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Humanity Rising Day 096 After Chat
- Date: Wednesday September 16, 2020 (2020-09-16)
- Back to HR!Day096 - Dialogue with Brenda Dunne
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Chat from Chat People Zoom from HR Day 096:
- 12:41:51 From: Diane : Gonna just listen - tested microphone twice now - cut it all off and re-joined but still nothing so - will stay here but say nothing :) xxx
- 12:43:02 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : You can add stones to the field of consciousness.
- 12:44:32 From: Diane : Who was that guy?
- 12:44:56 From: Diane : Mentioned by Bob
- 12:45:41 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Curiosity would be a method to bring those who ‘popped out’ back into harmony, but at a higher level of consciousness.
- 12:48:12 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Stan, I would be willing to say that curiosity is what prompts connection.
- 12:48:47 From: Katerina Zalamova : Stan, can we join the conversation or this is a fire-chat format?
- 12:50:41 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Katerina it is an open conversation, but my experience deepness happens between two in discussion… Put stuff in the chat..
- 12:51:00 From: Diane : @Katerina - join in - it's great!!
- 12:52:17 From: Sarah Priestley : yes ..I know this book
- 12:52:18 From: Diane : Personally for the first time ever, I am not able to join in - my microphone/sound system is not working for some reason. As they just said - Sh.. happens hahaha
- 12:52:20 From: Daniel Kokoro : Kurt keep going, this is interesting
- 12:52:24 From: Daniel Kokoro : Im curious
- 12:53:26 From: Daniel Kokoro : we are both energetic and mass
- 12:53:40 From: Daniel Kokoro : 99.9999 wave
- 12:53:47 From: Daniel Kokoro : %
- 12:55:13 From: Kurt Krueger : Recognition Sutras, Christopher Wallis, now has and lives in a Retreat Center in Portugal. Lived in Boulder CO.
- 12:55:57 From: Daniel Kokoro : thanks Kurt
- 12:56:17 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Kurt - thanks!
- 12:56:24 From: Stanley Pokras To Sarah Priestley(privately) : Sarah. I manage an email list for the people who have been meeting here after Humanity Rising. Send me your email address if you'd like to be added to the list.. You can share that publicly, if you'd like to share it with the others here.
- 12:57:15 From: Stanley Pokras To Bob Harbort(privately) : I manage an email list for the people who have been meeting here after Humanity Rising. Send me your email address if you'd like to be added to the list.. You can share that publicly, if you'd like to share it with the others here.
- 12:57:46 From: Sarah Priestley : I’m really energised to be part of this and yes, would love to continue to be connected
- 12:58:20 From: Sarah Priestley : e-mail
- 12:58:35 From: Diane : @Sarah - click unmute and you may just be able to speak
- 12:58:51 From: Sarah Priestley To Stanley Pokras(privately) : thanks for your inclusivity. great to be here
- 12:58:57 From: Kurt Krueger : Christopher’s first book is an overview of the GREAT Tantrik’s of Kashmir, Tantra Illuminated.
- 12:59:30 From: Stanley Pokras To Sarah Priestley(privately) : Thank you.
- 13: 02:02 From: Stanley Pokras To gloria(privately) : I manage an email list for the people who have been meeting here after Humanity Rising. Send me your email address if you'd like to be added to the list.. You can share that publicly, if you'd like to share it with the others here.
- 13: 02:02 From: Bob Harbort To Stanley Pokras(privately) : I mentioned Richard Rorty and his notion of "strong misreading" and Meher Baba, author of _God Speaks_, and his idea of the ultimate motivator of the universe is the "cosmic whim".
- 13: 02:37 From: Kurt Krueger : I’m stepping away for a short time @ 5
- 13: 02:54 From: Shannon McArthur : Morning, Kurt, and All..
- 13: 03:07 From: Liliane Mavridara : Just wanted to say Hi to everyone <3
- 13: 03:17 From: Shannon McArthur : Hi, You!
