Life Force in our universe"- it was explained first time by Carlos Castaneda
From: Diane Skidmore (11:56 AM) Lovely @ Katerina xxx
From: Shannon McArthur (11:56 AM) This is what we’re here for!! YES Change the world!!!
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:56 AM) and it has a BIG effect on the physical world, not small effect
From: Me (11:57 AM) I wonder if curiosity is the cause of or driving force for consciousness?
From: Peter Merry (11:57 AM) Roger Nelson - the global consciousness project
From: Me (11:57 AM) I think curiosity is a primary process...
From: Jane (11:58 AM) Good Question Stanley.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:58 AM) (sorry to say, I have another call - this is SO interesting I really don’t want to go but… I will join Chat People at 10. I hope to talk about this then…) Bless you all… Have FUN together!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:58 AM) Have to repeat that - if we all work together we can totally disrupt the system!!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:58 AM) @Stan - pretty profound
From: Jenna Tontz (11:58 AM) Shoot my zoom dropped off! I like that question
From: Me (11:59 AM) Thank you, Jane & Kathryn.
From: Diane Skidmore (11:59 AM) oooooh Gosh!! One needs to take responsibility!!!
From: Diane Skidmore (11:59 AM) for every thought!!!!!!!!! That's the whole point!! Our thoughts are butterfly effecting!!!
From: Jenna Tontz (12:00 PM lol
From: Kurt Krueger (12:00 PM Our son, at home in Los Angeles, with no word about the twin TOWERS except that there was an explosion. He told my wife, no momma, a plane hit it near the top. No TV, NO radio, nothing - Terez thought what’s wrong with him, 30 minutes later my sister called and told us… SHOCKED.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:00 PM Funny - htemoments that it breaks lol
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:01 PM ‘blinking out’ flies in the face of interconnection and we are all one.
From: Jenna Tontz (12:01 PM Wow kurt that’s AM)azing
From: Jude Asphar (12:01 PM if only the difference was only positive ... as reflecting the polarization now here in the US
From: Diane Skidmore (12:01 PM Gosh Kurt - AM)azing!!! @Jude - that's what we need to work on xxx
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (12:02 PM there is no some bigger consciousness but there is synchronisation between beings which keep stable the perception of the world
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:02 PM @Kurt - thanks so much for stimulating my reconnection to Bohm via the video and thanks to @Diane S. It was a delicious re-memboring.
From: Peter Merry (12:02 PM One of the things I’ve learned by looking at all this is that we could do with expecting it more - to see experiences like Kurt’s to be the norm. Then we might find we get access to it more often.
From: Jude Asphar (12:03 PM yes, Diane ….what we need to work on
From: moto g(7) power (12:03 PM @Peter, absolutely.
From: Tiffany Stone (12:03 PM That’s a good point @peter
From: Rachel Root (12:03 PM While I truly believe this all I still greatly struggle with believing in myself!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:03 PM @Peter - yes - allowing reality instead of forcing it or commanding it.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:04 PM Knew this would happen - nearly in tears (of JOY) because - we're growing!!! Together. Even the words - Brenda just said - wisdom - another word to go with responsibility
From: Jenna Tontz (12:04 PM Brenda this resonates sooooo much The circle/cycle of life
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:05 PM Maybe time is a spiral ?
From: Jenna Tontz (12:05 PM Don’t give up on yourself @rachelroot
From: Diane Skidmore (12:05 PM @Rachel - the answer to that is ' No problemo - the whole point is that "IT" is all right. You just need to forget about you and join in on good stuff!!
From: Kurt Krueger (12:06 PM Time doesn’t exist! Humans created time which took us OUT of BEING PRESENT NOW!
From: Diane Skidmore (12:06 PM @Kathryn - The Mystic Spiral - Rupert Sheldrake's wife - Jill Purce - brill - very old book
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:07 PM Since we are all one - when we are in that point then time doesn’t exist, but is we are not there then time exists.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:07 PM @Kurt - exactly time is a human construct - kinda rubbish - only needed when playing the 'human' gAM)e.
From: Peter Merry (12:07 PM “Time and space as properties of consciousness, not of the physical world”
From: Jane (12:08 PM What is the impact on consciousness of connecting with positive feelings/emotions vs. negative?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:08 PM @Peter - yes
From: Kurt Krueger (12:09 PM The only way a coin rolls is when the Yn & Yang are “complimentary” - Balanced.
From: Me (12:09 PM Friends of mine here in Philadelphia write about "Black Quantum Futurism."
From: Diane Skidmore (12:09 PM Exactly. We create the models. Gosh, what a lady!!! Thank you Brenda - these words "he's heavy" etc - so funny Close to my heart- BEAUTIFUL!!!
From: Jenna Tontz (12:09 PM If time doesn’t exist, why do we use it as a measuring tool even within the research of consciousness? It seems to me time does exist.
