Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Power

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A Book

Artificial Intelligence is only partially visible, just like an iceberg. To understand it fully, we must look beneath the surface.

  • Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Power argues that this AI-driven revolution will have an unequal impact on different segments of humanity. There will be new winners and losers, new haves and have-nots, resulting in an unprecedented concentration of wealth and power.
  • After analyzing society’s vulnerabilities to the impending tsunami, the book raises troubling questions that provoke immediate debate: Is the world headed toward digital colonization by USA and China? Will depopulation become eventually unavoidable?
  • Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Power is a wakeup call to action, compelling public intellectuals to be better informed and more engaged. It educates the social segments most at risk and wants them to demand a seat at the table where policies on Artificial Intelligence are being formulated.

The 5 Battlegrounds

Battleground 1: Economy, industry, education and jobs.
Battleground 2: Geopolitics and military – USA, China and India.
Battleground 3: The Moronization of the masses – bowing down to the digital deities
Battleground 4: Loss of selfhood to artificial emotions and gratifications.
Battleground 5: Stress-testing the Indian Rashtra.

Video Discussions on the Book and Artificial Intelligence:

AI and the Disruption of Power

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