- 13: 03:30 From: Liliane Mavridara : :)
- 13: 03:35 From: Bob Harbort : I mentioned Richard Rorty and his notion of "strong misreading" and Meher Baba, author of _God Speaks_, and his idea of the ultimate motivator of the universe is the "cosmic whim".
- 13: 03:36 From: Diane : Morning Shannon and - Helloooo Liliane xxx
- 13: 03:43 From: Stanley Pokras To Bob Harbort(privately) : Do you want to join our email list? I'll need your email address.
- 13: 03:53 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Bob - thanks!!!
- 13: 05:09 From: Diane : Amazing that I can't speak!! would so love to say stuff!! hahaha
- 13: 05:21 From: Shannon McArthur : oh that’s funny
- 13: 05:26 From: Shannon McArthur : so sorry Diane
- 13: 05:30 From: Diane : I can understand it all hahaha
- 13: 05:43 From: Bob Harbort To Stanley Pokras(privately) : Thanks!
- 13: 05:44 From: Shannon McArthur : sign out & come back?
- 13: 05:59 From: Diane : (@Shannon - it's funny!! isn't it!!)
- 13: 06:32 From: Shannon McArthur : never random - that’s for numbers!
- 13: 07:11 From: Stanley Pokras : @Diane - Go to the little green badge in the top left corner. There select audio and run the tests. Check to see that your microphone is connect to "Same as system."
- 13: 07:31 From: Diane : done them twice Stan xxx
- 13: 07:53 From: Diane : @Sarah - enjoy being crazy!!! It's such FUN!!!
- 13: 09:25 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Kurt - LOL very neat
- 13: 09:59 From: Stanley Pokras To Diane (privately) : Send me your phone number!!! I just discovered that I can text with Malini!!!
- 13: 10:15 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : I find that if we apply to our ‘reality’ we find the truth.
- 13: 11:10 From: Kurt Krueger : "THE WORLD IS AS YOU SEE IT!" ~ VASISTHA's last instructions to Rama before Rama went to take over his kingdom. From: the book, Vasistha’s Yoga "THE WORLD IS AS YOU SEE IT!" ~ VASISTHA's last instructions to Rama before Rama went to take over his kingdom. From: the book, Vasistha’s Yoga
- 13: 11:42 From: Shannon McArthur : ! Kurt !
- 13: *13: 14 From: Stanley Pokras To Sarah Priestley(privately) : You will receive a summary of all our sessions since mid July. But, I am also available to speak with you about what we've been doing. 267-968-0407
- 13: *13: 35 From: Sarah Priestley : @ Kurt -yes , thank you for the references.
- 13: 14:12 From: Diane To Stanley Pokras(privately) : That word again - responsibility!! I love it as - there is only one thing we can control in this life and that is our self!! Not only we can control our self - we have a responsibility to do that so - how do we do it? We must control our thoughts!! Every thought. Each thought is a seed so - think well and - ask Shannon about MOM (Moments of Magic) As we speak...… intention!! And what Brenda said today - tow things - intention and emotion. MOM!!!
- 13: 14:55 From: Stanley Pokras To Diane (privately) : Did you want to say that to everyone?
- 13: 15:30 From: Diane To Stanley Pokras(privately) : Yes - oooops - I'll copy and paste it
- 13: 16:11 From: Diane : That word again - responsibility!! I love it as - there is only one thing we can control in this life and that is our self!! Not only we can control our self - we have a responsibility to do that so - how do we do it? We must control our thoughts!! Every thought. Each thought is a seed so - think well and - ask Shannon about MOM (Moments of Magic) That word again - responsibility!! I love it as - there is only one thing we can control in this life and that is our self!! Not only we can control our self - we have a responsibility to do that so - how do we do it? We must control our thoughts!! Every thought. Each thought is a seed so - think well and - ask Shannon about MOM (Moments of Magic) As we speak...… intention!! And what Brenda said today - tow things - intention and emotion. MOM!!!