From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:10 PM In alignment with today’s theme, I humbly reference again my book that received an award, written for times such as these. It’s titled, “Evolving The Human Race GAM)e: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective.” One chapter is titled: Emerging Visions About Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Step-Implications For Evolving The Human Race GAM)e. Three emerging visions discussed are: (1) Humanity as a Telepathic Species; (2) The Gift of “Visible Auras” for Humanity; and (3) The Maturation of Consciousness Through “Spiritualizing” The Material World and “Soul Linking”. In the book, consciousness is viewed as pre-causal to manifestation. The book also discusses emerging patterns of interdependence related to Humanity’s next evolutionary step: (1) interdependence through a “global economy”; (2) interdependence through the Internet mirroring an “Inner-Net”; (3) interdependence through the re-emergence of an interest in the Soul and Reincarnation or an “authentic” mind-body-spirit connection
From: Jenna Tontz (12:11 PM That’s a very good distinction Peter
From: Diane Skidmore (12:12 PM @ Jenna - it's only necessary for the simple levels. We need it a bit for tuning in to Zoom at the right time (for exAM)ple) but - the other stuff..... irrelevant
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:12 PM @Cuf - impressive!! Isn’t it AM)azing how we are all in the sAM)e place with different language?
From: Diane Skidmore (12:13 PM @Cuf You have been spot on so many times whilst here xxxxx
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:13 PM Thank you Dr Carroy
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:13 PM @Peter - excellent - very Bohm!
From: Diane Skidmore (12:15 PM That's interesting @Brenda - recently I'm having to really focus to check where I'm getting the info - so many sources - memory/reading/hearing - all sorts.
From: Jane (12:15 PM The 'feeling' energy is remembered and sustained over time and space.
From: Peg Kuperman (12:15 PM Exquisite wisdom of presence and connection with nature we have yet to respect and learn From: . Please watch ‘MY OCTOPUS TEACHER” on Netflix.
From: Me (12:15 PM @Cuf Are you aware of the people writing on Black Quantum Futurism.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:15 PM Great phrase - now-ness!!! Thank you!!!
From: moto g(7) power (12:16 PM One of the most profound conversations we have had so far on HR, I believe.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:16 PM Please come back again… :) What synopsis of the research is available for ‘doubters.’
From: Jane (12:16 PM @ Peg thank you...the wisdom of the octopus.
From: Diane Skidmore (12:17 PM Phew!! "Science needs to expand"? Or - we need to prove that the other ways work by DOING IT!!!
From: Sharon Truax (12:17 PM thank you! this has enlivened my exploration in Oneness.
From: moto g(7) power (12:17 PM @Peg, that film drew my attention the other day. I will watch it.
From: Sarah Priestley (12:17 PM are you aware of ‘Patricia Albere’ & her Evolutionary Collective ...if not reckon you’d be very interested. & also Lynn McTaggart & ‘the power of 8’
From: Diane Skidmore (12:18 PM Doin it equals Mind Control and sharing with each other!! Zoom Room here we come xxx
From: Peg Kuperman (12:18 PM @Jane…truly a most profound cinema photographic experience to watch
From: Jen Forti (12:18 PM Thank you Brenda!
From: moto g(7) power (12:18 PM @Brenda, exquisite session!
From: Me (12:18 PM Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 We also have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write to be added to the list: --
From: Rachel Root (12:19 PM Thank you Brenda and all!!
From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:19 PM @Stanley. I AM) aware of the group, but have not connected. Very much appreciate the link.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:20 PM @Cuf - it would be great to ‘see’ you!
From: Gary Piazzon (12:20 PM Can we have those references in the chat?
From: Sarah Priestley (12:20 PM margins of reality & what was the other book?
From: Diane Skidmore (12:20 PM Gosh Thank you Brenda - and Bob!!! So glad you were both here!!!
From: natalia perlaza (12:21 PM Heart—> Brenda
From: Jen Forti (12:21 PM Which course is that?
From: Jude Asphar (12:21 PM Thank you SO much, Brenda for your courage and caring and what it gives us all
From: moto g(7) power (12:21 PM @Yes, Broughton, beautiful space.
From: Me (12:22 PM @Cuf - Rasheedah Phillips and her partner Moor Mother Goddess are heroes of mine... Brilliant! I will look for your book. Thank you!!!
From: Sharon Truax (12:22 PM Thank you, Brenda and Peter. for lifting humanity.
From: Maureen Edwardson (12:24 PM Brenda!! That was wonderful! Thanks so much From: Vancouver Canada
From: Kurt Krueger (12:24 PM See what you think/feel… Check it out
From: Kurt Krueger (12:24 PM Infinite POotential
From: Jen Forti (12:24 PM Thank you ALL and blessings From: Portland, OR 🙏🏻
From: Jane Norton (12:25 PM thank you Brenda for your years of work on this - and for highlighting the part of play and emotion in intention and manifestation!
From: Sharon Truax (12:25 PM blessing to all From: Seattle.
From: Jen Forti (12:26 PM @Sharon it looks like the rains are coming! 🙏🏻🌧
From: Kurt Krueger (12:26 PM Both AWESOME. Pythygroas’ instructions (Homework) is described in Winning Ways for Living,
From: moto g(7) power (12:26 PM Thank you!!!!!!!!
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:26 PM Thanks Peter and Brenda
From: Sharon Truax (12:26 PM @jim thank you.
From: Jude Asphar (12:26 PM thank you Jim and peter == so much
From: Jane (12:26 PM Thanks to all.