Benjamin Bernabela

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Benjamin Bernabela Co-founder, Kayumanggi Organic. Having received an offer for a PhD position at the University of Warwick in 2013, Benjamin first departed for 6 months of grassroots experience in the Philippines, supporting social enterprises committed to poverty eradication. Realizing how deeply challenging the transformative work is on the ground, he did not return to England but co-founded Kayumanggi Organic, a social enterprise creating organic, healthy food products together with small-holder farmers to raise farmers’ income, improve the health of the people and regenerate the planet. Convinced that when their farmers, co-workers and customers receive the care they deserve they will naturally begin to invest in themselves, Kayumanggi Organic “invests in the dignity of the Filipino”.

Participation on Humanity Rising

Day 172 - Thursday January 28, 2021 Impact Investment for Regenerative Development, Earth Regeneration and Ecosystem