- 13: 17:55 From: Liliane Mavridara : I would like to know if "Kokoro" is Greek or other
- 13: 20:37 From: Daniel Kokoro : Kokoro I was named today by a japanese friend, it means the heart in Japanese
- 13: 20:47 From: Liliane Mavridara : Interesting
- 13: 21:02 From: Daniel Kokoro : today
- 13: 21:54 From: Stanley Pokras To Diane (privately) : Let's work on your sound... I can help if I can see your computer. Team Viewer is a tool for that. Or we can try to use Zoom to share your computer.
- 13: 22:10 From: Diane : There's a new record out here - Roisin Murphy - Something more!!
- 13: 22:18 From: Diane : We're doin git now !!
- 13: 22:28 From: Diane : that's why my sound is off maybe!!!
- 13: 22:59 From: Diane : Was gonna say that to Sarah but - Katerina - you spoke the words as I wrote them!!!
- 13: 23:57 From: Diane : The way of the warrior!! Yes. We're the warriors!!!
- 13: 24:12 From: Daniel Kokoro : the luminous warrior
- 13: 24:37 From: Diane : Earlier I wanted to say we have to fight but - I thave to take care with teh words......
- 13: 24:40 From: Bob Harbort : Here's my take on the relationship between intentionality, curiosity, and consciousness:I think the dividing line comes at the point where something you think of as an entity -- a molecule, a biological organism, a device -- is capable of the triad of consciousness, intentionality, and curiosity is whether or not the entity is capable of more than one response to a change in condition.A molecule can eithr react or not react, but it can't really choose to react one way or anotherA thermostat has only one mechanism of reaction to a change in temperatureBut all sorts of other things can react in various ways to the same stimulus, and that gives them the capability to have intentionality. That opens the potential that they can be conscious, self-aware, and curious.
- 13: 24:43 From: Daniel Kokoro : agree Kurt
- 13: 24:58 From: Daniel Kokoro : separation demon
- 13: 25:13 From: Diane : So - take care with our words!!
- 13: 25:32 From: Liliane Mavridara : Well said, thank you Kurt!
- 13: 25:46 From: Diane : However, right now it's a special time and - we are Warriors!!!
- 13: 25:51 From: Liliane Mavridara : Clan is good
- 13: 25:55 From: Daniel Kokoro : and have grace when the words appear off
- 13: 26:17 From: Daniel Kokoro : as we describe a leg or a tusk of the elephant
- 13: 26:19 From: Diane : I like family - the family of the world!!
- 13: 26:35 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Bob - Montanans and Varela taught me that any choice is conscious. Consciousness can grow and the implicate order, as I understand it, suggests that as consciousness grows more is possible.
- 13: 26:55 From: Diane : We are family xxx lalala
- 13: 27:00 From: Daniel Kokoro : tribe
- 13: 27:11 From: Daniel Kokoro : xxooxx
- 13: 27:42 From: Shannon McArthur : cultivating consciousness!
- 13: 27:49 From: Daniel Kokoro : we are all god, consciousness.. anything else is a lie. be kind to the lie, be kind to the liar
- 13: 28:11 From: Diane : @Danile yes. We are all God!!
- 13: 28:23 From: Shannon McArthur : Thank you, Bob, for typing into the All that we are!
- 13: 28:37 From: Liliane Mavridara : Having others give us feedback in a lovingly way is paramount, it helps us grow in awareness indeed.
- 13: 29:04 From: Bob Harbort : @kathryn -- I assume you mean Maturana. You are correct. I was reading them and using their research in the late 80s. It very much informed my views on consciousness.
- 13: 29:15 From: Liliane Mavridara : Lovelies, I have to go, see you tomorrow.
- 13: 29:26 From: Diane : Isn't Life Amazing!!!
- 13: 29:44 From: Shannon McArthur : ty Katerina!
- 13: 29:44 From: Daniel Kokoro : luminous warrier
- 13: 29:44 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : @Bob - yes. My spelling requires a bit of expanded consciousness to understand it lol
- 13: 29:46 From: Diane : Bye Liliane
- 13: 29:54 From: Diane : Lots of love xxxxx
- 13: 30:00 From: Shannon McArthur : oh liliane!
- 13: 30:09 From: Shannon McArthur : Love having you hear!
- 13: 30:11 From: Liliane Mavridara : What?
- 13: 30:17 From: Liliane Mavridara : Thank you
- 13: 30:21 From: Daniel Kokoro : hafiz and shams
- 13: 30:22 From: Shannon McArthur : Diane said bye
- 13: 30:39 From: Shannon McArthur : here hear
- 13: 30:58 From: Shannon McArthur : hear here
- 13: 31:34 From: Daniel Kokoro : I have a shaktipot lineage From: Dada and bapuji
- 13: 31:50 From: Daniel Kokoro : dadji
- 13: 31:55 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : ST Theresa of Avila is the same sensuous way. One of her translators said that ‘she much not really mean that’ so he wanted to change her words. LOL
- 13: 33:05 From: Daniel Kokoro : shaktipot transmission lineage
- 13: 33:15 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Baba was really able to control all of that shakti - that is why he was a great as he was.
- 13: 33:26 From: Shannon McArthur : Daniel, thank you for sharing - what is that?
- 13: 34:46 From: Bob Harbort : Check this out WRT to consciousness and cognitive systems:
- 13: 34:49 From: Daniel Kokoro : I have to leave soon, thank you all, this tribe
- 13: 34:53 From: Bob Harbort :
- 13: 35:12 From: Shannon McArthur : Ty Bob! I’ll take a look. Bless you…
- 13: 35:16 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Yup - I did quite a few Yogic position during meditation. I miss that.
- 13: 35:25 From: Daniel Kokoro : shaktipot transmission is transmission of life force, prana, ti, qi…..
- 13: 35:25 From: Diane : And - we're all in this together - right now!!!
- 13: 35:53 From: Diane : Thank you soooo much Kurt.
- 13: 36:41 From: Shannon McArthur : Daniel, please mute
- 13: 36:41 From: Stanley Pokras : Thank you, Daniel.
- 13: 37:54 From: Daniel Kokoro : thank you Stanley
- 13: 40:58 From: Daniel Kokoro : force v power, Dr David Hawkins
- 13: 41:13 From: Shannon McArthur : ty Kathryn!!!
- 13: 41:52 From: Daniel Kokoro : I have to host a global shaman webinar, starts soon. see you all. very appreciative of ALL of you
- 13: 41:52 From: Diane : Bye Daniel. See you soon xxx
- 13: 41:56 From: Daniel Kokoro : g’bye
- 13: 42:05 From: Shannon McArthur : blessings, Daniel!
- 13: 44:55 From: Shannon McArthur : this is how a butterfly fluttering can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world
- 13: 46:20 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA :
- 13: 46:59 From: Bob Harbort : It's been very interesting. I have to go now.
- 13: 47:14 From: Shannon McArthur : thank you for coming, Bob. Come again!
- 13: 47:42 From: Sarah Priestley : it was good to hear what you shared Bob.
- 13: 50:01 From: Diane : Do you know Idries Shah The Book of The Book?
- 13: 51:52 From: Diane : I LOVE Bulgaria!!!
- 13: 52:16 From: Diane : The people are lovely!!!
- 13: 53:02 From: Diane : Albania!!!!
- 13: 53:33 From: Diane : I have two sons in law who are Albanian!!
- 13: 54:42 From: Diane : It's like drops of water in the ocean or grains of sand in a desert - each drop or grain but also the ocean or the desert xxx
- 13: 55:07 From: Kathryn Alexander, MA : Choice is what is meant by ‘free will.’
- 13: 56:10 From: Diane : We sing in the same choir - we sing the song together
- 13: 56:30 From: Diane : with only good words hahaha
- 13: 56:45 From: Shannon McArthur : or no words, like you Diane!
- 13: 57:11 From: Kurt Krueger : This video comes From: the PPT that we present worldwide in our Peak Performance Practices programs:
- 14:00:06 From: Diane : Yes please Stanley xxx